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1993 Pof.PL5, Contemporary Art 14CZK, comp. of 2 PB from that 1x with plate variety 2/A - black point; c.v.. 1.350CZK U:A5
1993 Pof.PL5, Contemporary Art 14CZK, comp. of 2 PB from that 1x with plate variety 2/A - black point; c.v.. 1.350CZK U:A5
1993 Pof.A10 production flaw, miniature sheet Big state coat of arms, different cut; c.v.. 4.000CZK U:A5
1993-94 comp. of stamps issue Towns, contains various plate variety, production flaw i.a.: Pof.13, 2CZK horizontal pair with plate variety 29/2 (2 shades); Pof.19, 50CZK, 3x pair with plate variety 48/2, 50/2 and 71/2; Pof.35, 3CZK pair with plate variety 59/1, str-of-4 Prague forgeries etc.. U:A5
1993 Pof.15, Plzeň 5CZK, vertical L marginal bnd-of-20 with date of print 13.IX.93, with shift values "5" downward and with shifted perforation; interesting U:A4
1994-2008 Pof.56, Christmas 2CZK, the bottom bnd-of-10 with plate variety on pos. 50/1 + Pof.543, Rosa 10CZK, L vertical bnd-of-20 with margin and date of print with production flaw - in/at L column omitted gold color background print rose, first 6 stamps with significant vynecháním, intensity with in the direction of downward zmenšuje U:A4
1994 Pof.60VV, Towns 7CZK, comp. 15 pcs of stamp. with various shifts numeral value, up, downward, L-wards also transport; interesting selection of U:A5
1995 PLATE PROOF Pof.73, Čmelák 3CZK - issue Ohrožený insect Czech Republic, plate proof - master die in black color, on/for chalky carton without gum, with signature of engraver J. Herčík U:A5
1995 Pof.90 production flaw, Slohy 3CZK green, horizontal pair with lower margin with production flaw - quite omitted blue color; c.v.. 6.000CZK U:A5
1994-2004 selection of plate variety and VV: Pof.95, 50. Anniv U.N. with production flaw 23 - white circle by/on/at map/-s (small part of edition) + Pof.308, Dialog between civilizacemi 9CZK with plate variety 24/2 (only the first day print), both catalogue defects + in addition Pof.482, Czech puncovnictví 15CZK, marginal strip-of-4, on all pane positions silver smudges from vert. ohraničení R in the middle U:A5
1998 Pof.182VV, Rare Beasts 8CZK with production flaw on pos. 18 - green stain, only part of edition U:A5
1998 Pof.197, 80th Anniv. of the founding of Czechoslovakia., comp. of 3 complete PB + 2x variants of coupons; c.v.. 4.100Kč U:A4
2001 Pof.283TV, Zodiac - Lion 12CZK, the bottom corner blk-of-8 with flaw print 87 - almost quite omitted black in/at head and upper part/-s bodies lion and with flaw print 90 ditto in both bottom tlapách; decorative U:A5
2002 Pof.331, Blíženci, vertical bnd-of-10 with BTS, on all stamps shift light blue color R (from head vystupují from R blue obdélníčky); unusual U:A4
2003 Pof.361, Rozhledny 6,40CZK, comp. of 3 L bottom corner pairs with plate variety 42/1 - white stain below "CZK" on/for original plate + 1. surplus print with plate variety 42/1 + 2. surplus print with retouch RE 42/1; interesting selection of U:A4
2004 Pof.381, V067, Lantern, blk-of-9 personalised stamp. COMPSTAT CONFORG s.r.o., printing only 700PA; c.v.. -,- U:A4
2005 Pof.PA424, Gate with peacock 7,50CZK, 1. variant, two blk-of-9 with added-print P, stamps 1x light blue, 1x grey-blue; Pof.A544 Gate with peacock 10CZK 1. variant, ditto, stamps 1x violet blue, 1x dark grey-blue and significantly darker green (shades only on/for counter sheet for added-print, color stamps nesouvisí with motive of private coupon) U:A4
2006 Pof.PL459, Bunch of Flowers I, value 10CZK with legem ČESKÁ POST, PB with additional-printing V168 Butterflies M. Švabinský U:A4
2006 Pof.467, Still-life with wine 12CZK, two printing sheet (V121), both 2. variant a big logo Czech post, significantly different shades stamps (mainly grey background) also ofsetových coupons (1x chodník red-brown, 1x grey); c.v.. Pofis (without ohledu on/for rarity shade) min. 3.400 CZK, c.v.. Pěnkava 9.000 CZK, lighter shade general printing only ca. 180 stamps U:A4
2007-2008 Pof.531, Water Tower 7,50CZK, production flaw on pos. 1 - significant incomplete-printing 7CZK (thin/light „c“ without wedge [ ˇ ]) and upper frame (daleko marked then picture in catalogue) and Pof.571, Emmaus 10CZK, corner str-of-4, on pos. 8 - production flaw horiz. okrovém lines through/over numeral 10; interesting U:A5
2007 Pof.538, Schengen 10CZK, the bottom blk-of-20 with catalogue errors/flaws L/21 (stain by „E“ Evropou) and L/30 (rose circle below Če), sought; c.v.. 800 Kč U:A4
2008 Pof.PL544 + Pof.573 Gate with peacock, value 10CZK and Summer day value 10CZK, comp. 3 pcs of PB with added-print V156 Relikviář St. Maura, V169+V170 Butterflies M. Švabinský U:A4
2008 International year planety Earth 2008, refused definitive color stamp design Pof.546, author John Ungrád, print 200x200mm and 30x30 mm; interesting, very attractive design for this vydání!
2008 Pof.554, Azalka 3CZK, production flaw - shift golden iredescentní color significantly L-wards, UL corner blk-of-4; interesting U:A5
2008 Pof.571, Monastery Emmaus 10CZK, the bottom bnd-of-10 with date 20.VI.08, under the pos. 48 and 50 visible imprint of transfer roll black color (name state, but no in/at position TB as stamps); small part of edition, cat. min. 1.200CZK U:A4
2008 Pof.PL573, Summer day, big logo Czech post with small characters on/for new lesklém paper, private additional printing V128 EXPONET, printing mere 100 pcs of, in addition trial print SPECIMEN in margins PB, square known only 2-3 pieces! U:A4
2008 Pof.A574 plate variety, miniature sheet PRAGA 2008 35CZK, joined/common Czech Republic - Austrian issue, with plate variety "registered cross above P (Republika)"; sought by specialists, c.v.. 1.200CZK italic U:A5
2008 Pof.PL578, Art - Braunerová 23CZK, variant without centre perf - without coupons; rare occurrence, specialist trvale sought!, c.v.. 14.000CZK italic U:A5
2008 Pof.PL583, Lada 10CZK, big logo Czech post with small characters on/for new lesklém paper, private additional printing V129 EXPONET, printing mere 100 pcs of, in addition trial print SPECIMEN in margins PB, square known only 2-3 pieces! U:A4
2008 DEFINITIVNÍ BAREVNÝ NÁVRH on/for stamp Pof.596, Johannes Kepler, 400 years Anniv product "Astronomia Nova" 1609 / / International year astronomie 2009; 17CZK, print 225x225mm, author John Ungrád, přijatá and realizovaná brown variant; in addition original color portrait Johannese Keplera to/at stamp - tempera, 200x165mm; extraordinary offer! U:A3v–
2008 DEFINITIVNÍ BAREVNÝ NÁVRH on/for stamp Pof.596, Johannes Kepler, 400 years Anniv product "Astronomia Nova" 1609 / International year astronomie 2009; 17CZK, print 225x225mm and 2 pcs of format 33x33mm, author John Ungrád, nepřijatá blue variant; in addition original color portrait Johannese Keplera to/at stamp - tempera, 200x165mm, interesting U:A3v–
2008 FDC with stmp Pof.596, Johannes Kepler, signature of author - John Ungrád, then 3 original printings, pencil; Trial potrétu J. Keplera, 235x365mm; refused design for FDC - Prague castle and Keplerova printing to zákonům about/by pohybu planet from book/-s „Astronomia Nova“, 240x285mm; and also accepted and realizovaný design for FDC - Uranie, bohyně astronomie from same document, 240x325mm, zajímavé
2010 Pof.630, Four-leaf clover - Fifinka, 2x complete booklet (surplus print with inscription Depo), 1x very light (c.v.. 1.200 CZK), 1x extremely dark (c.v.. doesn't report), on/for this reprint are distinctive shades quite exceptional, nejspíš sole possibility získat U:A5
2010 Pof.630, Four-leaf clover - Fifinka, complete booklet (surplus print with inscription Depo), production flaw 2/1 - strong significant circle above „nk“ (Fifinka); catalogue defect, sought U:A5
2010 Pof.630, Four-leaf clover - Fifinka, complete booklet (surplus print with inscription Depo), production flaw 2/1 - very significant circle closely above „in“ (Fifinka); catalogue defect, sought U:A5
2010 Pof.630, Four-leaf clover - Fifinka, complete booklet (surplus print with inscription Depo), production flaw 2/3 - very significant circle above „ka“ (Fifinka); catalogue defect, sought U:A5
2010 Pof.630, Four-leaf clover - Fifinka, complete booklet (surplus print with inscription Depo), production flaw 2/5 - significant circle above „n“ (Fifinka); catalogue defect, sought U:A5
2010 Pof.630, Four-leaf clover - Fifinka, complete booklet (basic print with ostrým hologram), L stamps strong skidding print, right normal; very significant production flaw, cat. only single stamps 800CZK U:A5
2010 Pof.630, Four-leaf clover - Fifinka, horizontal pair with production flaw - without pin hole; rare zelenomodrý shade (usage ca. 10x lower then light blue); c.v.. for common shade 8.000CZK U:A5
2010 Pof.630, Fifinka without pin hole, green-blue (rarer shade); c.v.. 4.000CZK U:A5
2010-2013 complete set 15 pcs of samolepících booklets from y. 2010-2013; face-value 2.100CZK U:A5
2011 Pof.672, Four-leaf clover - Piňda, stamp booklets with production flaw 3/6 - significant yellow stain R from palety, cataloged defect U:A5
2011 Pof.677, Eastern A (kuřata), 2x pair with production flaw 29/3A - red stain in L bottom sheet (two various location defects) and pair with production flaw 29/2A - white stain above head kuřete; catalogue defects U:A5
2011 Pof.PL702, Gate with peacock, value A, comp. 2 pcs of PB, V191 Wenceslas Havel mourning and V205 Summer Olympic Games 2012 LONDON U:A4
2011 Pof.707, Christmas A, 1x rose background, LR corner blk-of-4, 1x very significant skidding print black, R marginal blk-of-4; c.v.. 1.400CZK U:A5
2011 Pof.707, Christmas, value A, UL corner blk-of-4 with significant shifted perforation L-wards, to picture of stmp; c.v.. Pěnkava 16.000CZK, nabízíme after/behind less then 10% catalogue U:A5
2012 Pof.711, 150. Anniv Sokol 14CZK, corner str-of-6 with production flaw 46B/4 - yellow circle in LL corner, from reprint (sought also as printing); catalogue defect U:A5
2012 Pof.711, 150. anniv of foundation Sokol 14CZK, complete PA3, L 4 column normal (red), then crossing, right/genuine 5 sloupců stamp. red-brown; cat. only červenohnědých stamps 5.000 CZK, crossing colors significantly rarer (c.v.. -,-), as sheet quite exceptional, on/for long period last chance získat red-brown stamps U:A3v–
2012 Pof.711, 150. anniv of foundation Sokol 14CZK, L bnd-of-20, surplus print (nezdvojené perf. holes in margins), catalogue production flaw 3/2, 42/2 and 44/2, in addition production flaw 24/2 - yellow stain by L ribbon L from L leg falcon; very sought also as printing U:A4
2012 Pof.724, St. Wenceslaus A, complete 40-ks print sheet without pin hole and náseku; quite exceptional, c.v.. 300.000Kč, square is still known only this complete sheet, for the first time in auction! U:DR
2012 Pof.724, St. Wenceslaus A, vertical pair without pin hole; quite exceptional, still on/for auction unoffered, c.v.. 15.000CZK U:A5
2012 Pof.724, St. Wenceslaus A, vertical marginal Pr with double pin hole; c.v.. 1.800CZK U:A5
2012 Pof.A741, 800 years Zlaté buly Sicilian, shift name state to to seal; for comparison including normal miniature sheet, unusual U:A5
2012 Pof.746, Art - Lhoták 26CZK, printing sheet - shift brown (hair) crossways up and transport, nejzřetelnější on pos. 4; very interesting U:A5
2012 Pof.750-751, Four-leaf clover in service King, 2x booklet with production flaw - 7/5A - white circle below A values (two stage – below L nožičkou A and others in the middle A); significant production flaw, catalogue defect U:A5
2012 Pof.750-751, Four-leaf clover in service King, 2x booklet with production flaw 10/2A - significant yellow stain R from A values (two stage – more/larger and smaller); the most significant production flaw on/for this booklet, katalogizováno U:A5
2012 Pof.750-751, Four-leaf clover in service King, booklet with production flaw 1/6A - white stain R from Myšpulína; catalogue defect U:A5
2012 Pof.750-751, Four-leaf clover in service King, booklet with production flaw 4/4A - yellow stain L from Myšpulína; catalogue vada U:A5
2013 Pof.762, Europe 25CZK, 2x PB, from that 1x grey (very rare), 1x common grey-violet, but with production flaw on pos. 3 - oblique rose line below „pu“ (republic) U:A5
2013 Pof.766, Krtek A, complete booklet, new pin hole and hologram, field 6, very significant skidding print blue (nejvíc on pos. 8-10); unusual production flaw, first-time offered U:A5