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1935 airmail letter to USA, first flight MANILA - SAN FRANCISCO over Pacific, commemorative envelope with Mi.377(strip of 3) and 378 (4-block) with golden Opt for this event, MC MANILA 2.DEC.1935 and CDS with same date + flight cachet, on reverse arrival postmark SAN FRANCISCO/ 6.DEC.35; nice U:A5
1944 JAPANESE OCCUPATION letter with pair of official Mi.D5, Japanese Opt 5C on 6C Commonwealth; CDS MANILA, interesting letter U:A4
1880-1960 [COLLECTIONS] group of classic and also modern stamps on 4 sheets U:O4
1889 SEDANG, so-called Paris issue, ½; math - 1$; complete set, used DEH SEDANG/PELEI AGNA / 1889, in addition 4 values with Opt TAXE, all on sheets from collection of ex. A. Gilmour; also with 2 interesting articles U:O4
1944 EAST BORNEO - JAPANESE OCCUPATION, cat. JSCA (Nissen Japanese Stamp Specialized Catalog) 4N29, 4N43, provisional issue of Japan naval district - stamps of Netherlands India with Opt "Anchor"; money dispatch-note with 15C + 5C, CDS BALIKPAPAN, Japanese censorship in front, military blue postmark SOERABAJA, CDS SOERABAJA, arrival LAMONGAN U:A5
1951-1973 [COLLECTIONS] collection in album SG "Devon", 70 sheets, complete sets, overprint issues, souvenir sheets (21 pcs!), important thematic issues; perfect quality, cat. £960 U:Z
1894-1896 SG.63, corner block-of-4 Deer 2C black / blue, IMPERFORATE; very nice block with original gum, cat. £1.200++ U:A5
1896 SG.80-82, complete set 25C, 50C, 1$, TRIAL PRINT of original stamps, imperforated blocks of four without Opt LABUAN, print in original colors, 25C double, 50C print with 1$ and 1$ on both sides, ex. British North Borneo Company archives U:A5
1896 SG.80-82, complete set 25C, 50C, 1$, trial overprint LABUAN (clear letterprint relief) on pairs, print of original stamps double and in original colors; ex. British North Borneo Company archives U:A5
1896 SG.81, trial overprint "LABUAN" unusually on stamp of North Borneo SG.82d, 50C "chalky blue" instead basic stamps for Ovpt - 50C red; blue print double, from 50C red only sheet offset, very interesting piece ex. British North Borneo Company archives U:A5
1900-1902 LABUAN SG.112a, vertical pair Orangutan 4C black/ yellow-brown, in the middle OMITTED perf, perfect piece with certificate BPA, cat. £1400, according to available records very rare U:DR
1958 TRIAL PRINT for issue UNESCO 50C-1K, complete set of 4 values in 5 various colors, 4x strip-of-5; imperforated trial printings on stamp paper with gum, rare offer! U:A4
1912-1923 SG.240d, George V. 500$, multiple wmk script "Crown CA", on cut-square with whole red fiscal pmk SINGAPORE $500 and hand obliteration U:A5
1903-1904 SG.54-59, Sultan Ibrahim, Opt of new face value, cat. £128 U:A5
1918-1920 SG.89-101, Sultan Ibrahim, 1c-5$, wmk "Mult. Crown CA", very nice quality, cat. £370 U:A5
1949 SG.133-147, Sultan Sir Ibrahim, complete set 1C-5$, only 8C hinged, cat. £160 U:A5
1949-1950 SELANGOR and PERAK, SG.90-110 and SG.128-148, 2 complete sets Sultan Hisamud and Sultan Yussuf 1C-5$; few usual spots, cat. £220 U:A5
1895 SG.28-31, Brooke, 2C-8C, complete set in blocks of 6, luxury; cat. min. £1.080 U:A5
1892 Mi.23-25, 28, 30, Wilhelmine 10C-2Gl50C; small flaw, highest value rare, cat. 220€ U:A5
1944-1945 EAST BORNEO - JAPANESE OCCUPATION, cat. JSCA (Nissen Japanese Stamp Specialized Catalog) 3N5, 3N12(2), provisional of Japan naval district - stamps of Netherlands Indies with Opt "Anchor"; cut square with 20C + 2x 5C, CDS SAMARINDA; rare offer U:A5
1932-1936 18 air-mail letters with nice frankings - Airmail, Wilhelmina, overprint and oths., to England and Netherlands; some chosen and better postmarks of small towns - PEMATANG, SOENGEI, MEDAN, SEMARANG, TEBINGTINGGI; various quality, small formats, attractive set! U:A5
1880-1980 [COLLECTIONS] collection with duplicates, full 16-sheets stockbook A4, various Neatherlands colonies, with Netherlands West Indies, also Curacao, Surinam, New Guinea and Antilles, many first issues and sought motive sets, also Airmails, Official and Postage due stamps and souvenir sheets; cat. ca. 2.650€ U:Z
1892 SG.63b, Coat of arms 4C pink with red Opt 1 CENT, Opt on both sides, CDS SANDAKAN; cat. £600 U:A5
1894 TRIAL PRINT SG.81, 82, 2x imperforated blocks-of-4 Coat of arms 25C indigo and 50C violet (slate purple), on both sides print in original colors, against misusage with lined postmark; ex. British North Borneo Company archives U:A5
1894 TRIAL PRINT SG.83, 84, 2x imperforated blocks-of-4 Coat of arms 1$ red and 2$ green, on both sides and double print in original colors, against misusage with lined postmark; ex. British North Borneo Company archives U:A5
1894 TRIAL PRINT SG.86, imperforated block-of-4 Coat of arms 10$ brown, print in original color; against usage with lined postmark; ex. British North Borneo Company archives U:A5
1899 SG.112asa, 5C Peacock black / orange with Opt 4 CENTS and SPECIMEN, Opt INVERTED; perfect and rare, according to certificate Holcombe stamp described in Marcus F.J. Samuel "Specimen stamps of the crown colonies 1857-1948", London, 1976; cat. £800 according to our opinion doesn't reflect scarcity of this stamps! U:A5
1911 SG.183, Coat of arms 10$ black / brick red, luxury marginal piece, cat. * £750, ** ca. £1500 U:A5
1922 SG.253a, Malaya-Borneo Exhibition 1922, Opt on marginal stamp 1C black / brown, printing error "BORHEO" instead "BORNEO"; perfect piece, cat. £325 U:A5
1925 SG.284a, marginal pair "Wild beast" 10C blue / black, in the middle OMITTED PERFORATION; very nice quality, certificate Brandon, cat. £1.700 U:DR
1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.J1a, J2(2x), J4a, Japanese single line hand overprint on stamp of Borneo issue 1939, 1C Opt black, 2x 2C Opt violet, 4C Opt black; nice quality, 2c with certificate RPS London; cat. £890 U:A5
1944 JAPANESE OCCUPATION, SG.J21a, 2C purple / blue-green with Opt from year 1942 (SG.J2) and in addition with Opt "Imperial Japanese post. service North Borneo"; very nice quality, cat. £450 U:A5
1883 TRIAL PRINT for Sc.4, King Chulalongkorn 1 Sik, print of definitive gravure in blue instead yellow color, imperforated and rare trial printing in perfect quality U:A5
1927 postcard "King Vajiravudh" 15 Satang red issue 1920, with blue Ovpt 10 Satang to Heidelberg, two CDS BANGKOK, on reverse German 20.NOV.1927; small folds in corners, overall very nice U:A5
1883-1970 [COLLECTIONS] nice basic collection of used stamps on hingeless sheets, various sets, part complete, supplemented with 8-sheets stockbook A4 with duplicates; cat. min. 1.000€, interesting offer U:Z
1928-1941 [COLLECTIONS] SG.294-300 and 8 values from the set SG.253-263, group of stamps "King Prajadhipok", "Rise field", "Palace", i.a. 1 Baht 20x , 2 Baht 10x , 3 Baht 17x, 5 Baht 4x; cat. £580 U:O4
1948-52 SG.16-30, George VI., complete set of 18 stamps.; cat. £400 U:A5