Public Auction 48 / Philately / Europe / Germany / Philatelic Domains

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168624 - 1923-24 INFLATION comp. of 4 large address cut-squares from
1923-24 INFLATION comp. of 4 large address cut-squares from parcels of printing products sent to Czechoslovakia, multicolor frankings of inflation issues ( i.a. Mi.327A+B, 324, 328A) with perfins, 2x with perfin "R.S." company R.Streller with CDS LEIPZIG 16.11.23, 1x with perfin "U" company Verlag Ullstein with CDS BERLIN 12.11.23, 1x parcel cut square with Mi.340, 342, 343 without perfin with CDS MUNICH 30.5.24; common faults of marginal stamps, quite rare franking, in addition with perfins!
Starting price: CZK
177277 - 1898 R.P.D KAISER 2 pcs of international PCs 10Pf, Mi.P21, s
1898 R.P.D "KAISER" 2 pcs of international PCs 10Pf, Mi.P21, sent from Africa to Germany, CDS BEIRA and DURBAN, 1x burdened by surtax, postmark "T" and "25c"; good condition
Starting price: CZK
177588 - 1910-34 comp. of 3 letters of ship post, 2x German: Nord Deu
1910-34 comp. of 3 letters of ship post, 2x German: Nord Deutscher Lloyd Bremen and Hamburg-Amerika Lines, from that 1x to Prague + 1x French, to Prague
Starting price: CZK
178233 - 1945 Mi.13b, U-Boot Hela blue, issued without gum; very nice
1945 Mi.13b, U-Boot Hela blue, issued without gum; very nice and perfect piece, cat. 350€, certificate Gabisch 2015
Starting price: CZK
177589 - 1916-18 FP MARINE  comp. of 3 entires, 1x letter FP with rou
1916-18 FP MARINE comp. of 3 entires, 1x letter FP with round cancel. KAIS. DEUTSCHE MARINE SCHIFFSPOST No. 13; 2x Ppc of war ships with cancel. KAIS. DEUTSCHE MARINE SCHIFFSPOST No. 1 and No. 201
Starting price: CZK
178702 - 1942 SS FIELD-POST  letter to Vienna, dumb CDS, round violet
1942 SS FIELD-POST letter to Vienna, dumb CDS, round violet unit postmark with eagle DER SS UND POLIZEIFUHRER WEISSRUTHENIEN / KOMMANDEUR DER ORNDUNGPOLIZEI; incl. content, very good condition
Starting price: CZK
178062 - 1912 preprinted orange air-mail card of Rhine post, franked
1912 preprinted orange air-mail card of Rhine post, franked with airmail stamp 1M/10Pf "Gelber Hund (yellow dog)" (printing only 10.000), Mi. IV. + 5Pf Germania, special postmark DARMSTADT/ FLUGPOST AM RHEIN 19.6.12, No.834; perfect condition
Starting price: CZK
155071 - 1934 Reg and airmail letter of big format sent to Batavia (J
1934 Reg and airmail letter of big format sent to Batavia (Jakarta), i.a. franked with 9x Chicagofahrt 4M, Mi.498, MC REMSCHEID 25.7.34, at the back arrival cancel BATAVIA CENTRUM 2.8.34; extraordinary entire, only stamps min. 9.000€, interesting destination, good condition
Starting price: CZK
178097 - 1924 ERSTE FAHRT NACH AMERICA letter to USA with Mi.357, 359
1924 ERSTE FAHRT NACH AMERICA letter to USA with Mi.357, 359, 362, CDS FRIEDRICHSHAFEN/ LUFTPOST 15.SEP.24, oval violet cachet "Forwarded by airship Z.R.3" (!), red straight line postmark "Mit Luftschiff ZR3 ab Friedrichshafen", on reverse arrival postmarkl NEW YORK/ 15.OCT.1924; sound condition, interesting (future American Zeppelin ship Los Angeles), cat. Sieger 20a
Starting price: CZK
178932 - 1928 DEUTSCHLAND / AMERIKAFAHRT 1928, Ppc to USA, with 2M, M
1928 DEUTSCHLAND / AMERIKAFAHRT 1928, Ppc to USA, with 2M, Mi.423, CDS FRIEDRICHSHAFEN/ 10.Okt.28, blue oval cachet, arrival postmark New York/ Okt.16.1928, very good condition
Starting price: CZK
178110 - 1929 WELTRUNDFAHRT 1929 airmail postcard (Schloss Linderhof)
1929 WELTRUNDFAHRT 1929 airmail postcard (Schloss Linderhof)) franked with Zeppelin stamp 4RM, Mi.424 + airmail stamp Mi.382, CDS FRIEDRICHSHAFEN/ 15.AUG.1929, red flight cachet + cancel. "Friedrichshafen (Bodensee) - Lakehurst" and arrival postmarkl LAKEHURST. N.J./ AUG.29.1929; interesting franking, sound condition, cat. Sieger 30.Ac
Starting price: CZK
178925 - 1929 DEUTSCHLAND/ ORIENTFAHRT 1929  Ppc Graf Zeppelin LZ 127
1929 DEUTSCHLAND/ ORIENTFAHRT 1929 Ppc Graf Zeppelin LZ 127, to Switzerland, carried by Zeppelins LZ 127, with airmail 1M, Mi.382, CDS FRIEDRICHSHAFEN 24.MARZ.29, circle flight cachet; perfect
Starting price: CZK
177162 - 1929 Zeppelin Weltrundfahrt Sieger 30Ad) flight around the w
1929 Zeppelin "Weltrundfahrt" Sieger 30Ad) flight around the world on route Friedrichshafen-Friedrichshafen; fotocard with interesting motive "Graf Zeppelin and construction of Zeppelin"; exact franking 7RM Mi.382+423+424, CDS FRIEDRICHSHAFEN / LUFTPOST 15.8.29, flight cachet WELTRUNDFAHRT 1929, also 2x line red "Leitstempel" and arrival FRIEDRICHSHAFEN 4.9.29; perfect quality, Sieger 500€
Starting price: CZK
178100 - 1930 DEUTSCHLAND / SCHWEIZER ZEPPELINPOST letter addressed t
1930 DEUTSCHLAND / SCHWEIZER ZEPPELINPOST letter addressed to Chemnitz, franked with airmail stamps Mi.380, 382 + Mi.411, 412 and 445(2x) in front and Mi.379 (block of four) on reverse, CDS FRIEDRICHSHAFEN/ 12.10.30, special postmark BERN-FLUGPLATZ/ ZEPPELINPOST/ 12.10.30 and red confirmation oval pmk "Mit Luftschiff Graff Zeppelin befördert"; sound condition, cat. Sie.94
Starting price: CZK
178112 - 1930 RUSSIA / RÜCKFAHRTVON RUSSLAND  airmail postcard Mi.P6
1930 RUSSIA / RÜCKFAHRTVON RUSSLAND airmail postcard Mi.P62 uprated with MI.370 + Zeppelin stamp 40k, MI.390A, special postmark PAR AVION ZEPPELIN/ MOSCOU/ 10-IX-30 and arrival postmark FRIEDRICHSHAFEN/ 11.9.30 in front; nice quality, cat. Sieger 85.Aa
Starting price: CZK
178989 - 1931 DEUTSCHLAND / 3. SÜDAMERIKAFAHRT 1931, air-mail card t
1931 DEUTSCHLAND / 3. SÜDAMERIKAFAHRT 1931, air-mail card to Brazil, with Mi.364, 379 2x, A379 2x, + on reverse mounted airmail stamp 20Pf 4x with 6 coupons from booklet (!), CDS LEIPZIG 13.10.31, supplemented with CDS FRIEDRICHSHAFEN 17.10.31 and green flight cachet, arrival CDS BUENOS AIRES 22.Oct. 31 CDS, then sent back
Starting price: CZK
178109 - 1931 DEUTSCHLAND / FAHRT NACH MAGDEBURG  airmail postcard (B
1931 DEUTSCHLAND / FAHRT NACH MAGDEBURG airmail postcard (Baden-Baden) franked with Zeppelin stamp 1RM, Mi.455, CDS MAGDEBURG/ 7.6.31, red flight cachet and arrival postmark FRIEDRICHSHAFEN/ 8.6.31, redirected to Vienna, CDS WIEN 50/ 9.VI.31; decorative, sound condition, cat. Sieger 109.Ba
Starting price: CZK
177161 - 1931 DEUTSCHLAND / ZÜRICHFAHRT 1931, Zeppelin postcard - ph
1931 DEUTSCHLAND / ZÜRICHFAHRT 1931, Zeppelin postcard - photo-PC with interesting motive "Departure of Graf Zeppelin", with 1RM, Mi.455, deck CDS with date 11.9.1931 and exhibition pmk MOPHILA HAMBURG, arrival ZÜRICH FLUGPLATZ/ 11.9.31, redirected to Vienna; cat. Sieger 127B
Starting price: CZK
178070 - 1931 LIECHTENSTEIN / LIECHTENSTEINFAHRT  air-mail card to Be
1931 LIECHTENSTEIN / LIECHTENSTEINFAHRT air-mail card to Bern franked with Zeppelin stamp Mi.114, red special postmark VADUZ/ JUNI 1931/ POST nach LAUSANNE, supplemented with CDS VADUZ/ 10.VI.31, arrival postmark LAUSANNE/ 10.VI.31 in front; Sie.110A, cat. 175€
Starting price: CZK
178074 - 1931 SCHWEIZ / 2. SÜDAMERIKA FAHRT 1931  airmail letter fro
1931 SCHWEIZ / 2. SÜDAMERIKA FAHRT 1931 airmail letter from Switzerland to Argentina, carried by flight LZ 127, franked with 5 airmail stamps Mi.183, 190, 191(2x) and 245, CDS ROMANSHORN, transit FRIEDRICHSHAFEN, violet flight cachet, on reverse arrival postmark.; 2x vertical fold out of stamps
Starting price: CZK
178071 - 1931 HUNGARY / LANDUNGSFAHRT nach HUNGARY  airmail postcard
1931 HUNGARY / LANDUNGSFAHRT nach HUNGARY airmail postcard addressed to Nové Zámky, franked with i.a. Hungarian Zeppelin stamp 2P, Mi.479, CDS BUDAPEST 72/ 931 MÄRZ.29, supplemented with green cachet; arrival postmark FRIEDRICHSHAFEN 30.3.31; overall good condition, Sie. 103b, cat. 150€
Starting price: CZK
178102 - 1931 HUNGARY / FLIGHT AROUND BUDAPEST  airmail postcard fran
1931 HUNGARY / FLIGHT AROUND BUDAPEST airmail postcard franked with Zeppelin stamp Mi.478 + Mi.463, 442, CDS DEBRECEN 2/ 933.MAR.25, blue flight cachet and arrival DEBRECZEN 931.MÄR.29; nice quality, cat. Sie.102.Ba
Starting price: CZK
178108 - 1932 HUNGARY / 7. SÜDAMERIKAFAHRT 1932 air-mail card addres
1932 HUNGARY / 7. SÜDAMERIKAFAHRT 1932 air-mail card addressed to Peru with rich Hungarian franking, franked with airmail stamps Mi.434, 435, 436, 437 and 468, CDS LÉGIPOSTA/ BUDSPEST/ 932.SEP.21, flight cachet in light brown color and Hungarian additional pmk ZEPPELIN UTJÁN; quite rare, nice quality, cat. Sie.183.Aa
Starting price: CZK
178076 - 1934 SCHWEIZ / 8. SÜDAMERIKA FAHRT 1934  air-mail card 10c
1934 SCHWEIZ / 8. SÜDAMERIKA FAHRT 1934 air-mail card 10c sent from Switzerland to Argentina, transported by flight LZ 127, uprated with airmail stamp Mi.182-183 and 258, CDS ROMANSHORN, transit pmk FRIEDRICHSHAFEN, red flight cachet
Starting price: CZK
178075 - 1934 SCHWEIZ / SÜDAMERIKAFAHRT WEIHNACHTEN 1934  airmail le
1934 SCHWEIZ / SÜDAMERIKAFAHRT WEIHNACHTEN 1934 airmail letter from Switzerland to Argentina, transported by Christmas flight LZ 127, franked on front side with stamps Mi.189 and 190 and on reverse Mi.180, 183 and 213, CDS AMRISWIL, transit ZÜRICH, arrival postmark., green flight cachet; opened from 3 sides for exhibit, Sie.286.Abb, cat. 165€
Starting price: CZK
178619 - 1943 C.C.  GROSSROSEN  pre-printed letter-card sent by Czech
1943 C.C. GROSSROSEN pre-printed letter-card sent by Czech prisoner to Kutná Hora in Protectorate, with 12Pfg A. Hitler., CDS GROSSROSEN/ 12.3.43, censorship mark with swastika on address-side + frame censorship mark inside and postmark with notice; good condition
Starting price: CZK
174530 - 1943 C.C. SACHSENHAUSEN off. letter-card with pre-printing i
1943 C.C. SACHSENHAUSEN off. letter-card with pre-printing inside, addressed to Prague, franked with pair of 6Pf A. Hitler, CDS ORANIENBURG/ 22.6.43 + single circle censorship mark with letter "K."; viewing of quality recommended - letter-card is in the middle horiz. folded and lower ca. 2,5cm torn
Starting price: CZK