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1780 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter ex offo from Prague to Ratibořice, without postmark, marks by ruddle, decorative address; on reverse whole paper seal, sound condition U:A5
1819 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter addressed to Znojmo, with straight line postmark V:TREBITSCH (Vot.2443/1.=130b), small format, tariff note by red raddle and broken seal on reverse; fine quality U:A5
1823-47 CZECH LANDS/ comp. of 4 letters sent from České Budějovice, with the oldest straight line pmk BUDWEIS: Vot.274/1., 274/2., 274/3. - blue, 274/3. - black; very nice print, good quality U:A5
1826 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with straight line postmark WOTTITZ (Vot.2697/2.=80b) + on reverse datestamp "7/5", note by ruddle; very nice quality U:A5
1827 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter addressed to Brno, with straight line postmark V: WISCHAU (Vyškov, catalogue Votoček. 2649/1. =140b) - sought postmark, nice imprint, note by ruddle; on reverse torn paper seal, sound condition U:A5
1829 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter withsingle line pmk NICOLSBURG (Mikulov, Vot.1609/2.), 4 years former usage!, in front also on reverse notes by ruddle; interesting, sound condition U:A5
1829 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with one line pmk HOROSEDEL (catalogue Votoček. 825/2.=70b), note by ruddle, on reverse whole paper seal, very sound condition U:A5
1832 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with straight line postmark POLITSCHKA (Vot.1833/2a=100b), note by ruddle in front and also on reverse; nice quality U:A5
1832-40 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with oval pmk ZNAYM (Vot.2782/2.=60b), note by ruddle + folded letter with straight line postmark ZNAIM/ 22 Aug. (Vot.2782/4.), with added interesting delivery advice!; as group good U:A5
1833 CZECH LANDS/ comp. of 2 decorative folded letters, small formats, 1x with straight line postmark POLITSCHKA 18/10 (Vot.1833/2a=100b), supplemented with pmk FRANCO, 1x folded letter with pmk ZUCKMANTEL (Vot.2790/1.=50b); good condition U:A5
1834-47 CZECH LANDS/ 2 letters sent from Bochov in Bohemia: a) with frame pmk BUCHAU (catalogue Votoček. č.265/3.=50b) addressed to Terezin (Theresienstadt); b) with blue cancel. BUCHAU 28/8 (catalogue Votoček. č.265/4.=100b) + blue "Franco" (catalogue Votoček. č.2923.=60b), in addition on reverse arrival postmark PRAG/ 29.AUG; fine readable pmks, sound condition U:A5
1835 CZECH LANDS/ folded private letter with straight line postmark PLAN (Vot.1797/2.=40b) + on reverse datestamp "28/5"; nobiliary correspondence, small format, on reverse whole seal; very nice U:A5
1837 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with oval pmk HRADISCH (Uherské Hradiště, catalogue Votoček. 2503/3.- II.stav, single elipsa =90b), nice imprint, note by red ink, on reverse unsealed, sound condition U:A5
1837 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter addressed to Konice, with green bicircular pmk with ornament OLLMÜTZ/ 19.3. (catalogue Votoček. 1700/9. - known from 1848 and doesn't evaluate)!; on reverse green straight line postmark OLLMÜTZ/ 20.MAR. (catalogue Votoček. 1700/6.); interesting, sound condition U:A5
1837 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with straight line postmark HOF in MAEHREN (catalogue Votoček. 796/1.), note by ruddle, addressed to Uničov, on reverse paper seal; on the left light cut U:A5
1837 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with straight line postmark STANNERN (Stonařov, catalogue Votoček. 2310/1. =80b), nice imprint; smaller village, on reverse unsealed, sound condition U:A5
1838 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with straight line postmark AUSTERLITZ (Slavkov, catalogue Votoček. 78/1=100b.), note by ruddle, addressed to Mikulov; sound condition U:A5
1838 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter to Rožmitál, black straight line postmark CZIMELITZ; nice print U:A5
1839 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with red decorative oval pmk BATTELAU (catalogue Votoček. 99/1. =150b), marks by ruddle, smaller format; on reverse unstuck seal, sound condition U:A5
1839 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter addressed to Slavkov (Austerlitz), with arc pmk MAEHR: / NEUSTADT (catalogue Votoček. 1340/2a. II =200b!), sought pmk (!), supplemented with date "27/8", note by ruddle; on reverse torn paper seal; good quality U:A5
1840 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with single line cancel. LANDSKRON (Vot.1198/1.=80b), note by ruddle; nice quality U:A5
1840 CZECH LANDS/ cover of Reg letter with straight line postmark POSORIITZ/ 7.Nov. 1840 (catalogue Votoček. 1852/2a =80b) + line pmk RECOMANDIRT (catalogue Votoček. 2993 =50b), marks by ruddle, addressed to Moravská Třebová; on reverse torn paper seal; very nice postal imprints, sound condition U:A5
1840 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with straight line postmark OSTRA/ 15.MAI., (catalogue Votoček. 2505/1.), addressed to Slavkov (Austerlitz); nice quality U:A5
1840 CZECH LANDS/ folded cover with atypical pmk MAEHR. NEUSTADT (Uničov Vot.1340/2a=200b) + date "26/5" + FRANCO, addressed to Slavkov (Austerlitz); quality print of all 3 postmarks, sound condition U:A4
1840 CZECH LANDS/ folded R letter addressed to Slavkov (Austerlitz), with bicircular pmk RECOMMANDIERT/ WISCHAU/ 16/7 (catalogue Votoček. 3109a =160b) sought postmark, nice print, note by ruddle, on reverse arrival straight line postmark AUSTERLITZ/ 17. JUL. and torn paper seal, sound condition U:A5
1841 CZECH LANDS/ cover of Reg letter with oval brown-red pmk KREMSIER/ Recomandirt + date 28/8 (catalogue Votoček. č.3079 I, double frame = 200 pt.), note by ruddle; on reverse whole paper seal, cross folded, nice entire U:A4
1841 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter addressed to Dačice, with blue (!) straight line postmark JAMNITZ (Vot.891/1.=80b), on reverse transit blue-green oval pmk SCHELLETAU/ ?.FEBR (Vot.2130/4a=200b!) and torn seal; interesting entire and very good quality U:A5
1841 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with black pmk V.KLENTSCH; good condition U:A4
1841 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with blue 2-lines pmk BAUTSCH (catalogue Votoček. č.104/3. =100b), smaller size, addressed to Hof; on reverse stripped seal, good quality U:A5
1841 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter, pmk V. RENTSCH; common quality U:A5
1841-50 CZECH LANDS/ comp. of 4 entires (3x cover, 1x folded letter) with straight line pmk TESCHEN/ 16.MAR., TRAUTENAU/ 21 NOV:, TRÜBAU/ 1. JUL + FRANCO and U.HRADISCH; well readable print, as group nice U:A5
1842 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with black frame B. TEINITZ + oval pmk MAGISTRAT DER STADT B. TEINITZ; rare U:A5
1842 CZECH LANDS/ folded cover of letter with blue (!) pmk CZECHTITZ/ 27 Augt (catalogue Votoček. 300/1.=240b!) - sought postmark, on reverse blue double-circle arrival postmark PRAG/ 29.AUG; letter in upper part strongly folded, otherwise nice U:A5
1842 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with luxury blue pmk JAMNITZ/ 12.NOV. (Jemnice, catalogue Votoček. 891/1.), 2 years former usage of blue pmk(!), note by ruddle, addressed to Český Rudolec; nice entire U:A5
1843 CZECH LANDS letter with straight line postmark TSCHERNOSCHIN (Vot.2474/1.=40b) U:A5
1843 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with single line pmk LIEBKOWITZ (Vot.1265/1.=120b) + date "1/3", addressed to Mnichov by Mariánské Lázně; on reverse transit pmk MARIENBAD/ 3. MÄRZ and whole paper seal, sound condition U:A5
1844 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with straight line postmark HROSINKAU (Starý Hrozenkov , catalogue Votoček. 20/1.), without date catalogue Votoček doesn't report (!) + FRANCO (Vot.2920), note by ruddle, addressed to Konice, on reverse transit straight line postmark OLLMÜTZ/ 28.SEP.; very nice print U:A5
1845 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with blue (!) straight line postmark JGLAU./ 15.FEB (catalogue Votoček. 875/3.=40b) - faulty inscription JGLAU instead of IGLAU + red "Franco" (Vot.2923=70b), in addition on reverse arrival blue cancel. BRÜNN/ 20.FEB. and torn paper seal; sound condition U:A5
1845 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with straight line postmark JNGROWITZ/ 12.JUL. (catalogue Votoček. 878/2.) - wrong inscription Jngrowitz instead of Ingrowitz (Jimramov), this pmk is illustrated in Mo.13/ page 322; note by ruddle, addressed to Brtnice, on reverse incomplete print of tranzit pmk, unsealed; interesting entire, sound condition U:A5
1845 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter sent in the same place, with 2-lines blue pmk U. HRADISCH/ 11.IAN: (catalogue Votoček. 2503/7. =100b), on reverse paper seal, good quality U:A5
1845 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with blue (!) straight line postmark OBER=BOBRAU./ 20.JUN. (Bobrová in Moravia, Vot.1591.=140b), addressed to Veverská Bytýška, on reverse transit blue pmk BRÜNN; sound condition U:A5
1846 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter addressed to Bučovice with line blue-green cancel. HOFLENZ (Mlýnský dvůr, Vot.798/1.=100b) + "FRANCO" (Vot.2920=30b), on reverse torn paper seal; nice quality U:A5
1846 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with blue (!) straight line postmark KROMAU/ 18.MAI. (Moravský Krumlov, Vot.1339/1.=120b), on reverse transit pmk U.HRADUISCH/ 19.MAI. and whole paper seal, very sound condition U:A5
1847 CZECH LANDS folded letter with black pmk PETSCHAU; good condition U:A5
1847 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter on heading paper of Town council, very nice red (!) cancel. LUNDENBURG/ 6.NOV. (Břeclav, catalogue Votoček. 1323/2.=100b), addressed to Mikulov; on reverse broken seal, nice quality U:A5
1847 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter on pre-printed paper of Prague Archbishopric in Červená Řečice, with single line blue (!) pmk KŘELOWITZ with date "31/12" (Vot.1130/1.=100b), addressed to Rožmitál, on reverse transit pmk BRŽEZNITZ/ 1.JAN.; interesting entire, sound condition U:A5
1847 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with blue (!) straight line postmark DATSCHITZ/ 23.MAI. (catalogue Votoček. 348/2.=60b), note by ruddle, addressed to Telč, on reverse transit straight line postmark OLLMÜTZ/ 28.SEP.; sound condition U:A5
1848 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with straight line postmark LIPUWKA/ 16.SEP (catalogue Votoček. 1279/2.=80b), addressed to Brno; on reverse blue arrival postmark BRÜNN/ 16.SEP.; nice imprints U:A5
1849 CZECH LANDS comp. of 2 folded letters, 1x blue pmk CZASLAU 8.JULI + 1x blue KUTTENBERG U:A5
1849 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with blue straight line postmark POHRLITZ (catalogue Votoček. 1827/1a =80b), addressed to Slavkov (Austerlitz); on reverse unsealed; nice quality U:A4
1850 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with straight line postmark NEHWISD/ 1. MAR. (Vot.672/2.=120b), rare occurrence!, on reverse arrival postmark PRAG/ 2.MAR. and unsealed; good quality U:A5
1850 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with blue single circle pmk IGLAU/ 23.5. (catalogue Votoček. č.875/5), catalogue Votoček this blue pmk doesn't report (!), addressed to Třebíč; nice quality U:A5
1852 CZECH LANDS/ cover of ex offo Reg letter with bicircular pmk KLOBAUK/ R. B. BRÜNN/ 27/8 (catalogue Votoček. 1020/1.) + straight line postmark RECOMM: (Vot.2987) - luxury print, addressed to Brno; on reverse transit straight line postmark AUSPITZ/ 27. AUG. (catalogue Votoček. 70/2.) and arrival BRÜNN/ 28.8, broken seal, sound condition U:A5
1858 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with single circle pmk LITTAU 21/10 (Litovel, catalogue Votoček. 1286/6. =100b), addressed to Brno; on reverse arrival postmark BRÜNN/ 22.10. and unsealed; sound condition U:A5
1873? CZECH LANDS/ cover of Reg letter addressed to Brno, with bicircular pmk LITTAU/ 15/3 - (catalogue Votoček. 1286/7.) + straight line postmark RECOMAND. (catalogue Votoček. 2982), in addition oval green pmk of Town council in Litovle; on reverse arrival postmark BRÜNN/ STADT/ 16.3. and almost whole town seal; good quality U:A5
1841-44 AUSTRIA/ comp. of 2 folded letters from Austria with line postmarks: a) pmk WAIDHOFEN a/Th / 22.JAN., sent to Moravia; b) pmk WILFERSDORF/ 12.SEP., addressed to Slavkov (Austerlitz); nice prints, very good condition U:A5
1820-70 [COLLECTIONS] compilation of more than 90 prephilatelic letters, various postmarks as CŽASLAU, KAPLITZ, NEUHAUS (blue, red, Recom.), KÖNIGRAETZ, STŘZEDOKLUK, MISSLITZ, DROHOBITZ, DATSCHITZ, LEUTOMISCHL, KOSMANOS, G. MESERITSCH, TEPLITZ, POSORITZ, BENESCHAU etc., several letters with postmarks of post offices from territory of Austria, Poland and Italy, supplemented with 6 pre-printed receipts from Želetava from 1923-90; good condition, mainly nice postal imprints U:K
1890 REPRINTS 2 pcs of blocks-of-16 in brown and red color, special prints for 40th Anniversary of the first issue, brown without perf and gum, red with perf and with gum (hinged only 2 stamps) U:A5
1850-60 comp. of 4 folded letters, 3x the first issue (2x 3 Kreuzer, 1x 6 Kreuzer) + 1x The 2nd issue 5 Kreuzer, various pmks; wide margins U:A5
1852-56 3 letters with first issue, 2x stamps 2 Kreuzer, Mi.2, HP, type Ia and IIIa with CDS TRIESTE and WIEN, 1x letter with 9 Kreuzer, Mi.5, MP, type IIIb with CDS BRÜNN and on reverse half-circle CDS ZDITZ; all very wide margins U:A5