1853 Mi.1, FIRE RBS, dark brown with postmark "162" (HOLSTEINISCHES BAHNPOST-SPEDITIONSBUREAU), stamp used in German Altona, sent to Kiel; fine color and wide margins, small size
1940-1941FAROE ISLANDS - Brit. occupation, 6 letters with provisional overprint issue, Mi.4 on commercial letter with CDS SANDEVAAG, other with rare postmarks GJOV and TRANGISVAAG, Reg letter with Mi.5 VAAG and letters with Mi.4 and Mi.1 with pmk THORNSHAVEN; extraordinary set
1865-70 [COLLECTIONS] Mi.11, Coat of arms 3S, (AFA 12), interesting smaller study collection of used stamps on 2 sheets from exhibit, i.a. 2x pair, aimed at colors, shades, types, plate flaws and others.; cat. according to owner ca. 2.600€
1865-70[COLLECTIONS] Mi.15, Coat of arms 16S, (AFA 15), interesting smaller study collection of used stamps on 2 sheets from exhibit, various shades, plate flaws and others. + 1x letter with certificate L. Nielsen; cat. according to owner ca. 3.900€
1909accounting sheet from post in KYMINLINNASSA, mixed franked with Finnish and Russian stamps, Pennia + Kop, Mi.58(3), 57, 55B(2) resp. Mi.63,66,74, official CDS “POSTSTYRELSENS RAKENSKAPS AFDELNING”, rare document on sheet from exhibit (see. also "The Posthorn", August 1988, page 115)
1920ARBE panoramic Ppc of town Rab with Opt ARBE, Sass.1, 6, Mi.20I, 21II, mixed franking of both issues - small and large Opt, CDS ARBE 10.XII.20; good condition, cat. Sassone only stamps 345€, rare usage!
1849Mi.1b, Ceres 10c olive-brown, nice piece on printed-matter (obituary notice), grid pmk and CDS BOURBON L'ARCHAMBAULT - very small village, rare and important destination, the first seat of House of Bourbon; perfect quality
1852Sass.11, Coat of arms 1 Scudo rose - carmine; with small thin place left (according to certificate tiny - "leggermente assottigliato"), otherwise very fine piece with complete margins and original gum, several marks and certificate Dr. Colla, cat. 6.500€
1852Sass.1a, block of four 1/2 Bajochi grey-blue, 2 GUTTERS with upper sheet margin; very nice multiple with original gum, original paper crease in paper, certificate Dr. Colla, cat. for 1 gutter 4.000€, as block-of-4 with margin at least 10.000€
1852 Sass.9e, Coat of arms 10C dark color shade, printing error "CENE" instead "CENT"; very nice piece with original gum and very nice margins, 2x exp. Diena, cat. 2.750€
1852 Sass.10b *,10f (*), 10f (*) var., 3x Coat of arms 40C, various shades of blue, printing errors "dot before 40"; "CNET" instead "CENT"; "CNET" instead "CENT" and in addition "without dots behind 40" - rare plate flaw on position 11; full to wide margins, cat. for * 1.750€
1844 letter with rare red decorative pmk CARPI to Swiss Wohlen, additional LT (Lettera Transito - only on letters in Italian-Swiss traffic), marked rate 8/12 Rp, "12" for transport on Italian territory, perfect quality
1858Sass.14b, Coat of arms 50Gr light rose-carmin (rosa carminio chiaro), cancel. ANNULLATO; very nice piece with slight thin place at upper margin; exp. Thier and Herbert Bloch, cat. 6.750€, rarest color shade
1861Sass.22b, vertical (!) strip-of-3 Victor Emmanuel II. 10 Grana brown-olive (bistro oliva), on cut-square with CDS NAPOLI; very nice multiple with common margins, certificate Raybaudi "rara tinta", cat. 30.000€, rarity!
1861envelope sent from Naples to Agnone, franked with pair of 1gr in rare silver-grey color (!), Sass.19d, certificate Bottacchi, cat. shows price only for single stamp on letter 15.000€, for pair min. 30.000€++
1852 Sass.3d, Coat of arms 15C black / pink, DOUBLE IMPRESSION, straight line postmark; left close margin, very nice piece, without usual thins and folds, certificate Raybaudi, cat. 9.000€, extraordinary offer!
1856NEWSPAPER Sass.2, Stati Parmensi 9C blue, grid pmk, on newspapers GAZZETTA UFFICIALE DI MILAN; stamp ordinary to large margins (the first issue without regular margins for cut - major-part of used pieces is cut through 2 corners of ornament, perfectly cut pieces occur only exceptionally); according to certificate Sorani "leggermente mal tagliato da un lato", overall very fine quality; cat. 20.000€, rarity!
1851Sass.3, Emanuell II. 40C pink, wide margins, perfect piece with original gum (!), certificate Comision de Expertos del Gremio Madrid, rare classic stamp, cat. 34.000€
1851Sass.3a, Victor Emmanuel II. 40C "rosa carminio vivo"; very nice quality, fine color, exp. Diena, certificate Dr. Colla, cat. 12.000€, extraordinary offer 40C as "prima tiratura", jewel of all Italian classic collections!
1859-1862 Sass.17, 3x 80C, 17Aa giallo olivastro chiaro (Tinte del 1859); 17B giallo arancio chiaro with blue CDS TORINO; 17C giallo arancio (Tinte del 1861); 17Da giallo (Tinte del 1862); identified according to Quarta emmisione di Sardegna - Tavole cromatiche; average margins, stamp with blue CDS margins perfect, cat. 3.850€, very low starting price
1851 Sass.4c, 4d, 2x Lion 1 Crazia, carmine violet (carminio violaceo) on blue paper and carmine on grey; very fine pieces with luxury margins, cat. 870€
1851 Sass.5-7, 2x 2 Crazie, 2x 4 Crazie and 2x 6 Crazie, various shades i.a. Sass.7f, 6Cr dark grey, 2x pmk PD from that once red; very fine pieces with fine to VF margins; cat. min. 1.750€
1860 Sass.7, 8, 18, 20, 21(2x), 6 pcs of cut-squares with stamps "Lion" and "Coat of arms", 5C Coat of arms with interesting CDS FUCECHIO - Sass.4P; average to wide margins, perfect quality, cat. min. 2.875€
1855Sass.6, pair 4Cr green-blue + Sass.8b, 9Cr violet-brown on "funeral" letter to England "Inghilterra", CDS MONTECATINI, border TOSC./ PT-DE- BEAUVOISIS, Brit. PAID and arrival OCT 16 1855, PETERBOROUGH and ABOYNE; addressed to duke of Huntly to Peterborough, redirected on mansion to Aboyne Castle in Aberdeenshire and then again to Peterborough (!), marked POSTAGE DUE FOR TWICE RESENDING "2" (Pence); signs of age unimportant, scarce franking and destination, cat. min. 7.500€; prestigious offer from important collection!
1894 postcard 7½C from Napoli to France, uprated with BISECTED 1C Sass.T14 and stamp 2C T15 "numeral issue" 1877; CDS NAPOLI FERROVIA, arrival PARIS ENTRANGER; rare!, Sassone shows this accurate type of franking on page 443 issue 2014; cat. 2.000€
1918UDINE - POSTA LOCALE Sass.1, Austrian postcard 8h with CDS TRIESTE 26.7.18, to UDINE, here additionally franked by local stamp "MUNICIPIO DI UDINE 5 Cent" (provisional issue with validity between 20.7.1918 - 31.12.1918), as surtax for delivery mailing especially from abroad; signs of age, this is very rare entire, we aren't aware of another similar piece!, kat.Sass. 1.000€
1863 Sass.12 + Sardinie16F, Victor Emmanuel II. 15C blue as rarer I. type + 40C rose - red, on letter with CDS ANCONA, to Trieste; very nice mixed franking, mostly occures only 15C+5C
1941Sass.457A-457C, UNISSUED Hitler-Mussolini 10C, 20C, 25C, marginal block-of-4 with gutter; cat. for normal block of four 1.450€, gutter are rare and cat. doesn't mention; our estimation min. 4.200€
1941 CEFALONIA and ITHAKA - Sass.11-13, 15-18, 22, 23, Greek stamps from issue Mythology with Opt ITALIA OCCUPAZIONE MILITARE ITALIANA ISOLE CEFALONIA E ITACA, 5L-25Dr, from that 50 Lepta Opt inverted; signed, some exp. Stolow, cat. for * 2.150€
1941 CEFALONIA and ITHAKA - Italian occupation, provisional issue for Ithaca before general issue ISOLE IONIE on Italian stamp, Sass.12, Greek 6Dr (1937) with Opt OCCUPAZIONE MILITARE ITALIANA ISOLE CEFALONIA E ITACA, certificate Sorani; cat. 4.800€
1941 CEFALONIA and ITHAKA - Italian occupation, provisional issue for Ithaca before general issue ISOLE IONIE on Italian stamp, Sass.13, Greek 7Dr (1937) with Opt OCCUPAZIONE MILITARE ITALIANA ISOLE CEFALONIA E ITACA, certificate Sorani, cat. 5.600€, very rare stamp!
1941 CEFALONIA and ITHAKA - Sass.25, Constantin I. 30Dr, pair with Opt ITALIA OCCUPAZIONE MILITARE ITALIANA ISOLE CEFALONIA E ITACA; exp. Stolow, cat. for * 2.000€
1941 ZANTE - Italian occupation, provisional issue before general issue ISOLE IONIE on Italian stamps, Sass.Posta Aerea 11, Greek 50Dr (1938) with Opt OCCUPAZIONE MILITAREDI ZANTE I-5-XIX, certificate Dr. Colla, cat. 2.500€
1944ANGLO-AMERICAN OCCUPATION, Sicily Sass.2, 6, stamps "Allied Milit. Postage" 25C and 1L as uprated franking on Italian postcard 30C from Palermo to Switzerland, 2 censorship marks; mailing from occupied Sicily addressed to abroad are very rare!
1920Reg letter to Germany with nice franking, i.a. stamps Opening of Congress and Red Cross, CDS LEEPAJA (Libau), two-colour advertising added print; rarely with arrival Reg label "Vom Ausland über Königsberg Pr.1", arrival postmark DRESDEN