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1867 folded letter addressed to Hamburg, with 1½S violet, Mi.14, CDS LUBBECK 27/3, on reverse blue arrival postmark HAMBURG 27/3 67; archiving fold out of stamp, good condition U:A5
1820? card of coach post for route Brühl - Euskirchen; at top tearing, interesting U:A5
REPRINT of famous block-of-20, Sachsen 3Pfg, which was originaly sold by Sigmund Friedl to Count of Ferrari U:A5
1851-1876 28 stamps and pairs, incl. better values, i.a. Baden Mi.3a, Hannover Mi.13(2x), Oldenburg Mi.5, Sachsen (Saxonia) Mi.2, Hamburg Mi.3, pair TT Mi.8, pair Prussia Mi.8 and oths.; mostly nice quality, high catalogue value U:A5
1860-1900 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of German states in stockbook A4, contains i.a. Brunswiek, Prussia, Hannover, Bergedorf, Thurn - Taxis, Saxony etc.; higher catalogue U:Z
1922 Mi.226aU, Posthorn 4M green, imperforated (!) block of four with upper margin and control-numbers, upper pair lightly hinged, the bottom pair mint never hinged; sought by specialists, on edge counter sheet note by pencil., cat. min. 300€ U:A5
1926 Mi.392x, Beethoven 20Pfg, lower left corner block-of-4 with plate number 7; luxury, cat. 680€++ U:A5
1929 Mi.KZ13, Nothilfe 5+2Pf, vertical strip of 3 - horiz. opposite facing pair with 2 coupons in the middle, with lower margin with HAN, No. V4617.29; middle pair with coupons mint never hinged, cat. 340€ U:A5
1929 Mi.KZ13, Nothilfe 8+4Pf and 15+5Pf, vertical strip of 3 - horiz. opposite facing pairs with 2 coupons in the middle, with lower margin with HAN, No. V4617.29; rare occurrence, cat. 750€ U:A5
1933 Mi.496-498, Chicagofahrt 1M-4M; complete set, cat. 1.200€ U:A5
1933 Mi.505A, Wagner 20+10Pf blue, comb perforation 14 : 13, sought variant, light traces of first hinge.; cat. as ** 1.500€ U:A5
1933 Mi.505B, Wagner 20+10Pf blue, comb perforation 14, well centered, CDS.; on reverse note by pencil., cat. 130€ U:A5
1938 Mi.675-683, Landscapes, complete set, from that 6 with sheet margins; cat. 100€+ U:A5
1939 Mi.716-729, sttap of Danzig with overprint, Coat of arms and Towns, complete set in luxury blocks of four, mainly marginal, i.a. Mi.724 and 728 corner with control-numbers, Mi.729 in addition with aiming cross; interesting lot, cat. only as single stamps 880€ U:A4
1939 Mi.716-729, stamp of Danzig with overprints Coat of arms and Towns, complete set, i.a. Mi.728 corner piece with plate number 1 and print of outer ledge; cat. 220€ U:A5
1940-1941 Mi.756-757 and 764-765, set of 2 complete 60-stamps sheets Buildings; very good quality U:A3v–
1919-1920 PLEBISCITARY TERRITORY AND FREISTAAT BAVARIA - comp. of 4 letters; OLSZTYN Reg and Express i.a. with Mi.26-28, CDS RÖSSEL, arrival GÖRLITZ; letter UPPER SILESIA Mi.1-11 with CDS BEUTHEN 14.3.20; 2x Reg-Satzbrief Mi.136-151 with CDS SPEYER, arrival LUDWIGSHAFEN; high catalogue value also as used stamps! U:A5
1920 OLSZTYN 2x Reg letter to Czechoslovakia franked with overprint stamps with CDS OLSZTYN 24.7.20, passed through censorship + MARIENWERDER 1x Reg letter on pre-printing envelope addressed to Berlin, 4 stamps values 5, 10, 15 and 20Pf with CDS MARIENWERDER 15.4.20; good condition U:A5
1924 2 Reg letters addressed to Czechoslovakia, with issue Nothilfe, Mi.351-354, CDS HOF A/S 17.10.24, on reverse arrival PODBABA 19.X.24; good condition U:A5
1928 2 letters to Czechoslovakia, 1x Reg letter to Czechoslovakia, with City Coats of Arms III, Mi.426-429, CDS BERLIN 16.11.28 + airmail letter to Czechoslovakia franked with airmail stamps Mi.379-383, CDS HAMBURG 14.3.34 ; only as used stamps cat. 240€ U:A5
1939-45 comp. of 8 letters, from that 6x Reg, interesting frankings, for example FDC Mi.686-688, single franking of Mi.698 on letter to Denmark etc; higher catalogue, it is worth seeing! U:A5
1923-1927 comp. of 3 letters, Reg letter to Oppach with Mi.118,135; printed matter to USA Mi.202 - exact franking of 10Pfg (rate from 20.3.1925); Reg to Czechoslovakia with Mi.196, 215 U:A5
1942-1944 DIENSTPOST (service mail) - ADRIA and NEDERLAND, 6 letters Reg or air-mail, German franking CDS LUFTGAUPOSTAMT AMSTERDAM, MiF Germany + Netherlands German Service Post NIEDERLAND / GRONINGEN and two rare MiF Germany + Italy German Service Post ADRIA / GÖRZ and POLA; perfect quality U:A5
1943 GENERAL GOVERNMENT Mi.101-103, 54. birthday of A. Hitler., complete set as 25-stamps sheets, i.a. Mi.103 with perforated bottom margin U:A3v–
1943 GENERAL GOVERNMENT Mi.105-109, 3. Anniv of NSDAP; complete set of 50-stamps sheets, Mi.105 1x bend; sought U:A3v–
1943 GENERAL GOVERNMENT Mi.110-112, A. Hitler. 50Gr-80Gr, complete set in 50-stamps sheets; sought U:A3v–
1944 GENERAL GOVERNMENT Mi.117-119, 55. birthday of A. Hitler., complete in whole 25-stamps sheets U:A3v–
1944 GENERAL GOVERNMENT Mi.120-124, Personalities; complete set in 50-stamps sheets; sought U:A3v–
1941 GENERAL GOVERNMENT Mi.65Klb., Cracow 10ZL, comp. of 4 PB, complete set in 50-stamps sheets; sought 1x No. 1, 3x No. 2; very good quality, cat. 200€ U:A4
1940-1943 G.GOUVERNEMENT comp. of 9 letters, i.a. Reg SANDOMIR with DP Osten + General Government; Reg letter to S. Gallen i.a. with Mi.32; EF 80, 45+49, 2x 33, EF 93, MiF 115, MiF 116(!) etc. U:A5
1940-1944 G. GOUVERNEMENT, 3 envelopes with mounted sets of Mi.14-39, D1-15, D16-24; in addition sheet with Mi.14-39 and FDC card with Mi.125, 5 years of General Government, higher catalogue U:A4
1944 G.GOUVERNEMENT, 5 whole dispatch-notes to Reich, stamps A. Hitler. Mi.83, 86, from that once 3x Mi.83, CDS WARSCHAU, ZDUNY, RADOM, GLOWNO, WEGROW U:A5
1944-45 LAIBACH, letter to Bohemia-Moravia with overprint PROVINZ LAIBACH Mi.2, 4, 14(2x), P3, 4, 7 with CDS LUBIANA 5.1.14 and delivery confirmation blank form with 4x Mi.P5 LAIBACH 1 21.III.45 U:A5
1941 LJADY Mi.2a, Ostland 1Pfg with black Opt LIADY 60 (Kop), on cut-square with cancel. from 12.12.41, perfect, exp. Dr. Rommerskirchen, cat. 1500€ ++; rare! U:A5
1941 LJADY Mi.2b, Ostland 1Pfg with black-violet Opt LIADY 60 (Kop), on cut-square with cancel. from 12.12.41; perfect, exp. Dr. Rommerskirchen, cat. 1200€ ++; rare! U:A5
1937-1945 [COLLECTIONS] interesting selection of blocks and PB, contains: GENERAL GOVERNMENT Mi.115 and 116 - complete 25-stamp sheets; 2x PB Copernicus Mi.104, also OSTLAND and UKRAINE - 50-stamps half sheets of A. Hitler 12Pfg red with control-numbers + DANZIG, selection of miniature sheets Mi.Bl.1-2 ** + with special postmark + 1x Bl.2 (*) + blocks of four Mi.306-308; overall good quality U:O4
1946 ALLIED OCCUPATION Mi.Bl.12A + Bl.12B, souvenir sheet Philatelic Exhibition in Berlin, 2x, perf + imperforated; cat. 120€ U:A5
1946 ALLIED OCCUPATION Mi.Bl.12A + Bl.12B, souvenir sheet Philatelic Exhibition in Berlin, 2x, perf + imperforated; cat. 120€ U:A5
1946 FRENCH ZONE - 10 letters with exact frankings 75Pfg - common porto abroad, to Czechoslovakia, various combinations from issue Coat of arms 1945; CDS smaller villages as ANDERNACH, TODTENBERG, ROTWEIL, SCHRAMBERG, MORBACH, URACH etc. U:A5
1947-1949 FRENCH ZONE - Baden, 11 letters mostly with exact frankings, 2 Reg letters 84Pfg and 108Pfg on CZECHOSL. consulate in Baden Baden; also i.a. Mi.11 EF, 26 MiF also EF, interesting Reg airmail card to Olomouc with Mi.27 MiF, CDS FREIBURG "Mit Luftpost via Frankfurt", multicolor franking with the first issues Mi.1-15 etc.; provisional registry labels from small places like TIEFENSTEIN, DONAUESCHINGEN, GÖRWIHL, MEERSBURG U:A5
1947-1948 FRENCH ZONE - Rheinland-Pfalz, 10 letters mostly with exact frankings, i.a. 4x Reg letter 84Pfg or 2x heavier Reg letter 108Pfg on CZECHOSL. consulate in Baden Baden; then i.a. Mi.12 EF, multicolor franking with the first issues Mi.1-15 etc.; provisional registry labels WORMS (postmark), RHEINBREITBACH and AHRWEILER; interesting selection, high catalogue value! U:A5
1947-1949 FRENCH ZONE - Württemberg, 10 letters i.a. Mi.11,12,24,26 all EF; 49+51+52; 4-color franking with the first issues etc.; CDS REUTLINGEN, CALW, TÜBINGEN, KREFELD U:A5
1948 SOVIET ZONE - 11 mostly Reg letters with overprint Soviet. Besatz. Zone on stamp of General issue and Berlin/Brandenburg (June - September 48), i.a. Mi.A195 EF (120€), 4x with better Mi.204A as MiF, provisional registry labels ALTENBURG, LEIPZIG, EISENACH, DRESDEN, HERMSDORF U:A5
1947-1949 RUSSIAN ZONE - 11 mostly Reg letters, all franked. with stamps LEIPZIGER MESSE 1947-1949, i.a. Brit. censorship Krefeld, Esperanto, several letters with arrival pmks, provisional registry labels KREFELD 4, FALKENSTEIN (VOGTL.), GRIMMITSCHAU; rare set! U:A5
1948-1949 RUSSIAN ZONE - 12 letters, from that 4x Reg, all with issues Personalities 1948, but also Mi.232 corner block-of-4 or corner Mi.228, CDS DELITZSCH, BISCHOFSWERDA, HERMSDORF, GREIZ U:A5
1948 SOVIET ZONE - 2 letters with mixed frankings (MiF), i.a. with overprint stamps "District" 16 GREIZ Mi.168,169 CDS GREIZ 1 30.6.48 and "District" 3 BERLIN Mi.168,171,175,177,180 CDS BERLIN - CHARLOTTENBURG 2 9.7.48; perfect quality, high catalogue value (only Mi.175 25Pfg min. 80€)
1946 SOVIET ZONE (THURINGIA) Mi.Bl.2t, miniature sheet Christmas; size 117x121mm, some minor gum faults, cat. for ** 1.800€, * 800€, stamps perfect, viewing of quality recommended U:A5
1949-1950 SOVIET ZONE and GDR (East Germany), 7 mostly Reg letters franked mainly Mi.234-238, Goethe, CDS BERLIN, GREITZ, CRIMMITSCHAU, REMLE incl. provisional registry labels; nice frankings U:A5
1948 US and BRITISH ZONE - comp. of 11 entires with Opt "Posthorn" 1948; Mi.50II EF, 2 x 41II MiF, 47I MiF, A49I MiF with 63II 30Pfg from "Kontrollratsausgabe I"; and on letter rare 41I 15Pfg MiF and others.; cat. min. 340€ U:A5
1948-1953 US and BRITISH ZONE - selection of 5 entires with issues Buildings 1948; Mi.94, EF 80Pfg Reg letter SCHWÄB. HALL; dispatch-note Mi.99(2x) 3DM + Bundes Mi.166 with CDS DIEBURG, Mi.106-107, Mi.95, 84Pfg + block of four Notopfer Berlin, 85,87,89 all KREFELD U:A5
1948-1950 US and BRITISH ZONE - selection of 5 entires with issues Buildings 1948; Mi.96 EF 90Pfg Reg letter LUDWIGSBURG; dispatch-note Mi.97(2x) 1DM Frankfurt, Mi.106-107 and other 2 cards and Reg letter with multicolor frankings U:A5
1948 US and BRITISH ZONE - selection of 7 entires with Opt "Posthorn" 1948; various frankings: Mi. 51II EF, 41I MiF, 51I MiF, on letter rare Mi.41I, 15Pfg in mixed franking and others.; cat. min. 360€ U:A5
1949 WUERTTEMBERG commercial Reg and C.O.D., with Mi.26, 15 and Surtax stamp 2Pf Berlin, CDS REUTLINGEN 1.3.49; good condition U:A5
1947-1948 ZONES - General Issue, 12 letters, 3x Reg, once from Leipzig to USA; Kontrollratsausgabe I. + II., contains also US and Brit. zone, Esperanto; censorship, interesting rates U:A5
1921 Mi.66I(2), pair of 3Mk brown / black, INVERTED CENTERS; perfect and attractive printing error U:A5
1931 ZEPPELIN / POLARFAHRT 1931 Ppc transported by Zeppelin LZ 127, with 5Fr + 2Fr, Mi.119 and 121, CDS SAARBRICKEN 22.7.31, transit FRIEDRICHSHAFEN and arrival LENINGRAD 25.VII.31; perfect and decorative entire U:A5
1951-1952 3 Reg letters to Czechoslovakia, i.a. with Mi.76,78; 83,84; 88-90, all in mixed frankings of BRD, 1x Czechosl. customs control, 1x by airmail; cat. min. 220€ U:A5
1952-1954 8 entires, i.a. mixed franking Berlin+BRD; Berlin Mi.100 EF; 30 MiF; very interesting Luftpostkarte 15Pfg uprated with CDS BERLIN 115,116; fine quality U:A5
1949-1951 6 letters with first issues GDR i.a. Mi.242+243+245; 243-245; FDC 2x 245, 2x 250 etc.; 282-283; CDS HALLE, DELITZSCH, GREIZ, DRESDEN, cat. only as used stamps min. 320€, perfect quality, chosen frankings from specialized collection, ex. V. Krajíc U:A5
1949-1952 8 Reg letters with first issues GDR, i.a. Mi.242, 243-244 and Zone 240,241; 260(2x)+275; 284, 285, also Mi.273-274; 2x 276-279, etc.CDS SONNEBERG, DÖBELN, SCHWEINSBURG, MAGDEBURG, DRESDEN, BERLIN; cat. only as used stamps min. 360€, perfect quality, ex. V. Krajíc U:A5