Public Auction 51 / Philately / Europe / Germany / Occupied terr.

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187312 - 1942-1944 DIENSTPOST (service mail) - ADRIA and NEDERLAND, 6
1942-1944 DIENSTPOST (service mail) - ADRIA and NEDERLAND, 6 letters Reg or air-mail, German franking CDS LUFTGAUPOSTAMT AMSTERDAM, MiF Germany + Netherlands German Service Post NIEDERLAND / GRONINGEN and two rare MiF Germany + Italy German Service Post ADRIA / GÖRZ and POLA; perfect quality
Starting price: CZK
188013 - 1943 GENERAL GOVERNMENT  Mi.101-103, 54. birthday of A. Hitl
1943 GENERAL GOVERNMENT Mi.101-103, 54. birthday of A. Hitler., complete set as 25-stamps sheets, i.a. Mi.103 with perforated bottom margin
Starting price: CZK
188020 - 1943 GENERAL GOVERNMENT  Mi.105-109, 3. Anniv of NSDAP; comp
1943 GENERAL GOVERNMENT Mi.105-109, 3. Anniv of NSDAP; complete set of 50-stamps sheets, Mi.105 1x bend; sought
Starting price: CZK
188023 - 1943 GENERAL GOVERNMENT  Mi.110-112, A. Hitler. 50Gr-80Gr, c
1943 GENERAL GOVERNMENT Mi.110-112, A. Hitler. 50Gr-80Gr, complete set in 50-stamps sheets; sought
Starting price: CZK
188014 - 1944 GENERAL GOVERNMENT  Mi.117-119, 55. birthday of A. Hitl
1944 GENERAL GOVERNMENT Mi.117-119, 55. birthday of A. Hitler., complete in whole 25-stamps sheets
Starting price: CZK
188017 - 1944 GENERAL GOVERNMENT  Mi.120-124, Personalities; complete
1944 GENERAL GOVERNMENT Mi.120-124, Personalities; complete set in 50-stamps sheets; sought
Starting price: CZK
188028 - 1941 GENERAL GOVERNMENT  Mi.65Klb., Cracow 10ZL, comp. of 4
1941 GENERAL GOVERNMENT Mi.65Klb., Cracow 10ZL, comp. of 4 PB, complete set in 50-stamps sheets; sought 1x No. 1, 3x No. 2; very good quality, cat. 200€
Starting price: CZK
187318 - 1940-1943 G.GOUVERNEMENT comp. of 9 letters, i.a. Reg SANDOM
1940-1943 G.GOUVERNEMENT comp. of 9 letters, i.a. Reg SANDOMIR with DP Osten + General Government; Reg letter to S. Gallen i.a. with Mi.32; EF 80, 45+49, 2x 33, EF 93, MiF 115, MiF 116(!) etc.
Starting price: CZK
187319 - 1940-1944 G. GOUVERNEMENT, 3 envelopes with mounted sets of
1940-1944 G. GOUVERNEMENT, 3 envelopes with mounted sets of Mi.14-39, D1-15, D16-24; in addition sheet with Mi.14-39 and FDC card with Mi.125, 5 years of General Government, higher catalogue
Starting price: CZK
187313 - 1944 G.GOUVERNEMENT, 5 whole dispatch-notes to Reich, stamps
1944 G.GOUVERNEMENT, 5 whole dispatch-notes to Reich, stamps A. Hitler. Mi.83, 86, from that once 3x Mi.83, CDS WARSCHAU, ZDUNY, RADOM, GLOWNO, WEGROW
Starting price: CZK
186319 - 1944-45 LAIBACH, letter to Bohemia-Moravia with overprint PR
1944-45 LAIBACH, letter to Bohemia-Moravia with overprint PROVINZ LAIBACH Mi.2, 4, 14(2x), P3, 4, 7 with CDS LUBIANA 5.1.14 and delivery confirmation blank form with 4x Mi.P5 LAIBACH 1 21.III.45
Starting price: CZK
187277 - 1941 LJADY Mi.2a, Ostland 1Pfg with black Opt LIADY 60 (Kop)
1941 LJADY Mi.2a, Ostland 1Pfg with black Opt LIADY 60 (Kop), on cut-square with cancel. from 12.12.41, perfect, exp. Dr. Rommerskirchen, cat. 1500€ ++; rare!
Starting price: CZK
187278 - 1941 LJADY Mi.2b, Ostland 1Pfg with black-violet Opt LIADY 6
1941 LJADY Mi.2b, Ostland 1Pfg with black-violet Opt LIADY 60 (Kop), on cut-square with cancel. from 12.12.41; perfect, exp. Dr. Rommerskirchen, cat. 1200€ ++; rare!
Starting price: CZK
188039 - 1937-1945 [COLLECTIONS]  interesting selection of blocks and
1937-1945 [COLLECTIONS] interesting selection of blocks and PB, contains: GENERAL GOVERNMENT Mi.115 and 116 - complete 25-stamp sheets; 2x PB Copernicus Mi.104, also OSTLAND and UKRAINE - 50-stamps half sheets of A. Hitler 12Pfg red with control-numbers + DANZIG, selection of miniature sheets Mi.Bl.1-2 ** + with special postmark + 1x Bl.2 (*) + blocks of four Mi.306-308; overall good quality
Starting price: CZK