Public auction 47 / Philately / Occupations

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174964 - 1939 MÄHRISCH-OSTRAU  Mi.20-27, Airmail 50h - 20CZK with ov
1939 MÄHRISCH-OSTRAU Mi.20-27, Airmail 50h - 20CZK with overprint Wir sind frei!; complete set, values 1Kč-20Kč exp. Dr. Dub, several minor gum fault, 10CZK viewing of quality recommended, c.v.. * 2.200€, ** 3.200€
Starting price: CZK
174955 - 1938 ASCH  Mi.1-5, complete overprint set 50h/25h - 1,20Kč/
1938 ASCH Mi.1-5, complete overprint set 50h/25h - 1,20Kč/1Kč; all exp. Dr. Dub, Mi.1 **, c.v.. 200€
Starting price: CZK
174956 - 1938 KARLSBAD  comp. 7 pcs of overprint values, postage stmp
1938 KARLSBAD comp. 7 pcs of overprint values, postage stmp Mi.5, 7, 9, 13 + postage-due Mi.34, 36 and 37; all exp. Dr. Dub, c.v.. 655€
Starting price: CZK
167344 - 1938 RUMBURG  comp. 3 pcs of cut-squares with mounted stamp.
1938 RUMBURG comp. 3 pcs of cut-squares with mounted stamp. Mi.3, 5, 6, 8, 27, 29, all with overprint "Wir sind frei!"; all exp. Brunel
Starting price: CZK
174963 - 1938 RUMBURG Mi.1-15, 49-52, selection of 19 pcs of overprin
1938 RUMBURG Mi.1-15, 49-52, selection of 19 pcs of overprint postage stmp; all exp. Dr. Dub, 2x Kluge etc.., c.v.. ca. 530€
Starting price: CZK
167375 - 1938 RUMBURG  Mi.7, Beneš 50h with overprint Wir sind frei!
1938 RUMBURG Mi.7, Beneš 50h with overprint Wir sind frei!, vertical blk-of-20!; exp. Brunel, c.v.. 160€
Starting price: CZK
174962 - 1938 RUMBURG  Mi.24-35, Newspaper stamps 50h/2h - 100h/1Kč;
1938 RUMBURG Mi.24-35, Newspaper stamps 50h/2h - 100h/1Kč; all exp. Dr. Dub, 3x Kluge, Mi.25 minor gum fault, c.v.. 300€
Starting price: CZK
167280 - 1938 RUMBURG  Mi.25, Newspaper stamp 100H/9H with overprint
1938 RUMBURG Mi.25, Newspaper stamp 100H/9H with overprint "Wir sind frei!", L marginal blk-of-20; cat. min. 160€
Starting price: CZK
167279 - 1938 RUMBURG  Mi.25, Newspaper stamp 100H/9H with overprint
1938 RUMBURG Mi.25, Newspaper stamp 100H/9H with overprint Wir sind frei!, L the bottom corner blk-of-15 with plate number; exp. Brunel, cat. min. 120€
Starting price: CZK
167377 - 1938 RUMBURG  Mi.26, Newspaper stamp 50h/7h orange with over
1938 RUMBURG Mi.26, Newspaper stamp 50h/7h orange with overprint Wir sind frei!, blk-of-50 with L sheet margin with plate number 2!; exp. Brunel, horiz. folded, c.v.. without plate number 400€
Starting price: CZK
167278 - 1938 RUMBURG  Mi.30, Newspaper stamp 100H/9H with overprint
1938 RUMBURG Mi.30, Newspaper stamp 100H/9H with overprint Wir sind frei!, LR corner blk-of-15 with plate number, right vertical threesome stamps with vyhnutou swastika; exp. Brunel, cat. min. 252€
Starting price: CZK
174957 - 1938 RUMBURG  Mi.36-43, Postage due stmp 100h/5h - 100h/1Kč
1938 RUMBURG Mi.36-43, Postage due stmp 100h/5h - 100h/1Kč; complete set, all exp. Dr. Dub, in addition 2x exp. Kluge and other marks, c.v.. 470€
Starting price: CZK
171495 - 1938 RUMBURG  Mi.38I, Postage due stmp 100/20h, vertical str
1938 RUMBURG Mi.38I, Postage due stmp 100/20h, vertical strip of 4 with overprint Wir sind frei!, all 4 stamp. with swastika vyhnutou R (+ 100%); exp. and certificate Brunel BPP, c.v.. 800€+
Starting price: CZK
171482 - 1938 RUMBURG  Mi.41I, Postage due stmp 100/50h, block of 6 w
1938 RUMBURG Mi.41I, Postage due stmp 100/50h, block of 6 with overprint "Wir sind frei!", all 6 stamp. with swastika vyhnutou R (+ 100%) + plate variety - interrupted swastika; exp. c.v.. 336€+
Starting price: CZK
167281 - 1938 ZEPPELIN - SUDETENLANDFAHRT 1938, years to Sudetenland,
1938 ZEPPELIN - SUDETENLANDFAHRT 1938, years to Sudetenland, comp. 2 pcs of entires, 1x letter to Liberec, forwarded by airship LZ 130, franked with. 6 postage stamp. Mi.730, 732, 735-738, CDS FLUG UND LUFTSCHIFFHAFEN RHEIN-MAIN 1.12.38, red flight cachet; 1x card to Jiříkovic, forwarded by LZ 130, franked with. airmail stamp 50Pf, CDS FLUG UND LUFTSCHIFFHAFEN RHEIN-MAIN 1.12.38, red circle flight cachet, on reverse cancel. REICHENBERG 2.12.38
Starting price: CZK
167286 - 1938 ZEPPELIN - SUDETENLANDFAHRT 1938, comp. 2 pcs of entire
1938 ZEPPELIN - SUDETENLANDFAHRT 1938, comp. 2 pcs of entires, 1x letter to Liberec, forwarded by LZ 130, recipient Robert Köhler, franked with. 3 air stamp. 25pf (2x) and 50Pf, Mi.532, 669-670, CDS FLUG UND LUFTSCHIFFHAFEN RHEIN-MAIN 1.12.38, red circle flight cachet, on reverse cancel. REICHENBERG 2.12.38; 1x card to Brno, transported flight LZ 130, franked with. airmail stamp 50Pf, CDS FLUG UND LUFTSCHIFFHAFEN RHEIN-MAIN 1.12.38, red circle flight cachet, on reverse cancel. REICHENBERG 2.12.38
Starting price: CZK
167282 - 1939 ZEPPELIN -  comp. 2 pcs of entires, 1x DEUTSCHLANDFAHRT
1939 ZEPPELIN - comp. 2 pcs of entires, 1x DEUTSCHLANDFAHRTEN 1939, years to Cheb, postcard to Cheb transported Zeppelins Graf Zeppelin, franked with. airmail stamp 50Pf, CDS FLUG UND LUFTSCHIFFHAFEN RHEIN-MAIN 13.8.39, red cachet this flight and arrival special postmark EGER/ 1. ZEPPELINLANDUNG/ 13.8.39; 1x SUDETENLANDFAHRT 1938, letter to Teplice, transported flight LZ 130, with 2x Hindenburg 50Pf, CDS FLUG UND LUFTSCHIFFHAFEN RHEIN-MAIN 1.12.38, red circle flight cachet, on reverse arrival postmark and additional printing
Starting price: CZK
175088 - 1938 photo postcard A. Hitler franked with. Czechosl. stamp.
1938 photo postcard A. Hitler franked with. Czechosl. stamp. Košice 50h with red overprint Karlsbad/ 1.10.38 with swastika, overprint type I, nationalized postmark KARLSBAD 1/ 4.X.38; very fine, exp. Brunel
Starting price: CZK
175093 - 1938 photo postcard Karlovy Vary (collage with swastika in s
1938 photo postcard Karlovy Vary (collage with swastika in slunci), franked with. Czechosl. stamp. T. G. Masaryk 1CZK with green overprint Karlsbad/ 1.10.38 with swastika, overprint type I, CDS PIRKENHAMMER 2.X.38; very fine
Starting price: CZK
174912 - 1938 KREIBITZ / 15. Oct.1938, violet provisory straight line
1938 KREIBITZ / 15. Oct.1938, violet provisory straight line postmark on/for commercial printed matter sent to Lovosic, with Hindenburg 3Pf; good condition, nice postal imprint
Starting price: CZK
171500 - 1938 Reg letter to Místek, with Mi.2, Coat of arms 10h brow
1938 Reg letter to Místek, with Mi.2, Coat of arms 10h brown with overprint Wir sind frei!, type II vykřičníku + Mi.7, Štefánik 50h green, type I vykřičníku + 2x Masaryk 1CZK without overprint, 2x red cachet MÄHR.-OSTRAU WIR SIND FREI!; very good condition
Starting price: CZK
176009 - 1938 comp. 14 pcs of entires, various provisional postmark a
1938 comp. 14 pcs of entires, various provisional postmark as EICHWALD, ALSTADT BEI FREUDENTHAL, POSTAMT SCHAIBA, BLOTTENDORF, HAYDA etc..; various quality
Starting price: CZK
175082 - 1938 comp. 5 pcs of entires, contains i.a. 1x German uprated
1938 comp. 5 pcs of entires, contains i.a. 1x German uprated by. PC Hindenburg with provisory cancel. BRÜX, then envelope with propagandistic cachet GRASLITZ etc..; good condition
Starting price: CZK
175069 - 1938 comp. 9 pcs of entires and 1 cut-square, mixed franking
1938 comp. 9 pcs of entires and 1 cut-square, mixed franking Czechosl. and German stamp., provisional postmarks, overprints Wir sind frei! with post offices marks as BODENBACH, GÖRKAU, KARLSBAD, GROTTAU, GABLONZ; good condition
Starting price: CZK
174215 - 1939 DORF SCHNEEBERG/ ÜBER BODENBACH  superb imprint of fra
1939 DORF SCHNEEBERG/ ÜBER BODENBACH superb imprint of framed postmark Postal Agency (Sněžník) on/for advertising hotel envelope with Hindenburg 12Pf, with CDS BODENBACH 1/ 10.11.39, additional printing Hotel Schweizerhof Scheeberg; good condition, decorative, estimate price 900CZK
Starting price: CZK
174536 - 1940 Hungarian pictorial PC 16f Budapest, sent from annexed
1940 Hungarian pictorial PC 16f Budapest, sent from annexed Košice to Bohemia-Moravia, CDS KASSA 40.IV.6; good condition
Starting price: CZK
176167 - 1941 Hungarian p.stat Eagle and emblem 10f sent as express t
1941 Hungarian p.stat Eagle and emblem 10f sent as express to Germany, uprated with stamp.,. 2x 40f + 1x 6f, CDS EKECS (Okoč, dist. Danubian Streda) with date 3.I.41, passed through censorship, part arrival cancel.
Starting price: CZK

Public auction 47 / Philately / Occupations - Information

V této kategorii zařazujeme položky poštovní historie z období 1938 a dělíme jej na Německý zábor - Sudety, Polský zábor a Maďarský zábor na Slovensku.

Do kategorie Protektorát Čechy a Morava zařazujeme emise poštovních známek z období 1939 - 1945. Mnohé emise poštovních známek vycházely v tomto období v atraktivních tiskových úpravách jako varianty kuponů, desková čísla a značky, tisk na okrajích, meziarší u doplatních poštovních známek, varianty zoubkování, odlišné úpravy zmenšených přepážkových archů atd. V té době byla velmi používaná příležitostná razítka. Generální sbírka obsahuje 182 poštovních známek.