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1941-42 comp. 5 pcs of entires with various frankings postage-due stamp. the first issue., values 20, 40, 50h and 1Ks; good condition U:A4
1942-43 mixed franking postage stmp 30h Tatra and postage-due 1Ks, comp. 2 pcs of court summons with this franking on reverse, Postage due stamp 1Ks both issue, CDS LUBOCHŇA 7.III.42 resp. 11.V.43; good condition U:A5
1943-46 comp. 6 pcs of entires and 6 pcs of cut-squares with various frankings postage-due stamp. The 2nd issue., supplemented with R+Ex-dopisem with multicolor franking sent to Bohemia-Moravia i.a. with Delivery stamp 50h red; good condition U:A4
1939 [COLLECTIONS] POSTAGE-DUE 1939 part from TESTER specialized collection postage-due stamp. Alb.D1-12, on 9 unbound album pages, contains all editions in/at basic lines according to paper - without and with wmk, according to gum - with vertical also horiz. grid, plate defects, plate number in blocks of four on issue with wmk, c.v.. ca. 10.000SKK U:Z
1942-45 [COLLECTIONS] POSTAGE-DUE 1942 part TESTER specialized collection postage-due stamp. Alb.D13-27, on 7 unbound album pages, contains plate variety, plate number in blocks of four and 1 sheet with complete row with overprint Czechoslovakia, several pcs used U:Z
1940-44 comp. 9 pcs of letters and 4 postcard with railway pmk, various franking, i.a. train post SLAVOŠOVICE - DOLŠINA; MARGECANY - ZVOLEN; NEMECKÉ PRAVNO - BRATISLAVA, 1x provisional registry label etc..; interesting selection of U:A5
1939-43 comp. 4 pcs of Us cards and one letter envelope/-s, postmark FP 6, 8, 52 and ÚSTREDŃA CENSORED; good condition U:A5
1942 comp. of 2 FP cards, 1x on/for and 1x from member of formation "Sumatra - 5", 1x cancel. POL. POST 8/ 9.X.42, both passed through censorship U:A5
1943 meter stmp Sklárňa Nemšová, window envelope with commercial additional-printing and superb print pay machine values 1,30 Koruna, CDS NEMŠOVÁ 11.10.43; good condition U:A4
1939-44 comp. 12 pcs of entires with special postmark and cancel. mobile post-office (on a bus), various franking, censorship, stamp. Slovakotour etc..; larger part Us U:A5
1939-40 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of entires with commemorative postmarks, contains complete first day sheets as Zasedanie Slovak congress 1939, 2 pcs of sheets Myjava Anniv D. Krmana, Známkový hárok Andrej Hlinka, Slovak mobile post office on a bus, 1. Anniv TESTER republic etc.., several Ppc with portraits A. Hlinky and J. Tisa, Us entires with special postmark, sheets and cut-squares with special postmark; interesting U:O4
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] basic collection on 3 pages A4, contains i.a. Blue Štefánik **, overprint issue 4Kč-5Kč **, 10CZK exp. Dr. Dub *; miniature sheet For Children-issue with plate variety "cloud", then postage-due, air-mail, newspaper etc..; c.v.. ca. 8.000Sk U:O4
1939-43 CDV65 + CDV4/6, comp. 2 pcs of PC addressed to Bohemia-Moravia, 1x Czechosl. forerunner 50h Coat of arms uprated with stamp Hlinka with CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 30.IV.39, 1x Slovak picture B with pohledem on/for Bratislava, sent by air mail, uprated by. airmail stamp 1Ks, CDS BRATISLAVA 8.IX.43, passed through German censorship; good condition U:A5
1945-46 [COLLECTIONS] collection larger parts of dispatch-note (ca. 30 pcs of), blank forms and cut-squares Slovak Rep. with overprints "ČESKOSLOVENSKO", hand-made also machine, various color, various franking, part sent as express etc..; placed in spiral stockbook U:Z