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1919 Mi.27-33, War Orphans Fund, complete set; cat. for * 2.200€, rare set U:A5
1938 Mi.Bl.1, 2x miniature sheet Duke Louis II. 10Fr, 1x usual striped gum and 1x significantly rarer smooth gum, cat. 300€ ++ U:A5
1938 Mi.Bl.1, miniature sheet Duke Louis II. 10Fr; perfect piece, cat. 150€ U:A5
1938 Mi.Bl.1, miniature sheet Duke Louis II. 10Fr; at top "blurred color", interesting printing flaw, cat. 150€
1911 Mi.10, postage-due Albert I. 30C; cat. 200€ U:A5
1925-1949 8 Reg and airmail letters to Czechoslovakia, USA, Germany and France, franked with. i.a. Mi.19, 75C + gutter Mi.44 etc. (only stamps on this letter 85€); then Motives 1922, Exhibition Monte Carlo 1928, Motives 1948, Airmail 1942 Mi.267-272 etc., chosen frankings! U:A5
1926-1938 6 entires franked with favourite issue Buildings 1925 and 1933, i.a. Reg postcard, bianco TLG with 12 stamps and CDS MONACO VILLE 17.7.36, Express with high franking of 13Fr Mi.97(2x), 98(2x),100(2x),102 with CDS MONACO VILLE 6.3.26 U:A5