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1860 Mi.1, Polish kingdom 10Kop, blue / carmine, on small cut-square with numeral pmk 1; sound condition, cat. 250€ U:A5
1919 Mi.34, 38-44a, 48, 49-53; comp. of 14 stamps with so-called. Cracowian Opt "POCZTA / POLSKA", Porto Mi.3, only 5 stamps with old marks, not expertised, without guarantee U:A5
1918-19 LOCAL ISSUE - TARNOW comp. of 5 cut-squares with overprinted stamps of 2nd issue + 15 cut-squares with overprinted stamps of III. issue + philatelically influenced letter with mounted set of newspaper stamps with Opt III. issue type II with CDS TARNÓW 16.I.19; without guarantee U:A5
1919 postcard of Austrian field post Ferch.4, Coat of arms 8H green, as provisional p.stat, used as usually in Poland in January 1919, uprated with stamp FP 2H Charles 1917 and Bosnian Postage-due 5h 1916, broken out pmk DABROWA W POL., to Switzerland; interesting franking, nice quality U:A5
1918 Reg letter addressed to Czechoslovakia, franked with forerunner Austrian stamp Charles 15+30h, CDS RZESZÓW 30.XI.18; good condition U:A5
1919 Express letter franked with overprint stamps so-called. Cracowian issue, 2x 25h/80h + 6h, Mi.48 2x, 31, CDS TESCHEN 1/ 26.I.19; sound condition U:A5
1938 Reg and airmail letter from Exhibition Warsaw 1938, to Poznaň, franked with souvenir sheet Mi.Bl.5B, with special postmark; on reverse arrival postmark U:A4
1919 LOCAL ISSUE - DZIEDZICE letter franked with bisected stamp with Opt "20 / halerzy" on Austrian stamp Coat of arms 40h, Mi.1 and Austrian express 5h triangle, CDS DZIEDZICE 17.I.19, addressed to Bielitz; horiz. fold in envelope, cat. Fischer 15.000Zl U:A5
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] collection of used and also MNH stamps and souvenir sheets, complete sets, contains overprint issue (without guarantee), several better sets and souvenir sheets as Mi.Bl.6, supplemented with stamps of Lithuania Srodkowa, local town post etc., in the end several souvenir sheets from 1960´s, placed in stockbook A4, cat. min. 1.500€ U:Z