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1650-1700 GENEALOGIE/ FAMILY TREE ANGLICKÝCH KRÁLŮ from Henry II. Plantageneta (1133-1189) after/around Jacob I. Stuarta (1566-1625), latinský text and legenda, various gravure (coats of arms, palace etc.); very good condition, size 58x44cm, very interesting U:X
1836 VÝROČNÍ ZPRÁVA VÝBORU ČESKÉ SPOŘITELNICE printed přednesení count Carl Chotka, nejvyššího purkrabí on/for Prague castle after/behind Jednotu Czech spořitelnice založené in 1824, contains souhrnnou annual zprávu, view of members předsednictva etc..; good condition, interesting U:O4
1846 BUCHTEL Anthony (1804-1882), important Czech composer and collector musical instruments, fine calligraphied elaborated čestný diploma věnovaný A. Buchtelovi, dán in Vienna 24.9.1846; signatures of noblemen, very good condition, interesting U:A4
1915 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY/ VEČERNÍK PRÁVA LIDU selection of 16 various numbers newspapers from year 1915, vydáváno in Prague, contains exceedingly interesting messages from průběhů fights WWI., incl. mapek, photos etc..; overall very good condition U:A3s|
1930-42 [COLLECTIONS] KLECANDA Vojtěch Vladimír (1888-1947), important Czechoslovak legionnaire, General, functionary Union of scouts Republic of Czechoslovakia etc..; interesting collection došlé correspondence other wife Gen. Klecandy, arranged according to datace 1930-1942 + nedatované, total ca. 70 pcs of, interesting content U:Z
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] PROTECTORATE BOHEMIA-MORAVIA - Bulletin order Reichsprotektora in Bohemia and Moravia (Verordnungsblatt des Reichsprotektors in Bohemia and Moravia), complete issue order and právních předpisů for Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia in years 1939-1945; 6 books, very good condition, interesting, placed in box U:K
1930 [COLLECTIONS] interesting set documents (congratulation, visit-cards, telegrams etc..) to/at marriage Otakara Vyskočila and Jarmily Kopistové, family Vyskočilů vlastnila in/at Kostelec n./L. sugar-factory - correspondence from important ředitelů and majitelů firm, also congratulation from chairman senátu Francis Soukupa (1871–1940) etc..; it is worth seeing U:Z