Public Auction 51 / Philately / German occupation of Bohemia-Moravia

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186699 - 1943 Pof.102, Day of Stamp, comp. 6 pcs of complete 100 pcs
1943 Pof.102, Day of Stamp, comp. 6 pcs of complete 100 pcs of counter sheet, always 2x plate A, B, C; according to Engela, in addition supplemented with about/by vypracovanou typologii single plate; estate after/around významném collector, interesting!
Starting price: CZK
185394 - 1943 Pof.103-105, Winter relief, complete set of counter she
1943 Pof.103-105, Winter relief, complete set of counter sheet; very fine, only 1x folded in perforation
Starting price: CZK
186703 - 1943 Pof.108-110, Wagner, selection of complete 100 pcs of c
1943 Pof.108-110, Wagner, selection of complete 100 pcs of counter sheet, 4x 60h violet, 2x 120h red and 3x 250h blue; in addition vypracovaná typology plate variety according to Engela, overall very good condition, c.v.. 1.850CZK
Starting price: CZK
185602 - 1943-1944 Pof.108-110, 112, 113-115, Wagner, Red Cross and 5
1943-1944 Pof.108-110, 112, 113-115, Wagner, Red Cross and 5. Anniv Protectorate; selection of 100 pcs of counter sheet, c.v.. 1.350CZK
Starting price: CZK
187583 - 1943 Pof.A111; Mi.Bl. I, Heydrich's MS / Heydrich Block, min
1943 Pof.A111; Mi.Bl. I, Heydrich's MS / Heydrich Block, mint never hinged gum mint never hinged, size 101x148mm, type I., perf rámec A, number miniature sheet "575", photo-certificate D. Pfeiffer BPP in German from year 2015; printing only 1.000 pcs of, cat. Michel 20.000€, according to catalogues most valuable miniature sheet from complete world philately, in this quality exceptional offer!
Starting price: CZK
187915 - 1943 Off. German written letter with heading Empire protecto
1943 Off. German written letter with heading Empire protector in Bohemia-Moravia from 8.6.1943: "Příležitostná stmp R. Heydrich to letter 3.6.43. V reminder on/for zastupujícího empire protector, SS - Obergruppenfürera and general police Reinhard Heydrich, about/by which/what jste with after/around his zranění postaral, zasílám Vám miniature sheet with number 679", with by hand written signature K. H. Frank (!), supplemented with original envelope with same number 679; more see article Philately 11/1998 + 7/2015, also odkaz on/for webu; here for the first time offered darovací letter to Heydrichovému miniature sheet with autograph K. H. Franka, unrepeatable offer!
Starting price: CZK
185583 - 1943 Pof.111, R. Heydrich 60h+440h, complete 100 pcs of coun
1943 Pof.111, R. Heydrich 60h+440h, complete 100 pcs of counter sheet, incl. all plate variety; folded in perforation, otherwise very fine
Starting price: CZK
186702 - 1944 Pof.116-117, 55. birthday A. Hitler.; complete set in 1
1944 Pof.116-117, 55. birthday A. Hitler.; complete set in 100 pcs of counter sheet; in addition vypracovaná typology plate variety according to Engela, very good condition
Starting price: CZK
185601 - 1944-1945 Pof.116-117, 122, 55. birthday A. Hitler. + A. Hit
1944-1945 Pof.116-117, 122, 55. birthday A. Hitler. + A. Hitler. 50 pcs of and 100 pcs of counter sheet; very nice quality, only folded in perforation, c.v.. 1.050CZK
Starting price: CZK
185599 - 1944 Pof.118-119 + 120-121, Smetana + Cathedral St. Vitus; c
1944 Pof.118-119 + 120-121, Smetana + Cathedral St. Vitus; comp. 4 pcs of complete 100 pcs of counter sheet; folded in perforation, c.v.. 1.600CZK
Starting price: CZK
185393 - 1944 Pof.120-121, Cathedral St. Vitus, complete set counter
1944 Pof.120-121, Cathedral St. Vitus, complete set counter sheet; only 2x folded in perforation
Starting price: CZK
186540 - 1939-1943 comp. of 8 letters abroad; i.a. R-FDC to Dresden P
1939-1943 comp. of 8 letters abroad; i.a. R-FDC to Dresden Pof.106, 107, Birthday A. Hitler., censored letter to Zagreb with Pof.103-105, Winter relief, railway CDS RADNICE-CHRÁST; C.O.D. to Berlin, Reg, express and airmail letter to Lisbon PRAG 7.IV.42, arrival LISBOA 13.Apr 42; Reg and airmail letter to Stockholm with Pof.10(2x),11-13, air mail postmark PRAGUE 7 AIRMAIL 2.VIII.39, interesting selection of!
Starting price: CZK
187767 - 1940 airmail letter to USA, with Landscape 10K + 3 Koruna +
1940 airmail letter to USA, with Landscape 10K + 3 Koruna + 50h, Pof.48, 36, 41, CDS PRAGUE 72/ 2.XII.40 + frame violet cancel. MIT LUFTPOST (airmail) NACH NORDAMERIKA UND AB NEW YORK, passed through German censorship; good condition
Starting price: CZK
186697 - 1940 air-mail card to Sweden with multicolor franking issue
1940 air-mail card to Sweden with multicolor franking issue Linden Leaves, CDS PRAGUE 6/ 24.IV.40, supplemented with straight line postmark In mailbox found, passed through German censorship, without attributes of air forwarding; decorative piece, very interesting destination!
Starting price: CZK
186630 - 1940 comp. 3 pcs of entires, 1x franked with. i.a. 4 pcs of
1940 comp. 3 pcs of entires, 1x franked with. i.a. 4 pcs of Surtax stamp. Red Cross with coupons, Pof.50-51KP+L, from that 1x with plate variety interrupted "e" in the word German, 1x franked with. i.a. 3 pcs of gutter Linden Leaves, Pof.20-22M, 1x commercial window envelope franked with. i.a. blue Delivery stamp 50h, Pof.DR1 and corner pair 40h stamp. Pof.28 with plate number 1 close margin; good condition
Starting price: CZK
186627 - 1940 selection of Reg letter and memorial sheet to issue pos
1940 selection of Reg letter and memorial sheet to issue postage stmp 50h Jindřicův Hradec, Pof.41, Reg letter i.a. with block of four, CDS PRAGUE 83/ 31.III.40 - first day issue (FDC) and commemorative sheet with same stamp. and CDS JINDŘICHŮV HRADEC 1.IV.40; good condition
Starting price: CZK
186541 - 1941-1944 13 mostly Reg letters with chosen better frankings
1941-1944 13 mostly Reg letters with chosen better frankings, Red Cross 1940, 1941, Heydrich EF, pair Heydrich with "vajíčkem", Eagle 43, Birthday A. Hitler.; CDS ROUSÍNOV, ZLÍN, JESENICE, LUŽE, N. PAKA, railway PŘEROV-KOJETÍN-OSTRAVA and oths.
Starting price: CZK
186628 - 1942-1944 comp. 2 pcs of money letters, 1x on/for 20.000K i.
1942-1944 comp. 2 pcs of money letters, 1x on/for 20.000K i.a. franked by stmp A. Hitler 10K large format with coupon, Pof.96 with CDS PRAGUE 65/ 23.XI.40, 1x CP on/for 510.000K (!) franked with. i.a. all values postage stmp A. Hitler large format, Pof.96-99 with CDS PRAGUE 15/ 24.VIII.44; 1x light fold otherwise good condition, unbroken seals
Starting price: CZK
186641 - 1944-1945 2x Reg letter as FDC incl. arrival postmarks, 1x f
1944-1945 2x Reg letter as FDC incl. arrival postmarks, 1x franked with. issues St. Vitus., Pof.120-121 with CDS PRAGUE 21.XI.44, incl. certificate of mailing and arrival cancel., 1x franked with. postage stmp A. Hitler. 4,20 Koruna with CDS PRAGUE 48/ 1.II.45, on reverse arrival postmark PRAGUE 35/ 2.II.45; good condition
Starting price: CZK
186588 - 1940 [COLLECTIONS]   Landscape issue II., Pof.45-49, collect
1940 [COLLECTIONS] Landscape issue II., Pof.45-49, collection bands from margins sheets values 5 Koruna to 20K, various plate number, total 43 pcs of two and three řadých bands, all in/at one older big stockbook, c.v.. 12.400CZK
Starting price: CZK
186587 - 1942 [COLLECTIONS]   issue postage stmp A. Hitler., Pof.78-9
1942 [COLLECTIONS] issue postage stmp A. Hitler., Pof.78-99, 122, small/rare also large format, specialized collection mainly mint never hinged stamp. in 2 stockbooks, contains complete miniatures in blocks of four small formats from 50 also 200-ks sheets (!), big formats incomplete, but also so contains much coupons, gutter-pair, blocks of four, miniatures etc..; c.v.. 9.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
186256 - 1942 [COLLECTIONS]  business supply postage stmp Pof.78-99 +
1942 [COLLECTIONS] business supply postage stmp Pof.78-99 + 122, A. Hitler. 10h - 50K, values 10K-50K in 30ti-blocích, 1,50 Koruna 200 pcs of counter sheet, 8K 100 pcs of counter sheet, other values in various počtech (50-200ks); higher catalogue, in box
Starting price: CZK
186732 - 1939 Pof.NV3, Newspaper stamps (I.) 7h orange, LL blk-of-12
1939 Pof.NV3, Newspaper stamps (I.) 7h orange, LL blk-of-12 with plate number 1 and with significant color stain between stamp. and plate number!
Starting price: CZK
182687 - 1943 Pof.NV11, Newspaper stamps (II.) 5h blue, complete set
1943 Pof.NV11, Newspaper stamps (II.) 5h blue, complete set bottom bnd-of-20 with plate number 1-43 to 30/44; very fine set, c.v.. ca. 7.400Kč
Starting price: CZK
185567 - 1941 front part address newspaper wrappers with five-coloure
1941 front part address newspaper wrappers with five-coloured franking newspaper stmp 1. issue - 1K+50h+20h+10h+5h, Pof.NV9, NV8, NV7, NV5, NV2, arrival postmark ČÁSLAV 1.I.41, all stamp. with private perf; good condition, decorative franking newspaper wrappers on/for 37 výstisků newspapers, ex. Pour
Starting price: CZK
186543 - 1941-1943 comp. 10 pcs of whole newspaper wrappers with news
1941-1943 comp. 10 pcs of whole newspaper wrappers with newspaper stmp I. and issue II.; Pof.NV3(2x), NV6(2x), NV11, NV12(2x), NV13(3x), mainly CDS JITSCHIN, in addition 2 printed-matters with OT1 with CDS PRAG 40 and PISEK; very fine
Starting price: CZK
186737 - 1939- [COLLECTIONS]  interesting accumulation bottom bnd-of-
1939- [COLLECTIONS] interesting accumulation bottom bnd-of-20 with plate number, I. also issue II in spiral stockbook in punched pockets, various plate number; high catalogue value, suitable to other elaboration, overall very good quality
Starting price: CZK
186595 - 1943 [COLLECTIONS] Newspaper stamps issue II., Pof.NV10-NV18
1943 [COLLECTIONS] Newspaper stamps issue II., Pof.NV10-NV18, complete collection plate numbers in blocks of four incl. break protective frames A+B+C, i.a. contains L and R blk-of-4 10h NV14 with plate number 2-43, then L band 5h NV11 plate number 2-43 with 5x broken frame (detached corner Pr with plate number and upper corner blk-of-4) etc.., total 187ks bloks of four supplemented with lot of R and L upper bloks of four values 5h tvořících miniatures; placed in stockbook A4, c.v.. 12.000CZK (bands excluded from sum)
Starting price: CZK
182623 - 1943 [COLLECTIONS]  Newspaper stamps issue II., Pof.NV11, co
1943 [COLLECTIONS] Newspaper stamps issue II., Pof.NV11, complete collection 36 pcs of bnd-of-20 with all plate number 1-43 to 30-44 (!) values 5h blue and all variants protective frames A+B+C; all in perfect quality, placed in new stockbook, c.v.. 8.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
186632 - 1940 comp. of 2 commercial mailing with for commercial print
1940 comp. of 2 commercial mailing with for commercial printed-matters, 1x on/for commercial envelope with additional-printing "...čistě arijský firm." and stamp. Pof.OT1 with private perf, 1x window envelope with content and philatelic text; good condition
Starting price: CZK
186614 - 1939 Pof.DL1-DL14, complete set 4-stamp gutter with lower ma
1939 Pof.DL1-DL14, complete set 4-stamp gutter with lower margins and plate number 1-39 and 1A-39; only value 10K with spot in margin, c.v.. 4.470Kč
Starting price: CZK
186615 - 1939 Pof.DL1-DL14, complete set pairs 2-stamps gutter with l
1939 Pof.DL1-DL14, complete set pairs 2-stamps gutter with lower margins and plate number 2-39 and 2A-39; c.v.. 4.090Kč
Starting price: CZK
186795 - 1939 Pof.DL6, 50h red, 4-stamps. detached gutter with plate
1939 Pof.DL6, 50h red, 4-stamps. detached gutter with plate number 3-40/3A-40; only light production folds, sought variant, c.v.. 4.000CZK italic
Starting price: CZK
186613 - 1939 Pof.DL9, 1 Koruna blue, the bottom 5-pás with plate nu
1939 Pof.DL9, 1 Koruna blue, the bottom 5-pás with plate number 2-39 x-y, significant shift comb perf in L margin
Starting price: CZK
188275 - 1939 Pof.DL10, 1,20 Koruna, comp. of 2 corner cancel. pieces
1939 Pof.DL10, 1,20 Koruna, comp. of 2 corner cancel. pieces with rare variants plate number - L corner 3-40x - margin perforated and right/genuine 3-40y - margin unperforated; rare offer
Starting price: CZK
186606 - 1939 Pof.DL10a, 1,20 Koruna light blue (!), L the bottom cor
1939 Pof.DL10a, 1,20 Koruna light blue (!), L the bottom corner piece with nejvzácnějším plate number 3-40x, perforated margin; for comparison common blue piece, in auction 49. prodán block of four in blue color after/behind 19.000CZK, in this shade maybe unique rarity!
Starting price: CZK
186723 - 1939 Pof.DL10, 1,20 Koruna, L the bottom corner piece with p
1939 Pof.DL10, 1,20 Koruna, L the bottom corner piece with plate number 4A-40y - margin unperforated; very fine piece, sought variant
Starting price: CZK
186721 - 1939 Pof.DL10, 1,20 Koruna, LR corner piece with plate numbe
1939 Pof.DL10, 1,20 Koruna, LR corner piece with plate number 4A-40y - margin perforated; very fine piece, sought variant
Starting price: CZK
186719 - 1939 Pof.DL10a, 1,20 Koruna light blue (!), LL corner blk-of
1939 Pof.DL10a, 1,20 Koruna light blue (!), LL corner blk-of-4 with very sought plate number 3-40x - margin perforated; very fine piece in rarer light shade, to comparison including block of four with plate number 3-40 Py with tmavým shade, in auction 50. prodán similar piece after/behind 20.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
186718 - 1939 Pof.DL10a, 1,20 Koruna light blue (!), LR corner blk-of
1939 Pof.DL10a, 1,20 Koruna light blue (!), LR corner blk-of-4 with plate number 3-40y - margin unperforated; very fine piece, sought variant, in addition in rarer light shade, to comparison including block of four with plate number 2-40 with tmavým shade
Starting price: CZK
186611 - 1939 Pof.DL10a, 1,20 Koruna light blue (!), LR corner blk-of
1939 Pof.DL10a, 1,20 Koruna light blue (!), LR corner blk-of-4 with plate number 4-40x, perforated margin; small spot in margin, for comparison also with pair in/at common color
Starting price: CZK
182374 - 1939 SMÍŠENÁ FRANKATURA DOPLATNÍCH ZN.  letter franked w
1939 SMÍŠENÁ FRANKATURA DOPLATNÍCH ZN. letter franked with. Czechosl. stamp. Štefánik 60h violet, Pof.302, CDS out of stmp PRAGUE 25/ 23.XII.39, at the delivery place burdened by surtax 1,20 Koruna in Czechosl postage-due stamp., refused, sent back and on reverse mounted Bohemian and Moravian Postage due stamp 60h 2x, CDS PRAGUE 51/ 28.XII.39; hints of ungentle opening envelope/-s, interesting mixed franking Czechosl. parallel and Bohemian and Moravian postage-due stamps!
Starting price: CZK
186898 - 1940 comp. 4 pcs of official letters with fee paid Postage d
1940 comp. 4 pcs of official letters with fee paid Postage due stamps in/at general value 1,20 Koruna, various franking as 1x 1,20 Koruna Pof.DL10; 2x 2 pcs of 60h, Pof.DL7; 1x franked on back side envelope/-s 24 pcs of values 5h (!), Pof.DL1; all cancelled by postmark TÁBOR; good condition
Starting price: CZK
186899 - 1940 service letter with celkovými fee 1,20 Koruna paid 24
1940 service letter with celkovými fee 1,20 Koruna paid 24 pcs of (!) Postage due stamp 5h, Pofis. DL1, corner blk-of-6 on face-side and on reverse blk-of-18, all with CDS TÁBOR 8.VII.40; good condition, quite rare franking postage-due stamps!
Starting price: CZK
186620 - 1940-1941 comp. 6 pcs of entires with surtax, from that 3 pc
1940-1941 comp. 6 pcs of entires with surtax, from that 3 pcs of berních blank forms with fee paid Postage due stamps., from that 1x Czechosl. Postage due stamp 1CZK used after validity - arrival postmark CERHOVICE 14.II.40, 1x as Registered with zrušeným surtax 80h, Pof.DL8, 1x mixed franking postage-due stamp. 1 Koruna and 20h and official 1 Koruna, Pod.DL9, DL3 + SL6 supplemented with 3 pcs of official cards, from that 2x only in/at Czech variety (!), 1x fee paid 50h Postage due stamp Pof.DL6, 1x surtax 50h marked red postmark, 1x franked/paid service stmp 30h, Pof.SL1; good condition; good condition
Starting price: CZK
186622 - 1941-1944 comp. 3 pcs of official cards, from that 2x only i
1941-1944 comp. 3 pcs of official cards, from that 2x only in/at Czech variety (!), 1x fee paid 50h Postage due stamp Pof.DL6, 1x surtax 50h marked red postmark, 1x franked/paid service stmp 30h, Pof.SL1; good condition
Starting price: CZK
186706 - 1939 [COLLECTIONS]  very interesting semifinished collection
1939 [COLLECTIONS] very interesting semifinished collection postage-due stamp. Pof.DL1-14, all on hingeless pages in punched pockets, specialisation on/for plate number - corner blocks of four and corner pieces, then gutter detached also imperforate with plate number etc..; high catalogue value more than 30.000CZK, suitable to supplement or other elaboration, overall very good quality
Starting price: CZK
182150 - 1943 Pof.SL23, Official (II.) 4 Koruna violet, R and L corne
1943 Pof.SL23, Official (II.) 4 Koruna violet, R and L corner blk-of-4 with plate number 1-43 "with fake gutters" - shifted cut to perf vedlejšího sheet; c.v.. doesn't report (!), rare offer
Starting price: CZK
186900 - 1940-1943 comp. 6 pcs of official letters franked with. serv
1940-1943 comp. 6 pcs of official letters franked with. service stmp., from that 2x mixed (!) franking I. + issue II., Pof.SL5 + SL14 and Pof.SL9 + SL14, then 1x Reg letter, 1x with red CDS Victoria PLZEŇ; good condition
Starting price: CZK
186624 - 1941 service letter franked with. service stmp 1,20 Koruna r
1941 service letter franked with. service stmp 1,20 Koruna red, Pof.SL7 with L margin and print protective frame; small toned, rare occurrence
Starting price: CZK
186625 - 1941-1943 comp. 9 pcs of entires franked with. service stmp
1941-1943 comp. 9 pcs of entires franked with. service stmp the first issue., contains 1x Reg letter with mixed franked. service stmp I. and issue II (!), Pof.SL10 + SL19, 5 pcs of entires franked with. corner kusem with plate number - from that 1x value 1,20 Koruna with plate number 3-41, 1x with postal agency pmk KOŽLANY (BOHDALICE), supplemented with cut dispatch-note franked with. block of four (!) service stmp 5 Koruna, Pof.SL12 and paper slip with complete row used stamp. with plate number 1-41 right; good condition, valuable selection of
Starting price: CZK
186626 - 1943 comp. 4 pcs of entires franked with. service stmp issue
1943 comp. 4 pcs of entires franked with. service stmp issue II., from that 2x Reg letter franked with. mixed franked. official and postage stmp A. Hitler., 1x with values 1,20 Koruna with plate number 1-43, 1x Reg letter franked with. i.a. koncovou value 5 Koruna, Pof.SL24; good condition
Starting price: CZK
186705 - 1941-1943 [COLLECTIONS]  Pof.SL1-12, SL13-24, interesting co
1941-1943 [COLLECTIONS] Pof.SL1-12, SL13-24, interesting collection corner pieces and corner blk-of-4 with plate number, i.a. corner pieces Official I. with plate number 1-41 and 2-42 complete, then almost complete ditto in blocks of four (missing only R blk-of-4 SL12 with plate number 2-41), then Official II. practically complete corner pieces and corner blocks of four with plate number 1-43 and 2-43; c.v.. more than 8.000CZK, overall very good quality
Starting price: CZK
183017 - 1943 Pof.Pr1A, Admission stmp Terezín dark green with R mar
1943 Pof.Pr1A, Admission stmp Terezín dark green with R margin, line perforation 10½;; label on edge, stmp mint never hinged, c.v.. 6.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
183710 - 1943 Pof.Pr1A, Admission stmp Terezín, dark green, line per
1943 Pof.Pr1A, Admission stmp Terezín, dark green, line perforation 10½;, shifted vert. perf to picture of stmp and omitted horiz. perf in both lines; sought by specialists, exp. by Gilbert., cat. min. 14.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
187608 - 1943 Pof.Pr1A, Admission stmp Terezín, dark green, line per
1943 Pof.Pr1A, Admission stmp Terezín, dark green, line perforation 10½;; in picture side slightly rusty place after office paperclip, c.v.. 6.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
183775 - 1943 Pof.Pr1A, Admission stamp. Terezín on cut-square from
1943 Pof.Pr1A, Admission stamp. Terezín on cut-square from parcel, line perforation 10½;, complete well clear pmk HORNÍ POČERNICE/ 10.IX.43; exp. by Gilbert, c.v.. 7.500CZK
Starting price: CZK
183777 - 1944? Pof.Pr1A, Admission stamp. Terezín on small cut-squar
1944? Pof.Pr1A, Admission stamp. Terezín on small cut-square, line perforation 10½;, fragment CDS PRAGUE 30; exp. Paetow BPP, c.v.. 7.500CZK
Starting price: CZK
183706 - 1943 Pof.Pr1B, Admission stmp Terezín, dark green, imperfor
1943 Pof.Pr1B, Admission stmp Terezín, dark green, imperforated, L the bottom corner piece, superb (!); sought by specialists, c.v.. 9.000Kč++
Starting price: CZK
186810 - Cancelled

Starting price: CZK