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1852 Mi.10, Rayon III, 15Rp dark orange, very wide margins, black pmk "Raute", perfect piece with certificate E. Rellstab, cat. 650€ U:A5
1852 Mi.10, RAYON III. 15Rp, small numerals; lower "luppenrand" otherwise perfect, certificate von der Weid, cat. 650€ U:A5
1882-1907 ESSAY ca. from 1882 for issue Helvetia - gravure according to refused design, so-called. "Medailon", 2x 25c and 2x 1Fr, on various papers, all in definitive colors of later issued stamps; interesting U:A5
1882-1907 ESSAY ca. from 1882 for issue Helvetia - gravure according to accepted design, "Standing Helvetia" 40c blue on carton, violet and orange on thin paper; perfect U:A5
1882-1907 ESSAY ca. from year 1882 for issue Helvetia - gravure according to accepted design, 4x "Standing Helvetia" 25c in various colors on thin paper; perfect U:A5
1934 Mi.Bl.1, souvenir sheet NABA, exhibition special postmark ZÜRICH/ NABA/ 7.X.34; sought, cat. 750€ U:A5
1942 Mi.Bl.6, souvenir sheet War Charity, with CDS LAUSANNE 2/ 27.V.42; cat. 450€ U:A5
1942 Mi.Bl.7, souvenir sheet Pro Patria, 200 years of Geneva, perfect U:A5
1943 Mi.Bl.9, Bl.10, 417-418, comp. of 2 souvenir sheets, 100 years of Swiss stamps + souvenir sheet GEPH + 2 stamps from souvenir sheet Mi.Bl.8; cat. 250€ U:A5
1945 Mi.447-459, Ceasefire in Europe, popular set "PAX", only value 80c with small hinge, cat. 500€ U:A5
1945 Mi.447-459, Ceasefire in Europe, popular set "PAX"; several outer pieces, cat. 500€ U:A5
1912 MI.I,II,III, forerunner FOR JUVENTUTE, 10Rp, 10Cts, 10 Cmi; Mi.III under hinge small thin place, otherwise all perfect, cat. 500€, these stamps missing in most collections, very low starting price! U:A5
1912 Pof.I-III, "forerunner" set Pro Juventute 10Rp *, 10Cts. used, 10Cmi *; cat. 900€ U:A5
1956-1975 SPECIAL PRINTINGS - outer block-of-15 TRIAL PRINT, General Directorate of PTT in Berne - Fishes 1956, Hermes 1966, Locomotive 1967, cat. Derrick M. Slate 2013 - Swiss Trial Prints: No. 300, 301, 302; 600, 601; 652C; Slate evaluates total market (!) price to 110GBP, multiples with margins and sheet numbers are rare U:A4
1924 SOCIÉTÉ DES NATIONS Mi.19z, postage stamp 30c Tell with additional-printing, certificate Kovar, cat. 500€ U:A5
1844 letter from Basel to Le Havre, "2" rayon, CDS BASEL, transit SUISSE BELFORT and "LB/4K" - Lettre Bâloise with rate 4Kr, on reverse arrival postmark; perfect letter U:A5
1851 printed matter C.O.D. with Mi.7I, Zumstein 15I, Rayon I 5Rp "with frame" sent from Bern, FP-postmark.; at top closer margin, Schweizer Briefmarken-Katalog 4.200CHF; rare, very low starting price (letter with this stamp was sold in last auction Corinphila for 38.000CZK) U:A5
1920 larger part of dispatch-note to London; with 5x 1Fr (Mi.109) + 5x 60C (Mi.140), stamps in front with CDS NIEDERTEUFEN 22.IX.20, stamps on reverse additionally cancelled by control date pmk 23.IX.20 U:A5
1920-1930 9 dispatch-notes (parcel address cards), with stamps Tell, Cross, Helvetia, 3 pcs with rarer higher frankings of Landscape 1914 and 1918; 10Fr Mi.123 is rare on any entires U:A5
1938 letter with additional-printing philatelic exhibition ARAU 38, carried by balloon flight, franked with exhibition souvenir sheet Mi.Bl.4 and stamps Mi.323, 324, 2x 326, special exhibition pmk ARAU 21.9.38, blue balloon flight pmk, addressed to Czechoslovakia, through Czechosl. censorship, on reverse arrival RUŽOMBEROK 24.IX.38; good condition U:A5
1945 Reg and Express FDC from Basel on office of Swiss field post; franked i.a. Mi.Bl.12, red CDS BASEL, label Zivilpost and arrival postmark FIELD-POST / POSTE DE CAMPAGNE U:A5
1951 FDC Mi.Bl.14, souvenir sheet Lunaba, CDS LUZERN; cat. 280€ U:A5
1860-1900 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of stamps Sitting and Standing Helvetia, various margins and quality, i.a. Mi.16, 17, 28 and others.; high catalogue value U:O4
1920-30 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of stamps Tell on 2 cards A4, contains mainly gutter-pairs, various values, used and unused U:O4
1920-45 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of stamps on 2 cards A4, containsused and also mint never hinged, various sets, souvenir sheets, i.a. Mi.Bl.2*, 3**, used Mi.Bl.16-22, Mi.256-258, 291-293, air-mail and others, in addition 1x entire with souvenir sheet Aarau 1938; cat. according to owner more than 1.000€ U:O4