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1938 Mi.5A, 5B, Exhibition Warsaw, perf also imperforated miniature sheets, perfect, cat. 260€ U:A5
1941-1945 Mi.360-367, 368-375, 376-379, A379, 380-382 (without guarantee), 389, 398, 399-402, complete Exil issue, also Fighters for freedom (excluded from sum), 2 overprint values, Liga Morska in addition imperforated air-mail and October Revolution 1952; major-part **, cat. without Mi.380-382 - 295€ U:A5
1948 Mi.Bl.11, miniature sheet 160 years of US constitution 80Zl-120Zl, small defect, cat. 450€ U:A5
1921 [COLLECTIONS] Mi.I, II, comp. of Airmails 1921 on stock-sheet A4, many pairs, marginal pieces, perf types, shades etc., total over 30 stamps; without guarantee, we advice examination U:A4
1925-1937 PORT GDANSK, selection of 40 stamps with overprint to Mi.1, almost complete, i.a. Mi.13, 20-25, 2x 29-31 and oths.; cat. min. 510€ U:A5
1926-1929 3 letters with airmail stamps issue 1925 - 1. FLIGHT WARSAW-LODZ 1.X.26; flight WYSTAVA LOTNICZA 3.V.27 WARZSAWA-LWOW; 1. FLIGHT KATOWICE-POZNAŇ-BYDGOSZCZ-GDANSK, CDS BYDGOSZCZ1.6.29; perfect quality U:A5
1938 BALLOON MAIL correspondence card with additional-printing of balloon flight, franked with miniature sheet Mi.Bl.6, Stratospheric Flight, CDS ZAKOPANE/ 27.IX.38, frame cachet; interesting, perfect quality U:A5