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2013 Pof.771, stamp booklets Kafka, production flaw 2/6 - significant violet stain L by/on/at circle hodinek; sole still known important defect on/for this booklet, katalogizováno, sought! U:A5
2013 Pof.772TV, St. Wenceslaus 13CZK, the bottom corner blk-of-6, stamp. in 9 and 10. column double skidding print, stamp. in 8 column normal print, i. e. 2x spojka: without flaw print + with flaw print + with significant flaw print, besides double also webová address R; decorative and unusual, last block from all nabízených in this auction from still jediného counter sheet, catalogue U:A5
2013 Pof.781-782, Tankuj levněji, stamp booklets with significant shift hologram up (field 2); in this booklet absolutely exceptional, booklet was/were in/at únoru 2015 officially stažen from sale! U:A5
2013 Pof.786VV, Horses 13CZK, block of 6 with lower margin, production flaw on pos. 25/2 - the bottom frame below R interrupted; the most significant defect on this issue, in catalogue underprized U:A5
2014 Pof.803VV, Zdeněk Kopal 21CZK, marginal block-of-4 with production flaw 29/1 - red stain on spánku (cataloged defect) + corner blk-of-4 with production flaw 47/2 - big light blue stain in face + vertical pair significantly darker shade all colors; interesting, shade rare, catalogue misvalues U:A5
2014 Pof.809, Jů and Hele, complete booklet with production flaw 1/5 - significant yellow rabbet in R margin; catalogue defect U:A5
2014 Pof.PL826, Art 37CZK, PB with production flaw on pos. 3 "green stain R", pravidelná defect part of edition, cataloged U:A5
2014 Pof.828, Christmas A, Joseph Lada, 2x L corner blk-of-9, 2x production flaw 13/3 - significant rose round stain in L part/-s roofs, 1x at top and 1x lower, both catalogue U:A5
2014 Pof.828, Christmas A, Joseph Lada, marginal strip-of-3 with production flaw 13/3 - significant rose round stain in L part/-s roofs in the middle (rare position defects); catalogue vada U:A5
2014 Pof.828, Christmas A, Joseph Lada, L the bottom corner blk-of-6, production flaw 37/3 - significant rose stain L from tree; catalogue defect, first-time offered U:A5
2014 Pof.828, Christmas A, Joseph Lada, significantly double print (skidding) blue-violet color (very significantly name state also picture); quite exceptional, for comparison common stmp U:A5
2015 Pof.832, Kaprálová 17 CZK, 2x vertical corner str-of-3, 1x with production flaw 11/1 - big white stain below „S“ Czech, 1x with production flaw 11/3 - long black line below „K“ Czech; catalogue defect U:A5
2015 Pof.837, Plzeň 25CZK, whole printing sheet, significant incomplete-printing black color on/for both stamp. R; interesting U:A5
2015 Pof.842, Eastern A Hare, corner blk-of-4 with production flaw 20/23 - green stain in rozkroku + corner str-of-3 with production flaw 43/3 - green stain on thigh, cataloged defect U:A5
2015 Pof.852, John Huss 13CZK, 2x marginal 4-blok: 1x color shade (background to hněda, lighter black) + 1x with production flaw 4/36 circle above „n“ (John); interesting U:A5
2015 Pof.852, John Huss 13CZK, horiz. bnd-of-10, from 6. stamps zesilující print black color, in 8 to 10. column already significantly zesílený and partially double name state etc.. (skidding print); unusual U:A4
2015 Pof.857/858, booklet Zapadlík, Škoda III, 2 pcs, 1x very light and 1x very dark stamps, same counter sheet; shades on/for this issue quite exceptional U:A5
2015 Pof.860, Sir Nicholas Winton 13CZK, LR corner blk-of-4 with production flaw - 4/45 stain in bradě Wintona, in addition on/for right margin R from pos. 45 yellow square color test scale (ta is commonly on/for L margin and this margin is empty); quite exceptional U:A5
2015 Pof.860, Sir Nicholas Winton 13CZK, significant grey-black shade (marginal block-of-4), also with corner blk-of-4 in/at normal color, dark color shade exceptional U:A5
1993-2008 [COLLECTIONS] collection complete PB in/at envelopes in/at carton little-box; face-value ca. 10.000CZK, c.v.. 29.000CZK, various production flaw etc.. U:K
1993-2003 [COLLECTIONS] selection of chosen plate variety and production flaw on 2 cards A4, contains i.a. Pof.144 with plate variety 2/D; 302 with plate variety 49/52; 132 with plate variety 9/2; 189 with plate variety 21/1189 with plate variety 15/1 etc..; all identified U:O4
2002 Pof.AT2, Zvíkov, comp. 5 pcs of officially unissued values 35CZK, 37CZK, 40CZK, 53CZK, 54CZK, from normal transport in Ústí n./L. (January 2011); c.v.. 7.500CZK, rare, collector sought! U:A5
2005 Pof.AT3, Jindřichův Hradec, officially unissued value 54CZK, from normal transport in Ústí n./L. (part jediného of day 5. 1. 2011); for the present sole předložená from three at that time newly set up values (see c.v.. Pofis 2015, page. 148, hodnoceno –,–), quite exceptional offer! U:A5
1998 ZS63-66, Nature Protection - rare animals, with stamp. Pof.179-182, complete set 4 pcs of, c.v.. 1.200CZK U:A5
1993-2011 [COLLECTIONS] complete collection 116 pcs of stamp booklets ZS1-116; placed in album, c.v.. 12.500CZK U:Z
1997-2010 [COLLECTIONS] complete set stamp booklets with bklt sheets ZSt 1-47; placed in cover; face-value 2.870Kč, c.v.. 3.700CZK U:Z
1994 CDV5VV, Village Motive 2CZK with production flaw - quite missing numeral value; very rare usage U:A5
1994 CDV5VV, Village Motive 2CZK, comp. 2 pcs of, 1x with very thin/light print and shift numeral(s) "2" downward incl. shift cut + 1x double and shifted print green color; interesting U:A5
1994-2014 CSO4-5, 11(3x), official envelope/-s PRAGA 98, Prague architecture and Postal gnomes (3x) + in addition special prints PT1, 9, 13, 14; cat. min. 2.550Kč U:A4
1997-99 CSO3-6, 9-10(2x), comp. 6 pcs of off. envelopes, Un; c.v.. 2.700CZK U:A4
1993-2003 comp. 11 pcs of PC, i.a. CDV2, P4 and P5; CDV63 PM22, then 6 pcs of CDV64 and CDV77 with added-print to Volbě president 2003 etc.. U:A5
1993 CDV PM1, Vosolsobě, very sought! U:A5
1994-2003 PT1-3, 5-7, 9, both variants commemorative prints + basic variants PT11, 13-14, 16, 23; c.v.. ca. 2.980Kč U:A5
1994-2011 PT1-18, 21, 26, complete set of commemorative prints from y. 1994-2004, both variants (without PT8b) + PT21 and 26; c.v.. 7.330Kč U:A5
1995-97 PTR2, 4, 5, comp. 3 pcs of commemorative prints Czech post; c.v.. 2.300CZK U:A5
1995-96 PTM3-5b, comp. of 4 commemorative prints for Postal museum; c.v.. 5.600CZK U:A5
1997-2014 PTM8-12, 26, 30-38, selection of commemorative prints, i.a. bishop Vojtěch, Rudolf II., etc..; c.v.. 4.400CZK U:A4
2007-2014 PPM1-10, 12, Pozvánky postal museum from y. 2007-2011 complete + PPM10 and 12; c.v.. 3.450CZK U:A5
2011 MEMORIAL SHEETS PLZ4 + PLZ5, Vlasta Burian and Peter Ginz; sound condition U:A5
1993-2008 PAL1(5x),2, 5(3x), 6(2x), 8-9, comp. 14 pcs of memorial sheets post; cat. min. 2.000CZK U:A4
2013 GLP1, graphic sheet Czech Post, Závišův cross, numbered collection 2 graphic sheets with print gravures stamp. Pof.765, in folder, sought U:A4
1995-2014 [COLLECTIONS] complete collection of special prints Czech Post PTM 1-31, incl. PTM5b; interesting set, c.v.. 16.900CZK U:Z
2013 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 25 pcs of envelopes franked with. Vlastními stamp. Tennis with cancel. 1. of day issue (unofficial FDC); complete set, interesting U:O5
1993-2008 [COLLECTIONS] rozsáhlejší collection on pages in 3 letter files, contains lot of printing sheet (i.a. Contemporary Art), coupons, then stmp from automatic machine etc..; face-value ca. 25.000CZK U:Z
1993-2014 [COLLECTIONS] RA1-RA22, complete set annual volumes Czech Post, annual volumes 1993-2014, contains PTR1-21; face-value 11.000CZK, c.v.. PTR 15.580Kč U:K
1993-1999 [COLLECTIONS] basic collection in stockbook A4, supplemented with about/by printing sheet and PB (i.a. PB Contemporary Art with plate variety 2/A) + basic collection SLOVENSKA 1993-1999 U:Z
1993-95 [COLLECTIONS] collection mint never hinged stamp. and arašíků in/at 1 stockbook A4, contains all 2x, coupons, souvenir sheets, black prints etc.., face-value ca. 1.600CZK U:Z