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FORGERIES, REPRINTS selection of 13 forgeries and reprints, Sardinia 1853, 1854 (non emessi), fine reprint Sass.7, 5C green, 2x "Sardinia Rider"; Modena newspaper Sass.5, postage stamp Sass.18 and especially pair of Toscana 60Cr; as comparison material very interesting! U:A5
1811-1849 PREPHILATELIC LETTERS / LOMBARDY, VENETIA, TUSCANY, 7 small letters with cancel. CONEGLIANO, BADIA, GALLIANO, MIRA, ADRIA, ALZANO, Reg letter with red VENICE and RACCOMAND; nice quality U:A5
1852-1862 comp. of 11 letters of Papal state - i.a. Sass.4,5,7 and Sardinia Sass.14(2x),15,19 pair, i.a. cancel. of small village BRACCIANO, pre-philatelic POLIGNO, ROSSANO (Calabria); cat. 1.840€, nice set! U:A5
1852 10 cut-squares with multiple and color frankings, i.a. strip-of-3, 2 Baj, pair Baj Mezzo with rare pre-philatelic cancel. MEDICINA, 1Baj with 8 marginal lines etc.; cat. min. 1.875€ U:A5
1864 Sass.10, Coat of arms 50Baj, rhombic cancel., on the right wide, otherwise close margins; small thin place right at top, exp. Köhler, Raybaudi, rare stamp missing in many collections, cat. 2.750€ U:A5
1852 2 letters, Sass.2a, and 3a Coat of arms 1Baj verde azzurro with pre-philatelic cancel. FORLI (Emilia Romagna) and 2Baj verde giallastro MARGINAL STAMP 10mm with pre-philatelic cancel. JESI (Ancona); cat. min. 800€ U:A5
1852 Sass.5, Coat of arms 40c "celeste"; very nice piece, cat. 3.250€ U:A5
1859 Sass.12, Coat of arms 5C green; original gum, perfect piece - "in ottimo stato" with certificate Raybaudi, cat. 2.400€ U:A5
1859 Sass.18e, Coat of arms 80C brown - orange, printing error "without dots after 80"; original gum, wide margins, cat. 600€ U:A5
1858 Sass.14b, Coat of arms 50Gr light rose - carmine (rosa carminio chiaro), cancel. ANNULLATO; very nice piece with tiny thin place in the place of wmk at upper margin; exp. Thier and Herbert Bloch, cat. 6.750€, rare color shade, scarce U:A5
1859-1860 letter with Sass.3(2x) and letter Sass.4, pair 1Gr rosa chiaro, with 2Gr rosa carminio, postmark ANNULLATO, sent from Tricarica (small post office, today suburb of Napoli and from Napoli; cat. 480€ U:A5
1854 Sass.10, Victor Emmanuel II. 5C "verde oliva scuro"; perfect piece, original gum, certificate Raybaudi, cat. 8.000€, rare stamp U:DR
1855 Sass.16a, Victor Emmanuel II. 40C vermilion from first period - Tinte del 1855, on cut-square with CDS GENOVA; very nice piece with wide margins, exp. A. Diena, cat. 775€ U:A5
1851 FORGERY (reprint) Sass.2, Victor Emmanuel II. 20C light blue, marginal block-of-6, old print on thin paper with gum; according to our opinion reprint from original plate; interesting multiple and comparison material U:A5
1863 Sass.13, Victor Emmanuel II. 15C blue on cut-square with Sardinian Sass.13 and 16, CDS FIRENZE (?); three-colour mixed franking are quite rare U:A5
1910 Mi.97-98, Garibaldi 5-15C; complete set, cat. 450€ U:A5
1930 Mi.361, Flight Rome - Rio de Janeiro 7,70L; very fine, sought stamp, on reverse marked Gloria, cat. 700€ U:A5
1933 Mi.445-446, "Flight Rome-Chicago", name of pilot: Ques; cat. 500€ U:A5
1948 Mi.748-760, 100. anniv of revolution 1848; complete perfect set, cat. 600€ U:A5
1949-51 Mi.772, 75 years of UPU 50L blue + Mi.830-831, 29. Milano trade fair; complete sets; cat. 190€ U:A5
1951 Mi.826-827, 837-838, comp. of 2 complete sets; cat. 150€ U:A5
1891 small letter with Sass.58, provisional overprint 20C/50C violet, CDS LEGNAGO, arrival PADUA; cat. 260€ U:A5
1893 Reg letter to Switzerland, with Sass.40 (2x), Umberto I. 2x 25C, CDS NAPOLI, with rare line additional cancel. R.Nr./NAPOLI; perfect quality U:A5
1917 airmail card with airmail "Aerea" Sass.1 "Esperimento Posta Aerea...Torino-Roma"!, datestamp 20.5.17 and cachet POSTA AEREA long address TORINO - ROMA MAGGIO 1917, cat. 150€ U:A5
1920-1934 4x Express letter to Czechoslovakia, Munich and Protectorate with express Sass.2,10,16(2), cat. 1.250€; Sass.10 - Opt 1,60L/1,20L is on letter very rare ! U:A5
1934 ROCKET MAIL airmail card - Experimental rocket flight PER RAZZO ESPRESSO with label 5 Lire and postage stamps Sass.366-367, flight cachet and CDS TRIESTE 31.10., perfect quality U:A5
1935-1937 comp. of 2 Reg letters, to Brno with Sass.377-379, Littoriali (3x) CDS ROMA 29.4.35, railway BOLOGNA-FIRENZE and arrival PRAGUE FOREIGN COUNTRIES 1.5.35 and letter to Sofia i.a. with airmail A97 (160€) and with postage issue "Orazio", CDS ROMA 5.12.36, arrival SOFIA 8.12.36; in addition front side of consular letter from Czech embassy with blocks of four from issue "Artists" i.a. Sass.431-433; attractive set U:A4
1937-1940 3 special delivery letters and 1 ordinary letter from FIUME, franked with express stamps Sass.16, also Sass.436-468, Marconi incl. 20C with plate number(!), 416-423 Augustus etc., all by ship from Opatia (Abbazia) to Trieste and then by train; nice set from favourite destination U:A5
1941 3 exactly franked letters, with stamps issue "Hitler-Mussolini" Sass.455-457, all censored and to Bohemia-Moravia, from that 1x Reg and Express, CDS MILAN, ROMA CENTRO; nice letters with favourite issue U:A4
1941 6 exactly franked entires, with stamps issue "Hitler-Mussolini" Sass.455-457, all censored and sent to Bohemia-Moravia, i.a. 50C on address card from newspaper mailing, 50C on unusual lithographic Ppc "1. Giornata degli italiani nel mondo" etc.; nice set, popular issue U:A5
1941-1942 OCCUPATION OF YUGOSLAVIA - Croatia, 2 exactly franked Reg letters, i.a. Sass.456, CDS SPALATO and SUSSAK, provisional registry labels; censored and sent to Bohemia-Moravia and to Vienna; rare! U:A5
1942 OCCUPATION OF YUGOSLAVIA - Slovenia, comp. of 3 Reg letters, i.a. with Express Sass.16, "Hitler - Mussolini" 452-4,456-7 and Galilei 462-465; CDS LUBIANA 1-3, censored and sent to Bohemia-Moravia; sought destination! U:A5
1942-1943 OCCUPATION OF YUGOSLAVIA - Slovenia, comp. of 3 Reg letters, i.a. Sass.458-461, Titus Livius , 462-465 Galilei, 466-469 Rossini and Propaganda di Guerra Sass.6, all CDS LUBIANA 2, censored and sent to Bohemia-Moravia, 1x with arrival postmark; rare offer! U:A5
1943-1944 4 letters with stamps REPUBBLICA SOCIALE ITALIANA and PROPAGANDA DI GUERRA (Sass.12), Reg from Trieste to Split, 2x Express, censorship to Germany, service letter with cancel. GUARDIA NAZ. REPUBBLICANA; once with hole from letter stockbook U:A5
1944 Reg letter to Jilemnice (Bohemia-Moravia), with Sass.507-509 and S76, 1L+75C+50C+25C, philatelic, however exact franking (2,50 L according to rate for letter 1L+ reccomendation charge 1,50L from 1.10.44-31.3.45); CDS DUMENZA 10.11.44, provisional registry label, arrival postmark STARKENBACH 7.1.45; perfect quality U:A5
1992 [COLLECTIONS] Memorial book to 500th Anniv of Discovery of America No. 265, edition 500 pcs - Italian, Spanish and American souvenir sheets with motive of US issue Columbus 1893, 24 miniature sheets on pages and 32 unbound, only US face-value 65USD U:Z
1992 Mi.Bl.9-14, miniature sheets Columbus with other 18 souvenir sheets of Portugal, Spain and USA, all in VIP gift album, edititon only 500 pcs U:Z
1946-1949 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 24 letters - chosen pieces; air-mail franking, high and multiple frankings, express, advertising, provisional registry labels etc. U:O5
1941 OCCUPATION OF CORFU - POSTA AEREA Sass.1-12; air-mail Greek 50L-100Dr with Opt CORFU; perfect, only 1Dr *, the others MNH, exp. Oliva, Raybaudi, to Sass.12 - 100Dr brown certificate Massilia, cat. 11.600€; scarce issue U:DR
1941 OCCUPATION OF CORFU - SEGNATASSE Sass.1-11; postage-due Greek 10L, 25L, 80L and 1Dr-100Dr with Opt CORFU; very fine, certificate G. Olivafor most expensive Sass.4 - 1Dr blue and later certificate Raybaudi for complete set, cat. 13.750€!; scarce occupation issue! U:DR
1941 AFRICA ORIENTALE - Brit. occupation, Sass.1-9, red, violet and also black Opt BRITISH OCCUPATION on Italian colonial stamps; complete set 10C/5C - 10L/5L, very fine, certificate Dr. Colla, cat. 5.000€, extraordinary offer U:DR
1932 Italian occupation of Aegean islands - PATMOS, Sass.17-26, Garibaldi 10C-5L with Opt PATMO, CDS PATMO/EGEO 10.10.32, arrival POSTA AEREA ROMA FERROVIA 12.10.32, cat. "serie non tariffa" 800€, rare letter U:A5