Public Auction 51 / Exclusive items
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1854 Sass.10, Victor Emmanuel II. 5C "verde oliva scuro"; perfect piece, original gum, certificate Raybaudi, cat. 8.000€, rare stamp U:DR
1941 OCCUPATION OF CORFU - POSTA AEREA Sass.1-12; air-mail Greek 50L-100Dr with Opt CORFU; perfect, only 1Dr *, the others MNH, exp. Oliva, Raybaudi, to Sass.12 - 100Dr brown certificate Massilia, cat. 11.600€; scarce issue U:DR
1941 OCCUPATION OF CORFU - SEGNATASSE Sass.1-11; postage-due Greek 10L, 25L, 80L and 1Dr-100Dr with Opt CORFU; very fine, certificate G. Olivafor most expensive Sass.4 - 1Dr blue and later certificate Raybaudi for complete set, cat. 13.750€!; scarce occupation issue! U:DR
1941 AFRICA ORIENTALE - Brit. occupation, Sass.1-9, red, violet and also black Opt BRITISH OCCUPATION on Italian colonial stamps; complete set 10C/5C - 10L/5L, very fine, certificate Dr. Colla, cat. 5.000€, extraordinary offer U:DR
1934 Mi.Bl.1, miniature sheet Vaduz 5Fr; very fine quality, MNH, in this quality very sought, cat. 2.600€ U:A5
1868 letter to London with 15 Kreuzer 1864 and 2x 5 Kreuzer 1867, rate 25 Kreuzer for weight to 1 Loth in time 1866 - 1870, transit Baden - Frane, CDS PRAG 19/2, arrival LONDON FE 21 68; perfect mixed franking, cat. 1.000€; scarce U:A5
1946 Mi.772B-775B, complete set of rare miniature sheets Renner 1Sh-5Sh; luxury quality, cat. 2.500€ U:A4
1885 RUMELIA - Bulgarian occupation - Mi.P10, postcard, used as p.stat. - Turkish stamp 5Pa with Opt "Lion", uprated with 5Pa with Opt "Lion in frame", blue CDS SEYMEN 17. IX 85; exp. Friedl, certificate Mikulski, very rare U:A5
1885 RUMELIA - Bulgarian occupation - Mi.P11, postcard with p.stat. usage of Turkish stamp 10Pa with Opt "Lion", uprated with 10Pa with Opt "Lion in frame", blue CDS SEYMEN 17. IX 85, arrival POSTE SLIVNO 18. IX 85; exp. Friedl, certificate Mikulski; scarce U:A5
1840 SG.5d, TWO PENCE BLUE, blue, plate 1, letters S-F, red Maltese cross., WMK INVERTED; important Brit. rarity in perfect quality, cat. £6.250! U:DR
1841 SG.14, TWO PENCE BLUE, letters P-A, with red cancel. Maltese cross, lower margins in margin, otherwise perfect piece with certificate BPA; cat. Gibbons "-", SG. Spec...jedná with about/by významnou Brit. raritu, maybe unique rarity, we aren't aware of existence žádného of other piece, and to neither from old catalogues slavných collections or from greatest modern kolekcí - W.H. Gross, Chartwell Collection, R. Wallace; neither from expert literature and monografií Brit. classic, from work Robsona Lowe and oths.; valued only in older SG. for example. r.2006: red Maltese cross 13000 GBP, and red cancel. type 1844 10000 GBP, r. 2016 type 1844 28000 GBP, red Maltese cross "-" , so min. 36000 GBP; with regard to possible unikátnosti but necessary odhadovat markedly value!
1867-1883 SG.137, £5; orange, thimple pmk GLASGOW; very nice piece, several usual short tooth; cat. £4.750 U:DR
1930 ZEPPELIN / SÜDAMERIKAFAHRT 1930, Zeppelin card addressed to Germany with Sc.C13, MC GRAND CENT. STA.N.Y. 1/ MAY 27 1930, red and violet cachet, cat. Sie.64A + Zeppelin-letter with unique franking of Sc.C14, Graf Zeppelin $1,30 brown + Sc.C15, Graf Zeppelin $2,60 blue + airmail 8c, CDS NEW YORK/ APRIL 30 1930, red and violet cachet + double-circle violet cancel. "This Article Made The Complette Round Trip" (!); sought entire, in addition addressed to Czechoslovakia!, on reverse transit pmk F´HAFEN/ 7.VI.30 and MC CHEB 2/ 7.VI.30, cat. Sieger 64B/CII.; high catalogue value, from exhibit, very fine condition U:A5
1938 SG.121b/121be, marginal pair with plate number George VI. £1, right BROKEN LOWER RIGHT SCROLL; perfect quality, cat. £2.090 ++ U:DR
1938-1948 SG.123ab, George VI. 1Sh brown, perf 14, wmk CA, wmk with OMITTED "A"; perfect quality, cat. £2.500, very rare stamp! U:DR
1895 SG.32, Scott No. 34Ac; Mombasa Provisionals, "Light and Liberty" 3A black / dull red, with pen transcription "1 Ann T.E.C.R." (postmaster T.E.C. Remington); perfect quality, 2 certificates BPA (once Robson Lowe!), SG. £10.000, Sc. $23.000 (!); ex. Sovereign Collection (Bill Gross) and G.T. Krieger; according to records anly 4 exist, this axample is most probably of the best quality; unrepeatable offer, first-class rarity!
1903 SG.26c-28, Indian stamp Edward VII., 1A-8A with Opt BRITISH SOMALILAND, in addition with hand-made Opt ULTRAMAR - similar to SPECIMEN of Portuguese postal off.; scarce, minimal edition! U:A5
1948 MORROCCO AGENCIES SG.181a, George VI. Olympic Games 1Pta 20Cts / 1Sh, Opt DOUBLE; perfect piece with certificate BPA, cat. £1.500, edition only one sheet, rare stamp U:A5
1951 SG.O74a, Official 2P blue, Opt S.G. (Service Government) INVERTED; perfect piece with certificate KGVI Expertising, cat. £1.200 U:A5
1915 BRITISH OCCUPATION SG.H46f, Gold Coast 20Sh with Opt, "CCUPATION" instead "OCCUPATION"; very fine, exp. Aimé Brun, cat. £850 U:A5
1924-1933 SG.10-20, George V. Coat of arms of St. Helena, set of 1/2P-3Sh, all with "CLEFT ROCK" variety; 4x corner pair with plate number; 1Sh short tooth, otherwise perfect; very rare, cat. £5.070++! U:DR
1881 SG.T9, telegraph stamp Victoria £5 orange; nice piece with new gum, certificate BPA, cat. £4.500, rare stamp U:DR
1896 SG.41, Coat of arms £10, wmk Crown CC; large part original gum, perfect unused piece with certificate Brandon, cat. £11.000, scarce stamp, unrepeatable offer U:DR
1910-1913 SG.165, Double Head £1; carmine / blue-black, according to RHODESIAN STUDY CIRCLE type "E" carmine / slate; very nice piece, rare stamps, cat. £1.700 U:A5
1910-1913 SG.166a, Double Head £1 crimson / slate black, interesting printing "flaw" on the side of the Queen; very fine, cat. £2.000 ++, rare stamp! U:DR
1916-1923 SG.19a, stamp of GB George V. - Seahorses 2Sh6P brown with Opt NAURU - Opt DOUBLE (one so-called. albino); perfect piece, certificate BPA cat. £1.700, scarce stamp U:DR
1911-1913 SG.A2 and A3, Opt VICTORIA LAND. ½P dark green and 1P carmine (on stamps of New Zealand SG.387aa and 405); very fine MNH, value ½P exp. Diena, rare offer, cat. ** ca. £.1610 U:DR
1852-1912 [COLLECTIONS] very nice, old collection of classics on 33 album pages, from Scinde Dawk - George VI., i.a. SG.1-2, also Victoria ½P blue (ca. 40 used stamps of various Die types), 1A red (22x, various Dies), also for example issue 1854 (9x), SG.31 16x used + 1x unused etc., also other issues, Edward VII., George VI.; supplemented with 6 entires, very high catalogue value U:DR
1922 SG.58d, Suleiman 5$ green / dull purple, Opt MALAYA BORNEO EXHIBITION, printing error SMALL "A" IN "MALAYA", CDS TRENGGANU; very nice piece with certificate RPSL, cat. £1.200 U:A5
1922 SG.253d, Malaya-Borneo Exhibition 1922, Opt on marginal stamp 1C black / brown, sought type "Raised stop after 1922"; cat. £950, extraordinary offer U:A5
Pof.354Mx-356Mx(16), Velké cross, 2 Koruna, 5 Koruna and 6 Koruna; unfolded, superb, c.v.. 30.000CZK U:A5
1986 Pof.A2747B, miniature sheet 60 Years of F.I.P., imperforated, V. type (!), quite rare occurrence, in catalogue underprized, here for the first time in auction; mint never hinged, marked and exp. Pažout U:DR
1917 Mi.205 II, Postage large format Coat of arms 3 Koruna wide, light red; superb, exp. + certificate Hirš, cat. ANK 2.600€ U:A5
1918 money letter for 50.000K in/at bankovkách, Austrian envelope paid/franked forerunner Austrian stamp. Coat of arms big format 10K (!!) 4 Koruna, 3 Koruna and 40h, Mi.194, 206 close, 207 close, 209 granite, CDS OLOMOUC 3/ 22.XI.18, right value franking for postal rate I 17,40K; very good condition, exp. Hirš + guarantee certificate Beneš on/for 50.000CZK, quite rare, rare and decorative forerunner entire Czechoslovakia, decoration nejprestižnějších collections! U:DR
1919 POSTAGE STAMPS / VELKÝ FORMÁT / improved/repaired and changed commercial money letter for 40.000K in/at obligacích, pre-printed envelope Böhmische Union Bank Brünn paid/franked mixed franking parallel Austrian stamp. Coat of arms big format 4 Koruna (additionally mounted), 2 Koruna 5x (1x additionally mounted) and Czechosl. stamp. Hradčany 10h and 5h (additionally mounted), Mi.204 wide, 206 close, Pof.3, 5, CDS BRNO 28/2 19, on reverse arrival postmark TROPPAU 2.III.19; fold, partially supplemented with postmark by/on/at dolepených stamp., after all interesting money letter from souběžného period, offered after/behind symbolical price for study purposes U:A4
1918 commercial Reg letter with forerunner multiple (9x) franking Austrian Express stamp. rectangle 5h with line perforation 11½; used as postage stmp, Mi.220B, CDS BUDĚJOVICE 4/ 4.XII.18, right value postage 45h for postal rate I; good condition, exp. by Karasek., this entire is pictured in catalogue Czechosl. forerunner and parallel stamps and p.stat on/for page. 37 with hodnocením RR, very rare and decorative entire! U:A5
1918 larger part of dispatch-note, where fiscal fee 2h was paid by forerunner Austrian Postage due stamp issue Numerals 2h imperforted, Mi.P11, CDS NIEDER ROCHLITZ 7.XII.18 and arrival postmark AUSSIG 3/ 9.XII.18; good condition, signed by Karasek, this entire is displayed in catalogue of Czechosl. forerunner and parallel stamps and postal stationeries, page 40 with RRR valuation, only this entire recorded, unique offer, extremely scarce! U:DR
1918 Hungarian p.stat card post. bank Mi.SK7 with additional-printed red stamp. Crown 10f, with mounted 7 pcs of stamp. of Postal saving bank 10f, Mi.179, CDS GAJAR 918 Dec.23.; good condition, exp. by Karasek., this entire is pictured in catalogue Czechosl. forerunner and parallel stamps and p.stat on/for page. 105 with hodnocením RRR, known only 1 piece, UNIKÁT! U:DR
1919 Hungarian express p.stat telegram Sürgös Távirat with printed stmp 2f as parallel Czechosl. p.stat, uprated with stamp Hradčany 400h, 100h and 40h, Pof.14, 20, 24, CDS ÓTURA 919 Jul.22., sent to member 1. working-class setniny 72. Czechoslovak. regiment in Slovakia; only light vert. fold, exp. by Karasek., decorative and rare parallel p.stat! U:A4
1919 larger part Hungarian international C.O.D. dispatch-note paid/franked cash, but fee paid pair parallel stamp. of Postal saving bank 10f, Mi.179 used as postage-due, cancelled by postmark NAGYLÉVARD 919 Mar.15.; good condition, exp. by Karasek., quite rare dvojnásobná franking Hungarian parallel stamp. Postal spořiteleny! U:A5
1919 postcard franked with. parallel Hungarian stamp. of Postal saving bank 10f, Mi.179, CDS TESTER [ÉRSEKÚJVÁR] 919 Feb.24., barvená postcard Nové Zámky with building post; good condition, exp. by Karasek., obdobná entire from same places is pictured in catalogue Czechosl. forerunner and parallel stamps and p.stat on/for page. 78 with hodnocením RRR, quite rare entire, still known only 2 pieces! U:A5
Pof.7b Is, 15h red (earlier red-brown), spiral type on pos. 83/1; certificate Karásek, very rare piece! U:A5
Pof.7Aa Is, 15h brown-red, comb perforation 13¾; : 13½; spiral type, pos. 83/1, certificate Karásek, very nice and rare stamp U:A5
Pof.7Aa, 15h brown-red - very deep shade, comb perforation 13¾; : 13½;, pos. 50/7 (!); certificate Škaloud, perfect piece from rare 7. printing plate, rare U:A5
Pof.7Ab, 15h red (red-brown), comb perforation 13¾; : 13½; from plate 7; very lightly hinged, certificate Pittermann, exp. by Karasek., rare color shade from plate 7! U:A5
Pof.7B STs, 15h bricky red, vertical pair with lower margin and control-numbers, comb perforation 11¾; joined spiral types pos. 82-92/1; mint never hinged, exp. by Gilbert + 2x certificates Karásek and Vrba, cat. Pofis 40.000CZK, cat. Merkur-Revue 50.000CZK U:DR
Pof.7G IIp, 15h bricky red, line perforation 11½; : 13¾;, bar type, pos. 78/2; luxury piece, exp. by Gilbert., certificate Karasek, cat. Pofis 8.000CZK, Mercure 15.000CZK U:A5
Pof.7H IIp, 15h bricky red, upper left corner piece, line perforation 13¾; : 10¾;, bar subtype IIa, pos. 1/1; certificate Škaloud, exp. by Mrnak., Karasek, cat. Merkur-Revue 20.000CZK U:A5
Pof.11A IIp, 25h violet, comb perforation 13¾; : 13½; bar type, pos. 6/2; exp. by Skaloud., certificate Kračmar, cat. Pofis 15.000CZK, Mercure 25.000CZK, rare U:A5
Pof.11D STk, 25h violet, left marginal block-of-4, line perforation 11½; pos. 31-32 and 41-42/II, on pos. 31 spiral type, on pos. 32 bar type; hinged only in margins out of stamps, exp. by Stupka, certificate Vrba, cat. only as combined and joined types 16.500CZK, Mercure 30.000CZK U:A5
Pof.13C, 30h light violet with right sheet margin, line perforation 13¾; small brownish spots in margin, exp. by Gilbert., Pithart, Karasek, certificate Pithart, Karasek, cat. Pofis 25.000CZK, cat. Merkur-Revue 100.000CZK, very rare! U:DR
Pof.13Da, 30h dark violet, line perforation 11½;; very nice piece, lightly hinged, exp. by Karasek., Pithart + 2x certificate Karásek and Pittermann, cat. Pofis 18.000CZK, cat. Merkur-Revue 50.000CZK, scarce stamp U:DR
PLATE PROOF 2. arrangement V. printings - horiz. lined heart, full plate, die proof in red color on chalky paper; exp. and marked Karasek U:A5
1918 FDC / first day issue Hradčany-issue stamps, Reg letter franked with. corner block of four 10h red and 5h green with lower margin, Pof.3, 5, right value franking 45h for postal rate I, CDS PRAGUE 8/ 18.XII.18; exp. by Karasek., good condition, rare the first day validity Czechosl. stamps on/for decorative Reg letter! U:DR
1919 larger part of parcel card with rarely high stated valuable 74.000Kč, franked with. on both sides total 17 pcs of (!) stamp. values 300h green and 1x 10h red, Pof.23, 5, general porto 51,10Kč, CDS TEPLITZ SCHÖNAU 1/ 18.XII.19; 2x fold, toned, absolutely rare franking on/for guide! U:A5
1920 commercial letter sent to Dr. Rix, franked with. i.a. imperforated stamp. 10h green, Pof.6, 7A, right franking 25h for postal rate II, clear posting Hungarian CDS KASSA 920 Feb.27.; good condition, rare usage imperforated stmp on/for decorative entires! U:A5
Pof.49II, Coat of arms 3 K pale red, wide format, overprint type II., well centered piece; rare stamp, certificate Karasek and Pithart, exp. by Mrnak, Karasek, Pithart, cat. Pofis 45.000CZK (Mercure 50.000CZK), missing in most collections! U:DR
Pof.56, Triangle 5h green, type III., well centered stamp and Opt; certificate Vrba and Karásek, cat. 37.000CZK U:DR
Pof.59, Mercure R 10h, overprint type III.; standard margins, well centered Opt, certificate Karásek and Vrba, in addition exp. by Mahr BPP, Pithart, cat. 55.000Kč U:DR
Pof.65, Large numerals 2h, type I., well centered stamp also Opt; repaired gum, certificate Karásek and Pittermann, rare stamp!, cat. for * 90.000CZK, Mercure 120.000CZK U:DR