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1907 whole parcel card addressed to Switzerland, with imprinted stamp 10h and with perfin "J. L." f. Ignaz Lustig Wien, with Mi.81, 82, CDS WIEN 12/ 27.VI.07; Swiss customs cancel.; sound condition U:A5
1905 whole parcel card addressed to Switzerland, with imprinted stamp 10h and with perfin "L.L./ W." f. Leopold Landeis Wien, franked with 3 stamps Mi.81 with same perfin, CDS WIEN 12/ 10.7.05; customs label and cancel.; sound condition U:A5
1917 whole dispatch-note 10h, uprated with stamp Crown 10h and Coat of arms 2 K with perfins F&L, CDS LINZ, to Hungary, on reverse CDS KORPONA U:A5
1914 K.u.K.. RADFAHRERBAON with eagle / violet round postmark of the unit, FP-postmark 104/1914; very nice print U:A5
1915 philatelic letter to USA from correspondence of collector J. Dvořák, with rich mixed franking of FP I. + II. + Austrian, Hungarian and Bosnian, CDS Hungarian FP 37, and violet Inf. Reg. No.51; according to Dr. Ferchenbauer, part IV. p. 97 - philatelic mixed franking ca. 400€ U:A4
1915 set of 3 money letters with FP Franz Joseph I. and issue II., rich frankings with CDS Etappenpostamt JEDRZEJOW and addressed to Prague; part with well preserved seals U:A5
1916 PRISONER OF WAR MAIL color Ppc (Yokohama, port) sent by war prisoner from POW camp in Osaka (relocated 19.2.1917 to Ninoshima), CDS OSAKA + 3 red Japanese censorship marks, addressed to China; very interesting entire (!), sound condition U:A5
1916 PRISONER OF WAR MAIL / MALTA Ppc from POW camp on Malta - red oval pmk PC/ FREE FROM PRISONER OF WAR / MALTA, with Austrian censorship, sent to Moravia; nice pmks, viewing of quality recommended U:A5
1917-18 set of 2 money letters with FP Charles, 1x 40+50h with CDS Etappenpostamt BELGRADE 25.VIII.17, 1x issue for Italy 64c/60h with CDS Etappenpostamt UDINE 30.V.18; good condition of seals, good condition U:A5
1917-1919 PRISONER OF WAR - ITALY set of 2 prisoner cards addressed to Bohemia, 1x from 1917 with Italian and Austrian censorships, 1x sent 1.3.1919 to Czechoslovakia (!), German text, only Italian censorship; good condition U:A5
1918 K.u.K. LUFTFAHRTRUPPEN BALLON-KOMP. No. 25 (black) and BALLONABTEILUNG No. 25 (violet) on 2 military Ppc, 1x unit K.u.K.. Ballonabteilung No.25, round unit postmark, Czech text U:A5
1915-18 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 26 bianco envelopes with FP I., II., The 3rd issue and overprint issue for Italy, CDS Etappenpostamt MIECHOW and FP 593 U:O5
1915 K.u.K.. FLIEGERPOST PRZEMYŚL / JÄNNER 1915, violet straight line postmark on yellow FP card, supplemented with violet round "IX./54" (Tarnstempel) + red line ZENSURIERT, addressed to Moravian Kyjov; fine postal imprints, in margins several lightly torn places, otherwise very nice piece U:A5
1915 K.u.K.. FLIEGERPOST PRZEMYŚL / JÄNNER 1915, violet straight line postmark on yellow card of FP, cat. Fischer 11a, supplemented with violet round "IX./54" (Tarnstempel) + red line ZENSURIERT, addressed to to Brno; nice postal imprints; very good condition
1918 air-mail letter sent from Lviv to Ústí nad Labem (Bohemiaú franked with complete overprint airmail issue, Mi.225-227, all narrow format, on greyish paper + Charles 15h, CDS LEMBERG 10.VI.18 supplemented with airmail CDS FLUGPOST LEMBERG 10.VI.18 U:A5
1926-1936 set of 6 airmail letters, chosen pieces with stamps I. and II. airmail issues; 1. FLIGHT WIEN - BRÜNN 21.IV.27, "Nach Abgang des Fluges eingelangt"; WIPA 33 WIEN-BUDAPEST, letter to Frankfurt with 9x ANK.469, 5gr, simple ANK.484 2Sh etc. U:A5
1928-1932 set of 4 airmail letters; letter from Friedl correspondence to USA, letter NACH ABGANG DES FLUGES ..., 2 letters with arrival PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT in front, better franking and 50g and 30g I. air-mail issue etc., cat. 200€ ++ U:A5
1929-1932 ZEPPELIN / card to Spain transported by zeppelin flight MITTELMEERFAHRT 1929 and card POSTE RESTANTE to Brazil 7. SÜDAMERIKAFAHRT 1932, CDS WIEN 18.IV.29 and WIEN 22.IX.32, all attributes, with better stamps 50Gr and 3Sh airmail issue 1925, second card decorative - with Austrian flag and color label "Graf Zeppelin"; good condition U:A5
1931 ZEPPELIN / Sie.106, Ppc transported by flight POMMERNFAHRT 1931, with 20gr, 50gr, 1Sh I. air-mail issue 1925, CDS WIEN 21.IV.31, through Friedrichshafen and Berlin, arrival STETTIN 3.5.31 and back WIEN 1 / FLUGPOST 4.V.31, green confirmation pmk; nice quality U:A5
1933-1935 2 COB 10gr WIPA, uprated with stamps of I. air-mail issue 1925 ANK.473-475 i.a. CDS WIPA WIEN 29.VI.33 and PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT 29.VI.33; and uprated with stamps of II. air-mail issue 1935 ANK.598-800(2) CDS WIEN 1 FLUGPOST 4.IX.35 and PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT 4.IX.35; perfect U:A5
1937-1938 two air-mail letters to Czechoslovakia, 1x Reg to Banská Bystrica with Mi.601, 605-607, CDS GRAZ/ FLUGPOST/ 13.IX.37, transit pmk WIEN 1/ FLUGPOST and 1x Ex- to České Budějovice, with Mi.606, 608, CDS KLAGENFURT 1/ FLUGPOST/ 19.VI.37, transit pmk PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT; usual quality U:A5
1875 VIENNA PNEUMATIC TUBE POST comp. 3 unused p.stat with printed revenue 20Kr/1873, Ferch.UM1, UM2a, UM3a; some browny spots, cat. Ferchenbauer 310€ U:A5
1880-99 VIENNA PNEUMATIC TUBE POST selection of 10 PC Used through pneumatic-tube post, Ferchenbauer. nr. 1B, 1C (2x), 3B, 3C (2x), 5A, 5Aa, 5Ba, 5Bb, various types of text, various Viennese CDS; ordinary quality, cat. Ferchenbauer over 100€ U:A5
1890-1905 PRAGUE PNEUMATIC TUBE POST comp. of 5 entires, contains envelope 15 Kreuzer Ferchenbauer. No.6 and letter card 30H Ferchenbauer. No.5, both unused + 3x PC, Ferchenbauer. 10Kr No.7, 20H nr. 10A and 10B, used; usual quality U:A5
1894-1916 VIENNA PNEUMATIC TUBE POST set of 3 covers, Ferchenbauer. Nr..5B, 7B, 9 + 2x PC, Ferchenbauer. 9A, 17; unused, sound condition U:A5
1908 Prague pneumatic-tube post, comp. of 2 used PC 25h of various issues, 1x issue 1908 Franz Joseph in frame, Mi.RP28, 1x issue 1908, Mi.RP29 with hand writen notice about delivery, both with CDS KRÁL. VINOHRADY 1/12 08 and 16/3 08; good condition U:A5