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1937 CROATIA interesting comp. of stamps from issue 1919, on stock-sheet A5, contains imperforated stamps, both sides prints, offsets, omitted perf. etc. U:A5
1880-1950 [COLLECTIONS] YUGOSLAVIA, MONTENEGRO, CROATIA, ALBANIA, SERBIA smaller basic collection of used and also unused stamps, contains also middle values and sets, all in one 14-sheet album in spring folder, cat. total ca. 1.900€ U:Z
1890-1945 [COLLECTIONS] YUGOSLAVIA, MONTENEGRO, CROATIA collection in 10-sheet stockbook A4, only small part used, various issue; cat. according to owner ca. 1.000€ U:Z
1918-19 [COLLECTIONS] BOSNIA A HERZEGOVINA interesting specialized collection of first overprint issue on Bosnian stamps, issues Landscape, Express, Charitable stamps, Franz Joseph and Porto in 8-sheets stockbook, contains plate defects, inverted, double Opt, omitted perf, and others., total ca. 270 pcs, part blocks of four and strips, also 3x letter, 4x certificate; U:Z