Public auction 47 / Philately / Topical Stamps (Motive)

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176098 - 1960-2000 [COLLECTIONS]  FAUNA  extensive motive collection
1960-2000 [COLLECTIONS] FAUNA extensive motive collection incl. duplicates in 42 stockbooks and folders, contains quantum of printing sheets, sets, gutter-pairs and others., whole world, animals, birds, butterflies, fish i.a. also 1x album dinosaurs etc.; used but also Un, estate of dealer, estimate price 30.000CZK, in addition catalogue of topic Fauna, extraordinary offer, placed in 3 Ikea boxes, over 60kg of material
Starting price: CZK
176097 - 1980-2000 [COLLECTIONS]  DISNEY, FAIRYTALES  collection of f
1980-2000 [COLLECTIONS] DISNEY, FAIRYTALES collection of favourite motives of Disney in 3 stockbooks, contains souvenir sheets, complete sets and others., various stamp countries as Sierra Leone, Anquilla, Maldives, Grenada etc., in addition supplemented with 1 stockbook with motive of fairytales, various countries, souvenir sheets set; mainly unused, also with specialized catalogue Domfila 2000 - Disney, estate of dealer, interesting offer
Starting price: CZK
176056 - 1900-1990 [COLLECTIONS]  ENGINES  collection of stamps with
1900-1990 [COLLECTIONS] ENGINES collection of stamps with favourite motive in full 16-sheets stockbook, Us and unused, also blocks, printing sheets, souvenir sheets, various stamp countries
Starting price: CZK
174676 - 1960-95 [COLLECTIONS]  BUTTERFLIES  small collection of sets
1960-95 [COLLECTIONS] BUTTERFLIES small collection of sets and souvenir sheets with motive of Butterflies from various countries, placed in 6-sheets stockbook A4, cat. ca. 300€
Starting price: CZK
1970-2000 [COLLECTIONS] PERSONALITIES, SPORT, TRANSPORT business supply of motive stamps in 13 albums and folders, contains mainly used stamps, but also unused, various countries and motives, incl. smaller collections as i.a. princess Diana, APresidents of USA, collection of memorial stamps of USA 1960-94 and others., contains sets, souvenir sheets, printing sheets and others.; placed in Ikea box, over 20kg of material, estate of dealer, estimate price 9.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
174677 - 1960-95 [COLLECTIONS] BIRDS  small collection of sets and so
1960-95 [COLLECTIONS] BIRDS small collection of sets and souvenir sheets with motive of Birds from various countries, placed in 8-sheets stockbook A4, cat. ca. 1.000€
Starting price: CZK

Public auction 47 / Philately / Topical Stamps (Motive) - Information

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