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1933 Mi.445-446, "Flight Rome-Chicago", airmail stamps, name of pilot: Leon, marginal pieces, luxury quality, cat. 600€ U:A5
1933 Mi.445-446, "Flight Rome-Chicago", airmail stamps, name of pilot: Leon, marginal pieces; luxury quality, cat. 600€+ U:A5
1933 Mi.445-446, "Flight Rome-Chicago", airmail stamps, name of pilot: Ques; marginal pieces, luxury quality, cat. 600€+ U:A5
1934 Mi.479-487, Football 20C - 10L+5L; complete sought set, used, cat. 700€ U:A5
1934 Mi.479-487, Football World Cup in Italy, 20C-10L complete, very fine set, cat. 700€ U:A5
1941 Sass.457A-457C, UNISSUED Hitler-Mussolini 10C, 20C, 25C, marginal block-of-4 with gutter; cat. for normal block of four 1.450€, gutter are rare and cat. doesn't mention; our estimation min. 4.200€ U:A5
1919 TRENTINO - postage-due provisionals, overprint "centesimi di corona" with red Opt PORTO S.T., whole set 1C/1C-1Corona/1L on cut-squares with CDS BOZEN; cat. 735€ U:A5
1878 Sass.33b, postage stamp 2C/1Lira, Opt inverted; well made forgery of opt (genuine stamp cat. 75.000€), interesting comparison piece U:A5
1910-1950 4 commercial letters with interesting advertising added prints, in addition 3 similar from France, Hungary and Greece; very interesting set from correspondence of famous Dresden company Vasanta U:A4
1929-42 comp. of 6 letters, sent to Germany, i.a. 2x from Fiume from that 5x commercial, 3x Reg, 1x with perfin, various frankings, censorship; various quality U:A5
1938 Nazi additional printing on envelope sent to Germany with multicolor franking with machine propagandistic postmark for occasion of visit of A. Hitler in Italy, NAPOLI 5.V.38; missing back flap U:A5