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1948 SG.O43-O58, official set "Arab Postman" 1Mill-50Pia with Opt S.G., type O4; cat. £120 U:A5
1916 NYASALAND - RHODESIAN FORCE, complete issue for occupation forces in former German East Africa, SG.N1-N5, George V. 1/2P-1Sh with Opt N.F., in addition pair 1/2P; plate flaw "very small dot after F" on value 1/2P and "disturbed F" on value 1P, these printing errors occur only on one position of the 60 pcs sheet, positions 5 of 6th row and position 3 of 4th line; SG describes, but still doesn't evaluate); cat. of basic stamps £130 U:A5
1927-1931 BRITSKÝ MANDATE SG.93-107, George V. 5C-1£; complete set, nice quality, cat. £500 U:A5
1917-1921 [COLLECTIONS] BRITISH OCCUPATION SG.45-60, 60a, 66-68, George V. 1C-10Rp 1917 and George V. 2Rp-5Rp, with Opt G.E.A., several higher values more often according to shades colors, mostly **, cat. only as * £880, on sheets from old collection U:Z
1922-1925 [COLLECTIONS] BRITISH MANDATE SG.74-82, 83, 84, 84a-88, 88a(2), 89-92, Giraph´s set, 5C-1£, stamps 2Sh,5Sh,10Sh,1£ with wmk sideways and upright, in addition additional issue 5C-30C 1925 outer and corner; perfect quality, cat. only as * £1.800 U:Z
1888-1947 group of 4 letters addressed to Prague from that 1x as Registered, supplemented with 9 p.stat as PC, envelopes and 1 letter-card, from that only 1 postal stationery cover used; good condition U:A5
1945 commercial air-mail letter with 2x Mi.276, 6Fr + 2x Mi.279, 20Fr, CDS TUNIS-ROUSTAN; sent on Jewisch Community Center in Reading in USA U:A5
1895 BRITISH PROTECTORATE SG.35, 5c, violet characters and numerals, provisional issue on thin ribbed paper; usual small flaw; exp. Bloch, cat. £700 U:A5
1895-1896 SG.2, India 1 Ann violet "plum" with blue Opt ZANZIBAR, 2 light folds left, perfect perf; certificate BPA, cat. £3.000 U:DR
1899 letter with SG.188-190, Sultan Seyyid 1/2 green, 1A indigo, 1A red, CDS ZANZIBAR, to Switzerland arrival BEX, notice "Per S.S. (steam ship) D.O.A.L." i. e. Deutsche Ost-Afrika-Linie; interesting U:A5
1915 SG.B13a, Camerrons Expeditionary Force, Opt "C.E.F./ 5S". on German colonial Emperor´s Yacht 5M, marginal piece, "S" in overprint INVERTED; perfect piece, exp. H. Bloch and Holcombe, cat. £1.300, rare stamp! U:A5
1947 Mi.Bl1A, B, souvenir sheet Exhibition CIPEX, 2 pcs, perf + imperforated; perfect, cat. 350€ U:A5
1932 Reg letter to France with multicolor franking of stamps Ceres, incl. overprint 1931 Sc.211-213, CDS ESTACAO DE BOLAMA, arrival AUXERRE U:A5
1903 SG.85, Edward VII. $1, wmk Crown CA; perfect, mint never hinged, highest value, cat. ca. £550 U:A5
1905 SG.98, Edward VII. $1, wmk Mult Crown CA; perfect, mint never hinged, highest value, cat. ca. £600 U:A5
1933 SG.168-179, 100 years Anniv., 1/2P-10Sh; cat. £550 U:A5
1884-1891 SG.14,15,18,19, Victoria 2½P, 3P , 1Sh, 2Sh, all SPECIMEN, very nice quality, complete set of specimens, cat. £180 U:A5
1924-33 SG.15b, George V. 4P black / yellow, TORN FLAG; significant and sought plate flaw; perfect quality, cat. £500 U:A5
1924 SG.19b, George V., Coat of arms 2Sh grey and blue / light blue, "torn flag"; popular and significant printing error, cat. $750 U:A5
1924-1933 SG.19a, George V., Coat of arms 2Sh grey-black / blue, BROKEN MAINMAST; significant and sought plate flaw; perfect quality, cat. £750 U:A5
1896 SG.53, provisional issue from town Bulawayo (print Bulawayo Chronicle), Opt "THREE PENCE" on 5Sh yellow (SG.8, 1892); interesting provisional issue arisen during so-called. Matabel riot; perfect quality, exp. Knopke, cat. £190 U:A5
1898 SG.53, Coat of arms with red Opt 1d/3Sh, left bottom corner block-of-6 on cut-square, with plate number 1 in margin, nice print CDS ZOMBA/ B.C.A./ Fe.13.98; nice decorative block U:A5
1886 SG.8, overprint issue "British Bechuanaland" on stmp Cape of Good Hope 1Sh green; perfect piece, cat. £325, U:A5
1888 SG.17, 18, Victoria 2Sh6P and 5Sh green / black; cat. £210 U:A5
1893-1895 SG.39f, Cape of Good Hope 2P brown with Opt BRITISH BECHUANALAND, printing error WITHOUT DOT N. "I" V BRITISH; very nice piece, cat. £275 U:A5
1932 SG.99s-110s, George V., complete set 1/2P-10Sh, perf SPECIMEN; perfect quality, cat. £425, rare occurrence! U:A5
1855 SG.6, Allegory 4P blue, group of 3 stamps, various margins; cat. ca. £270 U:A5
1858 SG.6, 8, Allegory 4P and 1Sh, wmk, both stamps on one side cut to outer line; cat. £390 U:A5
1855-1863 SG.7, Allegory 6P light violet, with part of original gum; wide margins, several signatures, cat. £1.200 U:A5
1857-61 SG.1, Crown - NATAL 1P blue, embossed local print in Pietermaritzburg, at top repaired tearing, very nice piece, certificate BPA, cat. £1.200 U:A5
1857-61 SG.2, 2x Crown - NATAL 1P pink, embossed local print in Pietermaritzburg, 1 piece with pmk "1", closer margin and thin place; also nice piece with cross cancellation, with close margins, certificate Holcombe; cat. £3.800 U:A5
1857-61 SG4, Crown - NATAL V R, 3P pink, embossed local print inPietermaritzburg; very nice piece with part original gum, cat. price only as used £400 U:A5
1857-61 SG.5, Crown - NATAL V R, 6P green, embossed local print in Pietermaritzburg; very nice piece on cut-square, cat. £1.100++ U:A5
1859-77 SG.9, 11, 20, 23, 24, 33, 54b, 60, 61, 76, 83, 92, comp. 12 "Chalon Head" stamps; cat. £540 U:A5
1867-81 SG.25, 63, 66*, 105*, 109*, 113* and other 7 values Victoria (De La Rue); cat. £206 U:A5
1874-99 SG.71, 73, 2x Victoria 5Sh, violet "maroon" with red (!) postmark and carmine unused; cat. £220 U:A5
1875-76 SG.80, 81, "Chalon Head" 1P pink and 1P yellow, Opt POSTAGE; cat. £220 U:A5
1877 SG.85-89, 5 pcs of Victoria 1P pink with Opt 1/2 HALF, types a-e; cat. £540 U:A5
1902 SG.142, 143, Edward VII. 1£; and 1,10£, very nice pieces with CDS DURBAN and PIETERMARITZBURG, cat. £210 U:A5
1884 SG.3a, pair of Coat of arms 4P olive grey, in the middle OMITTED perf; very nice quality, cat. £800 U:A5
1899 Reg letter to Durban, with TRANSVAAL SG.217-218 2x + 215c 2x, black framed Reg pmk, on reverse arrival postmark.; envelope open from 3 sides U:A5
1888 SG.13, Natal ½P green with Opt ZULULAND, corner strip-of-6 with plate number - with part of gutter, 4 pcs MNH; 3. stamp with production flaw, otherwise perfect multiple, exp. Holcombe, cat. as 6 * pcs £168; we estimate cat. min. £350 U:A5
1923 SG.2b, 2c, 2x block of four George V. 1P red, Opt SOUTH WEST AFRICA / ZUID WEST AFRICA, printing errors "WES" instead "WEST" and "AF.RICA" instead "AFRICA" ( ** block of four outer with gutter); perfect, cat. only as single pairs * £386 U:A5
1923 SG.3a, pair George V. 2P violet "dull purple", bilingual Boer / English Opt INVERTED; cat. £700 U:A5
1923 SG.29-40, incl. 32a, pairs George V. Zuidwest / South West 1/2P-1£, 1£; green / red; perfect quality; cat. ca. £540 U:A5
1923 SG.29-40a, pairs of George V., Zuidwest / South West 1/2P-1£, 5Sh with plate numbers, 10Sh ** with gutter, 1£; ** light olive / red exp. Stolow; perfect quality; cat. £900 U:A5
1927 SG.60cb, pair Pretoria 2P black / violet SOUTH AFRICA / SUIDAFRIKA /with Opt S.W.A.; Opt DOUBLE AND ONCE INVERTED, perfect pair, certificate Sismondo, cat. £750 U:A5
1927 SG.66ba, pair of Boer wagon 5Sh black /green SUIDAFRIKA / SOUTH AFRICA with Opt S.W.A., L WITHOUT DOT AFTER "A", perf 14 x 13½;, perfect pair, cat. £300 U:A5
1931 SG.74-87, "Pictorials" 1/2P-20Sh and air-mail 3P and 10P; perfect quality, cat. £225 U:A5
1923 SG.D4a, marginal pair 3P black / blue, L Opt ZUID WES instead ZUID WEST; cat. £200 U:A5
1926-1990 [COLLECTIONS] big collection in album DAVO, almost complete, in addition official and postage-due; also NAMIBIA 1990-1995, cat. ca. £1.540 U:Z
1933-1948 SG.61b, pair of 6P green / orange, on the left stamp plate flaw "molehill flaw"; cat. £250 U:A5
od 1911 [COLLECTIONS] group of 32 letters - air-mail, Reg, commercial added-prints, with postage-dues, FDC, aerograms, frankotypes, nice frankings and others.; all to USA U:O5
1924-1929 SG.2a, pair George V. 1P red, in the middle OMITTED PERF; perfect quality, cat. £950 U:A5
1924 SG.1-14, George V., complete set 1/2P-5Sh, stamps 2Sh6P and 5Sh with fiscal cancel. and excluded from sum, cat. only for 1/2-2Sh * £100 U:A5
1931 SG.15-27, George V., complete set 1/2P-5Sh; cat. £140 U:A5
1932 Reg letter to France with multicolor franking of stamps Ceres, in addition interesting usage stamps "postal tax" Sc.RA39, incl. overprint 1931 Sc.250, CDS LORENCO MARQUES, pink Reg label, arrival AUXERRE; interesting letter U:A5
1896-1909 group of 14 blocks of four and multiples of Coat of arms, small and big formats, penny also shilling values, i.a. 2Sh6P, 3Sh,10Sh, Opt RHODESIA 7½P, then pair 2£, all with CDS SALISBURY, BULAWAYO, MATABELELAND, UMTALI; interesting set U:A4
1897 SG.74, 2x Coat of arms £2 violet - red, with date perfin resp. with perfin USED and with violet fiscal postmark U:A5
1898-1908 SG.75aa, pair Coat of arms 1/2P yellow - green, vert. perf OMITTED; very nice pair with original gum, cat. £850 U:A5