1976 PLATE PROOF CDV173, Exhibition of Stamps Czechoslovakia - RSR 4,40Kčs, plate proof - print definitive gravure in black color on yellowy paper, with thin/light background print; exp. by Karasek
1990 PLATE PROOF plate proof - print original gravure "Postilion and post. horn", in violet color on/for strong carton, used for CSO8, with signature of author J. Herčík
1948 CZL5B sent as Reg, with return sheetlet + alternate delivery vyloučeno!, uprated with stamp Pof.443, 466 and delivery Pof.DR3, broken-out CDS PRAGUE 1/ 6.IV.48, Reg label Třebíč, on reverse arrival PRAGUE 8/ 6.IV.48; recipient Minister Zd. Nejedlý, interesting text
1945-1992[COLLECTIONS] big accumulation p.stat, contains CDV, postal stationery cover, CPH, Areogramy, Postal order cards, Auxiliary Slovak with overprints etc.., part with private added prints, placed in transparent covers in 8 spiral cover A4, supplemented with příměsí CDV Czech Republic + 4 stockbooks FDC from y. 1962-1986; cat. only p.stat ca. 50.000CZK, all in big box Ikea, total more than 20kg of material to other elaboration; ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP!
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 350 pcs of PC and p.stat Ppc, contains i.a. complete CPH42/1-12, part CPH43, 44, 45, 47, 51 (c.v.. ca. 5.000CZK), incomplete set B/W CPH, then PC various issues, incomplete picture issue as Spartakiad, Towns etc.., placed in transparent covers in 2 spiral cover; various quality, total c.v.. ca. 19.000CZK
1945-1992[COLLECTIONS] COLLECTION stamps, miniature sheets on hingeless sheets Pofis in 6 spring folder, from year 1986 on pages Lindner in 2 spiral cover, contains i.a. coupons, used 2-blok Fučík, miniature sheet Bratislava 52, PB Praga 1962, vertical 4-stamps. Košice-issue gutter, special commemorative print Indian etc..; c.v.. ca. 36.000Kč, nice base to/at zkompletování, all in box Ikea, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP!
1945-92[COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION big accumulation - estate in/at filled Ikea box, contains mint never hinged stamps, often more times (pairs, blocks of four apod.), very contains better years 1945-1960, i.a. Kosice MS with plate variety "paw", lot of coupons (also part St. Vojtěch, Kozina), souvenir sheets (Praga 50, Bratislava 52), also several blk-of-10, lot of printing sheet, complete volumes 1970-92 on stock-sheets A4 (more times), in addition in box scattered mint never hinged stamps and souvenir sheets from 50-60. years and little box postmarked stamps in packets; a lot of kvalitního of material, suitable to other elaboration, high catalogue value, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP!
1945-1992[COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION interesting more/larger accumulation - duplication in 5 full stockbooks A4, contains lot of bloks of four, marginal, corner, also several miniatures, also also from better issues 50. - 60. years, souvenir sheets, PB, air-mail etc..; high catalogue value, by estimation 30.000CZK, suitable to other elaboration, overall very good quality
1945-1989 [COLLECTIONS] COLLECTION specialized collection, contains catalogue also nekatalogové plate variety and production flaw, full also incomplete group of miniature sheets (full for example. Pof.A497, A2327A and B, A2364B, A2434A and B, fine selection of PL2050-51 Mucha joined printing), also for example. PL1017 with plate variety (c.v.. 1.200 CZK), various PL930 (also without vrypu), 701 type II., much very nice (also nepublikovaných) color shades; all described, cat. only catalogue item/-s above 18.000CZK, other excluded from sum
1945-1970[COLLECTIONS] COLLECTION nice basic collection on hingeless sheets in 3 spring folder, contains i.a. Kosice MS with plate variety "paw", košická vertical and horiz. 4-stamp gutters, souvenir sheets Bratislava 52, Praga 1955, "Praga 1962", air-mail with coupons, PB etc..; overall very good quality
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] COLLECTION incomplete collection of mint stamps, coupons double-sided and miniature sheets from y. 1945 - 1980 in 2 stockbooks A4 (only 4 pcs of coupon stmp hinged.), supplemented with duplication stamp. from y. 1960 - 1992 in/at other 2 stockbooks A4 + incomplete stockbook with commercial reserve used stamps
1945-1992[COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION remaining selection after/around businessman in 6 stockbooks and on stock-sheets A4, contains selections plate variety, papers, part with dates of print, then several complete sheets, lot of PB etc.., in addition supplemented with about/by comp. black-prints, i.a. PT14 and PT15
1945-92[COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION big accumulation - estate, in 2 quite full Ikea boxes, ca. 25 big stockbooks + cards A4 + 3x little box, contains stovky screensheets and MS, then duplication, blocks of four, part also with dates of print, part also better 50. and 60. years; smaller part used + hinged, very high catalogue value, suitable to other elaboration, through/over 60Kg materiáílu, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP!
1945-92[COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION more/larger estate of dealer in quite filled Ikea box, contains i.a. lot of screensheets and MS mainly from 70. and 80. years, all more times, in addition duplication accumulation postmarked stamps in/at stockbooks and TESTER cancel. stamps in/at little-boxes; lot of of material to other elaboration, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP!
1945-92 [COLLECTIONS] COLLECTION almost complete basic collection on hingeless sheets, contains good issue 50. and 60. years, i.a. Kosice MS with plate variety paw, gutter and coupons Kozina, coupons St. Vojtěch, complete counter sheet I. art, air-mail with coupons, souvenir sheets (Praga 1962 and Bratislava 52 without gum), lot of PB etc..; mostly good quality, plate variety etc.. excluded from sum, in cardboard box, higher catalogue
1946-1949 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION selection of issues issued with coupons incl. air-mail also with overprints, i.a. Kozina, Vojtěch, Lidice, Charles University, Airmail 1946 also overprint 1949 with řezanými coupons - 2x complete set, all on hingeless unbound album pages, supplemented with 4 pcs of advertising prints JAPEX from Herčík and 12 pcs of cut-squares with postmarks FP in England; several pcs with minor gum fault
1946-1986 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION in 32-stránkovém stockbook, very well contains airmail stmp, much set from 50. and 60. years in čtyřblocích, blocks with dates of print from 80. years; c.v.. 6300 CZK, cheaply offered
1947-1988 [COLLECTIONS] COLLECTION corner blk-of-4 in/at complete sets also single values, very well contains years 1951–1956; in 24-stránkovém stockbook, c.v.. price only single stamps 3.300 CZK, price corner blk-of-4 significantly higher
1948-1949 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION accumulation mint never hinged stamps with coupons, corner pieces, more/larger corner blocks also complete bands, in 12-sheet stockbook Pofis; part with offset color on the side of gum, c.v.. 4.700Kč
1952-1989 [COLLECTIONS] COLLECTION date print, total 260 stripe, blocks and parts of sheets, some interesting (complete set Pof.L37-41, 42-43, 46-47, 56-61 etc.., upper, resp. L coupons air-mail), several sought date from 50. years, Pof.2400 on/for fluorescent paper No.1 in/at complete sheet, 5 various editions on/for Husák 50h Pof.2574; very little duplication, very good research material, cat. only single stamps 3.600 CZK, price blocks with date significantly higher
1945-1959 [COLLECTIONS] COLLECTION interesting collection in 16-sheet stockbook, contains set incl. all sought to middle year 1956, much also with in blocks of four, in addition specialisation miniature sheets (for example. various field A435 incl. II. type, A437, A492 types I to X without subtypes, 3x A564 incl. II. type, A719 all types incl. IIIa, only V. type with commemorative postmark, various PL930 and A853-7A also B, any other one, all identified), also some interesting color shades, c.v.. 13.000 CZK
1952-1958 [COLLECTIONS] COLLECTION 61 date print from 50. years in/at 8-stránkovém stockbook, from that 56 whole (in this period quite exceptional, because favourite corner blocks of four date přetrhlynapůl), all sets (in blocks of four) also single values, it contains e.g. Pof.680 basic print also surplus print from 28.XI.52 in/at blk-of-10 (bright hnědá!!) and Pof.675 surplus print from 17.VII.52; from annulled specialized collection, unrepeatable offer
1965-1966[COLLECTIONS] COLLECTION date print issue Towns in/at smaller 24-stránkovémzásobníku: contains 97 date on stmp Telč 50h (missing only last printing) and 11 date on/for other values this issue (for example. three various date on/for Pof.1481xac), every date other; c.v.. price only single stamps (without ohledu on/for color shades, šarže paper fluorescent paper No.2, omitted perf. holes, marks TÚS (Technical Services), plate variety etc..) 5.685 CZK, in/at this úplnosti price několikanásobně higher, unrepeatable offer from annulled specialized, much desetiletíbudované collection
1979 [COLLECTIONS] COLLECTION part study collection after/around známém Slovak collector on/for 75 pages in album, contains catalogue also nekatalogové plate variety and production flaw (own výzkum, mostly also with určením fields) and matters of interest, důraz on/for prints from WIFAGu (for example. production flaw No.2 on/for Pof.2357, date on/for -oz- Pof.2359, making plate variety 2/13 combined with production flaw on/for Pof.2363, PL2369B, shifts perf on/for Pof.2390, excellently elaborated plate variety, shades and defects numbering on/for coil- Pof.2398-2399); all described Slovak by pencil, cat. only catalogued items above 8.700CZK
1937-1990[COLLECTIONS] various accumulation of entires, contains ca. 300 FDC from 1947-1986, supplemented with covers from Germany and France from, part entires CZECHOSLOVAKIA, BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, etc.; part of estate
1945-1990 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of entires detached/free in box, ca. 200 pcs of, contains mainly Reg letters with various frankings, meter stmp, added-print, supplemented with about/by 2 šanony with air entires with various added-print, special postmark etc..
1945-1995[COLLECTIONS] collection with special postmark and added-print philatelic exhibitions (on free album sheets) + klubovékolování entires, prevail special postmark on/for envelopes, cards and CDV, part specialisation plate variety on entires, supplemented with celistvostmí abroad, thousands entires in larger box, more than 15kg of material, estate of collector, upřednostníme personal taking-delivery!
1951-1992[COLLECTIONS] collection first day sheets first day sheet/-s 1951-92 with part/-s duplication in/at stockbooks and boxes, supplemented with souvenir Public inquiry MF annual volumes núplné 1968-87, part duplication, then p.stat PC and postal stationery covers from y. 1950 - 88, incomplete, also incomplete annual volumes FDC from y. 1950 - 92 and cards with commemorative postmarks from 70. years; more than 15kg of material to other elaboration in big box, estate of collector, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP!
1952-1992 [COLLECTIONS] collection first day sheets first day sheet/-s 1952 - 1992, supplemented with collection cards and envelopes (ca. 700 pcs of) with commemorative postmarks from y. 1977 - 1989, placed in transparent covers in spiral folder A5 and A4
1993-2000 [COLLECTIONS] collection year FDC, CDV, postal stationery cover and CM contains i.a. Říp in frame - CDV1Xa, private added-print on postcards etc..
1900-2000 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., Czech Republic, BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, FOREIGN COUNTRIES disparate comp. of stamps and entires, contains i.a. overprint issue BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, part of the stamps and PB from y. 1989-92, supplemented with face-value Czech Republic, 1. FDC Czech Republic etc.., then waste, unstuck stamps sorted to envelopes, part modern letters, first day sheets Czechoslovakia, 1x new empty stockbook Pofis etc..; suitable to other elaboration and sale
1945-90 [COLLECTIONS] REGISTERED LABELS quite extraordinary collection Reg labels in quite filled Ikea box, part as collection on pages + 5 big stockbooks, thousands pieces; suitable to other elaboration, practically 40kg of material, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP!
1935-1992 [COLLECTIONS] EXHIBITION, GRAFICKÉ, MEMORIAL SHEETS interesting selection exhibition, graphic and commemorative sheets in 2 šanonech A5, from I. republic, contains set interesting pieces, as Mucha 1958, Gottwaldov 1956, supplemented with about/by ca. 50 pcs of exhibition envelopes, i.a. franked with. souvenir sheets Praga 50, Praga 55, Brno 1958 etc.., in addition supplemented with about/by exhibit PRAGA 1978, contains ca. 17 years. envelopes + smaller exhibit Wipa 1965