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1925 BURIAN Emil (1876–1926), Czech opera singer, handwritten letter with signature; rarer manuscript U:A5
1936 ČAPEK Joseph (1887-1945 in C.C. Bergen-Belsen), important Czech painter, writer, photographer, graphic artist, illustrator, author words "robot", brother Karel Čapek, handwritten written PC with signature, sent from Oravského Podzámku; filling holes in margin U:A5
1935-40 ČAPEK Joseph (1887-1945 in C.C. Bergen-Belsen), important Czech painter, writer, photographer, graphic artist, illustrator, author words "robot", brother Karel Čapek, exceedingly interesting selection of dokumentů: New Year's congratulation sent from concentration camp Buchenwald in 1940, on face-side autograph + strojopis (transcription) poems, which/what Čapek složil in/at C.C. Buchenwald + handwritten printing from C.C. Buchenwald (prisoner) - without guarantee + small envelope with his manuscript; quite rare multiple, exceptional offer! U:A4
1898 FIBICH Zdeněk (1850-1900), one from greatest Czech musical skladatelů, representative romantismu, signature "Zd. Fibich 18.12. 98" on cut-square; on/for exhibit sheet, rare U:A4
1902 FRIML Rudolf (1879–1972), important Czech composer and pianist, founder American musical theatre, signature on card with datací "London 19. June 1902", supplemented with about/by B/W photograph; decorative U:A4
1973 CHAGALL Marc (1887-1985), světoznámý bělorusko-francouzský painter; strojopisné personal dedication with full signature "Marc Chagall" on reverse postcard "La chute de l´ange" (Pád angel), in addition also with original envelope, sent from St. Paul de Vence, where Chagall later died; quite rare offer rare autografu (!), excellent condition U:A5
1900? JANÁČEK Leoš (1854–1928), important Czech composer, handwritten 7-řádkový text on reverse his/her/its visiting cards; rare manuscript, very good condition U:A5
1920 KAVÁN Francis (1866–1941), important Czech academy painter; handwritten text on Ppc with signature; very good condition U:A5
1930 KŘIČKA Jaroslav (1882–1969), Czech composer and conductor; autograph on portrait postcard, very good condition U:A5
1934 KUBELÍK John (1880–1940), Czech virtuoso violinist and composer, KUBELÍK Rafael Jeroným (1914–1996), Czech conductor; joined/common signatures on playbill to/at concert Czech philharmonic orchestra in Prague, interesting U:A4
1955? LADA Joseph (1887-1957), Czech painter, illustrator and writer, autograph on card on/for autographs; very good condition U:A5
1935? LEHÁR Franz (1870–1948), important Austrian composer and conductor, signature with B/W reproduction portrait photo; decorative, very good condition U:A4
1968 LHOTÁK Kamil (1912–1992), Czech painter and graphic artist, handwritten pdpis on envelope forwarded by balloon NIMBUS on the occasion of World Exhibition PRAGA 1968 with signature pilot; nice quality U:A5
1933? MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), světoznámý Czech painter, signature on own photo postcard, atelier Langhans; very good condition U:A5
1950? SUCHARDA Vojtěch (1884 - 1968), Czech sculptor, restaurátor, řezbář and loutkář; autograph on B/W portrait reprodukci U:A4
1930 SUK Joseph (1874-1935), important Czech composer, violinist and pedagogue, disciple and zeť Anthony Dvořáka, autograph on portrait B/W photo postcard, in addition on reverse signature George Herolda (1875-1934); very good condition U:A5
1911 ŠALOUN Ladislav (1870-1946), Czech sculptor, author sculpture master John Huss on/for Staroměstském square, handwritten text with signature on card U:A5
1936 TALICH Wenceslas (1883–1961), Czech conductor; handwritten text on Ppc with signature, sent to director National theatre Dr. Carl Neumanna; interesting text U:A5
1900-2000 [COLLECTIONS] MUSIC exceedingly interesting collection řádově hundreds autografů important Czechoslovak and Czech musical skladatelů, virtuózů and hudebníku, contains např..: Janáček, Talich, Odstrčil, Novák, Kocián, Kubelík, Haken, Foerster, Ševčík and tens other, often also more times, postcard, letters, partitury, musical program etc..; very good quality, through/over 12kg of material, suitable to supplement collections or other sale, high market price! U:K