Public Auction 48 / Collections
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1860-1950 [COLLECTIONS] BELGIUM + LUXEMBURG basic collection of used and also unused stamps, contains several middle values and sets, all in one 16-sheet stockbook, cat. ca. 1.500€ U:Z
1854--1858 [COLLECTIONS] compilation of chosen numeral pmks on stamp Mi.4, Coat of arms 4S (15 pcs of) + Mi.7, Coat of arms 4S (60 pcs of); cat. more than 1.150€, placed on card A4+A5, interesting compilation U:A4
1864-1870 [COLLECTIONS] Mi.11, Coat of arms 2S, (AFA 11), interesting small collection of used stamps aimed at numeral postmarks, ca. 60 pcs, on 3 sheets from exhibit; cat. ca. 2.400€ U:Z
1865-1870 [COLLECTIONS] Mi.11, Coat of arms 2S, (AFA 11), interesting study collection of used stamps on 3 sheets from exhibit, aimed at colors, shades, types, plate flaws and others. + 2 entires, i.a. 1x franked with pair; cat. according to owner ca. 2.100DK U:Z
1865-70 [COLLECTIONS] Mi.11, Coat of arms 3S, (AFA 12), interesting smaller study collection of used stamps on 2 sheets from exhibit, i.a. 2x pair, aimed at colors, shades, types, plate flaws and others.; cat. according to owner ca. 2.600€ U:Z
1864-70 [COLLECTIONS] Mi.13, Coat of arms 4S, (AFA 13 + 13a), interesting study collection of used stamps on 5 sheets from exhibit in spiral stockbook, aimed at colors, shades, types, plate flaws and others. U:Z
1864-70 [COLLECTIONS] Mi.13, Coat of arms 4S, (AFA 13), interesting small collection of used stamps, aimed at numeral postmarks, more than 50 stamps, on 3 sheets from exhibit; cat. ca. 1.000€ U:Z
1865-70 [COLLECTIONS] Mi.13, Coat of arms 4S, nice collection aimed at numeral postmarks, 100 pcs on 7 sheets in spiral stockbook with descriptions; cat. ca. 1.400€ U:Z
1865-1870 [COLLECTIONS] Mi.13, Coat of arms 4S, very nice collection aimed at numeral postmarks, many better and more interesting pieces, i.a. 2x blue and others., ca. 180 pcs, on 4 sheets in spiral stockbook with descriptions; cat. ca. 2.600€ U:Z
1865-70 [COLLECTIONS] Mi.14, Coat of arms 8S, (AFA 14), interesting smaller study collection of used stamps on 2 sheets from exhibit, various shades, plate flaw and others. + 1x letter; cat. according to owner ca. 3.100€ U:Z
1865-70 [COLLECTIONS] Mi.15, Coat of arms 16S, (AFA 15), interesting smaller study collection of used stamps on 2 sheets from exhibit, various shades, plate flaws and others. + 1x letter with certificate L. Nielsen; cat. according to owner ca. 3.900€ U:Z
1875 [COLLECTIONS] specialized collection of stamps, issue Two colored oval 1875 on 12 unbound sheets, supplemented with 16 entires and 2 album sheets with dublets + specialized collection with overprint Mi.113 and 130 on 2 album sheets; chosen pieces - nice, it is worth seeing U:Z
1885 [COLLECTIONS] REPRINTS Mi.11-15, Coat of Arms 2S-16S, i.a. values 2S, 3S and 8S and 16S as blocks of 6 (!); interesting, on 3 exhibit sheets, cat. 460€++ U:Z
1930-2010 [COLLECTIONS] CHRISTMAS STAMPS collection of Christmas stamps in 3 full stockbooks, contains complete sheets, printing sheets, part used + several entires and dublets (incomplete sheets, printing sheets, atd.); interesting! U:Z
1950-2013 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of used blocks of four in full 8-sheet stockbook A4, all marginal pieces, total 212 U:Z
1963-2000 [COLLECTIONS] GREENLAND collection of FDC in 2 stockbooks for entires; cat. ca. 1.500CZK U:Z
1941-45 [COLLECTIONS] basic collection in full 4-sheets stockbook A4, contains also souvenir sheets i.a. Mi.Bl.1-2, 5, 6 etc. U:Z
1880-1950 [COLLECTIONS] YUGOSLAVIA, MONTENEGRO, CROATIA, ALBANIA, SERBIA smaller basic collection of used and also unused stamps, contains also middle values and sets, all in one 14-sheet album in spring folder, cat. total ca. 1.900€ U:Z
1890-1945 [COLLECTIONS] YUGOSLAVIA, MONTENEGRO, CROATIA collection in 10-sheet stockbook A4, only small part used, various issue; cat. according to owner ca. 1.000€ U:Z
1918-19 [COLLECTIONS] BOSNIA A HERZEGOVINA interesting specialized collection of first overprint issue on Bosnian stamps, issues Landscape, Express, Charitable stamps, Franz Joseph and Porto in 8-sheets stockbook, contains plate defects, inverted, double Opt, omitted perf, and others., total ca. 270 pcs, part blocks of four and strips, also 3x letter, 4x certificate; U:Z
1900-19 [COLLECTIONS] collection of Hungarian PostCards (1x as parallel in Czechoslovakia), double PCs, letter cards, postal stationery covers and p.stat saving cards (!), all with printed stamp Crown of St. Stephen, total 52 pcs; placed on 24 album sheets U:Z
1913-80 [COLLECTIONS] collection - business supply of stamps and souvenir sheets mainly postwar Hungary, complete sets, without most valuable souvenir sheets, from 1960s MNH, placed in full 34 sheets stockbook, high catalogue value U:Z
1850-70 [COLLECTIONS] PRUSSIA, SAXONIA, SCHELSWIG-HOLSTEIN, WÜRTENBERG small collection of stamp of German states in stockbook A5; various quality, high catalogue value, it is worth seeing U:Z
1860-1900 [COLLECTIONS] very nice collection of German states in 16-sheet stockbook A4, contains Baden, Hamburg, Prussia, Würtenberg, Saxony, Bavaria etc., incl. better values, also several strips and smaller blocks; cat. more than 6.000€, interesting offer U:Z
1933-1945 [COLLECTIONS] nice collection in album SAFE, practically complete, all souvenir sheets without Mi.Bl.1 and 2; OSTROPA (*), Mi.Bl.5+6 used, i.a. contains Mi.* 903U, ** 909, 910, ditto with additional pmk Berlin etc.; cat. min. 3.800€ U:Z
1935-45 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection of 3. Reich in 16-sheet stockbook A4, contains many corner and regular bloks of four, i.a. Mi.617-620, 700, 743, 746, 750, 773-778, 779, official stamps Mi.155-165 and others., also single sets, i.a. Mi.565-568, 651-659, 675-683, 695-697, 702-713 etc.; cat. ca. 5.500€ U:Z
1939-44 [COLLECTIONS] larger collection of stamps and entires, contains i.a. official gift album with printing sheet Copernicus, Mi.GH1/43, complete set of printing sheets A. Hitler. Mi.Kl.117-119, 2x complete overprint issue Mi.14-39, 1x mounted on 2 letters, blocks, blocks of four, margins with printing etc., supplemented with more than 80 entires, part as Registered, part philatelically motivated, first day cards with commemorative postmarks etc., cat. only stamps ca. 1.200€ + estimate price of entires more than 15.000CZK U:Z
1948-52 [COLLECTIONS] ALLIED ZONE Mi.73-100, Buildings, specialized collection (accumulation) uf used stamps in full 16-sheet stockbook A4 + A5, specialisation to perf, types, editions and others.; interesting U:Z
1949 COLLECTIONS] GENERAL nice, almost complete collection of stamps GDR, mainly used, in screw album Schaubek, contains all better issues from 1949-52, i.a. Mi.242, 243-4, 246-7, 248-9, 250, 256-9, 260, 261-270, 273 - 285, 286-288! atd..., souvenir sheet Debria Mi.Bl.7 and other 20 souvenir sheets (missing only souvenir sheets K. Marx); in addition many issues from period of Soviet occupation zone, high catalogue value U:Z
1955-82 [COLLECTIONS] business supply of used stamps, souvenir sheets and printing sheets, all special postmarks, beginning incomplete, from 1960´s more complete, many sets and also souvenir sheets, also stamps of FRG, placed in 2 stockbooks A4, 16-sheets and 6-sheets U:Z
1950-60 [COLLECTIONS] CENTRAL COURIER SERVICE / ZKD specialized collection of official post "Regional issues for Courier Service of G.D.R." (Die Bezirksausgaben des Zentralen Kurierdienstes der GDR (East Germany)), placed on 131 album sheets + other material still unsorted, total ca. 250 pcs of various entires (!); exceedingly quality, exhibit with many rare stamps and multiples, for example Mi.18 I. D, Mi.22-G, 26-V, 26-S, pair Mi.26-W, 28-V, pair Mi.28-HP etc.), absolute major-part expertized by German experts + large number of unique entires (for example letter from 1st day issue, courier flight Genf–Berlin, multiple frankings, mixed frankings of various issues, franked posting cards, prohibited mailing, etc.), lifetime work, ex Dražan, the best collection outside the Germany, very high catalogue value, rare chance U:K
1949-2004 [COLLECTIONS] Mi.Bl.1-65, complete set of souvenir sheets FRG, incl. Mi.Bl.1; cat. ca. 350€, placed in stockbook A4 U:Z
1949-64 [COLLECTIONS] incomplete collection of used stamps on sheet, incl. several better sets; cat. according to owner ca. 1.200€ U:Z
1850-1950 [COLLECTIONS] NORWAY, DENMARK, FINLAND, ICELAND smaller basic collection and compilations of used and also unused stamps, contains several middle values and sets, placed in one 10-sheet stockbook A5 and on 10 stock-sheets, mainly stamps of Norway and Denmark - cat. ca. 1.500€., total ca. 2.500€ U:Z
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] collection of used and also MNH stamps and souvenir sheets, complete sets, contains overprint issue (without guarantee), several better sets and souvenir sheets as Mi.Bl.6, supplemented with stamps of Lithuania Srodkowa, local town post etc., in the end several souvenir sheets from 1960´s, placed in stockbook A4, cat. min. 1.500€ U:Z
1860-1950 [COLLECTIONS] PORTUGAL, SPAIN, ANDORA smaller basic collection of used and also unused stamps, contains several middle values and sets, in 12-sheet stockbook A5, mainly stamps of Portugal - cat. ca. 1.100€, total ca. 1.300€ U:Z
1820-70 [COLLECTIONS] compilation of more than 90 prephilatelic letters, various postmarks as CŽASLAU, KAPLITZ, NEUHAUS (blue, red, Recom.), KÖNIGRAETZ, STŘZEDOKLUK, MISSLITZ, DROHOBITZ, DATSCHITZ, LEUTOMISCHL, KOSMANOS, G. MESERITSCH, TEPLITZ, POSORITZ, BENESCHAU etc., several letters with postmarks of post offices from territory of Austria, Poland and Italy, supplemented with 6 pre-printed receipts from Želetava from 1923-90; good condition, mainly nice postal imprints U:K
1863-1885 [COLLECTIONS] PARCEL FORMS extraordinary collection of parcel forms ex. Kořínek, placed on sheets in spiral stockbook, more than 40 pcs, various types, various revenue issues and pmks; chosen quality, high catalogue value U:Z
1870-1918 [COLLECTIONS] DISPATCHED NOTES, BLANK FORMS extraordinary collection of blank forms, dispatch-notes, freight letters for railroad, invoices and others, ex. Kořínek on sheets in 4 ring folders, blank forms with imprinted revenues, decorative various Kreuzers also Hallers issue, interesting frankings; high catalogue value, mostly chosen quality, definitely it is worth seeing, estimate price 15.000CZK U:Z
1850-1918 [COLLECTIONS] nice collection on sheet Stiburek in spring folder, also incomplete, incl. Lombardia Venezia, Levant, Feldpost also postage-due stamps, high catalogue value! U:Z
1890-1960 [COLLECTIONS] ROMANIA, BULGARIA smaller basic collection of used and also unused stamps, contains several middle values and sets, placed in two 10-sheets stockbooks A5, cat. total ca. 1.100€ U:Z
1954-92 [COLLECTIONS] collection - business supply in 20-sheet stockbook A4, contains various sets, souvenir sheets, blocks etc.; part stamps hinged U:Z
1865-1970 [COLLECTIONS] incomplete collection in 2 stockbooks, from issue Coat of arms, then for example House of Romanov, Charitable stamps, inter-war sets and parts, and others, also with 8-sheet stockbook mainly with used souvenir sheets; higher catalogue U:Z
1870-1980 [COLLECTIONS] smaller incomplete basic collection of stamps and miniature sheets with dublets in 3 stockbook albums in spring folder, used also unused, several middle values and sets, cat. ca. used 3.000€ and unused 2.000€ U:Z
1981-94 [COLLECTIONS] compilation of 3 complete volumes - 1981, 1984 and 1994 on hingeless sheets, souvenir sheets, incl. several printing sheets and blocks, in addition 8-sheet stockbook with used souvenir sheets U:Z
1860-1950 [COLLECTIONS] GREECE, CRETE smaller basic collection of used and also unused stamps, contains several middle values and sets, all in one 10-sheet stockbook A5, mostly stamps of Greece - cat. cca1.300€, cat. total ca. 1.400€ U:Z
1948-54 [COLLECTIONS] ZONE B complete issue of stamps and souvenir sheets for Yugoslavian zone, on 15 unbound hingeless sheets, cat. Michel 1.800€ U:O4
1869-1950 [COLLECTIONS] smaller basic collection of used and also unused stamps, contains several middle values and sets, placed in one 10-sheet stockbook A5, cat. total ca. 900€ U:Z
1850-1960 [COLLECTIONS] incomplete collection of used stamps, contains several middle values, 2 sides of stockbook with issue Victoria, all in 8-sheets stockbook U:Z
1969-92 [COLLECTIONS] GUERNSEY, ISLE of MAN, JERSEY nice compilation, various complete sets, souvenir sheets and PB, interesting motives (aircraft, ships, personalities, atp.); on 9 stock cards A4 two-sided, it is worth seeing U:O4
1918-50 [COLLECTIONS] CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 + II., BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, GERMANY various comp. of stamps of Protectorate and Czechoslovakia, supplemented with stamps of Europe and several entires, stamps placed in 2 big stockbooks and 4 small, little-boxes with waste and scattered unstuck stamps; various quality, estate, estimate price 3.000CZK U:K
1937-1970 [COLLECTIONS] small collection, from 1946, except Silver wedding set, incl. 5 popular "long sets" QE II. 1953, 1962, Fauna 1968 1969; cat. min. £120 U:O4
1873-1962 [COLLECTIONS] big collection in two stockbooks, postage stamps from 1873-1962, blocks from 1940´s-1950´s, air-mail 1927-1957, special delivery 1899-1960, all complete, (except newspaper in Spanish era); but also incl. unissued Mi.I - IV (1877-1880), all sets of Spanish and American era, favourite air-mails and rare souvenir sheets, all "unused" only several used stamps, many of them MNH, according to old catalogue Michel 2008 and only as * 5.600€; rare chance U:Z
1890-1897 [COLLECTIONS] Sc.134, 135, 143, 146, 144, P22, Alfonso XIII, big blocks and parts of sheets, with 27 gutters (!), marginal inscriptions etc., i.a. block-of-40 1 Peso ultramarine, few spots in gum caused by a tropical weather, cat. only as * stamps $440, rare multiples! U:Z
1863-1870 [COLLECTIONS] Sc.10-21, Eagle and Coat of arms, 33 pcs of stamps, both issues incl. rare Sc.16,17 1/2Ct and 1Ct green; postmarks and colors, various margins, cat. $920 U:Z
1871-1876 [COLLECTIONS] Sc.22-36, 40,45,47, Ecsuelas Bilivar and Coat of arms, with Opt "Bolivar Sucre Miranda.." and "Contrasena..", 40 pcs, postmarks, colors, inverted Opt, Bolivar 50R green is rare stamp; cat. $560 U:Z
1866-1974 [COLLECTIONS] almost complete basic collection on sheets Minkus New York, from first issue of Brit. post wit "Ovpt" Pellas and "Pyramids" Penasson and De La Rue, with better postage-due; after 1922 as kingdom and republic incl. better values and sought sets, Jubilee, air-mail, motives, i.a. Mi.*104, *159, *156-157, British Army Post Mi.9, International Postal Congress 1934, Mi.247, Block No.1 and many more; cat. £2.470 according to S. Gibbons up to year 1922 and other 2.640€ according to Michel for period from 1922, extraordinary offer U:Z
1936-1957 [COLLECTIONS] BRITISH POST OFF. / TANGIER, set in Brit., Spanish and French currency; luxury and complete general sets, on 9 sheets from old collection, cat. £470 U:Z
1863-1950 [COLLECTIONS] collection in old album Stanley Gibbons, from SG.56, 1863-1872, shades, 1Sh blue and orange with inverted wmk, also sets Victoria and Coat of arms, variants of Ovpt and colors; SG.153, 162, 175, 200, 202, Silver Wedding used also unused, full and valuable issue George VI. SG.252-263 with types of papers, perf and colors, Express E2 and Inland Revenue R3 and oths.; cat. £3.425 U:Z
1917-1921 [COLLECTIONS] BRITISH OCCUPATION SG.45-60, 60a, 66-68, George V. 1C-10Rp 1917 and George V. 2Rp-5Rp, with Opt G.E.A., several higher values more often according to shades colors, mostly **, cat. only as * £880, on sheets from old collection U:Z