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1857-1880 SG.Z17-Z93, compilation of 32 used forerunners - Brit. stamps, postmarks "M" and "A25", several cut-squares and multiple frankings, i.a. pair Z30, pair Z49, pair Z44+Z34, Z41, rare Z51 and oths.; in majority in very nice quality, catalogue underalues, only as single stamps £1.050 U:A5
1886 SG.30w, 2x Victoria 5Sh rose - red, WATERMARK CC INVERTED; stamp unused and stamp with pmk A25; very nice quality, cat. £290, favourite specialties U:A5
1899-1901 SG.34-35, Allegory 2Sh6P and 10Sh; highest value, cat. £145 U:A5
1886 SG.36, 36b, marginal pair Victoria 2½P blue with Opt ONE PENNY, Right printing error ONE PNNEY, from the only one position on the sheet, 2nd position in line 9, on stamp L still not listed plate flaw "printing blue vertical line before the head"; very nice and interesting pair U:A5
1914 SG.86, George V. 2Sh violet / light blue, left bottom vertical corner pair with plate number; MNH, cat. ca. £200+ U:A5
1925 SG.140, 1£; black carmine, wmk "upright", luxury marginal piece, cat. £220 ++ U:A5
1938 SG.229a, George VI. 2Sh6P, black / red, printing error "Damaged value tablet", perfect, cat. £225, interesting printing error, we aren't aware of another piece! U:A5