Public Auction 48 / Collector`s Literature

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178678 - 1930-1937 BELGIUM -  manual BILLIG, issue EXPERT, Wien; hand
1930-1937 BELGIUM - manual BILLIG, issue EXPERT, Wien; handbooks from slavné line expert's bulletins Fritze Billiga, Belgium, Belgisch-Kongo, photos and detail descriptions originals and forgeries; in addition Les Timbres Faux de Belgique, M.G.Slagmeulder, Charleroi, ca. 1930 - important expert's work, this book allegedly from estate světoznámého expert Herberta Blocha!
Starting price: CZK
178675 - 1947 Catalogue de la Poste Aérienne, Jean Silombra, Paris 1
1947 Catalogue de la Poste Aérienne, Jean Silombra, Paris 1947; at all the first specialized catalogue airmail stamps of whole world, today philatelic bibliofilie
Starting price: CZK
178670 - 1966 Guide der Bezirks-Aufdrucksmarken Volume I. + II., W. F
1966 Guide der Bezirks-Aufdrucksmarken Volume I. + II., W. Fläschendräger, Lipsia 1966; manual with description and picture all local okresních overprints in East zone, statistiky editions etc.., excellent tool for specialist in this významném branch postwar Germany
Starting price: CZK
178657 - 1953 H.R. HARMER  on/for his/her/its original London-issue a
1953 H.R. HARMER on/for his/her/its original London-issue address in/at New Bond Street, selection of 33 pcs of auction catalogues, mostly Commonwealth and British Empire; extraordinary zdroj information about/by of material and cenách
Starting price: CZK
178652 - 2003 FACIT 2003  specialized catalogue Scandinavia and sever
2003 FACIT 2003 specialized catalogue Scandinavia and severských countries; very good condition
Starting price: CZK
178663 - 1961 EDWIN MUELLER - Guide der Entwertungen von Osterreich a
1961 EDWIN MUELLER - Guide der Entwertungen von Osterreich and Lombardy - Venetien, Wien 1961; nadčasový catalogue Austrian postmarks on stmp I-V. issue, incl. dodatků; superb condition - as new!
Starting price: CZK
178648 - 2014 JAMNU & KASHMIR  Monograph Postage Stamps & Postal Hist
2014 JAMNU & KASHMIR Monograph Postage Stamps & Postal History 1878-1898, I.H.Nanjee, PPF 2014; výpravná specialized publication to stamps Kašmíru, jenž belongs to for collectors nejvýznamnějším indickým státům; 300 sides, full elaboration and distinction rarities daných issues, according to types, papers, colors, then soupisy postmarks and technical and historical kontexty; large picture material and rarities ex. Jaretzky, Masson, Nanjee, Sefi Collection, The Kashmir Blue Collection and oths.
Starting price: CZK
178662 - 2004 LA POSTA FRA DUE RE (Post of two Kings), N. Aquila, F.
2004 LA POSTA FRA DUE RE (Post of two Kings), N. Aquila, F. Orlando, G. Bolaffi Editore 2004; Monography of Sicilian postal history, usage of Sardinian stamps to Sicily 1861-1863, i.a. lists of postmarks and its valuation; exclusive publication with original value of 150€
Starting price: CZK
178665 - 1962-1964 MAURICE BURRUS - 11 auction catalogues Robson Lowe
1962-1964 MAURICE BURRUS - 11 auction catalogues Robson Lowe, this legendary auction hall was/were pověřena rozprodejem 2. biggest collection all period; British Colonies, Belgium, Greece, Egypt and oths. ex. M. Burrus; extraordinary zdroj information about/by raritách and their/its cenách from old good časů
Starting price: CZK
178205 - 2000-2001 MICHEL: Ganzachen-Katalog Europe West 2000-2001 +
2000-2001 MICHEL: Ganzachen-Katalog Europe West 2000-2001 + Europe East 2001-2002; 2 catalogues of p. stat., in good condition condition
Starting price: CZK
178889 - 2010 MICHEL - Übersee, 1. part Central America, nákupní p
2010 MICHEL - Übersee, 1. part Central America, nákupní price 1.550CZK, as new
Starting price: CZK
178887 - 2010 MICHEL - Übersee, two-piece 9. part catalogue, China,
2010 MICHEL - Übersee, two-piece 9. part catalogue, China, Japan, Korea, Mongolia and other, nákupní price 2.600CZK, both parts as new
Starting price: CZK
178885 - 2010-2011 MICHEL - Europe, complete set of 8 parts catalogue
2010-2011 MICHEL - Europe, complete set of 8 parts catalogue Michel incl. Germany, nákupní price through/over 10.000CZK; very good condition
Starting price: CZK
178890 - 2012 MICHEL - ÜBERSEE 8. part, second part, Jihovýchodní
2012 MICHEL - ÜBERSEE 8. part, second part, Jihovýchodní Asia (Südostasien); nákupní price 1.850CZK, as new
Starting price: CZK
178656 - 1959-77 ROBSON LOWE  selection of 23 pcs of auction catalogu
1959-77 ROBSON LOWE selection of 23 pcs of auction catalogues, London + Basel, from that several výročních review, in this period legendary Robson Lowe prodával ty nejvýznamnější world rarities; nice picture material and inspirující spring well!
Starting price: CZK
178668 - 1966 ROBSON LOWE - The First Trans-Atlantic INTERNATIONAL PH
1966 ROBSON LOWE - The First Trans-Atlantic INTERNATIONAL PHILATELIC RADIO AUCTION, the first "on-line" auction in the world, sorted Robsonem Lowe on/for ship R.M.S. QUEEN MARY 16.5.1966; radiovým spojením from paluby ship was/were umožněna participation on/for auction dražitelům in London, New York, Miláně, Paris and Basileji; draženo was/were lot of rarities, catalogue i.a. dokládá tradičně large význam Italian states on/for světovém filatelistickém market; collector's piece/part, today very rare catalogue!
Starting price: CZK
178677 - 1938 ROMANIA - manual BILLIG, issue EXPERT, Wien; from slavn
1938 ROMANIA - manual BILLIG, issue EXPERT, Wien; from slavné line expert's bulletins Fritze Billiga, Rumänien (Romania) I-III, photos and detail descriptions originals and forgeries classic Romanian stamps
Starting price: CZK
178480 - 2002 SARDINIA - Tavole cromatiche - Quarta emissione di Sard
2002 SARDINIA - "Tavole cromatiche" - Quarta emissione di Sardegna 1855-1863; picture all color variants this for collectors hard and as well favourite issue; neocenitelná tool every collector Italian classic for identifikaci rare colors, which/what with often nacházejí in/at partiích common Sardinian stamps!
Starting price: CZK
178659 - 1983 SASSONE  specialized catalogue Staroitalských states,
1983 SASSONE specialized catalogue Staroitalských states, issue 1983, his components/parts is MONOGRAFIE RAZÍTEK all postal Italian offices and their/its valuation; this valuation postmarks "Punto Sassone" are bodová (according to 15 úrovní rarities), and so relevantní also today; it is ideální supplemental spring well to modern issue catalogue Sassone - Antichi Stati, in addition 2 catalogues Oliva - Antichi Stati 1950, 1956
Starting price: CZK
178649 - 2012 SASSONE 1 + 2, issue 2012, specialized catalogue Italy;
2012 SASSONE 1 + 2, issue 2012, specialized catalogue Italy; Staroitalské states, Repubblica, colony/-ies, occupied territories, S. Marino, Vatican City etc.., except staroitalského period is all vedeno in/at wide specialisation, especially with důležitým oceněním letters, bloks of four, unissued stmp, variants overprints, perf etc..
Starting price: CZK
178650 - 2014 SASSONE - Antichi Stati, issue 2014; specialized stamp
2014 SASSONE - Antichi Stati, issue 2014; specialized stamp catalogue of and letters Staroitalských states, nezbytný zdroj information for every collector this prestigious součásti European classic
Starting price: CZK
178651 - 2008 SBK 2008  všeobecný catalogue Switzerland and Liechte
2008 SBK 2008 všeobecný catalogue Switzerland and Liechtenstein, incl. specialities as Hotel Post, Porto Freiheit etc.., důležité is valuation bloks of four and letters
Starting price: CZK
178673 - 1977-81 North America - Reference Manual of BNA Fakes, Kenne
1977-81 North America - "Reference Manual of BNA Fakes", Kenneth W. Pugh, Manitoba, Canada 1977; Forgeries stamps British Colonies in/at North America - anthology ca. 500 sides, big photo and detail descriptions originals and various sorts forgeries classical stamp Canada and tamních British Colonies, identification forgeries ex. Spiro, Sperati, Fournier, Oneglia, de Thuin and also unknown origin; expertní manual on/for the highest expert úrovni
Starting price: CZK
177082 - 1970-96 Listing revolutionary provisional from May 1945 - K.
1970-96 Listing revolutionary provisional from May 1945 - K. Holoubek, format A4 on/for ležato, 1970; Revolutionary issue May 1945 - K. Holoubek, Geophila, Prague 1996, format A5; both publication good condition good condition
Starting price: CZK
178667 - 1965-1970 Stanley Gibbons Auctions and Robson Lowe - 5 aucti
1965-1970 Stanley Gibbons Auctions and Robson Lowe - 5 auction catalogues, sale VIP collections Great Britain and colonies, ex. Lockwood, Beaumont "Victoriana", The "Maximus" GB, collection Bahavalpurského Emíra part I. + II.; nice and inspirující picture material!
Starting price: CZK
178654 - 1979-81 STANLEY GIBBONS specialized catalogue of Great Brita
1979-81 STANLEY GIBBONS specialized catalogue of Great Britain, set of 5 parts, Victoria, Edward VII., George, V., George VI., Elizabeth II. and Channel islands
Starting price: CZK
178672 - 1994 STANLEY GIBBONS 1840-1994, Great Britain and British Co
1994 STANLEY GIBBONS 1840-1994, Great Britain and British Commonwealth, year/volume 1994; today interesting for examining prices
Starting price: CZK
178088 - 2013 STANLEY GIBBONS Stamp Catalogue 2014, Commonwealth & Br
2013 STANLEY GIBBONS Stamp Catalogue 2014, Commonwealth & British Empire Stamps 1840-1970, prestigious stamp catalogue of Commonwealth, format A4; signs of usage, povolená binding
Starting price: CZK
178089 - 2014 STANLEY GIBBONS Stamp Catalogue 2015, Commonwealth & Br
2014 STANLEY GIBBONS Stamp Catalogue 2015, Commonwealth & British Empire Stamps 1840-1970, prestigious stamp catalogue of Commonwealth, format A4; as new
Starting price: CZK
178669 - 1982 SWITZERLAND - Neu Klassierung der Strubel Ausgaben sitz
1982 SWITZERLAND - Neu Klassierung der "Strubel" Ausgaben sitzende Helvetia 1854-1862, W. d´Aujourd´hui, Schw. Phil. association, Basel 1982; rare specialized publication to nejoblíbenější Swiss issue, distribution types, prints, papers and colors
Starting price: CZK
178661 - 2007 TUGHRA STAMPS, Mehmet Basaran, 2007; Monograph, complet
2007 TUGHRA STAMPS, Mehmet Basaran, 2007; Monograph, complete elaboration and picture documentation to problematice printing types, color specialities, printing errors, joined printings, PLATE PROOF and postmarks the first Turkish issue 1863; skvělá publication in English, rare offer
Starting price: CZK
178653 - 2008 YVERT 2008  catalogue French colonies, with specialisat
2008 YVERT 2008 catalogue French colonies, with specialisation various variants, postmarks, letters
Starting price: CZK
176912 - 1935-2008 [COLLECTIONS]  selection of Monografií, catalogue
1935-2008 [COLLECTIONS] selection of Monografií, catalogues and literature, contains Monograph of Czechosl. stamps No.1, 3, 4, 5; Forgeries Czechosl. stamps from J.Karáska (2 pcs of); Hirsch - Franěk Czechosl. stamps - issue from year 1935; Czech and Slovak Postal Agency - Gebauer, Tekel; Austria 1850-1918 + P.stat 1861-1918 from P. Hirše; Pre-Stamp Postmarks of Austria - E.Muller issued in/at N.Y. 1960; Post in ghetto Terezín - Profil, Nejvzácnější Czechosl stamps in collection L. Pytlíčka, Catalogue perfins from territory Czechoslovakia - V. Maxa; Handbook for collector Hradčany 2. and 3. part - Hamr, Škaloud and other handbooks, various condition, more than 15 pcs of philatelic literature in/at one box, estimate price 5.000CZK
Starting price: CZK

Public Auction 48 / Collector`s Literature - Information

Sběratelská literatura

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