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1913-22 SG.100-101, Edward VII. 5Sh + 10Sh, corner pieces; mint never hinged, cat. ca. £170 U:A5
1860-1870 TRIAL PRINT SG.1, 2, 4, 5, Victoria 1P, 2P, 4P, 6P, definitive TRIAL PRINT of the first Jamaica issue, wmk "pine apple", IMPERFORATE and with Opt SPECIMEN; very nice quality, rare! U:A5
1907 SG.29 var., Edward VII. 4P with provisional Opt, intended as revenue purpose (see. notice in SG); perfect and interesting, cat. £250 U:A5
1965 Mi.1088-1102, Birds 3C-13C, comp. of 3 complete printing sheets, each stamp 4x; cat. only as single stamps 170€, as complete printing sheets rare U:A3v–
1873-1962 [COLLECTIONS] big collection in two stockbooks, postage stamps from 1873-1962, blocks from 1940´s-1950´s, air-mail 1927-1957, special delivery 1899-1960, all complete, (except newspaper in Spanish era); but also incl. unissued Mi.I - IV (1877-1880), all sets of Spanish and American era, favourite air-mails and rare souvenir sheets, all "unused" only several used stamps, many of them MNH, according to old catalogue Michel 2008 and only as * 5.600€; rare chance U:Z
1890-1897 [COLLECTIONS] Sc.134, 135, 143, 146, 144, P22, Alfonso XIII, big blocks and parts of sheets, with 27 gutters (!), marginal inscriptions etc., i.a. block-of-40 1 Peso ultramarine, few spots in gum caused by a tropical weather, cat. only as * stamps $440, rare multiples! U:Z
1879 letter to USA with stamp of general issue of French colonies Sc.35, Allegory 25C ultramarine, imperforated, CDS MARTINIGUE / ST: PIERRE, notice "Via St. Thomas", nice forerunner U:A5
1876 SG.2b, stamp of Antigua Victoria 6P green with Opt MONTSERRAT with INVERTED LETTER "S"; very nice and rare stamp with certificate BPA, cat. £1.900 U:DR
1899 SG.50, Saint Ursula 5Sh indigo; highest value U:A5
1904 SG.54-62, Edward VII. ½P-5Sh; complete set, cat. ca. £220 U:A5
1913-19 SG.69-77, George V. ½P-5Sh; complete set, cat. ca. £220 U:A5
1860 SG.20, block of 54(!) Britannia 1P red, local provisional of 5. lithographic issue (Ch. Petit); perfect and rare block, original gum, only 3 stamps hinged, cat. as single £1.675, unique multiple, ex. Burrus U:A4
1917 SG.143c, corner block-of-10 George V. 1P WAR TAX, L two pairs WITHOUT OVERPRINT AND WITH OVERPRINT, one pair MNH; perfect quality, certificate Brandon, cat. as two pairs * £1.300, as ** and in addition in block much more - our estimation is £2.000 U:DR
1917 SG.144b, George V. 3P with Opt WAR TAX, Opt DOUBLE, ONCE INVERTED; perfect piece, cat. £350 U:A5
1966 SG.264a, Churchill 8P, corner piece, GOLDEN DOUBLE PRINT (inscriptions); certificate BPA for original block-of-10, cat. £160 ++ U:A5
1849-1930 group of stamps on stock-sheet A5, issue "Goat eyes" from values 30R, emperor Pedro II. and others.; various quality U:A5
1932-33 group of 3 Zeppelin entires, 2x to Germany, 1x to USA, cachets, transit and arrival postmark.; overall good condition U:A5
1939-60 group of 18 airmail entires addressed to Czechoslovakia or BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, from that 8x as Registered, multicolor frankings mainly with CDS THEROZOPOLIS, censorships etc.; good condition U:A5
1852 SG.9, Tall Ship 1C black / purple, nice piece on cut-square with CDS DEMERARA, ex. Caspary (auction Harmer New York 1957) and ex. Burrus (auction Robson Lowe London 1963); certificates P. Holcombe - "exceptional condition" and Dr. G. Bolaffi; cat. £5.500 + ca. 30%; similar piece on cut-square ex. Du Pont was sold in 2014 for 15.600€! U:DR
1861 SG.40, "Tall Ship" 1C brown-red; very nice piece with perfect perf; cat. £475 U:A5
1862-64 TRIAL PRINT for SG.45, "Tall Ship" (Colonial Seal) 4C light blue, IMPERFORATE, on thin paper; on reverse signed as "ESSAI"; interesting piece in very nice quality, certificate BPA U:A5
1863-187 SG.69var and 70var, "Tall Ship", wide format, 2x 6C blue and green-blue, both with "dot before VICISSIM"; cat. still doesn't evaluate, price for basic stamps £400 U:A5
1966 Mi.1251, Personalities 10c with left coupon, ERROR emblem / symbol U.N. on coupon, emblem inverted; interesting U:A5
1948 Reg and airmail letter to USA, with Mi.671-676, CDS CORREO AEREO QUITO, arrival MIAMI AIR MAIL and STEUBENVILLE OHIO; autograph "Elia Liut", famous Italian pilot; good destination and interesting document U:A5
1957 ISLAS GALAPAGOS, 6 pcs of FDC with 3 sets Maps and fauna; interesting U:A5
1865 Mi.32a, Coat of arms with condor 1P bricky red; o. g., very fine, cat. 150€+ U:A5
1960 Sc.571var, United Nations 75c, PRINT OF BLUE COLOR INVERTED, corner piece; very interesting and significant printing error, cat. doesn't report U:A5
1937-39 group of 11 airmail letters addressed to Czechoslovakia from that 8x as Registered, supplemented with 4 usual letters, multicolor frankings, all with CDS ASUNCIÓN, transit pmks, 1x burdened in Czechoslovakia by postage-due etc., nice postmarks, good condition U:A5
1937-39 group of 7 airmail letters addressed to Czechoslovakia, resp. to Bohemia-Moravia from that 1x as Registered, multicolor frankings with CDS ASUNCIÓN, all transit or arrival airmail postmarks PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT, or BRATISLAVA AIRPORT; good condition U:A5
1942 Reg and airmail letter to Switzerland with Mi.480, 481, 483, 484 and 530, CDS ASUNCIÓN/ PARAGUAY/ 8.JUN.1942, Reg label, on reverse transit pmk LISBOA, Brit. and German censorship(!), arrival AARAU 1/ 29.VII.42; decorative, sound condition U:A5
1857-58 PACIFIC STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY Sc.1, Steamship 1R blue on blued paper, on 3 sides complete margins, R margin cut to outer line, oval numeral pmk "6"; recorded ca. 100 genuine used pieces, certificate Moorhouse 2013, undervalued, cat. Scott $1.700, Mi.2.200€ U:A5
1859-1860 Sc.7, 13, 14, 16, Suns 60cts, 80cts, 120cts, group of 11 stamps, thin also strong numerals; various quality, cat. $250 U:A5
1926 picture Reg and airmail PC 3c violet, uprated with postage stamp 5c and airmail 6c, over franking red framed pmk SERVICIO POSTAL AEREO/ MONTEVIDEO - BUENOS AIRES, CDS MONTEVIDEO/ 8.VII.26 and Reg label in front, on reverse 2x arrival BUENOS AIRES/ 10.JUL.26 and hinges after sticking in collection U:A5
1871-1876 Sc.28, block of 6 Bolivar - Escuelas 2Reales red, Opt "Bolivar Sucre Miranda...", 2x fold; unusual multiple U:A5
1880 Sc.67, Bolívar 25B carmine - red, original gum, usual irregular perf of this issue "Escuelas"; light longitudinal fold, very nice piece, rarest and the most expensive stamp of Venezuela, certificate M. Eichele: "Eine sehr seltene Marke", cat. $5000; on reverse signature "F de C" - ex. Francis de Coppet (1830-1914), unique offer! U:DR
1863-1870 [COLLECTIONS] Sc.10-21, Eagle and Coat of arms, 33 pcs of stamps, both issues incl. rare Sc.16,17 1/2Ct and 1Ct green; postmarks and colors, various margins, cat. $920 U:Z
1871-1876 [COLLECTIONS] Sc.22-36, 40,45,47, Ecsuelas Bilivar and Coat of arms, with Opt "Bolivar Sucre Miranda.." and "Contrasena..", 40 pcs, postmarks, colors, inverted Opt, Bolivar 50R green is rare stamp; cat. $560 U:Z