Pof.9N STp, 20h carmine, block of four (!) with joined bar types, pos. 51-52/ 61-62, plate 1; pos. 61 bar type II.; exp. by Mrnak, lightly hinged after first hinge, small gum flaw, recorded only 4 blocks of four with joined bar types (see Rarities - Karásek); cat. Pofis 50.000CZK, Mercure Revue 80.000CZK, Škaloud 100.000CZK, extraordinary and scarce item for best collections!
Pof.9N, 20h carmine, wide margins, plate variety - below 4. spiral interrupted white frame, white stain in 7. spiral; small chip of wood in paper, exp. by Gilbert , c.v.. 3.600CZK
Pof.11STp+Ot, 25h violet, light color shade, thin paper, marginal block-of-4 with joined bar types, in addition on pos. 72/ plate 1 arc type; on left margin ribbed paper
Pof.11 IIp, 25h violet, comp. 4 pcs of stamp. and 1 cut, all stamp. with bar type II from pos. 3/2, contains Pof.11a (exp. by Karasek.), 11E (lightly hinged), 2x PLATE PROOF in violet color on common paper and in black color on chalky paper + 1-známková franking on/for cut post. dispatch-note, c.v.. ca. 7.000Kč
Pof.22, 200h ultramarine, with lower sheet margin, print from original folder with removed control-numbers for I. overprint issue of airmail stamps; exp. Vrba
Pof.25 IIs, 500h brown, comp. 2 pcs of, from that 1x with lower margin, print from original folder with odstraněnými control-numbers for I. overprint issue airmail stamps., and 1x plate proof in black color on chalky paper; both stamp. pos. 98, plate 2
Pof.25 Is, 500h brown, comp. of 3 pcs, from that 1x stamp with full offset on reverse and 2x trial printing in black color on brown, resp. on chalky paper; all pos. 63, plate 1
Pof.25 Is, 500h brown, comp. of 2 stamps, 1x with lower margin and control-numbers and 1x double impression, both stamps pos. 94, plate 1; double impression expertized Benes
ENGRAVING 4 pcs of engraving plates with picture of Hradčany stamps, values 15h, 20h, 50h and 60h for print of literature, size 17x23mm, obliterated with oblique scratch
Pof.1C, 1h brown, line perforation 13¾;, UR corner blk-of-6 with 3 "coupons" R + UL corner blk-of-4, at top with larger part of of adjacent control-numbers; both upper margins counter sheet light wrinkled
Pof.1D, 1h brown, special line perforation 11½;, marginal block-of-4, R double and in the middle omitted horiz. perf; from old collection, decorative, exp. by Leseticky
Pof.2C, 14C and 22C, values 3h, 40h and 200h, all with ministerial perf line perforation 13¾;; value 3h in addition with favourite plate variety "tower-clock" pos. 97, printing plate 1
Pof.3D-21D, selection of 5h - 120h with line perforation 11½;, total 11 pcs of (without Pof.13D), Pof.4D exp. by Leseticky and Gilbert, in addition color shades; c.v.. almost 1.100CZK
Pof.4A-22A, compilation of 5h - 200h with comb perforation 13¾; : 13½;, without Pof.13A, total 17 stamps, various color shades; Pof.17A exp. by Karasek., cat. 1.860Kč
Pof.4Aa joined bar types, 5h dark blue-green, vertical pair with upper margin and joined bar types, pos. 18/3, perf comb perforation 13¾; : 13½;; in/at upper stamp. 2x chip of wood in/at papíru
Pof.4L joined spiral types, 5h blue-green, vertical pair with L margin, combination types spiral pos. 91/2, special perforation line perforation 10½;; chip of wood in paper by/on/at upper stamp., povolené 2 teeth from R between stamp., exp. by Karasek., c.v.. 10.000CZK, nice and rare types combination!
production flaw - perf, comp. 5 pcs of více-pásek values 30h violet (exp. Bazika), 5h light green, 25h violet and 15h bricky red with production errors/flaws perf, perf paper crease, double perf, shifts + supplemented with 4 values with paper creases, i.a. value 500h with 2mm paper crease, other hair
Pof.7C Is+IIp, 15h bricky red, line perforation 13¾;, spiral type I and bar type II (!), pos. 23, plate 1; sought by specialists, usage only on/for TESTER 1 pos., on request exp. Vrba