Public Auction 48 / Exclusive items

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177249 - 1852 Sass.9h, Coat of arms 10C, printing error CNET instead
1852 Sass.9h, Coat of arms 10C, printing error "CNET" instead "CENT"; very nice piece with original gum nad wide margins, cat. 1.200€
Starting price: CZK
177241 - 1858 Sass.14b, Coat of arms 50Gr light rose-carmin (rosa car
1858 Sass.14b, Coat of arms 50Gr light rose-carmin (rosa carminio chiaro), cancel. ANNULLATO; very nice piece with slight thin place at upper margin; exp. Thier and Herbert Bloch, cat. 6.750€, rarest color shade
Starting price: CZK
177243 - 1861 Sass.22b, vertical (!) strip-of-3 Victor Emmanuel II. 1
1861 Sass.22b, vertical (!) strip-of-3 Victor Emmanuel II. 10 Grana brown-olive (bistro oliva), on cut-square with CDS NAPOLI; very nice multiple with common margins, certificate Raybaudi "rara tinta", cat. 30.000€, rarity!
Starting price: CZK
177242 - 1861 Sass.24, Victor Emmanuel II. 50 Grana perl grey (grigio
1861 Sass.24, Victor Emmanuel II. 50 Grana perl grey (grigio perla); small flaw, certificate Raybaudi, cat. 16.500€, very rare
Starting price: CZK
177247 - 1852 Sass.3d, Coat of arms 15C black / pink, DOUBLE IMPRESSI
1852 Sass.3d, Coat of arms 15C black / pink, DOUBLE IMPRESSION, straight line postmark; left close margin, very nice piece, without usual thins and folds, certificate Raybaudi, cat. 9.000€, extraordinary offer!
Starting price: CZK
175417 - 1856 NEWSPAPER Sass.2, Stati Parmensi 9C blue, grid pmk, on
1856 NEWSPAPER Sass.2, Stati Parmensi 9C blue, grid pmk, on newspapers GAZZETTA UFFICIALE DI MILAN; stamp ordinary to large margins (the first issue without regular margins for cut - major-part of used pieces is cut through 2 corners of ornament, perfectly cut pieces occur only exceptionally); according to certificate Sorani "leggermente mal tagliato da un lato", overall very fine quality; cat. 20.000€, rarity!
Starting price: CZK
172361 - 1851 Sass.3, Emanuell II. 40C pink, wide margins, perfect pi
1851 Sass.3, Emanuell II. 40C pink, wide margins, perfect piece with original gum (!), certificate Comision de Expertos del Gremio Madrid, rare classic stamp, cat. 34.000€
Starting price: CZK
177240 - 1851 Sass.3a, Victor Emmanuel II. 40C rosa carminio vivo; ve
1851 Sass.3a, Victor Emmanuel II. 40C "rosa carminio vivo"; very nice quality, fine color, exp. Diena, certificate Dr. Colla, cat. 12.000€, extraordinary offer 40C as "prima tiratura", jewel of all Italian classic collections!
Starting price: CZK
177211 - 1851 Sass.3, Lion 2 Soldi scarlatto su azzurro, cancel. romb
1851 Sass.3, Lion 2 Soldi "scarlatto su azzurro", cancel. "rombi"; rare classic stamp in very nice quality and with wide margins, cat. 15.000€
Starting price: CZK
175408 - 1855 Sass.6, pair 4Cr green-blue + Sass.8b, 9Cr violet-brown
1855 Sass.6, pair 4Cr green-blue + Sass.8b, 9Cr violet-brown on "funeral" letter to England "Inghilterra", CDS MONTECATINI, border TOSC./ PT-DE- BEAUVOISIS, Brit. PAID and arrival OCT 16 1855, PETERBOROUGH and ABOYNE; addressed to duke of Huntly to Peterborough, redirected on mansion to Aboyne Castle in Aberdeenshire and then again to Peterborough (!), marked POSTAGE DUE FOR TWICE RESENDING "2" (Pence); signs of age unimportant, scarce franking and destination, cat. min. 7.500€; prestigious offer from important collection!
Starting price: CZK
176906 - 1941 Sass.457A-457C, UNISSUED Hitler-Mussolini 10C, 20C, 25C
1941 Sass.457A-457C, UNISSUED Hitler-Mussolini 10C, 20C, 25C, marginal block-of-4 with gutter; cat. for normal block of four 1.450€, gutter are rare and cat. doesn't mention; our estimation min. 4.200€
Starting price: CZK
176908 - 1941 AFRICA ORIENTALE - Brit. occupation, Sass.2/I, 3/I, 4/I
1941 AFRICA ORIENTALE - Brit. occupation, Sass.2/I, 3/I, 4/I, 6/I, 7/I, black Opt BRITISH OCCUPATION on Italian colonial stamp; complete set, ver fine, certificate Dr. Colla, cat. 11.000€, extraordinary offer, extremely rare issue!
Starting price: CZK
176909 - 1941 CEFALONIA and ITHAKA - Italian occupation, provisional
1941 CEFALONIA and ITHAKA - Italian occupation, provisional issue for Ithaca before general issue ISOLE IONIE on Italian stamp, Sass.12, Greek 6Dr (1937) with Opt OCCUPAZIONE MILITARE ITALIANA ISOLE CEFALONIA E ITACA, certificate Sorani; cat. 4.800€
Starting price: CZK
176910 - 1941 CEFALONIA and ITHAKA - Italian occupation, provisional
1941 CEFALONIA and ITHAKA - Italian occupation, provisional issue for Ithaca before general issue ISOLE IONIE on Italian stamp, Sass.13, Greek 7Dr (1937) with Opt OCCUPAZIONE MILITARE ITALIANA ISOLE CEFALONIA E ITACA, certificate Sorani, cat. 5.600€, very rare stamp!
Starting price: CZK
176873 - 1881 letter from Christiania to Kongsvinger, extra paid and
1881 letter from Christiania to Kongsvinger, extra paid and redirected to Eidskogen, after time returned with return stamp RETOURMARKE Mi.IIa "uindlöst" green; CDS CHRISTIANIA 14.IX.81, KONGSVINGER 16.9.81, EIDSSKOG. 5.3.82 (!), CHRISTIANIA 11.III.82; very rare and superb quality, only stamp 750€
Starting price: CZK
177187 - 1908 TRIAL PRINT - Vorzugstücke 1h-35h, ten blocks of four
1908 TRIAL PRINT - "Vorzugstücke" 1h-35h, ten blocks of four in definitive colors on chalky paper, value 25h on atypical strong paper, rare offer, multiples are rare
Starting price: CZK
177105 - 1899 PRAGUE PNEUMATIC TUBE POST, Mi.RP16, PC 10Kr for Prague
1899 PRAGUE PNEUMATIC TUBE POST, Mi.RP16, PC 10Kr for Prague pneumatic-tube post, CDS PRAGUE 2/ 4/3 99 - 1. day of transport of pneumatic-tube post in Prague!, interesting text about the opening the line; good condition, rare offer, estimate price 30.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
176932 - 1850 SG.16b, SG.Spec.CE2, block of four 1P red-brown, plate
1850 SG.16b, SG.Spec.CE2, block of four 1P red-brown, plate 96, issue 1841, with the first perf in the world - ARCHER PERFORATION; in certificate RPSL mentioned "two pinholes"; overall very nice and attractive block, multiples are extremely rare, cat. £20.000
Starting price: CZK
176933 - 1855 SG.29a, SG.Spec.C8, pair 1P red-brown plate 25, wmk Lar
1855 SG.29a, SG.Spec.C8, pair 1P red-brown plate 25, wmk "Large Crown"; imperforated TRIAL PRINT "trial printing" from so-called. Neal´s Steam Press - issued on paper without gum; at top light horiz. fold, wide margins; also with copy of certificate RPSL for block of 6 containing this pair; very rare, cat. for 2 separate stamps £8.000
Starting price: CZK
177488 - 1858-79 SG.43, 45, 1P red and 2P blue, set of all plates 71-
1858-79 SG.43, 45, 1P red and 2P blue, set of all plates 71-225 and 7-15; in overwhelming majority in perfect quality, especially rare plate 225, cat. £2.510!
Starting price: CZK
177485 - 1858 SG.45, 2 Pence blue, plate 9, complete plate reconstruc
1858 SG.45, 2 Pence blue, plate 9, complete plate reconstruction AA-TL; 240 stamps, in overwhelming majority very fine quality, cat. only as single stamps £3.600!
Starting price: CZK
177482 - 1857 SG.40, 1P rose - red, perf 14, wmk Large Crown, plate 6
1857 SG.40, 1P rose - red, perf 14, wmk Large Crown, plate 66; block of 112 (!) KA-TL in perfect quality, major-part of stamps MNH, several dots, stamp M-L damaged, otherwise nice; in the middle of sheet fold, original adjustment on sheet from exhibit with description of printing specialities, cat. only as ** blocks of four £17.450, unique multiple originate from important collection, largest known block from issue One Penny Red!
Starting price: CZK
178865 - 1911 TRIAL PRINT for SG.321, George V. 1/2P green, gravure 1
1911 TRIAL PRINT for SG.321, George V. 1/2P green, "gravure 1B" (J.A.C. Harrison), HORIZ. IMPERFORATE PAIR, wmk "Multiple Cypher" instead definitive "Imperial Crown"; perfect and very rare trial printing, SG.Spec. £4.800
Starting price: CZK
176926 - 1893 Sc.243, Columbus $3 yellow-green; perfect quality, lowe
1893 Sc.243, Columbus $3 yellow-green; perfect quality, lower 1 omitted perf hole, cat for (*) $800, rare offer
Starting price: CZK
178840 - 1911 US ADMINISTRATION Sc.36a, marginal block-of-4 10C on 13
1911 US ADMINISTRATION Sc.36a, marginal block-of-4 10C on 13 Centesimos grey, Opt "10 cts." INVERTED; very nice multiple, cat. $1400++, exists max. 100 pcs of these printing errors, block of four is rare!
Starting price: CZK
178845 - 1920 US ADMINISTRATION Sc.56d, marginal pair of Cordoba 2C b
1920 US ADMINISTRATION Sc.56d, marginal pair of Cordoba 2C black / orange, left WITHOUT OVPT, right with Opt CANAL ZONE; perfect quality, certificate Phil. Foundation New York, cat. $1.000; according to Monograph Canal Zone Stamps (Gilbert, Brewster and oths., 1986) is known only 20 pairs!
Starting price: CZK
178846 - 1924 US ADMINISTRATION  cat. Canal Zone Stamps 69A-69G, in S
1924 US ADMINISTRATION cat. Canal Zone Stamps 69A-69G, in Scott listed after No. 69; Panama Coats of arms 5C-1B (Balboa), complete UNISSUED set (prepared, but not realised to Post Office); only on 2 stamps several dots, on 1B tiny thin, otherwise perfect and mainly very rare set, cat. Scott $2.750
Starting price: CZK
178851 - 1914 US ADMINISTRATION  Sc.J1-J3, Postage due stamps 1C,2C,1
1914 US ADMINISTRATION Sc.J1-J3, Postage due stamps 1C,2C,10C with oblique Opt CANAL ZONE; very nice quality, cat. $1.335, very small edition!
Starting price: CZK
177337 - 1916 SG.S1a, 5P black / orange, SPECIAL DELIVERY DOUBLE OVER
1916 SG.S1a, 5P black / orange, "SPECIAL DELIVERY" DOUBLE OVERPRINT; rare printing error in perfect quality, certificate BPA, cat. £800
Starting price: CZK
178121 - 1873-1962 [COLLECTIONS] big collection in two stockbooks, po
1873-1962 [COLLECTIONS] big collection in two stockbooks, postage stamps from 1873-1962, blocks from 1940´s-1950´s, air-mail 1927-1957, special delivery 1899-1960, all complete, (except newspaper in Spanish era); but also incl. unissued Mi.I - IV (1877-1880), all sets of Spanish and American era, favourite air-mails and rare souvenir sheets, all "unused" only several used stamps, many of them MNH, according to old catalogue Michel 2008 and only as * 5.600€; rare chance
Starting price: CZK
178544 - 1876 SG.2b, stamp of Antigua Victoria 6P green with Opt MONT
1876 SG.2b, stamp of Antigua Victoria 6P green with Opt MONTSERRAT with INVERTED LETTER "S"; very nice and rare stamp with certificate BPA, cat. £1.900
Starting price: CZK
176929 - 1852 SG.9, Tall Ship 1C black / purple, nice piece on cut-sq
1852 SG.9, Tall Ship 1C black / purple, nice piece on cut-square with CDS DEMERARA, ex. Caspary (auction Harmer New York 1957) and ex. Burrus (auction Robson Lowe London 1963); certificates P. Holcombe - "exceptional condition" and Dr. G. Bolaffi; cat. £5.500 + ca. 30%; similar piece on cut-square ex. Du Pont was sold in 2014 for 15.600€!
Starting price: CZK
178115 - 1880 Sc.67, Bolívar 25B carmine - red, original gum, usual
1880 Sc.67, Bolívar 25B carmine - red, original gum, usual irregular perf of this issue "Escuelas"; light longitudinal fold, very nice piece, rarest and the most expensive stamp of Venezuela, certificate M. Eichele: "Eine sehr seltene Marke", cat. $5000; on reverse signature "F de C" - ex. Francis de Coppet (1830-1914), unique offer!
Starting price: CZK
177761 - 1897-1903 SG.99, Victoria 50 Rupees light violet; new gum, l
1897-1903 SG.99, Victoria 50 Rupees light violet; new gum, light vertical bend, otherwise perfect piece with perfect perf., certificate BPA, cat. £2.500; rare stamp missing in most collections
Starting price: CZK
177348 - 1903-1904 SG.1-15, Edward VII. 1/2 Ann - 20 Rupees, SPECIMEN
1903-1904 SG.1-15, Edward VII. 1/2 Ann - 20 Rupees, SPECIMEN, in addition blue Opt ULTRAMAR, very nice set, cat. £610 only for SPECIMEN; rare offer
Starting price: CZK
177350 - 1895 SG.59a, British Inland Mail pair Malagasy Runners 6P gr
1895 SG.59a, British Inland Mail pair "Malagasy Runners" 6P green, in the middle with OMMITED perf; original light bend - in this issue common due to gum consistency, very nice quality, cat. £950
Starting price: CZK
177349 - 1895 SG.60a, British Inland Mail pair Malagasy Runners 1Sh s
1895 SG.60a, British Inland Mail pair "Malagasy Runners" 1Sh slate blue, in the middle with OMMITED perf; on the left light fold, very nice pair, cat. £550
Starting price: CZK
178945 - 1861 SG.35, Britannia 1Sh yellow-green; perfect quality, wid
1861 SG.35, Britannia 1Sh yellow-green; perfect quality, wide margins, luxury piece exp. H. Bloch, certificate M. Eichele - "ausseordentlich frische Marke", cat. * £650, for ** min. £1.300; owner's mark "Pack" - ex. Charles Lathrop Pack
Starting price: CZK
177504 - 1906 SG.A8a, Official Army Service, Postman 3 Mill violet /
1906 SG.A8a, Official Army Service, "Postman" 3 Mill violet / green with Opt ARMY SERVICE, Opt INVERTED; perfect piece with certificate RPS London (originally for pair), cat. £2.000; very rare stamp!
Starting price: CZK
177507 - 1906 SG.A9ab Official Army Service, corner block-of-4 Postma
1906 SG.A9ab Official Army Service, corner block-of-4 "Postman" 5 Mill red / black with Opt ARMY SERVICE, Opt ONCE OBLIQUE AND DOUBLE, perfect multiple with plate number 2; only stamps cat. £2.100; left at top - stamp field 47 with in addition in S. Gibbons catalogue not listed plate flaw "ARMV" instead "ARMY", thanks to this combination of printing errors it is unique block!
Starting price: CZK
178825 - 1922-1925 [COLLECTIONS]  BRITISH MANDATE SG.74-82, 83, 84, 8
1922-1925 [COLLECTIONS] BRITISH MANDATE SG.74-82, 83, 84, 84a-88, 88a(2), 89-92, Giraph´s set, 5C-1£, stamps 2Sh,5Sh,10Sh,1£ with wmk sideways and upright, in addition additional issue 5C-30C 1925 outer and corner; perfect quality, cat. only as * £1.800
Starting price: CZK
176931 - 1895-1896 SG.2, India 1 Ann violet plum with blue Opt ZANZIB
1895-1896 SG.2, India 1 Ann violet "plum" with blue Opt ZANZIBAR, 2 light folds left, perfect perf; certificate BPA, cat. £3.000
Starting price: CZK
177353 - 1915 SG.B13a, Camerrons Expeditionary Force, Opt C.E.F./ 5S.
1915 SG.B13a, Camerrons Expeditionary Force, Opt "C.E.F./ 5S". on German colonial Emperor´s Yacht 5M, marginal piece, "S" in overprint INVERTED; perfect piece, exp. H. Bloch and Holcombe, cat. £1.300, rare stamp!
Starting price: CZK
177323 - 1923 SG.3a, pair George V. 2P violet dull purple, bilingual
1923 SG.3a, pair George V. 2P violet "dull purple", bilingual Boer / English Opt INVERTED; cat. £700
Starting price: CZK
177321 - 1924-1929 SG.2a, pair George V. 1P red, in the middle OMITTE
1924-1929 SG.2a, pair George V. 1P red, in the middle OMITTED PERF; perfect quality, cat. £950
Starting price: CZK
177322 - 1913-1922 SG.199b, vertical pair George V. 1½P brown, i
1913-1922 SG.199b, vertical pair George V. 1½P brown, in the middle OMITTED PERFORATION; oblique fold, otherwise perfect quality, cat. £2.500, very rare speciality
Starting price: CZK
177315 - 1914 BRITISH OCCUPATION SG.60, stamp of German Marshall Inse
1914 BRITISH OCCUPATION SG.60, stamp of German Marshall Inseln 2M blue with Opt "G.R.I. 2S."; perfect quality, exp. Ebel, Richter, certificate Eichele, cat. £1.900
Starting price: CZK
177341 - 1899 SG.21b, Queen Takau 1P blue with Opt ONE HALF PENNY, Op
1899 SG.21b, Queen Takau 1P blue with Opt ONE HALF PENNY, Opt DOUBLE; perfect and rare stamp with certificate Brandon, cat. £1.000, recorded only one sheet with double Opt!
Starting price: CZK
176930 - 1870-1871 SG.4, Times Express 1Sh black on pink quadrillé p
1870-1871 SG.4, Times Express 1Sh black on pink "quadrillé" paper; light oblique bend on the left, big part original gum, very nice piece with certificate BPA, cat. £2.250
Starting price: CZK
177333 - 1920 SG.32a, marginal block-of-6 Palms 1/2P black / green, p
1920 SG.32a, marginal block-of-6 Palms 1/2P black / green, perforation partially VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL OMITTED, middle pair with omitted vertical perf is MNH, unique multiple in perfect quality; certificate BPA, cat. £1.500 ++, very attractive speciality
Starting price: CZK
177329 - 1895-1900 SG.79a, block of four Palm 2P orange yellow with O
1895-1900 SG.79a, block of four Palm 2P orange yellow with Opt "R 3d.", as 2 joined pairs with OMITTED PERF, right at top small abrasion, otherwise perfect; certificate BPA, cat. £1.400 ++
Starting price: CZK
177327 - 1898-1899 SG.84a, Palm 1P blue-green with red Opt 2½P,
1898-1899 SG.84a, Palm 1P blue-green with red Opt 2½P, Opt INVERTED; very nice piece with certificate BPA, cat. £850, rare stamp
Starting price: CZK
177318 - 1915 SG.105a, occupation Opt G.R.I. 3d. on German colonial S
1915 SG.105a, occupation Opt "G.R.I. 3d." on German colonial Samoa 25Pfg, DOUBLE OVERPRINT; perfect piece, exp. Holcombe, cat. £1.100
Starting price: CZK
177324 - 1893 SG.O9b, George I. 8P blue with Opt 7½D, Opt INVERT
1893 SG.O9b, George I. 8P blue with Opt 7½D, Opt INVERTED; perfect quality, certificate RPSL, cat. £2.250, extraordinary offer of one from the most precious stamps of Tonga!
Starting price: CZK
176841 - 1950 DISASTER & CRASH MAIL  letter from India to USA, with 2
1950 DISASTER & CRASH MAIL letter from India to USA, with 2+4 Annas, CDS KALSADEVI N.P.O. 29. AUG. 50; transported by flight TWA 903, Lockheed L-749A; after landing and departure from Cairo 31.8. the aircraft crashed in desert, all 55 people was killed; lightly burned margin, else well preserved; extraordinary and very rare entire!
Starting price: CZK
177343 - 1894-1896 SG.63, corner block-of-4 Deer 2C black / blue, IMP
1894-1896 SG.63, corner block-of-4 Deer 2C black / blue, IMPERFORATE; very nice block with original gum, cat. £1.200++
Starting price: CZK
177342 - 1900-1902 LABUAN SG.112a, vertical pair Orangutan 4C black/
1900-1902 LABUAN SG.112a, vertical pair Orangutan 4C black/ yellow-brown, in the middle OMITTED perf, perfect piece with certificate BPA, cat. £1400, according to available records very rare
Starting price: CZK
177344 - 1892 SG.63b, Coat of arms 4C pink with red Opt 1 CENT, Opt o
1892 SG.63b, Coat of arms 4C pink with red Opt 1 CENT, Opt on both sides, CDS SANDAKAN; cat. £600
Starting price: CZK
177332 - 1899 SG.112asa, 5C Peacock black / orange with Opt 4 CENTS a
1899 SG.112asa, 5C Peacock black / orange with Opt 4 CENTS and SPECIMEN, Opt INVERTED; perfect and rare, according to certificate Holcombe stamp described in Marcus F.J. Samuel "Specimen stamps of the crown colonies 1857-1948", London, 1976; cat. £800 according to our opinion doesn't reflect scarcity of this stamps!
Starting price: CZK
178935 - 1911 SG.183, Coat of arms 10$ black / brick red, luxury marg
1911 SG.183, Coat of arms 10$ black / brick red, luxury marginal piece, cat. * £750, ** ca. £1500
Starting price: CZK