1922 postcard sent from Klaipedy to Czechoslovakia, underpaid inflation přetiskouvou franking, at the delivery place burdened by surtax 1,50CZK mixed franking issue Ornament and Postage Due - overprint issue Hradcany, Pof.DL8, DL24, cancelled by postmark ŠUMPERK 23.VIII.22; good condition
1927 insufficiently paid/franked Austrian PC 10Gr addressed to to Czechoslovakia, MC WIEN 1/20.VI.27, burdened by postage-due, mounted Postage due stamp Pof.DL45, 46, arrival postmark BRNO 2/ 21.VI.27; good condition
Pof.SO7Pp, Hradčany 20h carmine imperforated, with inverted opt (!), pos. 67/1, overprint field 34/A; small spot in R margin, exp. Le, Hirsch, Tribuna, Gilbert + aktuální Vrba certificate, c.v.. 100.000CZK, originates from old collection, rare occurrence, one of best known items issue SO1920 (overprint)!
Pof.SO15 joined bar types, Hradčany 75h grey-green, block of four with joined bar type, pos. 29/2; block with light vrásou through/over bar field, c.v.. 6.500CZK
Pof.SO15 joined spiral types, Hradčany 75h grey-green, LL corner blk-of-4 with joined spiral types, type I on pos. 82, printing plate 2; exp. Vrba, c.v.. 7.500CZK
Pof.SO18, Hradčany 120h grey, 2 pcs of, lighter and darker shade printing color stamps and darker and lighter shade of overprint; 1 pcs of exp. by Karasek
Pof.SO23a plate variety, Hradčany 1000h violet, black Opt, standard margins, in addition plate flaw, pos. 96, plate 1; grain in paper margins, from old collection, exp. by Mrnak Gilbert, Pofis + owner's mark
Pof.SO2-SO23, 3h - 1000h, comp. 12 pcs of stamp. Hradčany various values, from that 3 pcs of marginal, all with ministerial perf line perforation 11½; !; all marked and exp. by Stupka
Pof.SO3A, Hradčany 5h blue-green, comb perforation 13¾; : 13½;, L the bottom corner 21ti-blok with margin and control-numbers, incl. plate mark "IV.", in lower margin odskočený comb; on pos. 80 and pos. 100 defect - díra in stamp
Pof.SO(3)N + SO(8)N, unissued Hradčany 5h light green and 25h blue, comp. 2 pcs of officially unissued imperforated stmp., value 5h lightly hinged, 25h **; both exp. by Gilbert
Pof.SO22ZT, Hradčany 500h brown with lower margin and control-numbers, overprint trial printing in red color, wide margins; at top small fold in paper, exp. by Gilbert
Pof.SO1-23, SO26-27, SO28-32, SO28-32, comp. of 4 sheets with mounted stamp. issues Hradčany (part with perf), Express, Newspaper stamps and Postage due stmp with CDS POST OFFICE CZECHOSL. PREFEKTURY V TĚŠÍNĚ 19.VII.20
Pof.SO26a, Express 2h violet, black Opt, corner blk-of-20 with margin and control-numbers, 2x joined types of overprint + block of 8, 4x joined types of overprint I. + II.
Pof.SO33a, Postage due stmp 5h with black overprint as blk-of-4; very nice and sought piece with practically neznatelnou hint in upper margin, exp. by Gilbert., Mrňák, c.v.. 11.000CZK
philatelically influenced letter with multicolor franking various values, CDS POST OFFICE CZECHOSL. PREFEKTURY in/at TĚŠÍNĚ/ 16.VI.20; on reverse bulk postage charge Plebiscitní committee, exp. Pofis-Beneš as stamps
1919Pof.PP5, PP6, PP7-15, Charitable stamps - Lion, basic both types, with additional-printing year both types and set set with green value numeral, supplemented with 5 pcs of incomplete set - various types small and big sabre, all exp. by Mrnak., Gilbert, c.v.. according to quality ca. 9.000CZK
1918 Pof.SK1, SK2, Scout 10h blue + 2x 20h red (mint never hinged and hinged), then 10h light blue, in addition 10h blue + 20h red on cut-squares with cancel. N.V.; 4x exp. by Gilbert., c.v.. 1.450CZK
1920 PLATE PROOF designes on/for Czechosl. stamps with motive of Castles, in blue color on/for white carton without gum, block of 6 values 120h, various printings + block of four values 20h, various printings + 3 separate pieces
1920 PLATE PROOF designes printing-plant HAASE, comp. 3 pcs of 12ti-známkových joined printings stamp. T. G. Masaryk 80h in/at brown, red and blue color, on/for papers without gum
1920PLATE PROOF designes for postage stmp 3h-10K, National motives from Z. Volkara in blue color on common paper with gum, devět bloks of four and one pair, interesting, hinged
1920PLATE PROOF designes for postage stmp 3h-10K, National motives from Z. Volkara in various colors on various papers, part with perf, total 53 pcs of stamp. and blocks
1920 PLATE PROOF refused design/sketch on/for post. stamp. with motive of John Žižka with value 40h, in/at orange color on/for yellowy carton, size 64x97mm
1920 PLATE PROOF selection of 20 pcs of various gravure plate proofs designes on/for Czechosl. stamps, with motives Karlštejn (castle), Pernštýn and Bánská Bystrica, 1x perf block of four, 1x joined printing in str-of-3; nice
1938commercial Reg card sent to Slovakia railway post, CDS BROUMOV - CHOCEŇ/ 113/ 28.VII.38, Reg label train post, arrival DEVÍNSKÁ NOVÁ VES 29.VII.38; good condition, decorative
1919-39[COLLECTIONS] selection of 35 pcs of entires with postmarks railway post office and railroad forwarding with reduced on board sorting, several pieces forerunner, znárodněných as: ČASTOLOVICE, SOLNICE, TRAUTENAU - WEKELSDORF and other, from that 1x forerunner BOHEMIA-MORAVIA MĚSTEC KRÁLOVÉ - KŘINEC, mainly PC, part postcard, cards letters, 2x overprint PC Charles with big monogram etc..
1922 Maxa B64, letter to Germany, franked with. pair stamp. issue Chainbreaker 100h brown with perfin "BOSCHAN" f. Julius Boschan Prague, MC PRAGUE LÍSTOVNÍVÝPRAVNA 14.VIII.22, perfin over both stamp.; good condition