Public Auction 48 / Philately / Czech Republic

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178263 - 1993 Pof.PL5, Contemporary Art 14CZK, comp. of 2 PB from tha
1993 Pof.PL5, Contemporary Art 14CZK, comp. of 2 PB from that 1x with plate variety 2/A - black point; c.v.. 1.350CZK
Starting price: CZK
178265 - 1993 Pof.PL5, Contemporary Art 14CZK, comp. of 2 PB from tha
1993 Pof.PL5, Contemporary Art 14CZK, comp. of 2 PB from that 1x with plate variety 2/A - black point; c.v.. 1.350CZK
Starting price: CZK
177041 - 1993 Pof.A10 production flaw, miniature sheet Big state coat
1993 Pof.A10 production flaw, miniature sheet Big state coat of arms, different cut; c.v.. 4.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
178309 - 1993-94 comp. of stamps issue Towns, contains various plate
1993-94 comp. of stamps issue Towns, contains various plate variety, production flaw i.a.: Pof.13, 2CZK horizontal pair with plate variety 29/2 (2 shades); Pof.19, 50CZK, 3x pair with plate variety 48/2, 50/2 and 71/2; Pof.35, 3CZK pair with plate variety 59/1, str-of-4 Prague forgeries etc..
Starting price: CZK
178278 - 1993 Pof.15, Plzeň 5CZK, vertical L marginal bnd-of-20 with
1993 Pof.15, Plzeň 5CZK, vertical L marginal bnd-of-20 with date of print 13.IX.93, with shift values "5" downward and with shifted perforation; interesting
Starting price: CZK
175956 - 1994-2008 Pof.56, Christmas 2CZK, the bottom bnd-of-10 with
1994-2008 Pof.56, Christmas 2CZK, the bottom bnd-of-10 with plate variety on pos. 50/1 + Pof.543, Rosa 10CZK, L vertical bnd-of-20 with margin and date of print with production flaw - in/at L column omitted gold color background print rose, first 6 stamps with significant vynecháním, intensity with in the direction of downward zmenšuje
Starting price: CZK
178308 - 1994 Pof.60VV, Towns 7CZK, comp. 15 pcs of stamp. with vario
1994 Pof.60VV, Towns 7CZK, comp. 15 pcs of stamp. with various shifts numeral value, up, downward, L-wards also transport; interesting selection of
Starting price: CZK
177423 - 1995 PLATE PROOF Pof.73, Čmelák 3CZK - issue Ohrožený in
1995 PLATE PROOF Pof.73, Čmelák 3CZK - issue Ohrožený insect Czech Republic, plate proof - master die in black color, on/for chalky carton without gum, with signature of engraver J. Herčík
Starting price: CZK
177849 - 1995 Pof.90 production flaw, Slohy 3CZK green, horizontal pa
1995 Pof.90 production flaw, Slohy 3CZK green, horizontal pair with lower margin with production flaw - quite omitted blue color; c.v.. 6.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
177069 - 1994-2004 selection of plate variety and VV: Pof.95, 50. Ann
1994-2004 selection of plate variety and VV: Pof.95, 50. Anniv U.N. with production flaw 23 - white circle by/on/at map/-s (small part of edition) + Pof.308, Dialog between civilizacemi 9CZK with plate variety 24/2 (only the first day print), both catalogue defects + in addition Pof.482, Czech puncovnictví 15CZK, marginal strip-of-4, on all pane positions silver smudges from vert. ohraničení R in the middle
Starting price: CZK
178307 - 1998 Pof.182VV, Rare Beasts 8CZK with production flaw on pos
1998 Pof.182VV, Rare Beasts 8CZK with production flaw on pos. 18 - green stain, only part of edition
Starting price: CZK
175949 - 1998 Pof.197, 80th Anniv. of the founding of Czechoslovakia.
1998 Pof.197, 80th Anniv. of the founding of Czechoslovakia., comp. of 3 complete PB + 2x variants of coupons; c.v.. 4.100Kč
Starting price: CZK
177030 - 2001 Pof.283TV, Zodiac - Lion 12CZK, the bottom corner blk-o
2001 Pof.283TV, Zodiac - Lion 12CZK, the bottom corner blk-of-8 with flaw print 87 - almost quite omitted black in/at head and upper part/-s bodies lion and with flaw print 90 ditto in both bottom tlapách; decorative
Starting price: CZK
177624 - 2002 Pof.331, Blíženci, vertical bnd-of-10 with BTS, on al
2002 Pof.331, Blíženci, vertical bnd-of-10 with BTS, on all stamps shift light blue color R (from head vystupují from R blue obdélníčky); unusual
Starting price: CZK
178277 - 2003 Pof.361, Rozhledny 6,40CZK, comp. of 3 L bottom corner
2003 Pof.361, Rozhledny 6,40CZK, comp. of 3 L bottom corner pairs with plate variety 42/1 - white stain below "CZK" on/for original plate + 1. surplus print with plate variety 42/1 + 2. surplus print with retouch RE 42/1; interesting selection of
Starting price: CZK
177920 - 2004 Pof.381, V067, Lantern, blk-of-9 personalised stamp. CO
2004 Pof.381, V067, Lantern, blk-of-9 personalised stamp. COMPSTAT CONFORG s.r.o., printing only 700PA; c.v.. -,-
Starting price: CZK
178923 - 2005 Pof.PA424, Gate with peacock 7,50CZK, 1. variant, two b
2005 Pof.PA424, Gate with peacock 7,50CZK, 1. variant, two blk-of-9 with added-print P, stamps 1x light blue, 1x grey-blue; Pof.A544 Gate with peacock 10CZK 1. variant, ditto, stamps 1x violet blue, 1x dark grey-blue and significantly darker green (shades only on/for counter sheet for added-print, color stamps nesouvisí with motive of private coupon)
Starting price: CZK
177477 - 2006 Pof.PL459, Bunch of Flowers I, value 10CZK with legem �
2006 Pof.PL459, Bunch of Flowers I, value 10CZK with legem ČESKÁ POST, PB with additional-printing V168 Butterflies M. Švabinský
Starting price: CZK
177628 - 2006 Pof.467, Still-life with wine 12CZK, two printing sheet
2006 Pof.467, Still-life with wine 12CZK, two printing sheet (V121), both 2. variant a big logo Czech post, significantly different shades stamps (mainly grey background) also ofsetových coupons (1x chodník red-brown, 1x grey); c.v.. Pofis (without ohledu on/for rarity shade) min. 3.400 CZK, c.v.. Pěnkava 9.000 CZK, lighter shade general printing only ca. 180 stamps
Starting price: CZK
178914 - 2007-2008 Pof.531, Water Tower 7,50CZK, production flaw on p
2007-2008 Pof.531, Water Tower 7,50CZK, production flaw on pos. 1 - significant incomplete-printing 7CZK (thin/light „c“ without wedge [ ˇ ]) and upper frame (daleko marked then picture in catalogue) and Pof.571, Emmaus 10CZK, corner str-of-4, on pos. 8 - production flaw horiz. okrovém lines through/over numeral 10; interesting
Starting price: CZK
178912 - 2007 Pof.538, Schengen 10CZK, the bottom blk-of-20 with cata
2007 Pof.538, Schengen 10CZK, the bottom blk-of-20 with catalogue errors/flaws L/21 (stain by „E“ Evropou) and L/30 (rose circle below Če), sought; c.v.. 800
Starting price: CZK
177509 - 2008 Pof.PL544 + Pof.573 Gate with peacock, value 10CZK and
2008 Pof.PL544 + Pof.573 Gate with peacock, value 10CZK and Summer day value 10CZK, comp. 3 pcs of PB with added-print V156 Relikviář St. Maura, V169+V170 Butterflies M. Švabinský
Starting price: CZK
178997 - 2008 International year planety Earth 2008, refused definiti
2008 International year planety Earth 2008, refused definitive color stamp design Pof.546, author John Ungrád, print 200x200mm and 30x30 mm; interesting, very attractive design for this vydání!
Starting price: CZK
178922 - 2008 Pof.554, Azalka 3CZK, production flaw - shift golden ir
2008 Pof.554, Azalka 3CZK, production flaw - shift golden iredescentní color significantly L-wards, UL corner blk-of-4; interesting
Starting price: CZK
178913 - 2008 Pof.571, Monastery Emmaus 10CZK, the bottom bnd-of-10 w
2008 Pof.571, Monastery Emmaus 10CZK, the bottom bnd-of-10 with date 20.VI.08, under the pos. 48 and 50 visible imprint of transfer roll black color (name state, but no in/at position TB as stamps); small part of edition, cat. min. 1.200CZK
Starting price: CZK
178704 - 2008 Pof.PL573, Summer day, big logo Czech post with small c
2008 Pof.PL573, Summer day, big logo Czech post with small characters on/for new lesklém paper, private additional printing V128 EXPONET, printing mere 100 pcs of, in addition trial print SPECIMEN in margins PB, square known only 2-3 pieces!
Starting price: CZK
177904 - 2008 Pof.A574 plate variety, miniature sheet PRAGA 2008 35CZ
2008 Pof.A574 plate variety, miniature sheet PRAGA 2008 35CZK, joined/common Czech Republic - Austrian issue, with plate variety "registered cross above P (Republika)"; sought by specialists, c.v.. 1.200CZK italic
Starting price: CZK
177689 - 2008 Pof.PL578, Art - Braunerová 23CZK, variant without cen
2008 Pof.PL578, Art - Braunerová 23CZK, variant without centre perf - without coupons; rare occurrence, specialist trvale sought!, c.v.. 14.000CZK italic
Starting price: CZK
178706 - 2008 Pof.PL583, Lada 10CZK, big logo Czech post with small c
2008 Pof.PL583, Lada 10CZK, big logo Czech post with small characters on/for new lesklém paper, private additional printing V129 EXPONET, printing mere 100 pcs of, in addition trial print SPECIMEN in margins PB, square known only 2-3 pieces!
Starting price: CZK
178991 - 2008 DEFINITIVNÍ BAREVNÝ NÁVRH on/for stamp Pof.596, Joha
2008 DEFINITIVNÍ BAREVNÝ NÁVRH on/for stamp Pof.596, Johannes Kepler, 400 years Anniv product "Astronomia Nova" 1609 / / International year astronomie 2009; 17CZK, print 225x225mm, author John Ungrád, přijatá and realizovaná brown variant; in addition original color portrait Johannese Keplera to/at stamp - tempera, 200x165mm; extraordinary offer!
Starting price: CZK
178992 - 2008 DEFINITIVNÍ BAREVNÝ NÁVRH on/for stamp Pof.596, Joha
2008 DEFINITIVNÍ BAREVNÝ NÁVRH on/for stamp Pof.596, Johannes Kepler, 400 years Anniv product "Astronomia Nova" 1609 / International year astronomie 2009; 17CZK, print 225x225mm and 2 pcs of format 33x33mm, author John Ungrád, nepřijatá blue variant; in addition original color portrait Johannese Keplera to/at stamp - tempera, 200x165mm, interesting
Starting price: CZK
178993 - 2008 FDC with stmp Pof.596, Johannes Kepler, signature of au
2008 FDC with stmp Pof.596, Johannes Kepler, signature of author - John Ungrád, then 3 original printings, pencil; Trial potrétu J. Keplera, 235x365mm; refused design for FDC - Prague castle and Keplerova printing to zákonům about/by pohybu planet from book/-s „Astronomia Nova“, 240x285mm; and also accepted and realizovaný design for FDC - Uranie, bohyně astronomie from same document, 240x325mm, zajímavé
Starting price: CZK
176996 - 2010 Pof.630, Four-leaf clover - Fifinka, 2x complete bookle
2010 Pof.630, Four-leaf clover - Fifinka, 2x complete booklet (surplus print with inscription Depo), 1x very light (c.v.. 1.200 CZK), 1x extremely dark (c.v.. doesn't report), on/for this reprint are distinctive shades quite exceptional, nejspíš sole possibility získat
Starting price: CZK
176987 - 2010 Pof.630, Four-leaf clover - Fifinka, complete booklet (
2010 Pof.630, Four-leaf clover - Fifinka, complete booklet (surplus print with inscription Depo), production flaw 2/1 - strong significant circle above „nk“ (Fifinka); catalogue defect, sought
Starting price: CZK
176989 - 2010 Pof.630, Four-leaf clover - Fifinka, complete booklet (
2010 Pof.630, Four-leaf clover - Fifinka, complete booklet (surplus print with inscription Depo), production flaw 2/1 - very significant circle closely above „in“ (Fifinka); catalogue defect, sought
Starting price: CZK
176990 - 2010 Pof.630, Four-leaf clover - Fifinka, complete booklet (
2010 Pof.630, Four-leaf clover - Fifinka, complete booklet (surplus print with inscription Depo), production flaw 2/3 - very significant circle above „ka“ (Fifinka); catalogue defect, sought
Starting price: CZK
176988 - 2010 Pof.630, Four-leaf clover - Fifinka, complete booklet (
2010 Pof.630, Four-leaf clover - Fifinka, complete booklet (surplus print with inscription Depo), production flaw 2/5 - significant circle above „n“ (Fifinka); catalogue defect, sought
Starting price: CZK
176986 - 2010 Pof.630, Four-leaf clover - Fifinka, complete booklet (
2010 Pof.630, Four-leaf clover - Fifinka, complete booklet (basic print with ostrým hologram), L stamps strong skidding print, right normal; very significant production flaw, cat. only single stamps 800CZK
Starting price: CZK
177012 - 2010 Pof.630, Four-leaf clover - Fifinka, horizontal pair wi
2010 Pof.630, Four-leaf clover - Fifinka, horizontal pair with production flaw - without pin hole; rare zelenomodrý shade (usage ca. 10x lower then light blue); c.v.. for common shade 8.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
177020 - 2010 Pof.630, Fifinka without pin hole, green-blue (rarer sh
2010 Pof.630, Fifinka without pin hole, green-blue (rarer shade); c.v.. 4.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
177556 - 2010-2013 complete set 15 pcs of samolepících booklets fro
2010-2013 complete set 15 pcs of samolepících booklets from y. 2010-2013; face-value 2.100CZK
Starting price: CZK
174558 - 2011 Pof.672, Four-leaf clover - Piňda, stamp booklets with
2011 Pof.672, Four-leaf clover - Piňda, stamp booklets with production flaw 3/6 - significant yellow stain R from palety, cataloged defect
Starting price: CZK
177061 - 2011 Pof.677, Eastern A (kuřata), 2x pair with production f
2011 Pof.677, Eastern A (kuřata), 2x pair with production flaw 29/3A - red stain in L bottom sheet (two various location defects) and pair with production flaw 29/2A - white stain above head kuřete; catalogue defects
Starting price: CZK
177514 - 2011 Pof.PL702, Gate with peacock, value A, comp. 2 pcs of P
2011 Pof.PL702, Gate with peacock, value A, comp. 2 pcs of PB, V191 Wenceslas Havel mourning and V205 Summer Olympic Games 2012 LONDON
Starting price: CZK
177033 - 2011 Pof.707, Christmas A, 1x rose background, LR corner blk
2011 Pof.707, Christmas A, 1x rose background, LR corner blk-of-4, 1x very significant skidding print black, R marginal blk-of-4; c.v.. 1.400CZK
Starting price: CZK
178920 - 2011 Pof.707, Christmas, value A, UL corner blk-of-4 with si
2011 Pof.707, Christmas, value A, UL corner blk-of-4 with significant shifted perforation L-wards, to picture of stmp; c.v.. Pěnkava 16.000CZK, nabízíme after/behind less then 10% catalogue
Starting price: CZK
177027 - 2012 Pof.711, 150. Anniv Sokol 14CZK, corner str-of-6 with
2012 Pof.711, 150. Anniv Sokol 14CZK, corner str-of-6 with production flaw 46B/4 - yellow circle in LL corner, from reprint (sought also as printing); catalogue defect
Starting price: CZK
177083 - 2012 Pof.711, 150. anniv of foundation Sokol 14CZK, complete
2012 Pof.711, 150. anniv of foundation Sokol 14CZK, complete PA3, L 4 column normal (red), then crossing, right/genuine 5 sloupců stamp. red-brown; cat. only červenohnědých stamps 5.000 CZK, crossing colors significantly rarer (c.v.. -,-), as sheet quite exceptional, on/for long period last chance získat red-brown stamps
Starting price: CZK
177073 - 2012 Pof.711, 150. anniv of foundation Sokol 14CZK, L bnd-o
2012 Pof.711, 150. anniv of foundation Sokol 14CZK, L bnd-of-20, surplus print (nezdvojené perf. holes in margins), catalogue production flaw 3/2, 42/2 and 44/2, in addition production flaw 24/2 - yellow stain by L ribbon L from L leg falcon; very sought also as printing
Starting price: CZK
178964 - 2012 Pof.724, St. Wenceslaus A, complete 40-ks print sheet w
2012 Pof.724, St. Wenceslaus A, complete 40-ks print sheet without pin hole and náseku; quite exceptional, c.v.. 300.000Kč, square is still known only this complete sheet, for the first time in auction!
Starting price: CZK
177610 - 2012 Pof.724, St. Wenceslaus A, vertical pair without pin ho
2012 Pof.724, St. Wenceslaus A, vertical pair without pin hole; quite exceptional, still on/for auction unoffered, c.v.. 15.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
177593 - 2012 Pof.724, St. Wenceslaus A, vertical marginal Pr with do
2012 Pof.724, St. Wenceslaus A, vertical marginal Pr with double pin hole; c.v.. 1.800CZK
Starting price: CZK
177023 - 2012 Pof.A741, 800 years Zlaté buly Sicilian, shift name s
2012 Pof.A741, 800 years Zlaté buly Sicilian, shift name state to to seal; for comparison including normal miniature sheet, unusual
Starting price: CZK
177613 - 2012 Pof.746, Art - Lhoták 26CZK, printing sheet - shift br
2012 Pof.746, Art - Lhoták 26CZK, printing sheet - shift brown (hair) crossways up and transport, nejzřetelnější on pos. 4; very interesting
Starting price: CZK
176994 - 2012 Pof.750-751, Four-leaf clover in service King, 2x bookl
2012 Pof.750-751, Four-leaf clover in service King, 2x booklet with production flaw - 7/5A - white circle below A values (two stage – below L nožičkou A and others in the middle A); significant production flaw, catalogue defect
Starting price: CZK
176991 - 2012 Pof.750-751, Four-leaf clover in service King, 2x bookl
2012 Pof.750-751, Four-leaf clover in service King, 2x booklet with production flaw 10/2A - significant yellow stain R from A values (two stage – more/larger and smaller); the most significant production flaw on/for this booklet, katalogizováno
Starting price: CZK
176993 - 2012 Pof.750-751, Four-leaf clover in service King, booklet
2012 Pof.750-751, Four-leaf clover in service King, booklet with production flaw 1/6A - white stain R from Myšpulína; catalogue defect
Starting price: CZK
176992 - 2012 Pof.750-751, Four-leaf clover in service King, booklet
2012 Pof.750-751, Four-leaf clover in service King, booklet with production flaw 4/4A - yellow stain L from Myšpulína; catalogue vada
Starting price: CZK
176995 - 2013 Pof.762, Europe 25CZK, 2x PB, from that 1x grey (very r
2013 Pof.762, Europe 25CZK, 2x PB, from that 1x grey (very rare), 1x common grey-violet, but with production flaw on pos. 3 - oblique rose line below „pu“ (republic)
Starting price: CZK
176997 - 2013 Pof.766, Krtek A, complete booklet, new pin hole and ho
2013 Pof.766, Krtek A, complete booklet, new pin hole and hologram, field 6, very significant skidding print blue (nejvíc on pos. 8-10); unusual production flaw, first-time offered
Starting price: CZK