1919 RUSSIA comp. 3 pcs of entires, from that 2x between jednotkami, military unit postmarks - line CZECHOSL. ARMY/ FIELD POST ČÍS. 3, round 5. STŘELECKÝPRAŽSKÝ REGIMENT T. G. MASARYKA/ 3.ROTA and bicircular CZECHOSL. ARMY NA RUSI/ FP 1/ POSTE MILITAIRE on Ppc addressed to to Czechoslovakia; good condition, light, but readable print, estimate price 2.800CZK
1919-46 RUSSIA selection of various documents, for example. Confirmation legionary, 2x document legionaire organization, postwar entires with official cancel. Czechoslovak. community legionaire, supplemented with 6 pcs of various Ppc as photo postacard transportní ship "President Grant" and other, supplemented with used sheetlet with bicircular FP cachet cancel. 7-GO CZECH REPUBLIC SLOVENSKOGOSTR. TATRANSKOGOPOLKA, addressed to to Czechoslovakia according to text 3.1.1919, postmark CZECHOSL. Red Cross and CDS PRAGUE - HRAD 2.VII.19; small stains
1920RUSSIA STRÁŽNÍ BATTALION CZECHOSL. VOJSK NA RUSI / 3.ROTA, violet military unit postmark on letter sent from Vladivostok to Czechoslovakia, supplemented with violet bicircular FP-postmark CZECH REPUBLIC - SLOVENSKÝCHVOJSK with trubkami; good condition, exp. Majer, decorative
1919RUSSIA CENTRAL TÁBOR / PŘÍSLUŠNÍKŮ / RUSKÝ OSTROV, 33 REGIMENT bicircular filalové cancel. supplemented with part/-s frame cancel. "RU... 28.DEC..." all on without franking letter also with content, addressed on/for militar POW camp KrasnajaRječka by/on/at Chabarovsku, redirected - with by hand writen notice "V ústred. táborupríslušníkov Czechosl. nep. isn't", German written content with date 14.12.1919; strong vertical fold in envelope, superb print circular postmark, exp. Majer
1919RUSSIA VELITELSTVÍ 8. ČES. - SLOV. STŘEL. PLUKUSLEZSKÉHO, subdivision bicircular violet cancel. with lion supplemented with blue FP-postmark No.1 on/for legionaire Christmas lithography postcard addressed to to Moravia; nice imprints, good condition, exp. Majer, decorative
1920 RUSSIA/ FIELD POST ČESKOSLOVENSKÝCHVOJSK PRESIDENT GRANT violet round FP-postmark on Ppc from HONG KONGU, sent from return Czechosl. armies from Russia; nice print
1919COURIER MAIL service letter Ministry national defence with red straight line postmark COURIER ADMINISTRATION/ BRANCH BUDAPEST, sent to princeznuTerezu from Schwarzenberg to Libějic by/on/at České Budějovice, black round CDS PRAGUE 8/ 14.III.19, marked porto 3 Koruna, entire sent from Hungary here for the first time in auction; in time of currency odluky in/at březnu 1919 was/were uzavřeny state border and correspondence traffic with občanysídlícími in/at that period in/at Hungary was/were obstaráván by courier mail; with regard to very short period continuity this courier post (1-10. March) are these entires exceedingly rare!
1919 CZECHOSL. RED CROSS - ZAJATECKÝODDÍL superb print red postmark on Ppc sent to Plzen, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 3.IV.19; good condition, decorative, estimate price 600CZK
1919 FRANCE postcard without franking, sent from Prague as FP to USA, blue military unit postmarks 22. CZECH REPUBLIC - SLOVÁCKÝ REGIMENT / VELITELPRAPORU / 4.PRAPOR, according to text sent 12.3.1919 from Prague, written Czechosl. dobrovolníkem from USA; good condition, exceedingly interesting!
1919 SLOVAKIA - ITALIAN LEGIONS card Italian FP to Prague with straight line postmark 39. VÝZVĚDNÝ REGIMENT CZECHOSL. - II. BATTALION, through/over Hungarian CDS ERSEKUJVÁR13.FEB.1919; good condition, decorative
1919ŠNEJDÁREK'S CAMPAIGN postcard Těšín with FP cachet cancel. 21. CZECHOSL STŘELECKÝ REGIMENT/ 2. KULOMETNÁ TROOP, addressed to to Prague with date in text 14.2.19 and arrival CDS PRAGUE 14.II.19, interesting text; good condition, estimate price 2.000CZK
1937Gottwaldovaprotiletecká battery, Madrid - comp. 7 pcs of propagandistic cards sent to Czechoslovakia member Interbrigád, without franking and postmarks, evidently sent in/at letter envelopes; good condition
1937SPAIN / INTERNATIONAL BRIGADES newspaper wrapper sent years. to Czechoslovakia with enclosed propagandistic issue "Boletin de Informacion de la BrigadasInternacionales" in Czech with informacemi from front, cover franked by multicolor franking 5 stamp., on reverse censorship mark "VISADO", transit PARIS, arrival PRAGUE AIRPORT 21.XII.37; very good condition, interesting
1938 comp. 7 pcs of postally Us entires, from that 3 pcs of FP cards with CDS FIELD POST č.11a, No. 28b and CDS LEVICE/ 8.X.38 supplemented with FP cachet cancel. "Auxiliary hospital", with Pof.345 + postcard with Pof.344, CDS MÄHRISCH SCHÖNBERG 1/ 4.10.38, supplemented with censorship FP-postmark 19 + 3 letters with CDS FIELD POST č.27a, 32a /missing back lapel/ and 49a with Pof.344 (2x); in addition inserted free 2 pcs of damaged Reg letters with CDS FP č.28b and č.59a as research material
1928-38 comp. 2 pcs of Us envelopes with decorative added-print firm Emka in Prague on/for Hungarian salámy and Prague šunky + additional printing Hraničářského regiment in/at Hlučín; good condition
1918-38 selection 13 pcs of stamp., blocks and stripe from various issues, as PČ 1919 (overprint) Turul 6f block of four with lower margin (smaller fold in upper pair), Postage due stmp ornament 250h block of four, Tatras 4CZK and 5CZK, Opening of Congress upper and the bottom coupon etc.., c.v.. ca. 2.000CZK
1918-25 [COLLECTIONS] selection of mint never hinged also used stamp. issues Hradčany, PČ 1919 (overprint), OT etc.., supplemented with several cuts dispatch-notes with Hradcany-issue frankings, 1x with perfin, supplemented with several entires, on 3 cards A4, 2x A5
1918-30[COLLECTIONS] NEPŘIJATÉ DESIGNES NA ZN., REVOLUTIONARY OVERPRINTS, PROMOTIONAL LABELS collection (ca. 250 pcs of) stamp. with nepřijatými designs on/for post. stamp. on 10 unbound album pages, larger part Rijáček, supplemented with 5 sheets with advertising labels and 4 sheets with revolutionary overprints, individual stamps, cut-squares also letters, part Horner's and Beckův overprint, several sheets stamp. Bachmač 1938 etc..
1918 forerunner PC Charles 8h to Wien (Vienna), uprated by. revenue 2h issue 1910, disallowed, at the delivery place burdened with postage-due 5h, paid Postage due stmp stamp. Mi.P47, arrival postmark WIEN; interesting text describing revolutionary period
1918 CDV1, comp. 3 pcs of, contains 2 pcs of CDV1Paa with overprint "ČSR/-10-", 1x shifted L and 1x with significantly shifted downward out of stmp + 1 pcs of CDV1Pba with double overprint; nice quality
1919 CDV6, PC 8H Charles with třířádkovým overprint "ČSR-10-", as Czechosl. parallel, CDS KOMOTAU/ 17.III.19 (Chomutov), addressed to to Prague, non-philatelic correspondence; very good condition, in/at c.v.. Pofis price for postally Us postcard neuvedena!
1920-23 CDV14, comp. 7 pcs of, various color shades printed stamp. and various postal rate, from that 1 pcs of type I., 1 pcs of with additional franking 5h Hradčany with overprint "SO1920 (overprint)", Pof.SO3B, nationalized CDS ORLOVÁ/ 23.VII.20 and 1 pcs of with commercial additional-printing; usual quality
1920-21 CDV18 - 4 pcs of + CDV19 + CDV22 - 6 pcs of, various postal rate, from that 9 pcs of with additional franking, well readable cancel.; only CDV22 as Express worse quality, otherwise good quality
1920-1921 CDV23, PC issue Chainbreaker 40h brown, uprated for IV. postal rate on/for R stamp. T. G. Masaryk 125h blue, CDS DALVICE U KARL.VARŮ 26.II.21, this stmp is on/for p.stat rather rare; good condition
1938CDV72/241 plate variety, picture Prostějov with plate variety vertical little lines in the picture; viewing of quality recommended - in/at upper časti hint of slightly rusty office paperclip, very rare usage
1920PLATE PROOF single PC abroad CDV20 in/at carmine color, supplemented with original kusem in red color for comparison, on reverse hints after sticking
1920 PLATE PROOF single PC abroad CDV20 in/at green color, with printed stmp 20h Hradčany and with monogram, Czech-French text, at top and lower by hand odstřiženo; rare occurrence!, exp. by Sablatura
1930 PLATE PROOF comp. 5 pcs of plate proofs stamps T. G. Masaryk intended for international post card, 5 various colors, all already with nominal value 1.50K, on various papers without gum; all exp. Kraus
1931PLATE PROOF comp. 14 pcs of plate proofs stamps T. G. Masaryk nominal value 1,50CZK intended for international post card CDV44, in various colors on white paper without gum
1931PLATE PROOF comp. 14 pcs of plate proofs stamps T. G. Masaryk, unfinished value tablet, intended for international post card CDV44, in various colors on white paper without gum
1929 PLATE PROOF Coat of arms 80h for post. výběrku CPV12, comp. 2 pcs of plate proofs in/at orange and brown color, unfinished cliché on stamp paper with gum, by pencil marked Tribuna
1938 two complete international post. order Coat of arms 10h on/for 200CZK addressed to to Palestine, with Strečno 2,50CZK, CDS KOŠICE and BRATISLAVA, on reverse arrival postmark.; interesting