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1940 BAAROVÁ Lída (one's own name Ludmila Babková, 1914–2000), Czech actress; own photo postcard with signature; very good condition U:A5
1935 BURIAN Vlasta (1891–1962), king of comedians, actor, sportsman, film director, writer and imitator, autograph on card with reproduction photo; decorative U:A5
1925-30 COMPSON Betty (1897-1974), slavná American actress němých also zvukových filmů 20. and 30. years; signature on portrait photo postcard, very good condition U:A5
1920? DESTINNOVÁ Emma (1878–1930), letter Czech krajana Dr. Jaroslav Vojana (editor krajanský sheets in/at Chicago) sent to E. Destinnovou, very interesting contemporary text supplemented with about/by jednořádkový official letter E. Destinnové, i.a. mentioned Richard Strauss, Feodor Ivanovich Šaljapin etc..; in addition card Mary Martinkové (1886-1972), dlouholeté společnice E. Destinnové, authoress, i.a. authoress pamětí about/by E. D.; very interesting selection of U:A4
1930 DIETRICH Marlene Magdalene (1901–1992), světoznámá German - American actress and songstress, signature on B/W portrait photo postcard; very good condition U:A5
1963 HAAS Hugo (1901-1967), important Czech actor and film director, autograph on portrait photo postcard from sklonku life; very interesting, very good condition U:A5
1930? HAMILTON Neil (1899-1984), slavný American actor, 2x portrait photo with signature; interesting U:A5
1883 KRASTEL Friedrich (1839-1908), important German theatre actor, film director, libretista; autograph on cabinet photograph, atelier Székely; very good condition U:A5
1930? LA JANA (Henriette Margarethe Hiebel) (1905-1940), slavná inter-war Austrian actress playing mainly in/at German filmech, autograph on portrait photo postcard; interesting, very good condition U:A5
1941 MANDLOVÁ Adina (1910–1991), slavná Czech movie actress, signature on card, supplemented with about/by reprodukci photo; on/for exhibit sheet U:A4
1980 MATUŠKA Waldemar (1932–2009), Czech singer, autograph on photos + 1x signature on card Suprafonu with portrait U:A5
1950-60 MOREAU Jeanne (1928- ), one of nejslavnějších French hereček all period + MORGAN Michele (1920- ), legendary světoznámá French movie actress; 2x portrait photo postcard with signatures, very good condition, interesting U:A5
1930-40 NOVOTNÁ Jarmila (1907-1994), important Czech opera singer and movie actress, for example. in years 1935-1956 sólistka Metropolitní opera in New York, comp. 5 pcs of (!) various portrait photo postcard with signatures; very good condition, interesting offer U:A5
1990 NOVOTNÁ Jarmila (1907-1994), important Czech opera singer and movie actress, for example. in years 1935-1956 sólistka Metropolitní opera in New York, autograph on portrait photograph U:A5
1910 NOVÝ Miloš (1879-1932), important Czech činoherní actor, cabinet card with signature; very good condition U:A5
1930? ONDRA Ann (Ann Sophie Ondráková 1902-1987), known Czech movie actress, own photo postcard with signature, atelier Balzar; sound condition U:A5
1989 PAVAROTTI Luciano (1935-2007), světoznámý Italian tenor, signature with dedication with portrait; interesting U:A5
1935? SCHEINPFLUGOVÁ Olga (1902–1968), Czech actress and authoress, wife Karel Čapek; portrait photo postcard with signature; interesting U:A5
1940 ŠMERAL Vladimír (1903-1982) + BUREŠOVÁ Mary (1907-1972), filmoví and theatre actors, signatures on/for joined/common photo postcard U:A5
1974 WERICH John (1905-1980), film also theatre actor and writer, signature on card, attached photo from natáčení film Pan Tau; interesting U:A4
1925-70 ACTORS/ NATIONAL THEATRE V PRAGUE interesting selection of 20 portrait photo postcard and photos with signatures činoherních of actors National theatre in/at Praze: Edward Kohout, Francis Roland, Charles Kolár, Francis Kreutzmann, Bohuslav Záhorský, Anthony Čepela, Bohuslav Machník, Ivo Žídek, George Dohnal, Miroslav Doležal, Oldřich Kovář, Otto Rubik, Miroslav Doležal, Francis Roland, Miloš Nedbal, George Dohnal, Roman Tůma, Charles Váňa interesting offer, very good condition U:A5
1930-40 ACTORS/ comp. of 10 portrait photo postcard and photos with signatures known, mainly prvorepublikových herců: Francis Filipovský, Zdeněk Štěpánek, Wenceslas Trégl, Jára Kohout, Ladislav Boháč, Gustav Nezval, Ota Rubík, Zvonimir Rohoz, Joseph Rovenský, John Wenceslas Speerger; i.a. 5x atelier Ströminger, 2x Langhans, very good condition U:A5
1930-50 ACTORS/ comp. of 12 portrait photo postcard and photos with signatures known, mainly prvorepublikových herců: Jaroslav Vojta (2x), Eugen Wiesner, Charles lamač, George Plachý, Joseph Kemr, Zdeněk Štěpánek, Otomar Korbelář, Gustav Nezval, Joseph Vošahlík, Joseph Wenceslas Speeger, Edward Kohout, Joseph Vinklář; i.a. 4x atelier Ströminger, very good condition U:A5
1900-1970 ACTORS/ selection of 19 pcs of portrait photo postcard and photos with signatures important screen and činoherních of actors and hereček, i.a. John Vávra (2x), Emma Švandová, Lubomír Leipzig, Pravoslav Řada, Florentin Šteinberg, Neda Valentová, Ema Pechová, Eva Vrchlická, Peter Vitus etc..; overall very good condition, interesting set also price U:A5
1926-40 ACTORS/ comp. of 4 portrait photo postcard + 1 photo with signatures known herců: Edward Kohout, Charles Lamač, Stanislav Strnad, Otto Rubík, George Steimar; i.a. 2x atelier Balzar, very good condition U:A5
1950-70 ACTORS/ comp. of 8 portrait photos with signatures known, mainly postwar herců: Joseph Kemr, Radovan Lukavský, Charles Höger, Radoslav Brzobohatý, Martin Růžek, Vlastimil Brodský, John Tříska, George Sováka; very good condition, interesting offer U:A5
1920-70 HEREČKY/ comp. of 3 portrait photo postcard and photos with signatures slavných English and American hereček: BETTY COPSON, JEAN KENT, RENEÉ ASCHERSON; nice quality, interesting offer U:A5
1890-1970 [COLLECTIONS] ACTORS/ extraordinary selection of more than 70 pcs of letters and cards with signatures important screen and činoherních of actors and hereček, i.a. Rudolf Deyl, Lubomír Leipzig, Otýlie Beníšková, Charles Höger, Jaroslav Hurt, Edmund Chvalovský, Vojta Slukov, Theresia Ledererová (Seifertová), Andula Sedláčková, Pravoslav Řada, Mary Ptáková, John Vávra, Charles Šott, Ladislav Pešek, George Dohnal, Jaroslav Průcha etc..; interesting set, suitable for supplement collections! U:O4
1910-70 [COLLECTIONS] OPERA/ PĚVCI extraordinary selection of 35 pcs of (!) portrait photo postcard, photos and cards with signature important Czech operních pěvců, mainly members ND, contains i.a. Hanuš Lašek, Richard Kubla, Luděk Mandaus, Hilbert Vávra, Miloš Linka, Anthony Lebeda, Joseph Vojta, Ivo Žídek, Zdeněk Švehla, J. Blažíček, Anthony Votava, Joseph Křikava, Joseph Bole etc.., some more times; very good condition, suitable for supplement collections and other elaboration U:O5