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1882 Mi.40-42, (Sc.50-52), issue Sun with color margin, complete set, cat. Scott $900 U:A5
1882 Mi.43-45, Shah Nasreddin in oval, complete set 50c - 10Fr U:A5
1886 Mi.56-62, Sun and Shah Nasreddin with Opt "OFFICIEL" and new value, complete set, all exp. Heddergott, cat. 210€ U:A5
1915 BUSHIRE - Brit. occupation SG.1-3, 5-10, Persian stamps 1 Chahi - 1 Kran, without value 5 Chahis; perfect quality, cat. £990+ U:A5
1915 BUSHIRE - Brit. occupation SG.2-3, 5-10, Persian stamps 2 Chahis - 1 Kran; without value 5 Chahis; very nice set, CDS BOUCHIR (DEPART), i.a. 10Ch Opt without dots (SG.7a), cat. £930 U:A5
1915 BUSHIRE - Brit. occupation SG.15, Iran stamp 1Ch with Opt "BUSHIRE/ Under British/ Occupation", perfect piece, signed, cat. £850; printing only 184 stamps U:A5
1915 BUSHIRE - Brit. occupation SG.17, Iran stamp 3Ch with Opt "BUSHIRE/ Under British/ Occupation", perfect piece, signed, cat. £950, printing only 149 stamps U:DR
1915 BUSHIRE - Brit. occupation SG.21, Iran stamp 10Ch with Opt "BUSHIRE/ Under British/ Occupation", perfect piece, exp. H. Bloch, cat. £2.750; printing only 66 pcs, extraordinary offer! U:DR
1880 international post card, Persiphila PC10, used U:A5
1911 letter franked on back side with block of 4 and single stamp value 1Ch (Reg labels were used as stamps 1Ch) + stamp 10Ch issue 1909, Mi.V 5x, 293, CDS KOUM 4.1.11, arrival TEHRAN 7.1.11; interesting entire, 1x vertical fold, cat. only used stamp 1Ch 500€ U:A5
1915 letter addressed to Tehran franked with bisect (!) stamp 12Ch, cat. Persiphila No. 417Ba, Michel No. 313, CDS NEHAVAND/ 31.VII.15, small format, on reverse arrival postmark TEHRAN (ARIVÉE)/ 8.VIII.15; exp. Dr. Muadkhan, cat. Persiphila doesn't report, specialized catalogue for Persian letters "Ghasar covers and postal history" (author Iraj Eftekhar): "exceptional entire!" U:DR
1925 Reg letter to Czechoslovakia with multicolor franking Sc.667(3x), 686(2x), 687, 689 in front + block of four Sc.689 on reverse, all stamps with Opt I. type, CDS TEHRAN 7.V.25 and Reg pmk, on reverse arrival PRAGUE 7 FOREIGN COUNTRIES/ 23.V.25; decorative entire, in margins several tiny tears U:A5