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1980 Mi.292-295, TRIAL PRINT for issue 1400 years of Hegira, imperforated definitive issue, in representative gift covers of company Harrisons & Sons (London printing-works, here printed many issues of Commonwealth); very rare prints from interesting destination, exists only several pieces! U:A5
1956 group of 6 letters of field post from October 1956, unit present on Sinai during campaign against Egypt during Suez crisis; units and military postmarks, interesting set U:A5
1931 Mi.10-20, Coat of arms 1/2 Boghaches - 1 Imadi, complete set of SPECIMEN, rare, cat. doesn't report U:A5
1939-1942 Mi.21-26, 41-44 (corner), IMPERFORATE; perfect and complete set, cat. doesn't report, resp. rates "-.-" (our estimation 120€), second set cat. 80€ U:A5
1947 Mi.56-57, 58-63, 70I,II-76I,II, 82I-84I, 82II-85II (2), complete airmail sets, Opt red and black; cat. 315€ U:A5
1951-1954 group of sets: Mi.126-131, blk-of-12 (one 11-blok), Mi.150-155, complete set, blocks of 6, Mi.132-138, complete set 10x; cat. 955€ U:A4
1962 ROYAL ISSUE Mi.1-7, 13-19, Opt "FREE YEMEN FIGHTS FOR GOD, IMMAM, COUNTRY" on stamp of North Jemenu; cat. 190€ U:A5
1962 ROYAL ISSUE Mi.Bl.1a, Opt "FREE YEMEN FIGHTS FOR GOD, IMMAM, COUNTRY" souvenir sheet Mi.Bl.3 of North Jemen; rare block, cat. 300€ U:A5
1962 ROYAL ISSUE - civil war, Mi.37a,b-41a,b hand-made provisional Opt oblique "FREE YEMEN FIGHTS FOR GOD, IMMAM, COUNTRY", on olympic stamp of North Jemen, Opt violet and rare black; luxury series; SMALL EDITION (Michel shows by Mi.37a, 38a its origin only from 50-pcs sheet), cat. 1.450€, extraordinary offer! U:A5
1962-1967 ROYAL ISSUES Mi.Bl.3, 6-10,16-19,24-29,52, ROYAL ISSUE Mi.Bl.3 with Opt "FREE YEMEN FIGHTS FOR GOD, IMMAM, COUNTRY" is rare, also motives as Cosmos, Kennedy, Churchill; cat. 410€ U:A4
1978 SG.212-214, Sc.190A-190C, complete unused (!!) issue "National day 1975" with Opt "1978" in outer blocks of four (!!), new values 40/150b, 50/150b and 75/250b; rare issue, superb quality, cat. Gibbons £10.000, extraordinary offer! U:DR
1971-78 interesting comp. of stamps on stock-sheet A4, contains various sets; excellent quality, cat. ca. 500€ U:A4
1948-1967 [COLLECTIONS] EGYPT OCCUPATION, complete collection on sheets Minkus New York, Mi.1-32 *, rare set Mi.33-51 MNH, all other */** but counted as *; cat. 685€ U:Z
1925 issue HEJAZ - Hedschas, Mi.62, corner pair with plate number, Ornaments 1/4Pia green, with frame Opt 1922 and with new 2-line blue Opt "Hedschasija 1343"; luxury piece with hinge out of stamp, exp. "ela" - Angeloglu, cat. min. 400€ U:A5
1966-72 group of 6 airmail letters to Netherlands, interesting frankings U:A5
1929 Mi.328K, Maury 45a, airmail 3 Piastre brown with red Opt "aircraft" and blue "EXPOSITION INDUSTRIELLE DAMAS 1929", INVERTED OVERPRINT; perfect quality, cat. Maury 300€ U:A5
1920-1928 group of 48 stamps, from SG.1, nominal complete set of Palestine 1Mill-20Pia with two lined Ovpt; also set SG.143-157, Palestine 1Mill-20Pia with single line Ovpt; set of Emír Abdullah 2Mill-500Mill; overprint "Constitution" 2Mill-10Mill; cat. £315 U:A4
1925 SG.156a, Arabic Opt "East Jordan" on pair of PALESTINE E.E.F. (Egyptian Expeditionary Force), stamp on the right with printing error "E.F.F." instead "E.E.F."; perfect quality, certificate Holcombe "rare variety", cat. only for * stamp £800, for ** and in pair with normal stamp min. £1.600 U:A5
1930 SG.194a, "Locust Campaign" 500 Mills, printing error Opt "LO..ST" instead "LOCUST"; perfect piece, certificate Holcombe, cat. £800, rare stamp, according to records exists only 30 pieces! U:A5
1966-91 Bahrajn, Saudi Arabia, Oman etc., comp. of 7 airmail letters to Europe, various interesting frankings U:A5
1900-60 [COLLECTIONS] PERSIA, IRAQ, EGYPT, ISRAEL, PALESTINE, LEBANON, SYRIA, OLD INDIAN STATES comp. of 2 big notebooks, contains also several middle items and sets U:O4
1916-1980 [COLLECTIONS] Arabian states, collection in big 32-sheets stockbook, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Dubai, UAS, Catar, Yemen; some interesting sets and souvenir sheets, especially Dubai; cat. ca. 1.800€ U:Z