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1850-62 compilation of 23 stamps, values 1Kr-9Kr, various issues and postmarks; various quality and margins U:A5
1911 Mi.86I., Prince Luitpold 1M brown, type I., MNH; cat. 260€ U:A5
1850-65 comp. 9 folded letters with first issues, i.a. 1x pair of 3 Kreuzer, Mi.9, 2x letter sent abroad with 3 Kreuzer various issue etc., various numeral postmarks - mill wheels etc.; good condition U:A5
1853-60 comp. of 3 folded letters addressed abroad, with 9 Kreuzer green, Mi.5, various types II. and III., various numeral postmarks - millwheel "356", "243" and "18", nice margins, good condition, cat. 650€ U:A5
1863 2 folded letters addressed to Prague, 1x with 9 Kreuzer brown, Mi,.11, 1x with 6+3Kr, Mi.10, 9, both letters with nice print of half-circle CDS STOCKHELM with numeral mill wheel cancellation "800"; decorative, good condition, wide margins U:A5
1867 letter with Mi.16, Coat of arms 6 Kreuzer ultramarine, pmk "232", from Kaiserslautern to Frankfurt; nice quality U:A5
1891 official form envelope Postal order (Postauftrag) sent as Reg to Prague, franked with pair of 20Pf, Mi.57, CDS MUNICH 17/3 91, on reverse arrival HOLEŠOVICE - BUBNA 19/3 91; good condition U:A5
1906 franked blank form addressed to Prague, with 30Pf, Mi.66, CDS BAD REICHENHAILL 23.Aug.06; folded format A5 U:A4
1909-16 comp. of 5 whole parcel cards from mailing addressed to Bohemia, various frankings, as Mi.63, 85 and other, various postmarks, 1x advertising added print on reverse of dispatch-note; good condition U:A5
1867-1920 [COLLECTIONS] compilation of 26 entires mainly addressed to Prague, from that 8x sent as Registered, part with multicolor frankings, various issues; good condition U:O5
1862 letter with 3Sgr, Mi.12Ab with numeral pmk "8" with blue BRUNSWICK 15/Nov 1862, on reverse blue framed pmk PAPENBURG, exp. Kastaun; good condition, cat. 700€ U:A5
1850-64 compilation of 21 stamps on stock-sheet A5, contains various issues, i.a. used Mi.10Gr (cat. 1.100€) + 1x letter with Mi.9 with sheet margins; cat. according to owner 3.500€ U:A5
1859 Mi.5a, Coat of arms 4Sh dark green, 2 shades, 1 pcs without gum and 1 pcs used; exp. Bühler and Cossack (mark placed higher), cat. 785€ U:A5
1860 postal stationery cover with printed stamp 3Ngr, Mi.U3 sent as Reg to Vienna, uprated by 2 stamps Mi.10, 11 with numeral pmk "2" and CDS LEIPZIG 19/XII supplemented with red frame cancel. Recomandirt, on reverse arrival WIEN 20/12; missing part of flap U:A5
1863 letter to London with Mi.19, Coat of arms 5Gr dark grey-violet, framed CDS DRESDEN, red pmks PAID and LONDON PAID; very nice and attractive letter U:A5
1865 folded cover with 1/4Gr and 1/2Gr, Mi.26, 28 with numeral pmk "249" and thimble CDS VIESELBACH 15/9 1865, on reverse arrival WEIMAR 15/9; good condition, luxury postal imprints U:A5
1851 Mi.5, Numerals 18Kr, right and partially also lower close margins; cat. 900€ U:A5
1873-74 Mi.42, Coat of arms 70kr violet - brown; slightly repaired, rare stamp missing in most collections, cat. 4.000€ U:A5
1850-70 compilation of 20 classical stamps on stock-sheet A5, contains Baden, Hannover, Prussia etc.; various quality U:A5
1850-70 [COLLECTIONS] PRUSSIA, SAXONIA, SCHELSWIG-HOLSTEIN, WÜRTENBERG small collection of stamp of German states in stockbook A5; various quality, high catalogue value, it is worth seeing U:Z
1860-1900 [COLLECTIONS] very nice collection of German states in 16-sheet stockbook A4, contains Baden, Hamburg, Prussia, Würtenberg, Saxony, Bavaria etc., incl. better values, also several strips and smaller blocks; cat. more than 6.000€, interesting offer U:Z
1926 Mi.378-384, Airmail, complete set; nice quality, cat. 1.200€ U:A5
1930 Mi.446-449, block of four of stamps from souvenir sheet IPOSTA, postmark exhibition Berlin W62 / IPOSTA; perfect quality, cat. as single stamps 560€ U:A5
1930 Mi.Bl.1, souvenir sheet IPOSTA; perfect quality and exact size 104/148mm; cat. 1.600€ U:A5
1931 Mi.458, Polar flight 4M brown; mint never hinged, cat. 2.200€ U:A5
1933 Mi.499-507, Emergency Relief - Wagner, favourite valuable set, cat. 2.400€ U:A5
1933 Mi.499-507, Nothilfe - Wagner; complete set, value 20+10Pfg certificate Bühler (!), cat. 2.400€ U:A5
1933 Mi.508-511, strip-of-4, stamps from souvenir sheet NOTHILFE; probably repaired gum, cat. as single * stamps 480€ U:A5
1935-45 complete sets on stock-sheet A5, contains Mi.565-568, 580-583, 634-642, 651-659, 671 (hinged), 686-688, 695-697, 698, 909-910; cat. ca. 1.000€ U:A5
1935 Mi.Bl.3, souvenir sheet OSTROPA; size 147,5x104mm, cat. for (*) 1.100€ U:A5
1935 Mi.588-597, Costumes, complete set; cat. 180€ U:A5
1937 Mi.Bl.7, souvenir sheet 48. birthday of A. Hitler, luxury U:A5
1937 Mi.Bl.11, souvenir sheet Congress in Nuremberg; right size 148x105mm; cat. 320€ U:A5
Mi.Bl.4 + Mi.686-8, 730-37, 746, 779, D144-54, compilation of mint never hinged stamps, cat. ca. 400€ U:A4
1943 Mi.854, Brown Ribbon, block of four with left margin, significant shift of comb perforation by the left marginal stamp.; unusual! U:A5
1944 Mi.887, 55. birthday of A. Hitler, complete 50 pcs sheet with margin, only folded in perforation U:A3v–
1945 Mi.909-910Uu, SA and SS Man, imperforated stamps, small production omissions of the gum, cat. 160€ U:A5
1921 STAMP BOOKLETS Mi.MH15, Germania + Numerals, H-Blatt.28, 33-36, complete, in good condition, cat. 900€ U:A5
1939-41 MH-MiNr 38, 47, 49, comp. of 3 complete stamp booklets, Hindenburg, A. Hitler and Winter relief; perfect condition, cat. 580€ U:A5
1944 WAR PROPAGANDA ISSUE Mi.3-8, complete set of 6 values of Brit. postage stamps George VI. with Jewish star on crown, with margins, cat. 400€ U:A5
1924 Memorial album "Dokumente einer irrsinnigen Zeit, Beweise die nicht lügen!" with 19 memorial stamps NIEMALS VERGESSEN; contains also pre-printed fields of 127 inflation stamps (some missing) with GEDENKET DIESER ZEIT VON KIND ZU KINDESKIND; issued in Würzburgu, interesting contemporary philatelic document! U:A5
1934-39 comp. of 5 letters with multicolor frankings i.a. issue Mi.540-542, 600-602, 572, 580, 692-93, from that 4x as Registered, part addressed to Czechoslovakia, 1x to Yugoslavia; good condition U:A5
1937 Reg and airmail letter to Belgium, franked with souvenir sheet Mi.Bl.7 + Mi.637, 642, CDS SCHAAG 9.8.37; good quality U:A5
1939 Mi.659-697, 6Pfg-25Pfg with Opt Nürburgring-Rennen, special postmark on "Sonder-Postkarte" AUTORENNEN NÜRBURGRING - EIFEL 1939 U:A5
1940-42 comp. of 8 letters with multicolor frankings, i.a. issue Mi.742, 744, 701, 764-67, 815, 806-09, from that 7x as Registered, part addressed to Czechoslovakia; good condition U:A5
1945 Reg letter to Protectorate, franked with corner block of four Mi.908, CDS BERLIN NEUKÖLLN 1/ 19.2.45, on reverse arrival PRAGUE 23.II.45, cat. 170€; good condition U:A5
1933-1945 [COLLECTIONS] nice collection in album SAFE, practically complete, all souvenir sheets without Mi.Bl.1 and 2; OSTROPA (*), Mi.Bl.5+6 used, i.a. contains Mi.* 903U, ** 909, 910, ditto with additional pmk Berlin etc.; cat. min. 3.800€ U:Z
1935-45 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection of 3. Reich in 16-sheet stockbook A4, contains many corner and regular bloks of four, i.a. Mi.617-620, 700, 743, 746, 750, 773-778, 779, official stamps Mi.155-165 and others., also single sets, i.a. Mi.565-568, 651-659, 675-683, 695-697, 702-713 etc.; cat. ca. 5.500€ U:Z
1936-45 [COLLECTIONS] compilation of 34 letters franked with rich and rare frankings, mainly Surtax stamps, part addressed to Bohemia-Moravia; good condition U:O5
1941 FRANCE Mi.Bl.I, souvenir sheet Volunteer Legion against Bolshevism, nice quality, size 94x117mm, cat. 800€ U:A5
1941 FRANCE Mi.Bl.I, souvenir sheet Volunteer Legion against Bolshevism, private issue; popular souvenir sheet, small gum flaw, size 96x118mm, cat. 800€ U:A5
1941 FRANCE Mi.III F, airmail stamp Volunteer Legion against Bolshevism, without blue added-print, with upper margin, cat. 200€ U:A5
1941-1942 FRANCE Mi. IV, V, airmail Volunteer Legion against Bolshevism with additional-printing FRONT DE L´EST OSTFRONT, corner pieces U:A5
1941 FRANCE Mi.IV, V, airmail stamp Volunteer Legion against Bolshevism, both values with inverted additional-printing, cat. 400€ U:A5
1942 FRANCE Mi.VI-X, stamps Volunteer Legion against Bolshevism, issue Weapons with coupons U:A5
1921 MEMEL Mi.46Ia, Overprint airmail 4M/2Fr, right bottom vertical corner pair, on upper stamp plate flaw - "bold numeral 4", joined types; exp. Dr. Gertel, cat. 300€ U:A5
1939-44 [COLLECTIONS] larger collection of stamps and entires, contains i.a. official gift album with printing sheet Copernicus, Mi.GH1/43, complete set of printing sheets A. Hitler. Mi.Kl.117-119, 2x complete overprint issue Mi.14-39, 1x mounted on 2 letters, blocks, blocks of four, margins with printing etc., supplemented with more than 80 entires, part as Registered, part philatelically motivated, first day cards with commemorative postmarks etc., cat. only stamps ca. 1.200€ + estimate price of entires more than 15.000CZK U:Z
1949 BADEN Mi.Bl.1, souvenir sheet German red cross and in addition joined printing of stamps from souvenir sheet; issued without gum, cat. 190€ U:A5
1946 Soviet occupation zone - WESTSACHSEN larger part of front sides Reg letter, with 12Pf carmine, Mi.119X (2 pcs) + 30Pf brown-olive, Mi.135Xwa, CDS LEIPZIG N 21/ 29.1.46; both values exp. Ströh BPP, only used stamps 30Pf cat. 250€, on letter 500€ U:A5
1946 General Issue Mi.Bl.12B, souvenir sheet Exhibition Berlin 46, imperforated on letter company Hawid to Switzerland, CDS BERLIN; cat. 500€ U:A5