1976 first day sheet/-s 2003a-A2205a, SOCFILEX 76 comp. 3 pcs of sheets, 1x with miniature sheet optically cleared paper, 1x with miniature sheet without opticaly clearing agent - exp. on reverse Šablatúra, 1x first day sheet/-s with production flaw inverted additional printing "sample/specimen/ specimen" on/for 30h stamp, c.v.. 11.600CZK
1976 first day sheet/-s 2203a-A2205a, SOCFILEX 76 comp. 3 pcs of sheets, 1x with miniature sheet optically cleared paper, 1x with miniature sheet without opticaly clearing agent and two print black special postmark - catalogue doesn't report, 1x first day sheet/-s with seříznutým "with" in/at added-print "sample/specimen / specimen" on/for 30h and 60h stamp, c.v.. 8.100CZK
1981 first day sheet/-s 2483a-2484a, SOCFILEX 81, comp. 4 pcs of first day sheet/-s on paper without opticaly clearing agent, 2 pairs, from that 1x first day sheet/-s with neorazítkovanou stamp. 4Kčs - postmark out of stmp., c.v.. -,-
1981 first day sheet/-s 2483a-2484a, SOCFILEX 81, comp. 4 pcs of first day sheet/-s on paper optically cleared, 2 pairs, from that 1x first day sheet/-s with stamp. 50h without golden added-print, c.v.. at all doesn't report!
1980-83 ZNL - special first day sheets - ministerial, complete set 5 pcs of commemorative sheets ESSEN 80, WIPA 81, PHILEXFRANCE 82, NORDPOSTA 83, always with blue and red special postmark, in addition NORDPOSTA 83 only with black special postmark postmark
1945-74[COLLECTIONS] selection of 34 pcs of entires with railway pmk and railroad forwarding with reduced on board sorting from period of 40. years, supplemented with 40 pcs of cards mailbag receipts and svazovektaktéž with railway pmk (all from year 1974); good condition, nice postal imprints
1945-50[COLLECTIONS] selection of 123 pcs of entires with censored postmarks on letters from postal contact with Germany, PC, postcard, envelope/-s, lot of various postmarks to research, smaller part worse quality
1948 JUDAICA issued on the occasion of 1. Anniv new state Israel in/at Palestine, with mounted stamp. 1,20Kčs with portrait T. G. Masaryk, Pof.458, memorial cancel. to this event/-s + label to/at 30. anniv of Czechoslovakia; almost unknown entire, good condition
1948-82 selection of 22 pcs of FDC with various matters of interest, i.a. FDC with sets Jirásek 1951, value 5Kčs light blue; FDC Bratislava 1952 with 2 postmarks; FDC with stamp. Festival 1948 with 3 postmarks etc..; index inserted
1948-80[COLLECTIONS] FDC collection of ca. 600 pcs of FDC, part placed in 3 stockbooks for entires and loosely in/at one larger box, part envelopes Us to USA; various quality
1953 COB5, Gottwald 3Kčs sent as Reg and Express to Plzen, uprated by. 4 pcs of stamp. Zvolen 10Kčs on face-side and 12 pcs of on reverse, CDS PÍSEK 1/ 9.VI.53, arrival postmark.; good condition
1945-92[COLLECTIONS] basic collection in 4 stockbooks + 2 šanonech + 1x paper crease A4, mainly **, part *, small part cancel., contains souvenir sheets, printing sheet etc.., i.a. souvenir sheets Praga 50 * , Bratislava 52 *, then printing sheet I. Art (viewing of quality recommended) + supplemented with about/by lot of miniature sheets, PB and several blk-of-10 from y. 1976-91; high catalogue value
1945-92[COLLECTIONS] mainly complete collection of mint stamps and miniature sheets, from year 1977 all 2x, miniature sheet BRATISLAVA 1950 superb, incomplete coupons and gutter-pair old currency and air-mail, placed to year 1970 on hingeless sheets in spring folder, then in/at 4 stockbooks Pofis; very good quality
1945-92[COLLECTIONS] according to owner complete basic collection incl. air-mail, postage-due and service stmp, does not contain souvenir sheets, in addition some specialties, i.a. Kosice MS with plate variety broken paw etc..; placed in 2 stockbooks
1945[COLLECTIONS] interesting specialized collection zaměřená on/for Košice-issue and Bratislava-issue and Linden Leaves, on hingeless sheets in spring folder Schaubek, contains i.a. 4-stamps. vertical and horiz. Košice gutter, plate number, then corner blocks of four, identified various plate variety and flaw print, shades etc..; all supplemented with about/by various entires
1945-49[COLLECTIONS] MINIATURY collection corner blk-of-4, all issue počínaje Košice-issue (incl. plate number), Bratislava's, Moscow, War Heroes to to part/-s year 1949, incl. Letckých, Official and Newspaper, all on labels on free album sheets; hinges in margins, rare multiple, estimate price 9.000CZK
1945-92[COLLECTIONS] slightly specialized collection on hingeless sheets in 6 office šanonech, contains i.a. Košice-issue vertical 4-stamp gutter., London-issue - complete set corner blk-of-4 with plate number, St. Adalbert corner blocks of four, Airmail with coupons, then Pof.498STI+II (VK-3), then lot of bloks of four and coupons 1945-53, years 1953-76 mainly hinged -nezapočítáno, printing sheet, A2747C, V. type (minor gum fault), A3006DV, miniature sheet 500th Anniv of Discovery of America with plate variety 6/2 "560. Anniv" **, PT22, Exhibition WASHINGTON ´89 - Indian etc..
1945-52 [COLLECTIONS] accumulation interest for study collection noted Slovak collector, mainly issue London-issue (much bloks of four also bnd-of-20 with plate number) and Moscow (i.a. three complete sheets), but also Pof.A497 and corner Pr PLATE PROOF 644ZT grey-blue (c.v.. 1.200 CZK); included to sum only plate marks (only as blocks of four) and catalogue defects (total 6.800 CZK), other (production flaw, nekat. plate variety, shades, gum) free, in addition free transparent paper crease with big blocks of stamps 1945-48 to research (for example. half-sheets Beneš Pof.443-46)
1945-1980[COLLECTIONS] interesting comp. of stamps mainly old currency 1945-1953, lot of corner blk-of-4, coupons etc.., then Airmail 1946 10Kčs - 50Kčs UR corner blocks of four with coupons etc..; overall good quality, several stamp. minor gum fault and *, high catalogue value
1945-88 [COLLECTIONS] accumulation in 16-sheet stockbook, contains complete set, mainly to year 1978, newer only quite exceptionally, it contains e.g. Pof.1268A and B, 2x Pof.2273-75B, 3x Pof.A2175B, some sought set 50. and 60. years; c.v.. more than 6.800Kč
1952-76 [COLLECTIONS] collection 320 date print in/at 32-stránkovém stockbook, some very interesting (postage-due, postage stmp), also more/larger blocks, někdy various date same stamps, from annulled study collection; cat. only single stamp. without date 3.300 CZK, with date in blocks significantly higher
1952-80[COLLECTIONS] semifinished specialized collection 1975-80 and accumulation corner blk-of-4 from y. 1953-80, only quite exceptionally newer, to insertion in/at sets also single (50. years exclusively complete set, well contains issue with marks TÚS (Technical Services)), in addition block of four Pof.ZT644 grey-blue (c.v.. 2400CZK) and 2x Pof.A2369B, T II. (ear-phone); placed in 28-stránkovém stockbook, c.v.. price (single stamps and flaws, price corner blk-of-4 significantly higher) min. 7.300Kč
1962-81 [COLLECTIONS] business supply of stamps in blocks in 16-sheet stockbook, contains several times also printing sheet, souvenir sheets (3x imperforated Remek and Intercosmos), PL2273-75B, blk-of-10 Pof.PL2369, only exceptionally stamp. other period, several black-prints, c.v.. 6.900Kč
1966-81 [COLLECTIONS] accumulation in two stockbooks (32 and 30 sides), mostly in blocks, contains more times also printing sheet, souvenir sheets (also imperforated Cosmos 1979 and 1980, insert A2273-75B, A2369apod.), also some black prints, c.v.. 9.000CZK
1971-92[COLLECTIONS] COUNTER SHEET selection of 34 pcs of complete sheets issue Vernacular Architecture and other issue from 90. years as Postal bank, Beetles, Slovak TESTER, Flowers etc..
1973-74[COLLECTIONS] the first part study collection after/around významném Slovak collector, on/for 63 pages in folder (contains plate variety and production flaw described by pencil, several entires, for example. with polooficiálním additional-printing Jeseník on/for Pof.2060, several sheets, much catalogued items also own výzkum, very unusual elaboration); price/-s by pencil on pages nejspíš from 80. years, contemporary cat. min. 9.600Kč
1974-90 [COLLECTIONS] specialized collection zaměřená on/for postage stmp issue, zaměřeno on/for various plate variety, shifts, shades etc.., supplemented with about/by lot of entires; all on hingeless sheets in spring folder Schaubek
1945-90 [COLLECTIONS] selection of big lot of stamps (single also in blocks), all with various, mostly with for the present nekatalogizovanými plate variety and production flaw, also distinctive shades colors, own dlouholetývýzkum, defects light marked měkkou by pencil on reverse, unstamped (**/*) also used, on/for FDC and on/for cuts dispatch-notes; very unusual collection in/at envelopes placed in box, nabízíme after/behind symbolical price
1940-2010[COLLECTIONS] CELISTVOSTI collection of ca. 800 pcs of entires in/at 1 box, mix FDC, dispatch-note, frankotypes, PC, various franking, suitable to other elaboration, more than 2kg of material
1952-53 [COLLECTIONS] BALÍKOVÉPRŮVODKY S OTISKYVÝPLATNÍHOSTROJE selection of 1.200ks larger parts parcel cards franked/paid from valné major-part meter stmp, suitable for examining, parcel labels, postmarks or meter stmp, all in/at 1 box with lid, more than 2kg of material
1993 comp. 4 pcs of various PC, CDV193, CDV238, CDV239 and CDV240, all with additional-printing state podniku POFIS "1.1.1993/ OTEVŘENÍ NOVÉ PRODEJNY/ ...."; without defects
1975 SPECIAL OFFICIAL OBÁLKA envelope with additional-printing postal kočáru in blue color, without printed stamp., with inserted New Year's gratulací "PF 1976", green inscription without added print name/-s, with signature "Fišer"; very fine
1976 SPECIAL OFFICIAL OBÁLKA envelope with additional-printing post. horn and zeměkoule - used later for CSO7!, without printed stamp., with inserted New Year's gratulací "PF 1977", green inscription without added print name/-s, without signature; sound condition
1945-80 [COLLECTIONS] collection larger parts of dispatch-note, blank forms and cuts in 2 ring folders, various franking, i.a. air-mail, official etc.., old also new currency
1964-92 [COLLECTIONS] PRIVÁTNÍ ADDITIONAL PRINTING collection of ca. 300 pcs of various PC with private added prints from philatelic exhibitions and various action, much more times, part with commemorative postmarks
1974-86 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 40 pcs of ministerial entires - 24 pcs of special PC and 16 pcs of special postal stationery covers always with several special postmark mainly in various colors; interesting collection