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1951 Mi.113II, 114II, 53 pcs of triangual stamps "World peace" 400$, 800$, mostly joined printed blocks of 6; cat. min. 200€ U:A4
1960 Mi.534-545, Fish, complete used set; cat. 150€ U:A5
1945 JAPANESE OCCUPATION - SOUTH CHINA (Kanton) Mi.55-56, Sut Yan Sen 200$/10C and 400$/8C; ordinary light patina, rare stamps, cat. 400€ U:A5
2010 QINGDAOPEX catalogue to exhibition, contains various Chinese rarities, also with souvenir sheet town Qingdao; perfect U:Z
1971 envelope with red pre-printing, interstate letter, on reverse with Mi.991, CDS with date 12.5.1971; sought franking! U:A5
1942-1945 [COLLECTIONS] Japanese occupation, small collection on cards and sheets, Japanese overprints on Chinese Sun Yat Sen and "Martyrs" for occupied territory of North China (Honan, Hopeh,Shansi, Shantung, Supeh, south Mongolia), also Central and South China; mostly pairs and blocks of four, cat. min. 990€, rare offer! U:O4
1918-25 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of stamps on two-sided filled card A4, various issues, stamp with overprints, part used, several pairs and others. U:O4
1880 SG.28, Victoria 2C dull pink, wmk CC; new gum, cat. £275 U:A5
1872-1902 SG.F2, Victoria 3$ violet, postally fiscal, perf 15½ x 15; very nice piece with original gum, cat. £400 U:A5
1882 Mi.40-42, (Sc.50-52), issue Sun with color margin, complete set, cat. Scott $900 U:A5
1882 Mi.43-45, Shah Nasreddin in oval, complete set 50c - 10Fr U:A5
1886 Mi.56-62, Sun and Shah Nasreddin with Opt "OFFICIEL" and new value, complete set, all exp. Heddergott, cat. 210€ U:A5
1915 BUSHIRE - Brit. occupation SG.1-3, 5-10, Persian stamps 1 Chahi - 1 Kran, without value 5 Chahis; perfect quality, cat. £990+ U:A5
1915 BUSHIRE - Brit. occupation SG.2-3, 5-10, Persian stamps 2 Chahis - 1 Kran; without value 5 Chahis; very nice set, CDS BOUCHIR (DEPART), i.a. 10Ch Opt without dots (SG.7a), cat. £930 U:A5
1915 BUSHIRE - Brit. occupation SG.15, Iran stamp 1Ch with Opt "BUSHIRE/ Under British/ Occupation", perfect piece, signed, cat. £850; printing only 184 stamps U:A5
1915 BUSHIRE - Brit. occupation SG.17, Iran stamp 3Ch with Opt "BUSHIRE/ Under British/ Occupation", perfect piece, signed, cat. £950, printing only 149 stamps U:DR
1915 BUSHIRE - Brit. occupation SG.21, Iran stamp 10Ch with Opt "BUSHIRE/ Under British/ Occupation", perfect piece, exp. H. Bloch, cat. £2.750; printing only 66 pcs, extraordinary offer! U:DR
1880 international post card, Persiphila PC10, used U:A5
1911 letter franked on back side with block of 4 and single stamp value 1Ch (Reg labels were used as stamps 1Ch) + stamp 10Ch issue 1909, Mi.V 5x, 293, CDS KOUM 4.1.11, arrival TEHRAN 7.1.11; interesting entire, 1x vertical fold, cat. only used stamp 1Ch 500€ U:A5
1915 letter addressed to Tehran franked with bisect (!) stamp 12Ch, cat. Persiphila No. 417Ba, Michel No. 313, CDS NEHAVAND/ 31.VII.15, small format, on reverse arrival postmark TEHRAN (ARIVÉE)/ 8.VIII.15; exp. Dr. Muadkhan, cat. Persiphila doesn't report, specialized catalogue for Persian letters "Ghasar covers and postal history" (author Iraj Eftekhar): "exceptional entire!" U:DR
1925 Reg letter to Czechoslovakia with multicolor franking Sc.667(3x), 686(2x), 687, 689 in front + block of four Sc.689 on reverse, all stamps with Opt I. type, CDS TEHRAN 7.V.25 and Reg pmk, on reverse arrival PRAGUE 7 FOREIGN COUNTRIES/ 23.V.25; decorative entire, in margins several tiny tears U:A5
1878-88 COB 2Sen, uprated on back side with block of four stamps 2Sen, CDS; folds U:A5
1901 PC 1½Sn blue, cat. JPSC No.17, posted to post. office in China, uprated with stamps 1Sn and 1½Sn same issue with Opt "China", cat. JPSC No.3 and No.4, CDS TIENTSIN/ I.J.P.O./ 12.OCT.01, addressed to Germany, arrival REINE/ 25.11.01 in front; several brown dots, otherwise nice U:A5
1909 PC 1½Sn blue, cat. JPSC No.20, uprated with stamps ½Sn and 3Sn same issue, CDS TOKIO/ 3.1.06, addressed to USA; in the middle vertical fold U:A5
1890-1941 group of 7 entires addressed to Bohemia, from that 3x as Registered, various issues, 2x Ppc, 1x newspaper wrapper; good condition U:A5
1870-1970 [COLLECTIONS] collection in 8-sheet stockbook A4, from Mi.9, i.a., used Mi.26 with certificate, used and also unused, part **, also some souvenir sheets, printing sheets; catalogue according to owner ca. 2.400€ U:Z
1873-1910 [COLLECTIONS] group of 43 p.stat, from that 25 used PC and 18 unused p.stat, from that 2x double PC, 3x newspaper wrapper, 1x postal stationery cover; good condition U:O5
1955-61 [COLLECTIONS] FDC collection of FDC in 2 screw stockbooks; cat. according to owner 780€ U:Z
1895 Sc.6, 7, Yin Yang 5p green - marginal strip-of-5 and block of 8, 10p dark blue - pair, strip-of-3 and block of four; cat. only as single stamps $395 U:A5
1887 Sc.24, 26, block of 8, 5 Reis/80Reis and pair 10Reis/80Reis; cat. for (*) $390 U:A5
1959 Mi.149-156, National sports, 8 values on 2 FDC + postage stamps, CDS ULAN-BATAR, to USA, arrival postmark LARCHMONT U:A4
1890-1920 TRANSCAUCASIA comp. of stamps on stock-sheet A4, incl. several pieces of Brit. occupation - Batum, several bloks of four and others. U:O4