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1927-1930 Mi.226-228(2x), 234, 244-246(2x), 2 sets of Caisse d´Amortissement, highest value 2x, in addition 1,50Fr+50C issue 1928; cat. ** 425€ U:A5
1930 Mi.248, Caisse d´Amortissement 1,50Fr+3,50Fr, very fine, cat. 120€ U:A5
1930-1947 Mi.251, 294, 305, 306, 309, 782, selection of 6 airmail stamps; perfect quality, cat. 170€ U:A5
1931 Mi.261, Surtax Caisse d´Amortissement 1,50Fr + 3,50Fr, green; perfect, cat. 240€ U:A5
1935-1936 Mi.296-299, 301, 303-304, 336-339, selection of chosen sets and single stamps; perfect quality, cat. 340€ U:A5
1936 Mi.305-310, Airmail 80C-3,50Fr; set of 5 stamps without expensive 50Fr, perfect, cat. 260€ U:A5
1936 Mi.321, 327, Aircraft over Paris 50Fr + Airmail 10Fr; used, favourite stamps, cat. 410€ U:A5
1936 Mi.321, Airmail 50Fr; light postmark, on reverse small flaw, cat. 300€ U:A5
1936 Mi.327, Airmail 10Fr dark green; perfect piece with lower sheet margin, hinged on edge, out of stamp, luxury piece, cat. 650€+ U:A5
1936-1940 Mi.336-339,423-424, 425(!), 435, 438,467-470, selection of chosen sets; perfect quality, cat. 252€ U:A5
1922-1943 collection of ca. 90 stamps especially from 1930´s, all **, only Mi.144-151, 229, 248 * (included to sum as 50%), contains better pieces i.a. Mi.298, 415, 495, strip-of-5 Mi.589-593, in addition used miniature sheet PEXIP 37, cat. 1.390€, interesting selection U:A4
1937 Mi.Bl.3, 3x PEXIP PARIS 1937, Exhibition Sheet ** (small gum defects and at top small folds at corners - signs of storage); also one piece with exhibition cancel. PARIS 24-6 37; and 1x on letter to Leipzig with 2 frankotypes 1,75Fr, with exhibition cancel. PARIS 22-6 37, in the middle fold; overall nice and interesting set, cat. min. 1.350€ U:A4
1937 Mi.Bl.3, miniature sheet PEXIP; size 150x219mm, very nice quality, cat. 650€ U:A4
1937 Mi.359-360, National Museum; complete perfect set, cat. 250€ U:A5
1938 Mi.425a, Clément Ader 50Fr on common paper; perfect, cat. 130€ U:A5
1942 Mi.576-577, Legion Tricolore, complete counter sheet and other PB without horiz. margins = 10x strips of 5 with coupons, perfect, cat. 430€ ++ U:A4
1947-1949 Mi.782, 861-865, airmail stamp 500Fr "Seagull" and airmail 100Fr-1000Fr "Towns"; luxury quality, cat. 270€ U:A5
1949 Mi.861-865, Towns; complete perfect set, cat. 220€ U:A5
1954-55 Mi.1015-1020, 1053-1058, Personalities; complete 2 sets, perfect, cat. 280€ U:A5
1957-1958 Mi.1120, 1177, Airmail 500Fr "Caravelle" 2 shades, dark - clear print and light unclear print; 1000Fr "Alouette" also in 2 shades; favourite high face-values, luxury, cat. 160€ ++ U:A5
1964 Mi.1480Klb, PB Philatec Paris, 8x 1Fr stamps and 8 coupons, complete margins with inscriptions, used and MNH, cat. 360€ U:A4
1944 III. exposition philatelique de la ville de Paris - 4 complete counter sheets of exhibition labels AIDE AUX MUSICIENS, all issued colors; perfect quality and fine prints U:A5
1921-1931 4 Reg letters, 3x Ex and dispatch-note, all with frankings type "Merson" Mi.96,97,138,139,222 and oths. i.a. 50C simple franking with CDS MULHOUSE on letter with advertising and German (!) Reg label, dispatch-note to Yugoslavia 3x 2Fr + Mi.241 10Fr ultramarine CDS VALLÉRYSTHAL, other letters with provisional Reg label S DENIS DU PILE, POITIERS, LES AYDES etc., interesting and valuable selection! U:A5
1923 2 letters from Exhibition days MONTPELLIER 2.9.23 and AMIENS 7.10.23, with Mi.119 and with airmail surtax labels MEETING DE MONTPELLIER 5Fr and AMIENS SERVICE AERIEN 25C-2,50FR; CDS and arrival postmarks; signs of age, overall nice, rare offer U:A5
1926-1930 3 rare special entires - envelope from Lyon to Geneva with private airmail surtax stamps Meeting international Service Aerien Suissse-France 30C and 50C, dropped during the flight GENF-PARIS-BASEL/ZURICH 31.5.26, cancel. PAR AVION and ABGEWORF; letter from Exhibition Le Hafre 1929 with Mi.197(2x) and 5 exhibition labels and CDS LE HAVRE EXPOSITION 26.5.29; airmail card 1. EXp. Int. de Poste Aerienne Paris 1930 from Paris to Geneva with Mi.255 and exhibition cancel., advertising flight attended also by famous Ch. Lindbergh! U:A5
1931-1933 6 airmail letters with Mi.251, 255, 1,50Fr red and blue, to Czechoslovakia, USA, Italy and Indochina, this with interesting label VIA AIR ORIENT - company AIR ORIENT operated only 6 aircrafts and carried passangers only during short period of 1929-1933; rare offer U:A5
1931-1937 7 airmail letters to Czechoslovakia, franked with airmail stamps issues 1930-1936, i.a. Mi.310, 3,50Fr; 2x Mi.308, 2,50Fr; all from Paris and always in front with arrival CDS PRAHA 82 LETIŠTĚ, 1x in addition DOŠLO LÉTADLEM BRNO 2, and one letter sent from Exhibition 37 with exhibition CDS EXP. PHIL. INT / PARIS 21.6.37 U:A5
1936-1938 6 airmail or Reg letters franked with airmail stamps, issue 1936 and 1934 (Mi.294), but also for example on letters unusual Mi.312, Statue of Liberty 75+50C violet U:A5
1936-1959 4 airmail letters, first flights - EUROPE AMERIQUE DU SUD 5.1.1936, FRANCE - ETATS UNIS 24.5.39 to N.Y. - 27.5.36 and back; FRANCE - ETATS UNIS 24.5.39 destination MARSEILLES - LISBON 25.5.39; FRANCE-INDOCHINE 11.6.1946 (reopening); in addition FDC with favourite 500FR Caravelle Mi.1120 (75€) U:A5
1942-1944 VICHI ISSUES - 8 censored letters to Bohemia-Moravia, i.a. strips of 3 Legion Tricolore Mi.576-577, strip-of-5 Pétain Mi.589-593, also Coat of arms 1942, Pétain large format, Stendhal etc.; rare selection of chosen frankings, only as used joined printings cat. 150€ U:A4
1945-1956 9 Reg and airmail lettes, i.a. with airmail 1946, Personalities 1945, 1950, 1956 etc., in addition cut square with favourite 1000FR Mi.865, nice selection U:A5