1915 front side of letter sent in Durazzo (Durrës), apparently cash paid and franked with 5 stamps so-called. Paris issue (cinderellas) - "Ship and crown" 5Pa-80Pa with provisional Opt "T", CDS DURRAZO POSTE 17.2.15, rare and contemporary curiosity!
1854--1858[COLLECTIONS] compilation of chosen numeral pmks on stamp Mi.4, Coat of arms 4S (15 pcs of) + Mi.7, Coat of arms 4S (60 pcs of); cat. more than 1.150€, placed on card A4+A5, interesting compilation
1850-1918 [COLLECTIONS] forerunner on Austrian and Hungarian stamps incl. I. issues, complete or parts of postmarks FIUME, on 3 hingeless album sheets, originates from exhibit of Dr. Brom
1949 Mi.5a, Ceres 40c red orange, on cut-square with grid pmk and CDS PARIS; left at top closer margin, otherwise wide very fine, cat. 550€ ++, very low starting price!
1856 letter to Leipzig, franked with tricolor franking of stamps Napoleon III., Mi.12, 13, 15, rhombic numeral pmk and round REIMS; light bend lower over stamps
1852Sass.11, Coat of arms 1 Scudo rose - carmine; with small thin place left (according to certificate tiny - "leggermente assottigliato"), otherwise very fine piece with complete margins and original gum, several marks and certificate Dr. Colla, cat. 6.500€
1852Sass.1a, block of four 1/2 Bajochi grey-blue, 2 GUTTERS with upper sheet margin; very nice multiple with original gum, original paper crease in paper, certificate Dr. Colla, cat. for 1 gutter 4.000€, as block-of-4 with margin at least 10.000€
1852 Sass.3d, Coat of arms 15C black / pink, DOUBLE IMPRESSION, straight line postmark; left close margin, very nice piece, without usual thins and folds, certificate Raybaudi, cat. 9.000€, extraordinary offer!
1851Sass.3a, Victor Emmanuel II. 40C "rosa carminio vivo"; very nice quality, fine color, exp. Diena, certificate Dr. Colla, cat. 12.000€, extraordinary offer 40C as "prima tiratura", jewel of all Italian classic collections!
1859 Sass.2(*), 5*, 12b*, 13(*), 14, Ferdinand II. 1/2Gr orange II. tavola, 1Gr olive III. tavola, 10Gr indigo, 20Gr grey-slate (grigio ardesia), 50Gr red-brown; very nice quality, stamps without gum considered according to catalogue, cat. 4.460€
1851 Sass.4c, 4d, 2x Lion 1 Crazia, carmine violet (carminio violaceo) on blue paper and carmine on grey; very fine pieces with luxury margins, cat. 870€
1851 Sass.5-7, 2x 2 Crazie, 2x 4 Crazie and 2x 6 Crazie, various shades i.a. Sass.7f, 6Cr dark grey, 2x pmk PD from that once red; very fine pieces with fine to VF margins; cat. min. 1.750€
1941 CEFALONIA and ITHAKA - Italian occupation, provisional issue for Ithaca before general issue ISOLE IONIE on Italian stamp, Sass.12, Greek 6Dr (1937) with Opt OCCUPAZIONE MILITARE ITALIANA ISOLE CEFALONIA E ITACA, certificate Sorani; cat. 4.800€
1941 CEFALONIA and ITHAKA - Italian occupation, provisional issue for Ithaca before general issue ISOLE IONIE on Italian stamp, Sass.13, Greek 7Dr (1937) with Opt OCCUPAZIONE MILITARE ITALIANA ISOLE CEFALONIA E ITACA, certificate Sorani, cat. 5.600€, very rare stamp!
1955 Mi.Bl.25, souvenir sheet 100. Anniversary of state printing-plant, imperforated (!); sought by specialists, Hungarian cat. 18.000HUF, in cat. Michel not listed
1857-1880SG.Z17-Z93, compilation of 32 used forerunners - Brit. stamps, postmarks "M" and "A25", several cut-squares and multiple frankings, i.a. pair Z30, pair Z49, pair Z44+Z34, Z41, rare Z51 and oths.; in majority in very nice quality, catalogue underalues, only as single stamps £1.050
1938 SG.229a, George VI. 2Sh6P, black / red, printing error "Damaged value tablet", perfect, cat. £225, interesting printing error, we aren't aware of another piece!
1850-65 comp. 9 folded letters with first issues, i.a. 1x pair of 3 Kreuzer, Mi.9, 2x letter sent abroad with 3 Kreuzer various issue etc., various numeral postmarks - mill wheels etc.; good condition
18632 folded letters addressed to Prague, 1x with 9 Kreuzer brown, Mi,.11, 1x with 6+3Kr, Mi.10, 9, both letters with nice print of half-circle CDS STOCKHELM with numeral mill wheel cancellation "800"; decorative, good condition, wide margins
1891official form envelope Postal order (Postauftrag) sent as Reg to Prague, franked with pair of 20Pf, Mi.57, CDS MUNICH 17/3 91, on reverse arrival HOLEŠOVICE - BUBNA 19/3 91; good condition
1850-64 compilation of 21 stamps on stock-sheet A5, contains various issues, i.a. used Mi.10Gr (cat. 1.100€) + 1x letter with Mi.9 with sheet margins; cat. according to owner 3.500€
1860 postal stationery cover with printed stamp 3Ngr, Mi.U3 sent as Reg to Vienna, uprated by 2 stamps Mi.10, 11 with numeral pmk "2" and CDS LEIPZIG 19/XII supplemented with red frame cancel. Recomandirt, on reverse arrival WIEN 20/12; missing part of flap
1930 Mi.446-449, block of four of stamps from souvenir sheet IPOSTA, postmark exhibition Berlin W62 / IPOSTA; perfect quality, cat. as single stamps 560€
1936-45 [COLLECTIONS] compilation of 34 letters franked with rich and rare frankings, mainly Surtax stamps, part addressed to Bohemia-Moravia; good condition
1939-44[COLLECTIONS] larger collection of stamps and entires, contains i.a. official gift album with printing sheet Copernicus, Mi.GH1/43, complete set of printing sheets A. Hitler. Mi.Kl.117-119, 2x complete overprint issue Mi.14-39, 1x mounted on 2 letters, blocks, blocks of four, margins with printing etc., supplemented with more than 80 entires, part as Registered, part philatelically motivated, first day cards with commemorative postmarks etc., cat. only stamps ca. 1.200€ + estimate price of entires more than 15.000CZK
1897 GERMAN NEW GUINEA Mi.1-6, 3Pf - 50Pf REICHSPOST with oblique Opt "Deutsch-/ Neu-Guinea", complete set, value 25pf on small cut-square, clear pmks; kat.150€
1942 SS FIELD-POST letter to Vienna, dumb CDS, round violet unit postmark with eagle DER SS UND POLIZEIFUHRER WEISSRUTHENIEN / KOMMANDEUR DER ORNDUNGPOLIZEI; incl. content, very good condition
1943C.C. GROSSROSEN pre-printed letter-card sent by Czech prisoner to Kutná Hora in Protectorate, with 12Pfg A. Hitler., CDS GROSSROSEN/ 12.3.43, censorship mark with swastika on address-side + frame censorship mark inside and postmark with notice; good condition
1943 C.C. SACHSENHAUSEN off. letter-card with pre-printing inside, addressed to Prague, franked with pair of 6Pf A. Hitler, CDS ORANIENBURG/ 22.6.43 + single circle censorship mark with letter "K."; viewing of quality recommended - letter-card is in the middle horiz. folded and lower ca. 2,5cm torn