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1856-1880 CORRIENTÉS - Sc.1, 3-7, 8, Ceres set of 6 values; very fine, cat. min. $180 U:A5
1856-1880 CORRIENTÉS - Sc.1-8, Ceres, selection of 11 values; fine quality, incl. better colors as for example Sc.4a 2C blue-green, cat. min. $630 U:A5
1877 CORRIENTÉS - Sc.8a, corner block-of-8 Ceres 3C black / purple-red, according to Scott issued without gum or with gum; very nice and rare block U:A5
1864 CORRIENTES - CONFEDERATION, Sc.4, Ceres 2C black / yellow-green, on letter from 2.8.1864 to GOYA, rarely with postmark and not with common cancel.; cat. for letter with hand-made cancellation $250, with this kind possible up to $750; rare U:A5
1867 CORRIENTES - Sc.5, 2x Ceres 2C black / yellow, on letter within the province to town Corrientes; one stamp with cancel., second with hand-made cancellation; usual quality U:A5
1877 CORRIENTES - Sc.8, 2x Ceres 3C black / dark pink, on letter with CDS CORRIENTES; one stamp damaged (common), otherwise nice, cat. for letter with only one stamp $200 U:A5
1916 Sc.113d, Titicaca 2C black / carmine, imperforated pair with INVERTED CENTER; cat. $120 U:A5
1931 BRAZIL / 3. SÜDAMERIKAFAHRT 1931, first flight Brazil - Europe, airmail letter to Germany franked with. i.a. Zeppelin stamp Mi.367, CDS CURITIBA 31.VIII.31, supplemented with green cachet PREMEIRO VOO, on reverse arrival FRIEDRICHSHAFEN 7.9.31; good condition, cat. Sieger 125.B U:A5
1932-1934 2 zeppelin letters from Brazil and 1 from Argentina, transported by return flights 1. SÜDAMERIKAFAHRT 1932 and ARGENTINIENFAHRT 1934 to Friedrichshafen and then to Freiburg, Jílové u Podmokel (Bohemia) and to Slovakia U:A5
1844-2009 [COLLECTIONS] strong and very nice collection, in 6 big stockbooks A4, mainly on pages Schaubek, from classic issues (mainly used), used Zeppelin stamps, miniature sheets as for example ** Mi.Bl.1-5; also rare Mi.Bl.6, complete inter-war, war also postwar sets, officials, air-mails etc., also modern period (PB, souvenir sheets, joined printings, motives); specialization on shades, colors, types, perf etc.; in addition 2 stockbooks of duplication, very high catalogue value, over 15.000€, ex. Šoupa, great offer U:IK
1934-1951 SG.288-300, George V. - Motives; complete set, MNH, cat. for * £140 U:A5
1892 Mi.29-41, Allegory 1C - 1Fr; complete set, cheap 5C (*), cat. 200€ U:A5
1907 OFFICIAL Marineministeriums, imperforate blue with additional-printing CARTA Mi.D1, with perf blue with additional-printing CARTA Mi.D5, and green with red "C" Mi.D8, cat. 1.840€, without guarantee, offered as is U:A5
1878 Sc.5H, Lion 2 Reales blue with blue hand-made Opt "5" Centavos; on reverse production paper flaw, small thin place, exp. Thier, cat. $1.000, rare offer U:A5
1881 Sc.14b, Lion 1Ct blue, marginal pair with inscription on the edge, in the middle OMITTED PERFORATION; perfect quality, certificate B. Moorhouse "rarest of the 1881 perforation varieties", cat. "-", very rare U:A5
1881 Sc.15bd(2x),16b,c, 2x vertical pair Lion 2Ct red in various shades and vertical and horizontal pair 4Ct brown, all in the middle with OMMITED PERFORATION U:A5
1911 Sc.206, Republic 50C orange / black, INVERTED CENTER, definitive with correct perf 11½; and with original gum U:A5
1911 Sc.206ZT, Republic 50C orange / black, imperforated block-of-4 with INVERTED CENTER; perfect and rare printing error from imprimatur sheet! U:A5
1862 Sc.12, 12b, 2x UN DINERO, CDS Brit. postal office CALLAO AP 29 and rare ADDITIONAL POSTMARK USED ON STAMP - PAID (TO) PANAMA, used on letters through Brit. post to USA U:A5
1862 Sc.12, 12b, UN DINERO, selection of 15 stamps and pairs, on thin also rarer on stronger paper, with chosen cancel. - LIMA, PASCO, CUSCO, HUARAS, YCA, numeral 16, and 2x rare VERIFICADO, several rarer "pink" pieces, 2x coil- folded paper, in addition 2 big cut-squares from letters with postmarks and with red surtax "15"; various quality, interesting selection! U:A5
1862-1868 Sc.12-14, Coat of arms Un Dinero red, 1 Peseta brown, Un Dinero green, total 6 pcs with chosen blue cancel. TACNA, LIMA with "star", ARICA, CERTIFICADO and rare frame PISAGUA; rare set! U:A5
1931-1943 Mi.Bl.1-4, selection of 4 exhibition miniature sheets Montevideo 2C-15C * and in addition 3 Brasilian souvenir sheets Mi.Bl.6, 100 years of Stamp 1843-1943 U:A5
1858-1935 [COLLECTIONS] very old collection of South and Central America, incl. complete sets and some better values and unusual local issues; fine Nicaragua, Salvador, Venezuela, but also Uruguay, Mexico, Panama, Argentina etc.; all on ca. 140 sheets; low starting price U:Z