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1899-1908 selection of stamps, i.a. issue Wilhelmina, i.a. Mi.58A, 59A, Fight against Tuberculose Mi.69-71, Ruyter Mi.72-74 etc.; cat. ca. 450€ U:A5
1905 Mi.66A, Wilhelmina 10G dark orange; cat. 900€ U:A5
1926-1939 Mi.178A-191A, A186E, Vilhelmine 5C-50C + value 22½C red - orange, perf 13½:12:¾; cat. 545€ U:A5
1926-1929 Mi.192A-195A, 196A-200A, 201A-204A, 2018-221, 225-227, selection of 5 sets; overall nice quality, cat. 262€ U:A5
1928 Mi.205-212, Olympic Games Amsterdam; complete set, cat. 220€ U:A5
1929-1933 Mi.229A-232A, 236A-239A, 268A-271A, selection of 3 complete sets For Children; cat. 240€ U:A5
1931 Mi.243-244, 245A-248A, comp. of 2 complete sets, i.a. set For Children-issue; cat. 220€ U:A5
1932 Mi.249-252, complete set of four; cat. 280€ U:A5
1932-1933 Mi.253A-256A, 262-265, comp. of 2 complete sets For Children-issue and Help for sailors; cat. 260€ U:A5
1933 Mi.266, Market 80C; cat. 420€, very fine U:A5
1934 Mi.274-275, 277-280, set of 2 complete sets; very fine, cat. 210€ U:A5
1935-1936 Mi.282-285, 286, 287-290, 291-294, 295-296, 297-300, selection of chosen complete sets 1935-1936; perfect, cat. 460€ U:A5
1937-1939 selection of chosen sets, complete volume 1937, then for example. Mi.313-317, 322-326, 334-335, 336-340; perfect quality, cat. 260€ U:A5
1942 Mi.Bl.1, 2, souvenir sheets Legion; nice quality, cat. 230€ U:A5
1942 Mi.Bl.1, 2, both souvenir sheets "Legion", nice quality, cat. 230€ U:A5
1949 complete volume 1949, Mi.516-550, incl. rare and sought set of high face values Wilhelmine 1G-10G, Mi.540-543; very fine, cat. 1.307€ U:A5
1951 Mi.580-581, Airmail 15G and 25G; perfect, cat. 550€, sought set U:A5
1894-1910 selection of official and postage-due stamps, i.a. Mi.13-17, 27-43 (41 fold), official Mi.1-8 (without Mi.3) etc.; cat. ca. 500€ U:A5
1912-1936 comp. of 7 entires, from that 2 Reg letters, all with stamps issue 1913, 100. Anniv of independence; i.a. tricolour combination, Mi.87A, mixed franking with other postage stamps etc. U:A5
1926-1970 [COLLECTIONS] nice collection on pages in stockbook A4, contains many complete sets also single better stamps, i.a. Mi.233-235 *, 257-260**/*, 272-273 **/*, 357-374, better postwar as Mi.453-456 *, 500-502 etc., also several new miniature sheets and booklets; cat. according to owner ** 1800€, * 850€ U:Z
1852-1970 [COLLECTIONS] collection / part of estate, incl. colonies, old also new, on cards, sheets and in booklets, from the first issue, also postmark Willem III.1867-1872, also modern sets and booklets; quantum of material, all in medium size box U:K