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1858 Mi.2x, Coat of arms 10K with dot cancel.; perfect, on reverse exp. Friedemann, cat. 250€ U:A5
1866-1889 selection of 18 stamps Coat of arms, various issues, contains i.a. Mi.18-21x, 29-30, 35, 36, 45, 47, 51y etc.; mainly good quality U:A5
1889-1904 Mi.51y-52y, Coat of arms 15K and 25K, both stamps vertical bands U:A5
1889-1904 Mi.52y-53y, 57-60, War Orphans 3K-10K + Coat of arms 25K and 15K vertical bands U:A5
1908-1914 Mi.63-77, Coat of arms 1K-1R, 1R block of four, the rest as 2 joined 2-stamps gutters U:A4
1908-1915 Mi.63-77, Coat of arms 1K-1R, all marginal block-of-4, I. printing U:A4
1912-17 Mi.64IIa, 66IIA, 75IIAb, 75D, set of 4 complete sheets of 100, Coat of arms 2 K, 4 K and 2x 50K; usual small flaws U:A3v–
1908-10 Mi.73I, 74I, 75I, Coat of arms 25K, 35K and 70K, selection of three blocks-of-25, 2x corner U:A5
1910 comp. of stamps Coat of arms on stock-sheet A4, 7x block of four + 1x pair, marginal pieces, coupons, plate numbers, wmk, perf and others.; interesting U:A4
1913 Mi.82-98, House of Romanov 1K-5R, complete set; several small gum flaws, 3R used with pin holes U:A5
1913 Mi.82-98, House of Romanov, complete set, i.a. 3R marginal piece (!), 7K and 14K pairs; perfect quality, rare set U:A5
1913 Mi.82, 85, 87, 88, 90, selection of bloks of four issue House of Romanov 1 K, 4 K, 10K, 14K and 20K; very good quality, in blocks of four sought U:A5
1914 comp. of mostly marginal blocks-of-4, i.a. Mi.99-101, 113-116, 126 etc. U:A4
1915-1918 selection of bloks of four on 2 cards A4, parts of issues Coat of arms, overprint House of Romanov, Charitable stamps etc. U:A4
1863 TOWN POST/ MOSCOW / ST. PETERSBURG Mi.2, Coat of arms 5 K black / blue, set of 3 stamps, MNH, used and on cut-square; interesting U:A5
1863 TOWN POST Mi.2, Coat of arms 5 K black / blue, vertical pair with lower sheet margin U:A5
1891 P.stat. cover Mi.U33B, Coat of arms 7K 146/60mm, uprated with 1+5+7Kop and sent as Reg letter to Hungary, CDS TELEGRAPH 21.X. 91... and PETERBURG 22.OKT 91, additional "R"
1868 letter with Mi.18, 19, 21, Coat of arms 1+3+10Kop with CDS S. PETERSBURG 19.JAN, railway POČTOVYJ VAGON No.5-6 and arrival WIEN 3. II.; small format, blue commercial postmark "H.KLEE S. PETERSBURG" on stamp (!), very attractive entire! U:A5
1908-10 [COLLECTIONS] SHEETS selection of whole sheets, various values of Coat of arms 2k-1R, Mi.65, 67, 68, 73, 74, 76, 77, incl. gutter and crosses; overall very good quality, interesting offer U:Z
1918 Mi.138A(9x),139A,140A, revenues used as postage stamps, 2x block of four with opposite facing pairs of 5 Kop and franking 5+10+15kop, all on cut squares with CDS ODESSA; interesting U:A5
1925 Mi.271-291, complete set of postage stamps Profession, without consideration on wmks types, chosen cuts, 8x with old bussiness and owners marks; mint never hinged U:A5
19..-1933 selection of 4 complete better sets, contains Mi.390-391, 410-411, 453-455, 462Y-466Y; cat. 245€ U:A5
1931 Mi.397C-401C, Zeppelins, complete imperforated set; mint never hinged, cat. 300€ U:A5
1931 Mi.402B-405B, POLARFAHRT Graf Zeppelin 30K-2R, imperforated stamps with sheet margins, very fine U:A5
1931 Mi.402B-405B, Polar Flight, complete imperforated set; cat. 180€ U:A5
1932 Mi.410A, 411B, 2. international polar year, value 50k perf 12½;, 1R perf 10½;. marginal piece; mint never hinged, kat.270€+ U:A5
1932 Mi.411B, Polar Year 1Rbl green, perf 10½;, perfect, cat. 150€ U:A5
1933 Mi.427X,428X, Exhibition Leningrad, overprint 30k/15k and 70k/35k, 2 various postmarks from Leningrad, cat. 280€ U:A5
1937 Mi.571-577, Aircrafts 10k - 1R, complete sought set; mint never hinged, cat. 170€ U:A5
1944 Mi.899-900, Heroes of USSR 30k green and 30k blue, both values with Opt AVIOPOČTA 1944 1 RUBL - 2 sheets from each value; cat. as singles 800€ U:A3v–
1939-1951 selection of 16 pcs of bloks of four from various war and postwar issues, i.a. Professions, Buildings etc.; very good quality U:A4
1937-1950 selection of stamps, i.a. Mi.Bl.1 and Bl.2II, 1047, 1229-1235, 1459-1460 U:A4
1947 MI.Bl.10II, set of 11x miniature sheet 800th Anniv. of Moscow.; sporadically usual small folds or small flaws; cat. 715€ U:A4
1947-1956 selection of miniature sheets, i.a. 3x Bl.10II, Bl.9 (small flaw), 14, 19 (9x), 20 (6x), 16-17; mostly mint never hinged, only small part * or used; cat. min. 500€ U:A4
1948-1954 selection of stamps, i.a. Mi.Bl.19 and Bl.20, also blocks of four Mi.1282, 1283 and 1285(!), 1737 etc.; perfect quality U:A4
1950 Mi.1465-1469, 150. anniv of death of General Suvorov 40K-2R and Mi.1480-1483, Rebuilding of Stalingrad 20K-1R; Mi. 1483 lightly hinged U:A5
1950 Mi.1527-1534, Buildings, complete sought set, mint never hinged; cat. 400€ U:A5
1951 Mi.1575-1590, Scientists 40K, complete set of 16 stamps, first issue; only Mi.1590 lightly hinged U:A5
1957-1958 Mi.Bl.22-26, set of 5 miniature sheets: 40 years of October Revolution and Centenary of Russian Stamps; perfect U:A4
1941 BALTIC STATES collection of ca. 100 stamps with overprint USSR, various issue local Opt for Estonia (PERNAU), Lithuania (VILNIUS, LIETUVA) and Latvia (LATVIJA) and others.; all with detailed list, several stamps exp. Dr. Dub, interesting selection, cat. according to owner ca. 800€ U:A4
1976-1988 [COLLECTIONS] collection from stated period in full 24-sheets stockbook, contains also many miniature sheets, joined printings and PB U:Z
1944-1945 [COLLECTIONS] Mi.Bl.4, Bl.5, selection of miniature sheets: 20x 1. and 2. anniv of liberation of Leningrad, from that Bl.5 10x on different thin paper and in light brown color, CDS LENINGRAD; other Bl.5 on normal paper and in dark brown, CDS RIGA; Mi.Bl.4 10x with upper inscription with slight printing errors, 10x without printing flaws, all with CDS RIGA; perfect, cat. 1.600€, interesting offer U:O5
1946 Mi.1014-1020, Aircrafts II., 5k-30k, 7 values, each 4x complete sheet; cat. as single stamps 1.700€! U:Z
1947 [COLLECTIONS] Mi.1162A,1166A,1167A - each 10x complete sheet, Mi.1164A - 4 sheets (only 2 stamps missing), Mi.1154B and Mi.1163A 3x sheet; cat. 6.600€! U:Z
1964-1966 [COLLECTIONS] Mi.2983y-2987y, Mushrooms 4K-12, vertical strips of 5 with coupons and margin sheets + complete sheet Mi.3181-3183 U:O4
1899-1917 CHINA selection of stamps on card A4, issue Coat of arms with Opt "KITAJ" and Chinese currency, i.a. 1x block of four $1, 1x pair $1, other in pairs or blocks of four
1879-1913 LEVANT comp. of stamps on stock-sheet A5, i.a. Mi.12x-14x, 49-55 *, 56-60*, 76-78 * etc. U:A5
1913 LEVANT Mi.61-75, overprint set House of Romanov 5Pa-50Pia; i.a. highest value 50Pia MNH, other only lightly hinged, sought set U:A5
1920-1922 WRANGEL - ARMY set of 4 stamps Coat of arms and Saving stamp 5 K; 4x inverted overprint (!), 1x incomplete overprint; interesting selection U:A5
1920-22 WRANGEL - ARMY issue for camp post of Wrangel´s voluntier army, selection of stamps on stock-sheet A5, according to cat. Soloviev No. 6-116 U:A4
1880-1950 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of Empire Russia and USSR in stockbook A4, from issues Coat of arms, RSFSR, then more interesting 1930-1940 incl. several middle complete sets, also for example. BL.2 etc.; various quality, higher catalogue U:Z
1858-1940 [COLLECTIONS] small collection on 4 sheets in 8-sheet stockbook, contains part of classic period, various editions of Coat of arms, part issue House of Romanov Mi.82-94, also RSFSR, and sets of USSR; used also unused, cat. according to owner ca. 550€ U:Z
1992-2009 [COLLECTIONS] collection of modern Russia in 7 stockbooks A4, complete sets, souvenir sheets, PB, printing sheets, joined printings, several booklets and others.; a lot of of material U:K
1938-40 [COLLECTIONS] big accumulation of postage stamps mainly issue Professions, Mi.578 - 84 blocks-of-25, Mi.676 - 48 whole sheets, Mi.678 - 116 blocks-of-50, Mi.682 - 24 sheets, Mi.684 - 48 blocks-of-50, Mi.784 - 98 blocks-of-25, placed in covers in 2 spiral covers, good condition, suitable for specialist, various plate flaws, margins with imprints etc., cat. over 40.000€ U:Z
1865-1945 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 60 entires, mainly Russian Empire, various p.stat, postal stationery covers, part uprated with stamps issues Coat of arms, also postcards and letters, small part from period of USSR; various quality U:O5