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1830 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter addressed to Prague, straight line postmark v:MIES (Stříbro) in brown color (Vot.1412/1.=120b); note by ruddle, on reverse whole paper seal; nice quality U:A5
1833 CZECH LANDS folded letter addressed to Brno, atypical red cancel. FRANCO/ OLMÜTZ (Vot.2955=200bd.); sought pmk, very good condition U:A5
1835 CZECH LANDS cover Reg letter addressed to Doloplasy (Bohemia), with oval cancel. K: K: POSTAMT /WISCHAU / RECOMMANDIRT (=Vyškov), Vot.3108=180, note by ruddle, on reverse paper seal; fine quality U:A5
1842 CZECH LANDS folded letter to Třebíč with cancel. SAAR (Žďár in Moravia, Vot.2305 II.stage=120b), nice print; on reverse 2 seals remnants and smaller tearing in margins, good quality U:A5
1846 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter addressed to Jindřichův Hradec, 2-lines pmk TABOR/ am 15 September (Vot.2393/2a.=60b) + on reverse arrival blue (!) 2-lines pmk NEUHAUS/ day 16.Sept. and broken seal; good quality U:A5
1839 CZECH LANDS cover of Reg letter addressed to Brno with decorative oval cancel. RAYGERN / RECOMMANDIRT (=Rajhrad), Vot.3100a=380b (!), supplemented with small frame cancel. 31/12 1839, on reverse green arrival postmark BRÜNN/ 1. DEC: and broken seal; letters with postmarks with points above 300 pt are very rare U:A5
1852 AUSTRIA/ folded letter sent from Ancona, addressed to Litomyšl (Bohemia), single circle cancel. FIELD-POST No.3./ 15.6., on reverse torn paper seal "Linien infantry Regiments Commando ...", transit pmk STATION/ ZWITTAU/ 21.JUN and arrival LEUTOMISCHL/ 21.Juni; very nice imprints, sound condition, rare! U:A5
1853 AUSTRIA/ folded letter sent from Bologna, addressed to court in Litomyšl (Bohemia), single circle cancel. FIELD-POST No.1/ 27.7., on reverse torn paper seal "Linien infantry Regiments Commando No 21", transit pmk STATION/ ZWITTAU/ ?.JUL and arrival LEUTOMISCHL/ 1?.JUL. worse readable; sound condition, entires with cancel. FP before 1866 are rare! U:A5
1835-1850 AUSTRIA/ selection of 14 prephilatelic letters, region Lower Austria, Styria, Carinthia etc., i.a. GERAS, HOLLABRUN, PERSCHLING, SCHEIBBS, LINZ, RADKERSBURG etc. U:A5
1830-1850 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 30 prephilatelic letters mainly from Czech lands, various cancel. i.a,. STŘEDOKLUK.; MILLIN, WOTTITZ, BUDWEIS etc. U:O5
1850 Ferch.1, 2, Coat of arms 1 Kr Ib HP orange ochre and 2 Kreuzer Ia HP black, on cut-square with CDS WEISKIRCHEN 21.FEB; wide margins, cat. 350€ for III. types and MP U:A5
1850 Mi.1X (2x); 1Y (2x), Coat of arms 1 Kr, 2x HP and 2x MP, i.a. 1x two-piece Doppeldruck U:A5
1850 strip-of-3 Coat of arms 1 Kr, Ferch.1I HP orange on cut-square with single-circle CDS ALTENBURG 28/2, right stamp in margin bend; cat. Ferchenbauer 1.200€ U:A5
1850 Ferch.2MP, type IIIb, Coat of arms 2 Kreuzer black with upper sheet margin 14,5mm, with single-circle CDS LANDSKRON, machine made paper; very fine, cat. 950€ U:A5
1850 Ferch.2Ia, HP, Coat of arms 2 Kreuzer black with hand-made cancellation, first print; perfect quality, cat. 350€ ++ U:A5
1850 Ferch.3Ia HP, strip-of-3 Coat of arms 3 Kreuzer zinnober on cut-square with CDS REICHENAU, in the middle paper crease, left close margin, very nice multiple, cat. 300€ U:A5
1850 Mi.3, Coat of arms 3 Kreuzer, interesting comp. 10 stamps, postmarks, types, underlaid middles, color shades, 1x full offset; chosen pieces from old collection U:A5
1850 Ferch.4 IIIHP, 4x 6 Kreuzer brown on cut-square with CDS PILSEN + additional RECOMMANDIRT; cat. 350€ U:A5
1850 Mi.4, 6 Kreuzer brown, comp. of 6 pcs with chosen whole postmarks, from that 3 pcs of on small cut-squares, many interesting pieces, for example. Type 1b - faulty print with plate flaw "cross on crown", pair with CDS STATION BRÜNN, marginal piece with CDS GRATZ and margin 8mm!, and others; from old collection, nice quality U:A5
1850 Ferch.5, Mi.5MP, Coat of arms 9 Kreuzer, type IIIb, machine made paper; very wide margins, original gum, cat. Ferchenbauer 1.600€ U:A5
1850 Ferch.5IHP, Coat of arms 9 Kreuzer light blue, on cut-square with CDS PRAG 26. JUL. out of stamp and on stamp additional cancel. RECOMANDIRT, Mü.180P (3715c); perfect piece U:A5
1850 Ferch.IIIb MP, Coat of arms 9 Kr blue; without gum, very nice, cat. 260€ U:A5
1850 local letter from 1858, with Coat of arms 2 Kreuzer black IIIb MP, CDS PRAG 22.4., from known correspondence of kight von Zeidler (important Prague Jewish family); attractive small envelope, cat. 335€ U:A5
1857 folded letter sent in the place with 2 Kreuzer T III., very wide margins, framed CDS WIEN; more often cross folded U:A5
1850 folded letter (part of back side missing) with 3 Kreuzer Ia2 geripptes paper, CDS PRAG 30/4 arrival SELTSCHAN 1.MAI; stamp perfect with significant grooving; cat. for cut square 480€, for letter 1.300€, rare U:A5
1850-1858 comp. of 3 letters, 3 Kreuzer IIIa MP with CDS WLASCHIM, 3 Kreuzer IIIb MP B.S. KARLSPLATZ, and from The 2nd issue 2x 5 Kreuzer T II. MILLIN; perfect quality, postmarks Mü.130P U:A5
1856 Mi.3YIIIb, Coat of arms 3 Kreuzer rose, MP, vertical pair with sheet margin on letter to Mirosov (Bohemia), round KAMENITZ 8/2, margins 10mm; cat. Ferchenbaurer 500€++ U:A5
1850 letter with Ferch.4, 6 Kreuzer Ia HP grey-brown, CDS FRIEDEK 21.12. 1850 to Brno and letter with Ferch.5, 9 Kreuzer IIIb MP, marginal piece, CDS IETZELSDORF 14 FEBR. through Jihlava and Prague to Mirovice; unusual postmark, Mü.125P; letter with 6 Kreuzer exp. Dr. Ferchenbauer, ex. Dr. Jerger! U:A5
1850 letter from 1852 with 2x 9 Kreuzer IIc grey-blue CDS PRAG KLEINS., to Kralovice, 18Kr as 3x heavier letter to 10 miles, interesting document of transport rate in middle distance, weight notice "2½;" (Loth); perfect quality, cat. 250€ ++ U:A5
1860 Mi.12II, Franz Joseph 3 Kreuzer blue-green, on small cut-square with whole CDS WIEN/ 2 - I; interesting shade U:A5
1858 Ferch.12a, Franz Joseph 3 Kreuzer green on cut-square with CDS WIEN; perfect, cat. 275€ U:A5
1858 St. Andrew's cross - 4 small yellow 4 on the left - PLATE NUMBERS; without gum, perfect perf; rare U:A5
1861 RETOUR RECEPISSE to Reg letter with stamp 10Kr, rate corresponding to Reg charge, CDS MUNCIFAI (Smečno); perfect, cat. 500€, rare U:A5
1861 comp. of 4 entires - letter 5+10Kr CDS BERAUN to Brünnlitz (Brněnec) and redirected to Polička; 3x5kr with unusual cancel. SCHWARZBACH (N.Ö.); Reg letter 10+15kr red WIEN RECOMMANDIRT addressed to K.u.K.. Bezirksamt Wotič (Votice) and larger part of 7x havier Reg letter with 7x 15 Kreuzer with CDS MITROWITZ (Vojvodina) also to Votice, interesting set, only cut square 7x 15 Kreuzer min. 500€! U:A5
1862 printed matter - ½; franked with 2 Kreuzer Mi.18, CDS BOEH. BROD 20.9. (catalogue Votoček. 169/6.), arrival postmark KAURŽIM 21.9. at the back; folded, good condition U:A5
1864-1867 2x franking 15+10Kr; as 3x heavier Reg letter to 10 miles with Reg charge in front(!) with CDS KAURZIM and as ordinary letter (to 10gr) to Paris CDS WIEDEN IN WIEN; interesting, cat. min. 650€ U:A5
1865 Reg letter franked with only with Reg charge 10Kr, CDS KŘELOWITZ 18/7, arrival LEDETSCH 19/7; rate for the letter - "Ex offo v přenešené působnosti", from Town council in Červena Řečice addressed to Town council in Ledeč, all written in Czech language; perfect quality, certificate Mgr. Kopřiva, cat. 1.250€ (see. Ferchenbauer 2008, part II. p. 373), rare franking! U:A5
1866 front side and part of back side of Reg letter to London with 3x 15Kr+5Kr, in front 50 Kreuzer as 2x heavier letter in rate from 1866 to July 1870, reccomendation charge 10Kr was on reverse, CDS BRÜX 8/6, red PD, transit PRUSSIA REGISTERED etc., arrival LONDON REGISTERED 11. JUL 66; very nice quality, signed by Ferchenbauer., attractive "Beleg"! U:A5
1867 set of 8 entires with VI. issue, i.a. 1x letter with 2 + 3 Kreuzer rough print with CDS POLNA; good condition U:A5
1867-1890 3 Reg receipts with Franz Joseph I. 10Kr 1867 fine print and 1883 and 1890, sent to Germany U:A4
1872 folded letter with Revenue 5 Kreuzer issue 1870 instead of postage stamp issue 1867, sent from Vienna to Třebíč, CDS WIEN 29/1 72, written Hebrew, all original, front side worn probably due to intention of removing the hand written notice of surtax, offered as is, cat. Ferchenbauer "LP" U:A5
1876 Return card - franked with vertical pair of 5 Kreuzer VI. issue, nice imprint of daily postmark WITTINGAU 10/8 addressed to Weisvasser; only light fold U:A5
1868 letter to London with 15 Kreuzer 1864 and 2x 5 Kreuzer 1867, rate 25 Kreuzer for weight to 1 Loth in time 1866 - 1870, transit Baden - Frane, CDS PRAG 19/2, arrival LONDON FE 21 68; perfect mixed franking, cat. 1.000€; scarce U:A5
1875 Reg letter to Germany (Frankfurt); SENT TWICE - first cash paid and sent with CDS SMICHOV 23/11 75 (interesting Bavarian (!) Reg label), arrival FRANKFURT A/M 24.11., but undelivered and sent back, then franked with stamp 15 Kreuzer rough print brown (5 Kreuzer united porto also to Germany and as well 10Kr reccomendation charge franked "in front") with CDS SMICHOV 26/11 75, arrival FRANKFURT A/M 27.11; rare entire U:A5
1883 whole dispatch-note to Palermo, with 3+10+50Kr(!) with CDS OTTAKRING, "ferma in post"; perfect quality, cat. min. 920€; rare offer! U:A5
1908 Mi.139-156, Jubilee 1908; complete set, several pieces **, perfect, cat. 400€ U:A5
1913 Mi.139x-149x, Jubilee 1h-35h; complete set, value 35 minor gum fault, cat. ANK 130€ U:A5
1908 Mi.156, Ferch.156, 3x Jubilee Franz Joseph 10K, nice pieces with CDS WIEN and PRAG (cut square); cat. 320€ U:A5
1910 Mi.161-177, Jubilee 1910; complete, MNH, cat. ANK 1.260€ U:A5
1880 LEITMERITZ Town Post Litoměřice, comp. of 6 various values 4Kr - 20Kr for express mailing in town U:A5
1890 whole dispatch-note to Palermo, franked with. 3+10+50Kr(!) with CDS MARIAHILF WIEN; perfect quality, cat. min. 630€ U:A5
1890 whole dispatch-note to Palermo, franked with mixed franking of 3 Kreuzer 1890 + 10Kr 1883 (!) + 50 Kreuzer 1890, CDS WIEN ALSERGRUND III, "ferma in post" (Poste Restante); perfect quality, cat. 630€ ++; rare franking! U:A5
1890 comp. of 5 entires, money letter with tricolor franking CDS EIWANOWITZ, 2x heavier Reg JUNGBUNZLAU, postcard to Denmark RZESZOW, Reg letter to New York 10+10kr FELDKIRCH, letter-card 3kr+1+1kr with train FPA No. 64 (!), very nice set; FELDKIRCH is from sought destination VORARLBERG! U:A5
1916 mixed franking of postage-due stamps issue 1908 and postage stamps 1916, Mi.P36, P38, P58, on R-cover with return receipt, CDS SMÍCHOV 2.XI.16; light fold in envelope
1851 Ferch.6Ib, Blue Mercury on cut-square with Lombardy cancel. of newspaper expedition LODI; very nice piece with close to wide margins, cat. 350€, (Mü.750P, for I. issue); very attractive and rare postmark! U:A5
1851 Ferch.6IIIb (1854), Blue Mercury type 0,6Kr type IIIb, blue; perfect piece with nice CDS KREIBITZ 20.4. U:A5
1851 Ferch.6IIIb, Blue Mercury, type IIIb, blue; perfect piece with CDS TREVISO, cat. 225€ U:A5
1851 Mi.6, Blue Mercury with lower margin; large margins U:A5
1858 Mi.17, newspaper Franz Joseph I. 1.05Kr violet; large margins, cat. 400€ U:A5
1861 Mi.23, newspaper Franz Joseph I. 1.05Kr with cancel. POSTAMTS ZEIT EXP. PRAG; large margins, cat. 200€++ U:A5