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1850-1918 [COLLECTIONS] nice collection on sheet Stiburek in spring folder, also incomplete, incl. Lombardia Venezia, Levant, Feldpost also postage-due stamps, high catalogue value! U:Z
1850-1918 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection / business supply on hingeless sheets in punched pockets and in 30-sheet stockbook, contains i.a. first issue, various postmarks, also II. - VI. issue, Jubilee 1908 and 1910 used/*, postage-due, newspaper, telegraph, issue for Bosnia, Austrian post office abroad and others.; high catalogue value, in addition supplemented with memorial album for the first issue anniversary with facsimiles; estimate price 20.000CZK U:Z
1918-1938 [COLLECTIONS] collection on hingeless sheets in punched pockets, contains complete sets, as Airmails, Landscapes, Rotary, Generals, Artists - Mi.447-467, 498-511, 518-523, 545-550, 551-554, 567-587, 598-612, 613-616, 617-622, 623-626, 632-637, 649-657, also postage-due, inflation issues and others.; high catalogue value, mainly hinged, interesting offer U:K
1918-62 [COLLECTIONS] remaining business supply of Austrian stamps, contains i.a. 3 complete sets of Flugpost 1918, Opt Carinthia, highest value of issue 1910, Tuberkuloza 1924, FIS 1936 in strip-of-3, Dolfuß (fold), other issues as Inventors, Physicians, Opt 1945 (unexpertized) etc., part with hinges or with worse quality, high catalogue value U:Z
1850-1960 [COLLECTIONS] collection on old sheets, i.a. Mi.1(2),2, 6, 10 orange, 11, 24-28, * issue 1890, 1900, 1904, used 1908, * 1910, 1916, some sets from 1920-1938, inflation, costume, Winter relief, issue afterr 1945 practically complete, also postage-due, newspaper , FP and others., hinged stamps considered according to catalogue, cat. min. 6.200€, very low price! U:Z
1883-1889 [COLLECTIONS] specialized collection of used stamps, from VII. issue 1883-1889, specialisation on colors, postmarks, plate flaws, flaw print; placed on sheets in full spring folder, estate of collector, high catalogue value U:Z
1918-1938 [COLLECTIONS] business supply in full 24-sheet stockbook A4, contains also better values, complete and incomplete sets, i.a. Mi.433-441* (2x), Generals used, air-mail, FIS, postage-due, inflation issues etc. U:Z
1850-90 [COLLECTIONS] compilation of classical stamps on 4 cards A5, i.a. pair REPRINTS 1 Kr yellow, 1x blue Mercure and stamps of other issues U:O5
1880-1940 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection of ca. 100 entires, contains letters, FP cards, private p.stats, newspaper wrappers, Ppc etc., i.a. 1x card with complete issues Rotary, also entires from 1930´s franked with complete sets and with various special postmarks and so on; all in small box, estimate price 3.000CZK U:K