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1943 AS1, London MS with signature president Edvard Beneš; interesting, perfect condition U:A5
1943 AS1, London MS with signature minister abroad John Masaryk; interesting, perfect condition U:A5
1943 Exile issue, AS1, London MS, 1x with green special postmark to exhibition, in addition with part of rozměřovacího cross, placed on first day sh. + 1x mint never hinged miniature sheet; interesting U:A4
1939 Exile issue, Pof.A335, miniature sheet For Children-issue, exhibition New York, unissued miniature sheet, green text, blue emblem; quite rare offer, cat. Trojan at all doesn't report (!), hinged, interesting U:A5
1939 Exile issue, Pof.A347, miniature sheet Allegory, exhibition in New York, black text, red emblem; quite rare offer, c.v.. Trojan at all doesn't report, hinged, interesting U:A5
1939 Exile issue, Newspaper miniature sheet 1937, AS2a, exhibition NY 1939, black text and black emblem; very fine U:A4
1939 AS3a, miniature sheet Bratislava 1937, exhibition NY 1939, black text and black emblem, incl. original cover; R lower small fold and on reverse at top brown dots on gum U:A5
1939 AS4a, miniature sheet Praga 1938, exhibition NY 1939, blue emblem and black text; only very small folds U:A5
1940 AS9a, miniature sheet Praga 1938, exhibition NY 1940, black text also emblem; without defects U:A5
1940 AS9a, miniature sheet Praga 1938, exhibition NY 1940, green pavilion on coupon, black text also emblem, blue special postmark PRAGUE 1/ PRAGA 1938/ 26.VI.38 + other piece without special postmark (*), incl. original cover U:A5
1940 AS9a, miniature sheet Praga 1938, exhibition NY 1940, green pavilion on coupon, black text also emblem, blue special postmark PRAGUE 1/ PRAGA 1938/ 26.VI.38, incl. original cover; lower lightly dented paper U:A5
1940 AS9b, miniature sheet Praga 1938, exhibition NY 1940, black text and red emblem; without defects U:A5
1940 AS9b, miniature sheet Praga 1938, exhibition NY 1940, green pavilion on coupon, black text and red emblem, incl. original cover; nice quality U:A5
1940 AS9c, miniature sheet Praga 1938, exhibition NY 1940, green pavilion on coupon, black text and green emblem, incl. original cover; small zvlnění
1940 AS9c, miniature sheet Praga 1938, exhibition NY 1940, green pavilion on coupon, black text and green emblem, incl. original cover; small warping U:A5
1940 AS9c, miniature sheet Praga 1938, exhibition NY 1940, green pavilion on coupon, black text and green emblem; without defects U:A5
1940 AS9d, miniature sheet Praga 1938, exhibition NY 1940, green pavilion on coupon, black text and blue emblem, incl. cover to miniature sheet exhibition NY 1939; L lower small warping paper U:A5
1940 AS9e, miniature sheet Praga 1938, exhibition NY 1940, green pavilion on coupon, black text and golden emblem, incl. cover to souvenir sheets NY 1939; in/at upper corners small folds U:A5
1940 AS9e, miniature sheet Praga 1938, exhibition NY 1940, green pavilion on coupon, black text and golden emblem, incl. original cover, sound condition U:A5
1940 AS9e, miniature sheet Praga 1938, exhibition NY 1940, green pavilion on coupon, black text and golden emblem; without defects U:A5
1939 AS10a, miniature sheet Praga 1938, exhibition NY 1939, black text and black emblem, miniature sheet was/were originally připraven for exhibition in/at Toronto, incl. original cover; on/for several places dented papír
1939 AS10a, miniature sheet Praga 1938, exhibition NY 1939, black text and black emblem, miniature sheet was/were originally připraven for exhibition in/at Toronto; perfect condition U:A5
1939 AS10c, miniature sheet Praga 1938, exhibition NY 1939, black text and green emblem, miniature sheet was/were originally připraven for exhibition in/at Toronto; perfect condition U:A5
1940 AS10d, miniature sheet Praga 1938, exhibition NY 1939, black text and blue emblem, miniature sheet was/were originally připraven for exhibition in/at Toronto; without defects U:A5
1945 AS14+15, Lidice miniature sheet Belgium, both language variety Walloon + Flemish text, special postmark with date 28.10.45; good quality U:A5
1945 AS15, Lidice miniature sheet Belgium, vlámská text variety, imprint of commemorative postmark; sound condition U:A5
1940 PLATE PROOF AS5, miniature sheet Bratislava 1937 with red additional-printing also emblem to exhibition Toronto 1939, additional printing standard, no gotickým type (unusual) on R letter to Ecuador, special postmark OPENING DAY 11.V.1940, sent with American franking to Ekvádru, sender A. Stach, Us philatelically motivated entire; rare offer! U:A4
1942 telegram sent in England and sent to parašutistu Vítězslava Lepaříka (1914-1945), Czechoslovak soldier, nadporučík, commander výsadku Glucinium to Bohemia-Moravia, later zatčen Gestapem, zastřelen in/at Terezín; exceedingly interesting and rare historical document! U:A5
1943 miniature sheet "Sokol exhibition" in London, red FP-postmark., and special postmark CZECHOSLOVAK FIELD POST 28.X. 1918-1943, number miniature sheet 000000; printing only 2.000 pcs of, interesting U:A4
1945 Czechosl. single obrněná brigade/ Light brig. ambulance, letter from member of Czechosl. brigade in Plzen, to Prague, CDS Czechoslovak Field Post 26.Ma.45, Us Brit. censorship, incl. content and written notice on/for back flap U:A5
1940-45 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of 5 commemorative sheets and 8 postcard with special postmark postmarks FP Czechosl. army in France and England U:O4
1945 PARTISAN FP postcard with red frame cancel. FIELD POST/ PARTYZÁNSKÝCH ČET/ "VÁCLAVÍK", supplemented with nationalized CDS JABLONNÉ N. O. 11.VI.45; good condition U:A5