1864-1870 ESSAY for issue Leopold I. 1865, 14 pcs of refused designes, type Fisch and Delpierre - Leopold I. 20C and 40C; rare, see. cat. Dr. J. Stes "Belgium Proofs, Descriptive catalogue of the proofs of Belgian stamps, 1849-1949"; rare offer from very old collection!
1849-1883[COLLECTIONS] collection of classics in 12-sheets stockbook A4, i.a. 15x Mi.1, 36x Mi.2, incl. rarer postmarks and colors; 11x Mi.6II, also almost 500 imperforated stamps issue Leopold I., all values, here also many expensive wmk Wz.1 and again postmarks, pairs and others.; ca. 140 perforated Leopold I.; other issues more often with nice pmk and various colors, 1x 5Fr, also telegraph and several TRIAL PRINTS; strong collection, mostly ex. Rieger
1932[COLLECTIONS] Mi.88-97, Anniversary of Garibaldi, complete selection of all 13 sets with Opt - names of islands I-XIII + Postage due stamps Mi.30-39 with Opt CASTELROSSO; overall very nice quality, many stamps with mint never hinged, cat. for ** 2.950€, extraordinary, interesting offer
1920-1938 7 letters from that 5x Reg, franking i.a. Mi.12x Drakkar 1 Mark, then with issues Coat of arms 1928 and President Päts 1936, CDS VILJANDI, TALLIN, TARTU; in addition front side of airmail letter with amazing mixed franking
1860-1866 Mi.3A, 4A, 5C-10C, complete issue Large Coat of arms 5K-10K and 5P-1M; fine quality, mostly all teeth etc., as cheapest types cat. 2.900€, rare offer!
1937-1940 6 official Reg airmail covers from Helsinki to Nová Říše in time of Czechoslovakia and Protectorate, franked with stamps Statesmen, Swedish navy, Finish Soldiers etc. 3x arrival pmk PRAHA 82 LETIŠTĚ, or PRAG 82; 1x censorship and express, fine selection!
1937 Mi.Bl.3, 3x PEXIP PARIS 1937, Exhibition Sheet ** (small gum defects and at top small folds at corners - signs of storage); also one piece with exhibition cancel. PARIS 24-6 37; and 1x on letter to Leipzig with 2 frankotypes 1,75Fr, with exhibition cancel. PARIS 22-6 37, in the middle fold; overall nice and interesting set, cat. min. 1.350€
1931-1933 6 airmail letters with Mi.251, 255, 1,50Fr red and blue, to Czechoslovakia, USA, Italy and Indochina, this with interesting label VIA AIR ORIENT - company AIR ORIENT operated only 6 aircrafts and carried passangers only during short period of 1929-1933; rare offer
1931-1937 7 airmail letters to Czechoslovakia, franked with airmail stamps issues 1930-1936, i.a. Mi.310, 3,50Fr; 2x Mi.308, 2,50Fr; all from Paris and always in front with arrival CDS PRAHA 82 LETIŠTĚ, 1x in addition DOŠLO LÉTADLEM BRNO 2, and one letter sent from Exhibition 37 with exhibition CDS EXP. PHIL. INT / PARIS 21.6.37
1936-1938 6 airmail or Reg letters franked with airmail stamps, issue 1936 and 1934 (Mi.294), but also for example on letters unusual Mi.312, Statue of Liberty 75+50C violet
1942-1944 VICHI ISSUES - 8 censored letters to Bohemia-Moravia, i.a. strips of 3 Legion Tricolore Mi.576-577, strip-of-5 Pétain Mi.589-593, also Coat of arms 1942, Pétain large format, Stendhal etc.; rare selection of chosen frankings, only as used joined printings cat. 150€
1852-1980[COLLECTIONS] interesting collection of mainly unused stamps in 2 full 12-pages albums, from classic issues, used Napoleon, Ceres, Allegory, also various middle and also better values and sets from 1920-1930s, (part used), i.a. Mi.Bl.3, miniature sheet PEXIP (hinged), also for example Mi.248 used, Mi.251, 294, 322-323, 359-360, 450-453, 467-470 etc. (part * or new gum, but also some **), after 1945 more complete and mainly **, incl. better sets as Mi.852-856, Bl.4, airmails 861-865, 871-876, 909-914, 948-953 and others.; in addition supplemented with dublets of 1950-1980s on stock-sheets A4, hingeless sheets and in stockbook A4; high catalogue value, it is worth seeing
1946-1970 [COLLECTIONS] collection in album Lindner, airmail 1946-59, postage stamps 1956-70 almost complete; only Mi.861-865, 989-990 used, otherwise **, also i.a. Bl.4, Mi.1120, set personality, PB PHILATEC 64, all Art, PB De Gaulle and others.; cat. min. 1230€
1953-80 [COLLECTIONS] STAMP BOOKLETS complete set of stamp booklets Red Cross from years 1953-1980, incl. sought Mi.984-985, 1032-1033, stamp-booklets with 10 stamps Mi.1077, Mi.117-118, 1175-1176 etc.; overall very good quality
1945 Unifil N.BF9, miniature sheet "Sturmdivision" official reprint of Croatian exile government for charitable purposes; issue committee "For Vitime di Guerra", printing only 400 pcs; perfect, certificate Raybaudi
1852 10 cut-squares with multiple and color frankings, i.a. strip-of-3, 2 Baj, pair Baj Mezzo with rare pre-philatelic cancel. MEDICINA, 1Baj with 8 marginal lines etc.; cat. min. 1.875€
1864 Sass.10, Coat of arms 50Baj, rhombic cancel., on the right wide, otherwise close margins; small thin place right at top, exp. Köhler, Raybaudi, rare stamp missing in many collections, cat. 2.750€
1858 Sass.14b, Coat of arms 50Gr light rose - carmine (rosa carminio chiaro), cancel. ANNULLATO; very nice piece with tiny thin place in the place of wmk at upper margin; exp. Thier and Herbert Bloch, cat. 6.750€, rare color shade, scarce
1941 OCCUPATION OF CORFU - POSTA AEREA Sass.1-12; air-mail Greek 50L-100Dr with Opt CORFU; perfect, only 1Dr *, the others MNH, exp. Oliva, Raybaudi, to Sass.12 - 100Dr brown certificate Massilia, cat. 11.600€; scarce issue
1941OCCUPATION OF CORFU - SEGNATASSE Sass.1-11; postage-due Greek 10L, 25L, 80L and 1Dr-100Dr with Opt CORFU; very fine, certificate G. Olivafor most expensive Sass.4 - 1Dr blue and later certificate Raybaudi for complete set, cat. 13.750€!; scarce occupation issue!
1941 AFRICA ORIENTALE - Brit. occupation, Sass.1-9, red, violet and also black Opt BRITISH OCCUPATION on Italian colonial stamps; complete set 10C/5C - 10L/5L, very fine, certificate Dr. Colla, cat. 5.000€, extraordinary offer
1881 SG.9aa, Victoria 1 Penny, plate 205, DOUBLE OVERPRINT HALF PENNY (in addition offset on reverse at top); without gum, with original folds, cat. only for double overprint * £800
1920TRIAL PRINTS interesting selection of trial printings on stock-sheet A4, i.a. blocks of four 2x Mi.48 in green and black color, Mi.49 in black color, Mi.57 in violet color etc.; all on paper without gum, high catalogue value
1939-1943 Mi.180-182, 218-221, 2 complete sets of PB; one Mi.218 with spot, otherwise all perfect, included to sum as single stamps, cat. 620€, rare occurrence!
1923 Mi.Bl.1I, miniature sheet Birth of Princess Elizabeth; patina, stamp in good quality, very sought miniature sheet, cat. 2.000€, viewing of quality recommended
1913 Mi.120F+121, Turul 35f+50f, marginal block of 12 with sought printing error "35 filler" instead of 50 filler on pos. 13; sought by specialists, only pair cat. Michel 950€, Hungarian cat. 130.000Ft
1872-1920[COLLECTIONS] semi specialized collection of stamps issue Letter with cipher, i.a. Mi.16B, Mi.19B, supplemented with several trial prints of stamps from 1900, then occupied territories as BARANYA and SZEGEDIN, ARAD, DEBRECIN, WESTUNGARN, all on album sheets in spring folder; without guarantee
1925-1949 8 Reg and airmail letters to Czechoslovakia, USA, Germany and France, franked with. i.a. Mi.19, 75C + gutter Mi.44 etc. (only stamps on this letter 85€); then Motives 1922, Exhibition Monte Carlo 1928, Motives 1948, Airmail 1942 Mi.267-272 etc., chosen frankings!
1941 LJADY Mi.2a, Ostland 1Pfg with black Opt LIADY 60 (Kop), on cut-square with cancel. from 12.12.41, perfect, exp. Dr. Rommerskirchen, cat. 1500€ ++; rare!
1941 LJADY Mi.2b, Ostland 1Pfg with black-violet Opt LIADY 60 (Kop), on cut-square with cancel. from 12.12.41; perfect, exp. Dr. Rommerskirchen, cat. 1200€ ++; rare!
1901-1908 Caroline Isl., Marianen, Samoa etc., comp. of 14 postcards, from that 2 response parts and 5x double (!), all used with CDS JALUIT, MATUPI, APIA, SAIPAN, PONAPE, TRUK; perfect, high catalogue value
1896 TOWN POST - BERLINER PRIVATPOST p.stat decorative envelope 10Pf addressed to outside town province, uprated with stamp 3Pf Reichspost, Mi.45, CDS CHARLOTTENBURG 31.12.96, on reverse frame arrival postmark SPARSEE 2.1.; good condition
1933 DEUTSCHLAND / FAHRT nach CHICAGO, airmail Reg letter to USA with 4RM "Chicagofahrt", Mi.498, CDS FRIEDRICHSHAFEN/ 14.10.33, red cachet, transit and arrival postmarks on reverse; small format, nice quality, cat. Sie.238
1937 DEUTSCHLANDFAHRT 1. MAI 1937, franked with. i.a. corner Mi.641-642, CDS LUFTSCHIFFSHAFEN FRANKFURT 1.5.37, fine prints of confirmation cancel; flight was cancelled due to bad wearher - see the frame AUSFALLSTEMPEL; letters then carried by Hindenburg on 3.5.37 close to its catastrophic flight 1. NORDAMERIKAFAHRT and then dropped in Köln - arrival postmark KÖLN 1 3.5.37; rare entire, interesting offer!
1860-1930[COLLECTIONS] collection of German states and older issues of Deutsches Reich, contains various middle values, also several genuine stamps of Helgoland, Hannover, Hamburg etc., mostly basic types and colors, after all many interesting pieces, also for example. attractive complete 20-stamps sheets of Mi.116-117 etc.; various quality, higher catalogue
1860-1980[COLLECTIONS] large accumulation in ca. 40 stockbooks in 2 Ikea boxes, contains mainly used stamps, smaller part * and **; from German states, issues of Deutsches Reich, incl. some better 1920s and19 30s sets or stamps, also small part of German colonies, occupied territories etc., supplemented with postwar zones, GDR, Berlin and FRG; various quality, suitable for further elaboration, quantum of material, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
1870-1945[COLLECTIONS] fine collection of used stamps of Deutsches Reich on hingeless sheets in screw stockbook, from issue Eagle, Germania, Scenes, inflation period, more interesting inter-war sets as Mi.378-384, 385-397, 403-406, 479-481, 499-507, 529-539 etc.; cat. by estimation 2.000€, interesting offer
1856-1867 Mi.2-15a, 15b; II. - IV. issue, complete, i.a. with CDS of FARSUND, KRAGERO; several small defects, mostly fine quality, stamp Mi.15b 8Sk rosa is rare, cat. 1.495€
1853-1950[COLLECTIONS] collection on ca. 40 sheets from album Stibůrek and on sheets from stockbook, middle values and sets, i.a. Mi.2,6,12,17,19,35,37,39,50,53,55 *,64,75,87-90, Postage due stamps Mi.P1-P6, semifinished Ceres, Mi.244A, Azores Mi.85,88 etc.; counted only selection of some better stamps and sets - cat. 3400€; in addition 3 sites of Malta!