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1894 Mi.96-108, Henry the Navigator 5R-1000R, complete set on cut-squares with common special pmk 1394/1894; perfect quality, cat. 400€ ++ U:A5
1898 Reg letter to Germany with Mi.142,144,145, Anniversary of 400 year of Vasco da Gama expedition, highest values 50R,100R, 150R; CDS ALCAINS (very small village), on reverse interesting label MOSTRA FILATELICA exhibition in Torino 1898 U:A5
1940 Mi.Bl.3, souvenir sheet 100 years of Stamps - Sir R. Hill, CDS CTT / PORTUGAL / LISBOA, on envelope addressed to Lisbon; cat. 300€++ U:A4
1950-1953 Mi.752-757 and Mi.815-822, 2x FDC sent to USA and to France; cat. 205€ U:A5
1952 Mi.778-779 and Mi.815-822, 2x FDC, issue for 3rd Anniversary of NATO and 100 years of Portuguese stamps; cat. 215€ U:A5
1860-1950 [COLLECTIONS] PORTUGAL, SPAIN, ANDORA smaller basic collection of used and also unused stamps, contains several middle values and sets, in 12-sheet stockbook A5, mainly stamps of Portugal - cat. ca. 1.100€, total ca. 1.300€ U:Z