Public Auction 51 / Picture Postcards / Topography / Czech republic / Bulky Lots

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187070 - 1900-1945 [COLLECTIONS]  comp. of ca. 250 pcs of various Ppc
1900-1945 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of ca. 250 pcs of various Ppc, part better topography Czech Republic, also part abroad, mostly mainly Us; market price ca. 6.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
185441 - 1900-1945 [COLLECTIONS]  collection of ca. 600 pcs of variou
1900-1945 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 600 pcs of various Ppc, from that ca. 200 pcs of Czech topography, part of the village surroundings Prague as Úvaly, Velké Popovice , Škvorec, Tlustovousy, Tuklaty, Mochov, Čelákovice, Vykáň, Nehvizdy, Svémyslice, Újezd by/on/at Jiren, Nové Jirny , Kouřim, Tisnice, Vyšerovice, Velká Chuchle etc.., then Central Bohemia as Nymburk, Kolín, Lysá nad Labem and other, TESTER market price 20.000CZK
Starting price: CZK